Can my employer spread overtime pay out over several pay checks if all of the overtime was worked within one pay period? My company pays bi-weekly. I recently worked 12 hours of overtime in one pay period as did several other employees. Now we are being told that because of the coronavirus situation our overtime pay for the most recent pay period will be spread out over the next 3 pay periods/checks. Can they legally withhold overtime pay and pay it as they feel necessary?
An employer must pay wages during the pay period they are worked. Therefore, if an employer fails to pay overtime when it is earned, this constitutes a failure to pay overtime. As a consequence, the employer could owe double. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, an employer that fails to pay overtime is required to pay liquidated damages in an amount equal to the unpaid overtime premium.
From the linked Department of Labor Fact Sheet: "Normally, overtime pay earned in a particular workweek must be paid on the regular pay day for the pay period in which the wages were earned."
agriculture question
My neighbor and have a river that runs through both of our properties.He has blocked the river on his propery, preventing the way water flow to my property. The water from the river serves as a water source for my cattle. Is this legal