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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Nov. 05, 2001 Number: 01-004325 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lake City, Florida Dec. 02, 2002 Number: 02-004598 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2003

The Issue Whether the Department of Children and Family Services ("Department") properly revoked the Petitioner's, Elena Highland's, family child care home registration because her husband, a member of the household, has a verified abuse of report of sexual abuse of a child.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Elena Highland, is registered to operate a family day care home, located at her home. She has been so registered since March 1, 2002. W.H., the husband of Mrs. Highland, lives with her in their home where she operates the family day care home. W.H. also works outside the home. W.H. is the designated substitute for the family day care home. In March 1992, the Union County Sheriff's Department investigated the circumstances of an attempted suicide and sexual battery of a 15-year-old female victim in Case No. 92-46- CFA. During the investigation W.H. admitted to John Dempsey that he had sexual relations with the girl on one occasion, but it was consensual. W.H. was 21 years old at the time. W.H. was later arrested. The Department also investigated the case and verified Abuse Report No. 92-035063, against W.H. for the March 1992, sexual molestation of the 15 year-old victim for the following reasons: W.H. admitted to Deputy Dempsey that he had consensual sexual relations with the girl on one occasion. The victim was not dating W.H., was not "sweet" on him, and he was dating her aunt. The victim denied that the sex was consensual. The victim's suicide note and subsequent statements indicated that her suicide attempt was because W.H. had been forcing her to have sex over a three-year period. The victim's statements were consistent throughout the investigation, and she was severely depressed because of the abuse. The victim remained hospitalized for two months. The victim's mother had found her daughter's dresser blocking the door on one occasion, which was consistent with the girl's statement. The victim told her mother her brothers were bothering her. Another household member had seen W.H. supposedly ironing in the dark at the home on one occasion. W.H. stayed at the victim's home and at her grandmother's home on occasion. His family lived in the same projects complex as the victim's family. The prosecution of W.H. was dropped because the victim was to fragile and did not want to testify. Sandy Looney, day care licensing supervisor, testified that the Department's policy is never to register or license and/or revoke the registration or license of family day care homes with a household member who has a verified abuse report for sexual abuse in order to protect the children. Ms. Looney stated that Mrs. Highland's receipt of a family day care registration in March 2002 was a Department error. W.H. denied at hearing that he ever had sex with the victim and that he ever stated to Deputy Dempsey that he had consensual sex with the girl.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Administrative Complaint be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of April, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Elena Highland 1823 Southwest Judy Lane Lake City, Florida 32025 Lucy Goddard-Teel, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services Post Office Box 390, Mail Sort 3 Gainesville, Florida 32602-0390 Paul Flounlacker, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204B Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (10) 120.57120.60402.305402.3055402.313415.102415.103435.04435.07741.30
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Shalimar, Florida Jun. 26, 1991 Number: 91-004023 Latest Update: Dec. 07, 1992

Findings Of Fact After respondent Debra T. Acosta and her husband Joe, a noncommissioned Air Force officer, the parents of Joseph M., 16 at the time of hearing, Jason M. (13), Shawn W. (9), and Tisouli (6), applied to HRS for a day care center license, they were required to have their fingerprints taken and to undergo a background check or "screening." The background check turned up a report of an investigation Air Force personnel had conducted on account of information Carla Burrell, formerly known as Carla Knight, had supplied. The first two numbered paragraphs of the report read: On 2 Mar 88, SSgt CARLA K. BURRELL, USAF Clinic, RAF Bentwaters (RAF), UK provided the following information: She arrived at RAFB from Eglin AFB (EAFB), FL on 21 Apr 85. She was stationed at EAFB from Jan 83 until Apr 85. While stationed at EAFB, her daughter, Angela Kristen Knight, female born: 21 Jan 80, VA, Civ, SSAN: 066-70-1577 (hereafter referred to as VICTIM) stayed with a babysitter during the day. The babysitter was identified as DEBRA ACOSTA, dependent wife of SUBJECT who resides at 318 Blackjack Court, EAFB, FL. DEBRA ACOSTA babysat for several families. After arrival at RAFB, VICTIM entered school and seemed to be worried about something but BURRELL wasn't sure of what it was. According to BURRELL, VICTIM received briefings in school about sexual abuse and was told it wasn't nice for adults to touch children in certain places. This led VICTIM to confide in BURRELL that while they had been stationed at EAFB, SUBJECT would make VICTIM and other young females being babysat by SUBJECT's wife take off their clothes and lie on the bed. On numerous occasions, SUBJECT had placed his hands on VICTIM's bottom and had placed his hands between VICTIM's legs. SUBJECT had touched VICTIM's vagina but had never actually penetrated her vagina. SUBJECT has done the same thing to other female children, but VICTIM stated SUBJECT didn't do anything to boys. In addition, VICTIM told BURRELL SUBJECT would drop his pants and underwear and would place his penis between the legs of the females but did not insert his penis into their vaginas. On 6 Mar 88, VICTIM was interviewed by SA STANLEY B. CRISP and SA BETTY J. WILKINS in the presence of her mother. VICTIM provided essentially the same information as was provided by her mother on 2 Mar 88. VICTIM provided the following additional information not previously reported by her mother. SUBJECT had made her and other young females go into the bedroom at the same time, sometimes even with DEBRA ACOSTA being at home. VICTIM stated however that DEBRA didn't know what SUBJECT was doing. At other times DEBRA wouldn't be at home when the incidents took place. VICTIM couldn't recall the names of the other children who were involved, but stated there were others in the bedroom at the same time. VICTIM stated SUBJECT had never hurt her and had never threatened her with harm. SUBJECT had told the children that they shouldn't tell anyone about what he was doing to them. VICTIM said she wasn't afraid of SUBJECT. The bedroom used was described by VICTIM as an upstairs, spare bedroom. SUBJECT had never made the children go into his bedroom. VICTIM had never told anyone about the incidents until she was told in school of the actions of SUBJECT were wrong. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 7. In February of 1988, Mary Vinyard had given respondent and her husband a letter she and her husband had received from Ms. Burrell. Respondent's Exhibit No. 6. This letter reads: Tom and Mary, Remember me? . . . I'm sorry to say the reason I'm writing is because of a concern I have. I've had nothing but problems with Krissy ever since we got to England. She's doing very well in school, however her behavior has gotten to the obnoxious state. Recently she was referred to a child psychiatrist at Lakenheath (Bentwaters doesn't have one). The Dr. there seems to think part of Krissys problem is that there has been some sort of sexual abuse in the past. She makes up stories, so I have no way of being certain of what she says. Last week after talking to the Dr, on the way home, Krissy suddenly said there had been someone in Florida that had done things he shouldn't have done. She said it was Joe, Debra's husband. I at first couldn't believe it, but she went on to talk about things an 8 year old child really should have no knowledge of. I really don't know what to think however I really don't want to screw up anyone's life. We don't see the psychologist again until next week. I called him and told him of this new development, and he said after two years nothing could be done anyway. I don't believe that. The Air Force seems to be taking a rather relaxed view on this. The reason I'm writing you is to inquire if your children are still in Debra's care. Are you having any trouble with either of them, ightmares, bedwetting, whining? Please do write me back. An answer of any sort will help put my mind at ease. If it is just conjecture, no harm is done. If there is something going on, and Debra is still babysitting, it needs to stop. I just don't want any other parents to go through what I'm going through right now. You may or may not want to consider another babysitter. Please don't tell Debra I wrote, I always thought the world of her and I know the kids loved her. I don't wish to upset their family, especially if this turns out to be nothing; but I'm very suspicious. The day after the Vinyards gave this letter to respondent, Mr. Acosta took it to his commanding officer, Captain Gilmore, and protested his innocence. Captain Gilmore made a copy of the letter and launched the investigation that eventuated in the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) report, set out in part above. