What does that mean? And if I get another one is it my 2nd or 3rd?
Having two DUI's pending at the same time could have resulted in a DUI 1st and a DUI 2nd if convicted of both.
In Ballinger v. Com., the Kentucky Supreme Court held that KRS 189A.010(5) does not require a "conviction to offense sequence" for enhancement. Ballinger held that any conviction, without respect to the date of the occurrence, can be used to enhance if the prior conviction existed before a plea on any pending DUI. This case overrules Com. v. Beard, which held that Kentucky was a conviction to offense state for enhancement.
But, as you have probably been told - a new offense within a 10-year period will be considered a 3rd offense even though you never were punished as a 2nd offender.
If you get another one within 10 years it is your third offense.
Foreclosed Property / Home Improvement Loans
Foreclosed on Michigan property June 2009 due to employer, got a new job in Florida, cannot pay Home Improvement loans, cannot afford wage garnishment and pay rent / current bills, what can/should I do?