social security benefit
After a major ankle surgery last year, I'm unable to work due to complications. I drew short term then long term disability. With LTD, my insurance company required that I file for Social Security Disabilty and contacted a recovery service to handle the process for me. I was awarded my benefits. My question is, can my insurance company deduct what was paid to me from my lump sum benefit award? When I called them for clarification, they(the recovery rep), stated that if I kept the money it would be as if I were double paid. Please advise me as I am holding on to it pending legal advise.
Re: social security benefit
Perhaps..but what would you expect from the adjuster.."double Paid" is a common claim when insurers do not want to pay...but if your policy states that, he may be right...we would be happy to review your case
Re: social security benefit
Perhaps..but what would you expect from the adjuster.."double Paid" is a common claim when insurers do not want to pay...but if your policy states that, he may be right...we would be happy to review your case