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 7. No action was taken against Mr. Acosta as a result of the Air Force's investigation. He has consistently denied Krissy's reported allegations, and did so under oath at the formal hearing in this case. After the OSI report came to HRS' attention, an HRS employee decided "that Debra could get licensed, to continue with the paperwork" (T.370) but as to her only. Eventually HRS did license Debra Acosta to operate Kare Free Day Care (KFDC) at 15 Eglin Street in Fort Walton Beach. KFDC opened in July of 1990. Nobody from HRS asked Mr. Acosta to agree to stay off the day care center premises and neither he nor Ms. Acosta agreed that he would. His presence during various HRS inspections elicited no official, contemporaneous response. T.406-7. Another Allegation Reported Michelle G'Sell dropped her four-year-old daughter Amber and her two- year-old son Adam off at the Acosta family home about seven o'clock in the morning on Mother's Day, May 12, 1991, in keeping with the arrangement she had made with Ms. Acosta the afternoon before, when she picked up her children at KFDC, after their first stay there. At quarter past three Sunday afternoon, Ms. G' Sell again picked Amber and Adam up at KFDC. Ms. Acosta had taken them (and her own two youngest children) to KFDC that morning after feeding Shawn and Tisouli breakfast. As Ms. G'Sell walked to her car with her children "around three steps out of the house" (T.113) Amber said, "Mommy, my twat hurts." Id. Asked when, the child "said when she pees." Id. According to her mother, when they had reached the car, Amber said, "He touched me," id., and, asked who had touched her, pointed to Mr. Acosta, who was standing on the roof of the KFDC building, "and said, 'Him.'" Id. But Jason and Mrs. Acosta (T.512) testified that Mr. Acosta was not at KFDC when Amber left, and Jason testified that his father had not been on the roof that day. T.313. The next morning Ms. G'Sell dropped Adam off at KFDC and signed Amber in, having arranged for her to be brought to KFDC later in the day. But, after somebody at work told her, "You must believe her, and you must report it," (T.115) she called her father and asked him not to take Amber to KFDC. She also reported to HRS that Mr. Acosta had sexually abused Amber the day before, and HRS began an investigation eventuating, according to HRS, in FPSS Report No. 91-050519, "alleging sexual abuse on a female child who was enrolled at KFDC . . . [allegedly perpetrated by] Joe A., the husband of D. A." HRS' Proposed Recommended Order, page 3. On May 17, 1991, Mr. Acosta was arrested on criminal charges of sexually abusing Amber, charges which remain pending. Admitted to bail on condition that he stay away from children under 18 years of age, he was rearrested for being in the presence of his own children. (Neither he nor Mrs. Acosta had realized that their children fell within the reach of the condition.) He has since been readmitted to bail and moved out of the family home. HRS also launched a separate, exhaustive investigation into the operations of KFDC which, while apparently not turning up any other allegation of sexual misconduct, gave rise to the allegations on the basis of which HRS seeks to revoke KFDC's day care center license. Husband Occasionally Helped Out While Anna Maria Root worked at KFDC in the winter and spring of 1991, Joe Acosta brought her eight-year old son to the Center after school, on the same run on which he picked up his own children. T.218. He may have brought another child, too, aside from the Root child and his own children. T.272. On two or three occasions Joe Acosta transported Shawn Holbert to school. T.379. He drove a brown van, "the one we were licensed to transport children in." T.379. After KFDC's initial licensure, Ms. Acosta requested an extension or expansion of the license to authorize KFDC to offer child care in the evening, but HRS denied the request. When KFDC closed for the day, children still there were taken to the Acosta home. A "couple of times," (Hoffman Deposition, p.9) Joe Acosta drove the van to the Acosta home after KFDC closed with as many as four or five children who were to be cared for there, id. 9, 56, "and Debra would stay and close up." Waller Deposition, p.14. Twice Mr. Acosta was alone with the children when Stacy Stowell collected her sons, Matthew and Aaron, at KFDC. T.12. But Lynn Hoffman, an employee, was never aware of his being alone with children. Hoffman Deposition, p.11. Nor was Julie Ann Merrill, who worked at KFDC from September to December 1990. Merrill Deposition, p.5, 20-21. It rarely happened. The morning after a fire at the Acosta home, Ms. Acosta sent Mr. Acosta to open up KFDC, and he was present when at least one child arrived, before either Ms. Acosta or Vicki Waller got there. Sole Supervisors Under Age and/or Uncertified When Vicki Waller, then 19 years old, began working for KFDC, neither she nor the Acostas were aware of the HRS rule forbidding leaving the children in the unsupervised care of anybody under 21 years of age. The three of them learned of the requirement in a 20-hour course they took together in the fall of 1990. Before that time, Ms. Waller had been left in charge mornings "from about 7:00 to 7:30," (Waller Deposition, p.6) and all day on one or two Saturdays. She was not left in charge after they learned of the rule against it. Ms. Waller did not have first aid or CPR certification when she took sole responsibility for children at KFDC. Chris Fitzpatrick worked as the only person caring for children at KFDC one Saturday, although she had not yet taken the first aid course she had signed up for. She also lacked CPR certification. Similarly untrained and uncertified, Denise Carla Yates had charge of the children by herself sometimes on Saturdays. Robin Lynn Bedmar was the only person responsible for the children on two or more Saturdays, even though her CPR certification had expired. Sometimes Sandra Lynn Hoffman, who did not have CPR training, was responsible for children at KFDC by herself, or shared responsibility only with Ms. Waller. Chris Fitzpatrick, Denise Caren Yates, Robin Lynn Bedmars and Sandra Lynn Hoffman were 21 or older, as far as the record shows, when they were left alone with the children. Occasionally Substandard Supervision Until a refrigerator was installed in the infant room, the worker supervising infants left them unattended in order to get milk from the kitchen. Similarly, in order to change an older (but disabled) child's diapers, the person responsible for his age group left his peers unattended to take him to a mat in another room. Sometimes only one KFDC employee supervised more than six infants for a full day. On at least four occasions, and possibly on as many as eight occasions (T.71; Waller Deposition p.9) there were more than six babies in the infant room, which had six cribs and two pallets, even after the playpen was removed at HRS's behest. T.71. Towards the end of the day infants along with older children, sometimes aggregating as many as ten or more, were left in the care of a single KFDC employee. Children played outside, sometimes without adult supervision. Twice, Jason Acosta was outside with children at KFDC "sort of keeping an eye on things while," (Waller Deposition, p.10) his mother was inside with other children. Respondent once asked Jason and Joseph to stay in the baby room with the children there. T.44. Hygiene The parents of two children complained to Ms. Acosta that their children's diapers were dirty when they picked the children up; and the grandmother of a third testified that, at least twice a week, he had "poopy pants" (T.30) when she came for him at KFDC, or at least by the time she had driven him some ten minutes away. Generally, children at KFDC with soiled diapers got fresh ones promptly. Ms. Acosta had extra diapers and clothes for the children on hand. Nutrition For every day a child who ate lunch failed to bring his own, KFDC charged his or her parents a dollar. But some or all of the food supplied these children came from the lunch bags sent with other children. Ms. Acosta or an employee opened the bags and divided the food onto plates without regard to the intended recipients' (or their parents') desires. Mornings and afternoons snacks were almost always provided to the children, but food with which to prepare snacks was occasionally unavailable to staff. The menu sometimes posted at KFDC was not always followed. Once, after two or three children drank from the same glass, respondent refilled it and gave it back to a child, perhaps unaware of its history. Before she obtained the KFDC license, Ms. Acosta registered her home as a family day care center, and the home was inspected by the fire department. T. 497. After her licensure, as before, Ms. Acosta cared for Kyle Dunbar, who has cerebral palsy, at her house, while his mother worked evening shifts. BreAnn's mother, Paige Kelso, also worked nights and left her child in respondent's care when she did. Respondent charged for taking care of these children and sometimes had them both in her home at the same time. Friends of her children spent the night sometimes, and she occasionally took care of a friend's two sons as a favor. Other Matters Ms. Acosta conducted several fire drills at KFDC but sometimes "the month would go by . . . [without one] and then she would write it in" (Waller Deposition, p. 58) anyway, as if one had actually occurred. T.113. Infants were not removed, even when fire drills did take place. Id. Whether falsified records of fire drills were ever submitted to HRS is not clear. Ms. Acosta and others on the KFDC staff relied on "time outs" as their principal disciplinary method. But Ms. Acosta once swatted a little girl's behind. The witness who testified to this incident also testified, "I'm not saying that the child did not like Debra [Acosta, the respondent] or was scared of Debra." Waller Deposition, p. 61.

