Code enforcement made a false accusations and had our water turned off,his accusation was that there was a water source going into a RV that is used as storage,he went as far as to say that he had pictures, which he couldn't of had because there is no water going into or out since it was placed ther...
Someone cut me off in vehicle in an Arby’s parking lot, stopped in front of me and wouldn’t let me through, so I had to lay on my horn to get them to move. After they moved and began flicking me off, I had to follow them around the corner because it was the only way out that I knew of. They slowed d...
Is it Ga law that someone is to have a revocation hearing within 60 days from the arrest date or the case is to be dismissed for lack of speedy trail as this is a violation of someone sixth amendment right, also that a person can only be held for a total of 180 days before they have to be released...
I am interested to know if someone can apply for teacher certification for me in all 50 states. I have an Advanced Professional Certificate in Two Subject Areas, and an Administrator Credential. I have 15 years of teaching experience, could someone do this? If so could you give a rough time frame an...
This happened May 5th and the 5 days has passed to get the warrant. By Law what is the best steps to take now and should my property be returned to me
I know that he is 21 and signed the app himself, however his recruiter withheld special education info, a learning disability, and mental and physical conditions and told my son that the army will never find out. I believe the recruiter took advantage of my son's inability to understand the ramifica...
For example, can I drive on the road with rubber tracks?
Please provide me with information if there will be any financial help to individuals and/or small business due to coronavirus ? When and how that will be done ? ( checks / bank deposits ) . Thank you for any information .
How about bankruptcy? I am completely bankrupt to even pay to file for it. I have many other legal issues if bankruptcy isn't your forte.
That was in both our names. It was a birthday gift to me and I was the sole driver of the vette. The vette was bought with an $80,000.00 inheritance when his father died. I was not with my husband at the time because he was cheating on me so we had seperated. I had no knowledge of his manufacturing ...