This is not an isolated incident this is I believe, all employees over 5 years and at one point there was over a hundred employees. He has deducted for taxes Medicare social security child support none of which has ever been submitted to any of their respective places. I am still suffering behind this as are many other former employees. who can do something? I went to cash a check two weeks ago and the establishment kept my check, every penny of it stating that in 2014 one of my payroll checks was not good that the employer put a stop payment on it and because of that, they kept my check 5 years later! My social security statement never shows my employment there. I have nothing contributed during those years nor does anyone else. My child support that was withheld from my paychecks never made it to the child support division! who can enforce that? I'm having to pay it again. I am not alone in this there are others that are looking at Court proceedings. How can this be ignored? HELP
If any of these allegations are true you should report everything you know to the federal authorities responsible for maintaining these financial records; state with the Social Security Administration and the IRS.