Recommendation HRS proved several significant violations. But HRS did not prove, or even allege, that respondent's husband sexually abused a child or children. Instead, HRS alleged and proved that such allegations are the basis for pending criminal and (other) administrative proceedings. It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That HRS suspend respondent's day care center license for one year, with credit for the time already elapsed in which HRS has prevented respondent from operating a day care center. That HRS place respondent's license on probation thereafter for a period of at least two years, on condition that respondent comply with all applicable statutes and rules for two years; on condition that respondent not charge for children she cares for at her home; and on condition that Mr. Acosta stay off KFDC premises while children other than his own are there, and have no contact with children who are cared for at KFDC (other than his own), until and unless he is exonerated in both the criminal and administrative proceedings now pending. DONE and ENTERED this 22 day of May, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this day of May, 1992. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20 and 26 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 2, KFDC was licensed earlier than January 1, 1991. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 8, the court order was not in evidence. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 9, the substance is addressed in later proposed findings of fact. With respect to petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 14 and 15, the evidence did not show routine noncompliance. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 16, this occurred only rarely. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 18, it was not clearly and convincingly shown that the screening had not be completed. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 19, it was not clearly and convincingly shown that the children received less than what was nutritionally necessary. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 21, 23 and 24 were not proven. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 22, it was not clear that respondent "extended her day care license to her home without authority" as opposed to acting in good faith under supposed authority antedating issuance of KFDC's license. Vicki Waller did not see all those children at the same time, as far as the record shows. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 25, the credible evidence did not clearly and convincingly establish any improper discipline other than the swat. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 27, the violation consisted only of being in the presence of his own children. Respondent's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18 and 20 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 7, an adult was inside when the boys were asked to watch the infants, but no adult was outside three or more times when one of the Acosta sons supervised. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 8, noncompliance with ratios was sometimes more than momentary. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 10, diapers were changed regularly. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 13, morning snacks were not always given. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 16, children whose parents did not pick them up at KFDC were also brought to the Acosta home. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 19, no improper discipline other than a single swat was proven. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 21, this is properly a conclusion of law. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 John Slye, General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 S. J. DiConcilio, Esquire Rodney M. Johnson, Esquire P.O. Box 8420 Pensacola, FL 32505-0420 Mary Koch Polson, Esquire P.O. Box 96 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32549

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.60402.302402.3055402.310402.313
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jan. 11, 2018 Number: 18-000228 Latest Update: Aug. 20, 2018

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner is entitled to issuance of a license to operate a family day care home, pursuant to chapter 402, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 65C-20.008.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner, Shaguandra Ruffin Bullock, is an applicant for a family day care home license for the Ruffin Bullock Family Day Care Home. Respondent is the state agency responsible for licensing family day care homes in Florida. § 402.312(1), Fla. Stat. Events Giving Rise to this Proceeding A "family day care home" is an occupied residence in which child care is regularly provided for children from at least two unrelated families and which receives a payment, fee, or grant for any of the children receiving care, whether or not operated for profit. § 402.302(8), Fla. Stat. On or about July 6, 2017, Petitioner filed an application to operate a family day care home. Respondent reviewed the application and determined that it was incomplete, pending completion of the background screening required by sections 402.313(3), 402.305, and 402.3055.2/ On or about December 8, 2017, Respondent sent Petitioner a Notice of Intent to Deny Family Day Care Home Licensure ("NOI"), informing her of Respondent's intent to deny her application for a family day care home. The NOI stated, in pertinent part: On October 10, 2017, the Department received background clearance letters from child care personnel at Respondent's Family Day Care Home. Pursuant to Section 402.313(3), Florida Stat., childcare personnel in family day care homes are subject to applicable screening provisions. Pursuant to Section 402.302(15), Florida Stat. and Section 39.201(6), Florida Stat., The Department assessed the background of child care personnel at Respondent's family day care home including, but not limited to information from the central abuse hotline. The Department's assessment revealed the Respondent did not meet minimum standards for child care personnel upon screening which requires personnel to have good moral character pursuant to Section 402.305(2)(a), Florida Stat. The foregoing violates Rule 65C- 22.008(3), Fla. Admin. Code,[3/] Section 402.305(2)(a), Fla. Stat. and Section 402.313(3), Florida Stat. Based on the foregoing, Ruffin Bullock Family Day Care Home's, [sic] pending licensure application will be denied. Evidence Adduced at the Hearing At the final hearing, Respondent acknowledged that the background screening for Petitioner and her husband, Marlon Bullock, did not reveal that either had ever engaged in any of the offenses identified in section 435.04, Florida Statutes, which establishes the level 2 screening standards applicable to determining good moral character in this proceeding, pursuant to section 402.305(2)(a).4/ Rather, Respondent proposes to deny Petitioner's license application solely based on two confidential investigative summaries ("CIS reports") addressing incidents—— one involving Petitioner that occurred over 11 years ago, and one ostensibly involving Marlon Bullock that allegedly occurred almost 11 years ago. The CIS report for Intake No. 2007-310775-01 addresses an incident that occurred on or about January 16, 2007. Petitioner acknowledges that the incident addressed in the CIS report for Intake No. 2007-310775-01 occurred. Petitioner testified, credibly and persuasively, that at the time of the incident, Petitioner and her then-husband, Bernard L. Johnson, were going through a very difficult, emotionally-charged divorce. Petitioner went to Johnson's home to retrieve their minor children. An argument between her and Johnson ensued, and she threw a car jack through the back window of Johnson's vehicle. As a result of this incident, Petitioner was arrested. However, she was not prosecuted, and the charges against her were dropped. Respondent's witnesses, Ann Gleeson and Suzette Frazier, both acknowledged that they did not have any independent personal knowledge regarding the occurrence, or any aspects, of the incident reported in the CIS report for Intake No. 2007-310775-01. The other CIS report, for Intake No. 2007-455485-01, addresses an incident that ostensibly took place on September 7, 2007, involving Marlon Bullock, who is now Petitioner's husband. Petitioner was not married to Bullock at the time of the incident