Is it legal for my employer to require me to be on camera in my own home if I’m having to work at home due to a pandemic
In light of the moment-by-moment changes being made to federal, state and local laws as all the governments try to handle all aspects of the Corona virus pandemic sweeping the world I have decided not even to try to answer any of the scores of "what if" questions being posted by askers here on AVVO.
Can an employer require that you show up to your office to make sure you are working? Of course it can. Can an employer require that you provide camera access to make sure you are working? Of course it can. Can you refuse this request? Of course you can, but I suspect you will lose your job. All the best in making the decision that is right for you.
You do not have to work. If you at the place of employment, the employer could place cameras on all employees. So what, really is the difference
statute of limitations
what is the statute of limitations on collecting on a judgement in georgia. Also, can can that judgement be renewed to extend the statute of limitations?
what is the name of the legal form to release my tenent from the lease?
How long can executor wait to disburse estate proceeds?
How long can an executor wait to provide an accounting for expenses and disburse the proceeds of an estate to the beneficiaries? In this case, the estate was primarily a house the sale of which closed over 90 days ago, and the executor (who is also a 25% beneficiary) has not provided an accounting to the other beneficiaries (75%) or made any effort to release the proceeds. These proceeds are being held in the executor's attorney's escrow account, according to the executor's attorney. The executor continually cites ''waiting for his accountant to provide an informal accounting'' as the reason, and most recently stated that he might have ''some information'' by the end of March, i.e. 4 months after the closing on the house.