My friend was sued, paid $10,000.,got an attorney who then passed the case over to another attorney friend, who told my friend she needed to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy and ask for $35,000. retainer. My friend didn't want bankruptcy, has no corporation, but has assets in real estate. June 11,2019 the Plaintiff filed for a dismissal in full of lawsuit, but the Chapter 11 bankruptcy attorney is still pushing.The Nonprofit Budget and credit counseling, which was to precede the filing, was done afterwards, and by an in house secretary, who stands to profit from the bankruptcy and who probably is not on the credited list any way, which may be illegal. How can we find that list and stop this.
Your friend needs to consult a competent bankruptcy attorney immediately.
Your friend needs to consult with another bankruptcy attorney immediately. Too many issues to address on this forum. Many of us on this site might be a place for your friend to start seeking assistance.
Have your friend call me 310-271-6223.