reported in the CIS report for Intake No. 2007- 455485-01. She credibly testified that she was completely unaware of the incident, and had no knowledge of any aspect of it, until she saw the CIS report in connection with this proceeding. Gleeson and Frazier both acknowledged that they did not have any independent knowledge regarding the occurrence, or any aspects, of the incident addressed in the CIS report for Intake No. 2007-455485-01.5/ The CIS reports and their contents are hearsay that does not fall within any exception to the hearsay rule.6/ The CIS reports and the information contained therein consist of summaries of statements made by third parties to the investigators who prepared the reports. The investigators did not have any personal knowledge about the matters addressed in the reports. It is well-established that hearsay evidence, while admissible in administrative proceedings, cannot form the sole basis of a finding of fact in such proceedings. § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. Accordingly, the CIS reports do not constitute competent, substantial, or persuasive evidence in this proceeding regarding the matters addressed in those reports. Thus, Petitioner's testimony constitutes the only competent substantial evidence in the record regarding the matters addressed in the CIS report for Intake No. 2007-310775-01, and there is no competent substantial evidence in the record regarding the matters addressed in the CIS report for Intake No. 2007-455485-01. Respondent has not adopted a rule defining the term "good moral character." Therefore, it is required to determine an applicant's "good moral character" based on the definition of that term in statute. As noted above, section 402.305(2)(a) provides that "good moral character" is determined "using the level 2 standards for screening set forth in" chapter 435. Ann Gleeson reviewed Petitioner's application for a family day care home license. She testified that based on her review of the CIS reports for Intake No. 2007-310775-01 and Intake No. 2007-455485-01, she "didn't feel comfortable" recommending approval of Petitioner's application for a family day care home license, and she recommended that the license be denied. As noted above, Gleeson did not have any personal knowledge of any of the matters in the CIS reports. She relied on the reports and their contents in making her recommendation to deny Petitioner's application. Suzette Frazier, Gleeson's supervisor, made the ultimate decision to deny Petitioner's application for the license. At the final hearing, Frazier testified that she determined that Petitioner's license should be denied based on the matters addressed in the CIS reports. Frazier testified that Petitioner's application raised particular concerns because of the two CIS reports, even though the CIS report for Marlon Bullock contained a "Findings – No Indicator" notation.7/ Frazier testified that it is Respondent's "policy" to deny an application for a family day care home license in every case in which the background screening for the applicant reveals an incident addressed in a CIS report. According to Frazier, this policy applies even if the background screening shows that the applicant does not have a history involving any of the offenses listed in section 435.04. Further to this point, when Petitioner asked Frazier at the final hearing what she (Petitioner) could do to demonstrate that she has good moral character for purposes of obtaining her license, Frazier told her that although she could reapply, she would never qualify to get the license because of the CIS reports. Frazier testified that, in her view, the CIS reports contain information indicating that both Petitioner and Marlon Bullock have a "propensity" toward violent behavior. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition,8/ defines "propensity" as "a natural inclination or tendency." A "tendency" is "an inclination, bent, or predisposition to something." Id. An "inclination" is a "tendency toward a certain condition." Id. A "predisposition" is a "tendency to a condition or quality." Id. Frazier's view that Petitioner and Marlon Bullock have a "propensity" toward violent behavior is not supported by the competent, substantial, or persuasive evidence in the record. To the extent Frazier relies on the information contained in the CIS reports to conclude that Petitioner and Marlon Bullock have a "propensity" toward violent behavior, neither of these reports constitutes competent substantial evidence regarding the matters addressed therein. Furthermore, to the extent Petitioner acknowledges that she engaged in the conduct addressed in CIS report Intake No. 2007-310775-01, the competent, substantial, and persuasive evidence shows that this incident——which was an isolated event that occurred in the context of an extremely emotional and difficult personal event in Petitioner's life——simply does not establish that she has a "tendency" or "inclination" or "predisposition" toward violent behavior. To the contrary, the competent, persuasive evidence shows that this was a one-time event that happened over 11 years ago, that Petitioner did not have any instances of violent behavior before then, and that she has not had any instances of violent behavior since then. Far from showing a "propensity" toward violent behavior, the competent, persuasive evidence shows that Petitioner has exhibited an otherwise completely non-violent course of conduct throughout her life. Additionally, as previously noted, the evidence shows that neither Petitioner nor Marlon Bullock have any history involving any of the offenses listed in section 435.04. There is no competent substantial evidence in the record showing that Petitioner has engaged, during the past 11-plus years, in any criminal or other conduct that would present a danger to children, and there is no competent substantial evidence in the record establishing that Marlon Bullock has ever engaged in any criminal or other conduct that would present a danger to children. To the contrary, the competent substantial evidence establishes that Petitioner and Marlon Bullock are law-abiding citizens. Petitioner is employed as the manager of a department for a Wal-Mart store. Marlon Bullock is, and has worked for 23 years as, a chef. Petitioner credibly and persuasively testified that she is a Christian who attends, and actively participates in, activities with her church. Petitioner also credibly and persuasively testified that she has raised her four sons from her previous marriage to be law-abiding, upstanding citizens. None of them has ever been arrested or involved in any criminal behavior, and her three adult children are all gainfully employed. Petitioner posits, persuasively, that her children are testaments to the stability of her character and her ability to provide a safe, nurturing environment for the care of children. Frazier testified that Respondent's review of Petitioner's application showed that apart from the good moral character requirement, Petitioner's application met all other requirements to qualify for a family day care home license.9/ Findings of Ultimate Fact Although Respondent has adopted a rule, detailed in its Handbook, which establishes the background screening process for purposes of determining good moral character, Respondent has not adopted a rule defining "good moral character" or establishing, apart from the standards set forth in section 402.305(2)(a), any other substantive standards for determining "good moral character." Accordingly, pursuant to the plain language of section 402.305(2)(a), the level 2 screening standards set forth in section 435.04 are the standards that pertain in this proceeding to determine good moral character. Pursuant to the foregoing findings of fact, and based on the competent, substantial, and persuasive evidence in the record, it is found, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Petitioner and Marlon Bullock are of good moral character. Conversely, the competent, substantial, and persuasive evidence in the record does not support a determination that Petitioner and Marlon Bullock do not have good moral character. As noted above, Respondent determined, in its review of Petitioner's application, that other than the good moral character requirement, Petitioner met all other statutory and rule requirements for a family day care home license. Because it is determined, in this de novo proceeding under section 120.57(1), that Petitioner and Marlon Bullock meet the good moral character requirement, Petitioner is entitled to issuance of a family day care home license pursuant to sections 402.305(2)(a), 402.312, and 402.313 and rule 65C-20.008. Finally, it is noted that Respondent has not adopted as a rule pursuant to section 120.54(1)(a), its "policy" of denying applications for family day care home licenses in every case in which the background screening for the applicant reveals an incident addressed in a CIS report. Accordingly, pursuant to section 120.57(1)(e)1., Respondent cannot rely on or apply this "policy" to deny Petitioner's application for a family day care home license.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a final order granting Petitioner's license for a family day care home. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of April, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of April, 2018.

