veteran's claim denied
I was discharged from the army in 1970 with a mental disorder at
100%. It was rated as 100% by the VA. They kept me at 100 % and then with each susequent exam they down graded me eventually to 0 %.
I did not appeal because the VA Dr. saw thinking and health improvements with Sychophrenia
that was my diagnosis.
I've been rated at 100% for PTSD
since 2003.
I did not appeal my previous ratings because I had no medical
proof of any kind except what the
VA told me as they didn't have PTSD at the time.
I now have proof of service connection for PTSD but they say I did'nt appeal before one year was up each time I was down graded
so I'm denied for not appealing sooner.
What recourse do I have now since the true dianonis has been
Re: veteran's claim denied
The claim can be reopened at the time that "new and material evidence" is presented to the VA. Contact one of the service organizations such as the DAV or PVA and the like to assist you with refiling your claim.
Good luck!