Should I look into hiring a lawyer? I've been sober since the dui 4yrs ago and I got all the prerequisites to getting my license back and alcohol and drug treatment via nicasa. I also understand that I might be required to get the BAIID. So I guess my question is this; do you think I need a lawyer to improve my odds of getting the RDP, even though I know my case pretty well already? Also curious if I do hire a lawyer, maybe I won't have to get BAIID? Thank you for your time and any help you can give.
Yes I would recommend a lawyer. What you are writing here is basically what everybody goes there presents but not in the proper manner. There’s more to it than I stopped drinking I paid all my fines etc. Moreover, it’s hard to say if you are even eligible for full license without knowing how many convictions you have. If they were both convictions you’re going to be on the five your permit with BAIID