Florida Laws (17) 120.52120.54120.569120.57120.60120.6839.201402.302402.305402.3055402.312402.313435.04435.0690.80190.80290.803
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Feb. 26, 2004 Number: 04-000677 Latest Update: Dec. 28, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence allegations contained in its Proposed Revocation of Respondent's Family Day Care License No. 907 dated January 21, 2004.

Findings Of Fact Based upon observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, exhibits admitted into evidence, stipulations and arguments of the parties, evidentiary rulings made pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes (2003), and the entire record compiled herein, the following relevant and material facts are determined: The Parties Petitioner is the state agency responsible for licensing and regulating child care facilities, including family day care homes. Petitioner routinely conducts inspections of licensed family day care homes to determine whether the home is in compliance with the applicable statutes and rules. Any problems found during the inspections are noted on a report, which is provided to the home’s operator immediately following the inspection. When appropriate, the inspection report provides a time frame within which the problems must be corrected. Regular inspections are conducted approximately twice a year. More frequent inspections--monthly or every six weeks-- are conducted on family day care homes that have a provisional license rather than a standard license. Petitioner also conducts inspections in response to complaints it receives, and it has the authority to inspect family day care homes at any time without notice. Respondent is the provider and licensed owner of a licensed family day care home located at 965 Waldon Avenue in Bartow, Florida (hereinafter “Respondent’s facility” or “the facility”). Respondent’s facility consists of a family residence with a connecting door to the converted garage. The number of children Respondent may have in “care” each day depends upon: (1) the ages of the children in care and (2) the number of qualified caregivers available to supervise the children in various age groups. This restrictive requirement, referred to as the “child care ratio,” is mandated by statute, the violation of which creates a dangerous situation and a dangerous condition for the safety and well-being of the children in care. The Inspection and violations On March 12, 2003, Respondent’s facility was inspected by Gloria Mathews (Ms. Mathews) and Tricia Step (Ms. Step), and several areas of non-compliance were identified during this inspection. The following non-compliant items were noted on Petitioner’s Family Child Care Home Inspection Checklist: unsafe storage of materials dangerous to children was observed in the bathroom drawers, litter was observed in areas where children play, equipment or plumbing not in working order (item was a baby crib and toilet with tissue the children had not flushed), no operable smoke detector or fire extinguisher, the surface of the diaper changing area was not impermeable, no record of fire drills for the past six months, and an up-to-date and age-appropriate immunization record was missing for one child. Two other non-compliant items, Ipecac not labeled with poison control phone number and seven pre-school age children ages 12 months and older were in the facility. Respondent may provide care to only six children in this age group. The extra child was taken home, and this item was corrected at the time of inspection. On December 18, 2003, Respondent’s facility was inspected by Ms. Mathews and Ms. Step, and the following non- compliant items were noted on the Family Child Care Home Complaint: Respondent had 18 children in the facility three of which were infants. Respondent was not present at the time of inspection, and the substitute caregiver was in charge. Petitioner could not determine whether screening of the substitute caregiver, Elizabeth Ricks, had been completed. Ms. Mathews and Ms. Step remained at Respondent’s facility until the parents picked up their children. James Hayes (Mr. Hayes), Respondent’s husband, took one child home. On January 21, 2004, Petitioner informed Respondent by certified mail of the proposed revocation of her family day care license initially issued in March 2002. Petitioner alleged that the decision to revoke Respondent’s license to operate a family child care facility was based on her failure to ensure that the children' substitute caregivers were adequately screened and because Respondent's home was over capacity and out of ratio. The notice stated: On December 18, 2003, there were eighteen (18) children in your day care home. Three (3) of the children were under the age of twelve (12) months. With 3 infants in your care, your license permits you to care for a maximum of six (6) children. The number of children in your home far exceeds the number of children allowed. During an inspection on March 12, 2003, seven (7) preschool age children ages 12 months and older were observed in your home. You are permitted six (6) children in this age group. This violates section 402.302(7), F.S. You also failed to insure [sic] that the substitute care persons in your home caring for children were properly screened in accordance with section 402.313, Florida Statutes. At the final hearing, Petitioner’s inspectors, Ms. Mathews and Ms. Step testified that when they arrived at Respondent’s facility on December 18, 2003, Mr. Hayes was in the facility. Based upon the testimony of the inspectors, Petitioner argued in its post-hearing submittal that Mr. Hayes had not been screened and that he had a criminal record. Petitioner presented no evidence to substantiate the claim that Mr. Hayes had a criminal record. The testimony and argument regarding this issue is hearsay without corroboration and disregarded. Respondent's Evidence Respondent testified that she was out of town on December 18, 2003, and that her substitute caregiver had begun training classes, but apparently had not completed the course and, therefore, had no background check performed. According to Respondent, non-compliant items identified by Petitioner’s inspectors were corrected as soon thereafter as possible. Respondent testified that she was confused regarding the infant and pre-school child-to-caregiver ratio because it was never explained to her in the manner testified to by both Ms. Mathews and Ms. Step. Continuing, Respondent testified that her substitute caregiver(s) had completed the required training and are now qualified to assist her. She contended that submission of the names and certification of training completion had been provided to Petitioner and that she was awaiting Petitioner's response. This testimony was not disputed by Petitioner. Respondent, to counter allegations that her facility and personnel presented a significant or potential risk of harm to the children, provided four testimonial letters from parents who were regular patrons of her facility. Each of the four parents expressed confidence in the assurance of safety and the ready necessity of Respondent’s child care services during the work week and often times during the weekend. Respondent presented photographs of her facility evidencing the facility’s configuration, carpeting, equipment, beds, and other furniture. Respondent testified that Mr. Hayes does not enter the facility during the time children are present. To ensure separation between the family’s living area and the attached rooms used for child care, Respondent installed a door between the room leading from the family’s living area to the anteroom and the garage. Respondent corrected every non-compliant item identified by Petitioner during their two inspections of her facility. Many, if not all, corrections were made when identified; i.e., the clogged toilet was flushed. The non- compliant items, individually or collectively, were minor and did not directly create an unsafe situation for the children in care. These efforts demonstrated a sincere intent and desire to comply with Petitioner's rules and regulations and to continue to provide a safe and necessary family day care home for working parents in her immediate neighborhood. Violations Proven by Petitioner Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence that on March 12, 2003, there were seven preschool children ages 12 months and older in the facility, Family Day Care License No. 907 permits a maximum of six children in care, an amount in violation of Subsection 402.302(7)(c), Florida Statutes (2003). Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence that on December 18, 2003, there were 18 children in Respondent's facility in violation of Subsection 402.302(7)(b), Florida Statutes (2003).

