I already explained to you in my prior answer that a PJC is completely ineffective if you have a CDL license (even a permit counts). So DMV is correct that you have now have 4 points on your license and probably a nice little insurance increase to boot. Your attorney should have inquired whether you have a CDL license or not (relying on your traffic ticket to have the correct information is insufficient - a formal driving history record check should have been requested) - that is a standard question on our traffic intake sheets and is something I personally look into on every PJC request I make because it is so critical. You should go back to your attorney, explain the problem and ask them to fix the situation at no addition cost to you. If the attorney gives you any grief about it, simply explain to them that you will consider looking into a malpractice claim as well as a grievance to the NC State Bar - that will change their tune quite quickly.