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family Services issue a final order as follows: Finding Petitioner guilty of violating Subsection 402.302(7), Florida Statutes (2003), twice. Finding Petitioner not guilty of violating Section 402.313(3), Florida Statutes (2003). Setting aside the revocation of Respondent's family day care home license. Suspending Respondent's family day care home license until such time that the following conditions are met to the satisfaction of the Department: Respondent's substitute caregivers are identified, trained, qualified, and approved by Petitioner. Respondent demonstrates an understanding of the required child-to-child caregiver ratios. Respondent has trained each of her substitute caregivers on the child-to-child caregiver ratios and provides written instructions to be followed by her caregivers each day when the children in care in a specific age group are out of ratio to the number of caregivers present. That all conditions hereinabove are completed to the satisfaction of Petitioner as the condition for lifting the suspension. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of September 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S FRED L. BUCKINE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of September, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Jack Emory Farley, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services 4720 Old Highway 37 Lakeland, Florida 33813-2030 Theresa Hayes Arielle's Angel Care 965 Waldon Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830 Paul F. Flounlacker, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204B Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (9) 120.569120.57402.301402.302402.305402.3055402.310402.313402.319
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Sep. 14, 2009 Number: 09-005002 Latest Update: Apr. 28, 2010

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondents violated provisions of Chapter 402, Florida Statutes,1 and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 65C-20, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent Traceann Handy owns and operates Traceann Handy Family Day Care Home, a child care facility licensed by the Department. On May 26, 2009, the facility had been inspected by the Department and found to be in compliance with the rules of operation. Due to some missing documentation (CPR and first aid certificates), the facility was issued a Provisional License. As of the date the final hearing in this matter was concluded, the documentation had been submitted, and the facility had a valid license to operate.3 The Department is responsible for inspecting, licensing, and monitoring child care facilities such as the one operated by Handy. It is the Department's responsibility to ensure that all such facilities are safe and secure for the protection of children utilizing the facility. On Friday, June 5, 2009, the Department received a complaint concerning Handy's facility. The complaint alleged that two older children were asked to supervise a younger child without adult supervision and that transportation of the children had been provided without prior authorization. Based upon these complaints and in accordance with its rules, the Department commenced an investigation of the facility. Investigator Anderson (who was on call for the weekend) went to the facility the next day, Saturday, June 6, 2009. She knocked on the front door (although the entrance to the child care facility portion of the home was located on the side of the house). No one answered her knock, but a young man later came out of the house and advised Anderson that the facility was closed and that Handy was not home.4 Anderson called the investigator assigned to the case (Dayna Prevost) to report her findings. While Anderson was making the telephone call, the same young man came out to her car, banged on the car window and loudly repeated that Handy was not home. Anderson smelled an odor which she believed was marijuana while talking with the young man. (The young man was later identified as Handy's adult son, Trauquece Handy.) Anderson then left the premises. The investigation was recommenced on Monday, June 8, 2009. On that date, Investigators Wolbach and Prevost went to the Handy home and knocked on the side door of the home. When there was no answer to the knock, the investigators went to the front door and knocked. Again there was no answer, but they could hear what sounded like children inside the house. The investigators called Handy (who was not at home) and were told by Handy that she would have someone inside the house open the door. Despite the phone call and promise from Handy, no one opened the door, so the investigators called the police for assistance. When the police arrived, a man opened the front door, but the investigators were granted only limited access to the house. An adult female was seen inside the house, along with two small children. The female was questioned and said that she was a housekeeper and that the children inside the home at that time were her children. Upon receiving that information, the investigators again left the premises. On the next day, Tuesday, June 9, 2009, a team of investigators went back to the facility. This time Handy was present, and the team was allowed into the house. Handy's husband was also present at that time. While the team was inspecting the facility, Handy's son came into the house and went directly upstairs. The team reviewed Handy's records concerning attendance at the facility by various children. Handy was interviewed, and due to the previous suspicion of marijuana usage at the home, asked to provide a urine specimen for the purpose of conducting a drug screening test. (There was considerable discussion at final hearing as to how the urine specimen was taken, but that is not an issue in the present proceeding and will not be discussed further.) At one point during the investigative review at the home, a team member approached the inside stairwell and pushed open the gate located at the bottom of the stairs. The gate had been placed there by Handy in response to prior concerns by the Department about children having access to the upstairs portion of the house. The gate was apparently unlatched, although there were no children present at that time near the stairwell. (There was one child present in the home, but that child was in another part of the house.) As the investigator started up the stairs, Handy's husband said that Handy would likely not appreciate them going into her private quarters. As the investigator continued up the stairs, Handy came into the room and voiced her opposition to anyone going upstairs. Handy had been previously advised by the Department that if a gate was in place to keep children from going upstairs, it would be unnecessary for the Department to inspect that area during every regular inspection. It is unclear from the testimony whether Handy misunderstood the Department or whether the Department was only talking about its annual licensure inspection. No matter, Handy told the investigator that she did not want the investigator to go upstairs. The investigator took that remark as a direct order that she not go upstairs, so she did not do so. Instead, the Department sought injunctive relief in Circuit Court to gain access to the upstairs portion of the house. A hearing on the Department's motion was held the next day, Wednesday, June 10, 2009. Handy received notice of the hearing less than an hour before the hearing was scheduled to commence. She called the Circuit Court Judge's assistant to seek a continuance, but was told that the hearing must proceed. The court gave Handy the option of appearing via telephone, if she so desired. Handy wanted to attend the hearing in person, so she went to the courthouse. There was one child at the day care facility at that time. Handy could not find her approved substitute on such short notice, so she called the child's parent (who was Handy's cousin) and asked if it would be okay for Handy's husband to watch the child while Handy attended the hearing. The parent approved that arrangement. The Circuit Court entered an Order requiring Handy to allow the Department "a one[-]time inspection . . . of the private part of [the] home." Based upon that Order, the Department sent a team of investigators back to the facility on June 10, 2009, to complete its inspection. Upon completion of its investigation, the Department issued the Administrative Complaint relevant to this proceeding. The Administrative Complaint addresses two alleged violations by Handy: First, that Handy refused to allow the Department access to the entire home during the inspection. Second, that Handy allowed a person who was not currently screened to supervise a child in her care. An administrative fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) was proposed for each of the two violations.5 Handy does not believe she instructed the investigator not to go upstairs during the June 9, 2009, inspection. She remembers only telling them she did not want them to go upstairs, that it was unnecessary, and that her understanding from prior discussions was that the upstairs would not be inspected. The investigator believes she was specifically and forcefully told not to go up the stairs. In either case, it is clear a court order was obtained to gain access. (At the hearing in Circuit Court, Handy had reiterated that she did not want the investigators to go upstairs.) The gate in question was put in place to prevent children from having access to the upstairs portion of the house. However, the gate was either broken or unlatched (the testimony on this issue is not clear) when there was a child present in the house. Handy's husband did not have a valid background screening in place on June 10, 2009, that would allow him to act as a provider of child care services in the facility. He had been previously screened, but had not had his background screening updated when it expired in June 2008. He had not been re-screened because he and Handy were separated, and he did not intend to be at her house to supervise children any longer. The two are still married, but he only visits the house to do maintenance and repairs as needed. It is clear that Handy's husband was watching the child only due to the exigent circumstances surrounding the court hearing and the unavailability of Handy's approved substitute. Further, the child's parent was made aware of the fact and had acquiesced to this arrangement. Nonetheless, Handy's husband was not technically qualified to watch children attending the child care center at that time.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Children and Family Services imposing an administrative fine of $200 against Respondent, Traceann Handy. It is further RECOMMENDED that Handy be ordered to attend remedial classes on the operation and management of a child care facility. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of January, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of January, 2010.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57402.305402.310 Florida Administrative Code (2) 65C-20.00865C-20.012
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Oct. 08, 2001 Number: 01-003895 Latest Update: Sep. 12, 2002

The Issue The issues in this case are: (a) Whether Petitioner's license as a family day care home should be renewed; (b) Whether Petitioner was required to list her son, Stephen Randall, as a household member on her annual registration application for a family day care home for 2000 and 2001; and (c) Whether Stephen Randall was a member of Petitioner's household at any time in 2000 and 2001.

Findings Of Fact Based on the testimony and demeanor of the witnesses and the documentary evidence presented, the following findings of fact are made: Petitioner's application for license for a family day care home dated October 20, 1997, was received by Respondent on November 20, 1997. Listed among the "household members" on the application was Petitioner's son, Stephen H. Randall, whose date of birth is March 28, 1981. On January 10, 1998, Petitioner submitted her application for registration for a family day care home; the application was received by Respondent on January 14, 1998. Stephen Randall is also listed as a household member on this application. On January 15, 1998, Respondent wrote a letter to Petitioner acknowledging her desire to withdraw her application for license as a family day care home. On February 18, 1998, Petitioner was registered as a family day care home for one year effective February 28, 1998. The letter advised: To maintain your registration in accordance with Section 402.313, Florida Statutes, you must do the following: * * * (3) Send in background screening forms including fingerprints for household members who become 18 years of age, or for adults who move into your home, or when your substitute changes and has not been screened. On October 26, 1998, Petitioner forwarded a renewal application for registration as a family day care home which listed Stephen Randall as a "household member." As a result of a December 9, 1998, inspection by Respondent, it was determined that an adult who had not been screened was living in the registered day care home and, therefore, Petitioner was notified that screening was to be accomplished "ASAP." On January 12, 1999, Respondent sent Petitioner a Certified Letter reminding her that "Adult members residing in the family day care home must go through a background screening process in accordance with Florida Statutes, " On January 28, 1999, Petitioner telephoned Respondent indicating that she "changed her mind about daycare." This telephone call was followed by a letter from Respondent to Petitioner dated January 29, 1999, indicating, "Per your request January 28, 1999, we have withdrawn your Family Day Care license application and closed your registration effective this date." On April 9, 1999, Petitioner submitted an original registration application which listed her 18-year-old son, Stephen Randall, as living in the home which was to become the registered family day care home. On July 6, 1999, Petitioner, by letter, advised Respondent that "My son Stephen H. Randall is no longer living with me (Maxine Torres)." On July 20, 1999, Respondent mailed Petitioner a letter advising that "The Department of Children & Family Services has registered your Family Day Care Home for one year effective July 30, 1999." The letter also advised Petitioner of the necessity of advising Respondent when unscreened adults move into the home in the same language as contained in paragraph 4, supra. On September 23, 1999, Respondent sent Petitioner a Certified Letter which stated: We have received your letter dated July 7, 1999 in reference to your son, Stephen Randale [sic], moving out of your home. Should he return, he must be background screened within ten (10) days. Please remember that all household members must be screened in accordance with F.S. Section 202.303 and 402.305. Failure to do so in a timely manner may result in administrative action, which could result in a fine, suspension, or revocation. On October 31, 2000, the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida, in Case Number CR-O-00-4737/A adjudicated Stephen Henry Randall, Petitioner's son, guilty of violating the following criminal statutes: Subsections 806.13(1)(b)1, 810.02(3), and 812.014(2)(c)5, Florida Statutes, two of which offenses are felonies, and sentenced him to one day in jail and three years' probation. Stephen Randall had been arrested in April 2000 for the criminal offenses he committed. The offenses occurred at a residence two residences away from Petitioner's home, the registered family day care home. Petitioner submitted an application for re-licensure dated May 14, 2000, in which she was required to disclose the name of "everyone who lives in your home." By signing the application, Petitioner attested that the information on the application was "truthful, correct, and complete." Stephen Randall was not listed as living or residing at Petitioner's home. Respondent's investigators and independent witnesses presented credible testimony indicating that Stephen Randall was residing in Petitioner's residence (the registered day care home) during the calendar year 2000. In particular, an abuse report of an incident in January 2000, indicates that Petitioner reported that she "left her teenage son in the home" purportedly to supervise the children left in Petitioner's care; in June 2000, Petitioner again told an investigator, that if she wasn't there her son, Stephen Randall, her daughter or husband watch the children. In addition, independent witnesses, whose children were at the day care home, reported repeatedly seeing Stephen Randall there. Stephen Randall was living in the residence of Petitioner, which was a registered day care home, during the calendar year 2000 and had not been screened as required by Florida Statutes because Petitioner did not advise Respondent that he had returned and was residing in the home. Respondent investigated two Florida Protective Services abuse hotline complaints against Petitioner and determined the complaints to be well-founded. In both instances, Petitioner failed to properly supervise children left in her care and, as a result, failed to ensure the safety of the children. Independent witnesses confirmed the abuse hotline complaints and presented other complaints, all confirming that Petitioner failed to properly supervise children left in her care and failed to ensure their safety.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Family Services deny Petitioner's application for re-licensure of her family day care home. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of May, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of May, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard Cato, Esquire Department of Children and Family Services 400 West Robinson Street Suite S-1106 Orlando, Florida 32801-1782 James Sweeting, III, Esquire 506 West Washington Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Paul Flounlacker, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204B Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Josie Tomayo, General Counsel Department of Children and Family Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 2, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (14) 119.07120.5739.20139.202402.301402.305402.3055402.310402.313402.319409.175409.176435.04810.02
# 7
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Aug. 30, 2006 Number: 06-003268 Latest Update: Jun. 21, 2007

The Issue Whether Petitioner, the holder of a family day care home registration, has violated Respondent's minimum standards for child care providers by failing to directly supervise an infant in her care on March 22, 2006, and whether her registration should be revoked, pursuant to Section 402.310(1), Florida Statutes.1

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Jacqueline Bizzell, has been operating a child care facility in her home, at the same location, since 1992. She has been a registered family day care home with Respondent since January 30, 2001. As a part of her application to be a registered family day care home provider, Petitioner sent Respondent verification that she completed the required training for child care providers, which includes knowledge of Respondent's rules and regulations in the area governing child care. On January 26, 2006, Petitioner was informed that her family day care home was again registered for one year, effective January 30, 2006. In the letter, Petitioner was informed that she must maintain her registration in accordance with Section 402.313, Florida Statutes (2005). On March 24, 2006, Respondent received an allegation of neglect or abuse that took place at Petitioner's family day care home on March 22, 2006. Rivers Lewis (Lewis) was a child protective investigator for Respondent on the date of the allegation. He conducted an investigation of the allegation and completed a report. As a part of the investigation, Lewis spoke directly with Petitioner who stated that on March 22, 2006, the child was the only child in her care the day of the incident, and that she left him sleeping on her bed and went into the hallway in front of another room to do laundry or to do something else. Petitioner told Lewis that as soon as she heard the child cry, she stepped back into the room to find that he had fallen from the bed. Petitioner said, first, that the child had fallen off the bed, but later stated that the child had been on the side of the bed and was hanging onto the covers. Lewis submitted his investigative report on April 27, 2006, concluding that the case could be closed with verified indicators of "inadequate supervision" by Petitioner. Shortly after Lewis submitted his report, Ivette Garcia, Child Care Licensing Administrator, received a copy and reviewed it with another worker. She sent Petitioner a letter, dated May 10, 2006, stating that: "The purpose of this letter is to advise you that effective immediately, your family day care home is closed and that your registration is no longer valid." The closure was based upon the incident that occurred on March 22, 2006, wherein the investigative report, submitted by Lewis, confirmed indicators of inadequate supervision. No further investigation or other action was conducted by the child care licensing section in DCF's District 7 before the letter was sent. Although Garcia testified at the hearing that inadequate supervision of a child is a Class I violation, the highest violation, Petitioner was not specifically advised of such classification in the May 10, 2006, letter, nor was a finding made of an immediate serious danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the children who are enrolled in Petitioner's home. Respondent's District 7 Child Care Licensing office did not go to Petitioner's home to inspect or verify the report. It had no further communication with Petitioner after said date. Petitioner was not charged with causing injury to a child under her supervision. Garcia testified that due to the limitations of the registration statute (§ 402.313, Fla. Stat.), Respondent had only one option to deal with a Class I violation: immediately close the home and invalidate the registration. Petitioner's family day care home operated under the name: Hi Granny Day Care. She had only one child in her home on March 22, 2006, the eight-month-old boy, Markel. The child had been fussy and throwing up all day. At about 4:00 p.m., she put the child in the middle of her bed when he finally went to sleep. The bed was by the door. She stepped across the hall to do some chores and while standing at the door, in front of the playroom for about 14 or 15 minutes. When she heard a noise, she immediately stepped back into the room. She admits that she said to the investigator that he fell out of the bed, but that he really did not fall to the floor, but slid off of the bed and was dangling from the bed when she came back into the room; and a blanket broke his fall. She provided a handwritten diagram of her home as it appeared on the date of the incident. Petitioner had been taking care of Sherina Clemons' eight-month-old son, Markel, for over two months when the incident occurred. On March 22, 2006, Petitioner called her between 4:45 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. asking Clemons to not be mad at her. Petitioner told her that the child had been asleep when she placed him on her bed, but that when she walked out of the room, he must have awakened and fallen off of the bed landing on a pallet of covers. According to Latoya Marion, Children's Home Society, the Petitioner's reputation in the community was very good as a child care provider. Latisha Rashawn Bell has known Petitioner for about three years and Petitioner cared for her daughter in 2006. She came to Petitioner's home on March 22, 2006, later in the evening, and knocked on the door. Petitioner came to the door, holding the child, who was whining or crying. Petitioner told her that the child had fallen out of the bed, but had not landed on the floor. Chakera Angelette Faniel is a child care provider, who is not employed by Petitioner. Petitioner cared for Ms. Faniel's daughter for the first three years of her daughter's life, but no longer does. She has known Petitioner for about five years and knows her to be a caring and loving person. Petitioner has a very good reputation in the community as a child care provider. The clear and convincing evidence demonstrates that late in the afternoon of March 22, 2006, Petitioner placed a sleeping eight-month-old boy in the middle of her king-size bed, which was located in her bedroom near the door. Petitioner stepped across the hall and did some chores, while standing in front of the playroom for about 14 or 15 minutes. Although she was only three or four feet from the child, Petitioner could not see the child from where she was standing. When she heard the child cry, she immediately stepped back into the room and found the child lying on some covers on the floor. She picked the child up, who did not appear to be injured. Shortly thereafter, Petitioner contacted the child's parents and reported the incident to them. The child's mother arrived later and took the child home. The evidence is clear and convincing that Petitioner failed to provide direct supervision of the child while he was napping, in the late afternoon, on March 22, 2006. The evidence is clear and convincing that Petitioner is a long-term child care provider, who obviously gives compassionate care to the children in her care. There have been no prior reported incidents of neglect or abuse filed against Petitioner, nor were prior deficiencies listed. Petitioner enjoys a good reputation as a child care provider in her community. Except for the incident on March 22, 2006, no evidence was presented that Petitioner presented an immediate serious danger to the public health, safety, or welfare to the children who are enrolled in her family day care home.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: The Secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services issue a final order as follows: Finding Petitioner guilty of a single violation of the provisions of Florida Administration Code Rule 65C-22.001(5)(a) and (b) on March 22, 2006; Imposing an administrative fine of $100; and Immediately reinstating Petitioner's family day care home registration for a period of 264 days and permitting Petitioner the opportunity to submit an application for renewal of her family day care home registration at the appropriate time. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of April, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of April, 2007.

Florida Laws (11) 120.52120.569120.57120.60402.301402.302402.305402.308402.310402.313402.319
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