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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Jul. 14, 2006 Number: 06-002464 Latest Update: Apr. 13, 2009

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the portion of Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) Application Number 97106 seeking an allocation of 499,000 gallons per day (gpd) of groundwater for commercial/industrial uses (supply bulk water to bottling plants) meets the conditions for issuance as established in Section 373.223, Florida Statutes, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40C-2.301, and the Applicant’s Handbook, Consumptive Uses of Water.1 The County does not oppose or contest the portion of the CUP application authorizing use of 6.0 million gpd of surface water for limerock mining operations.

Findings Of Fact The Parties The County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The County operates a water supply utility that supplies water for a variety of uses, including providing untreated water, in bulk, for bottling purposes. The County is currently engaged in a long-range planning effort designed to assess water supply demands and sources to supply those demands in the County over the next 50 years. The County also has completed a study of the two major springs in the County (Rainbow Springs and Silver Springs), and the County’s Board of County Commissioners is in the process of enacting certain recommendations contained in the study. The well for the proposed CUP allocation is located on approximately 160 acres in northern Marion County. Hastings and Greene's father owned the property from 1978 until the latter's death. In 1993, the latter's interest was transferred to Greene and two brothers, who now hold title to the property along with Hastings. The District is a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and is charged with the duty to prevent harm to water resources of the District, and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The District has implemented Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, in part, through the adoption of Rule Chapters 40C-2 and 40C-20, and the Applicant’s Handbook, Consumptive Uses of Water. Historic Uses of Water on the Mine Site Since the 1980s, the property where the proposed withdrawals will occur has been used for mining of limerock and has been known as the “Black Sink Mine." A ten-inch diameter well has been located on the Black Sink Mine property for 35 years. The well was originally used to provide water to augment water levels in canals in and around the Black Sink Mine property. Later the well was used to irrigate watermelons grown on the property before the mining operation began. The limerock mining operation at Black Sink Mine uses approximately 6 million gpd of surface water. The mine pit at the site is divided by an earthen berm that separates a larger, previously mined area from a smaller area where active mining is occurring. Surface water is pumped from the actively mined portion of the pit to the larger, previously mined portion of the pit, to enable mining of the limerock material to be conducted at levels below the water table. Dewatering is necessary in order to remove the limerock. A majority of the property is mined to a depth of 55 feet below land surface. The limerock material extracted from the site is transported by trucks from the site, approximately 100 trucks per day, to various sites across North Florida. The Need for the Proposed Use of Groundwater If mining of limerock continues at the current pace, the limerock material at the Black Sink Mine will be exhausted within a year. Recognizing that the productive use of the property for limerock mining was nearing an end, Greene and Hastings began exploring other potential uses for the property, including use of the existing well on the property for production of bottled water. To explore the feasibility of producing water for bottling from the existing well, in 2004 Greene and Hastings engaged an engineering firm with expertise in water resources to conduct a hydrogeologic study of the mine property and well. The results of the study, showing water of sufficient quality and quantity for production of bottled water, motivated Greene and Hastings to submit the CUP application which was the subject of the hearing. The study also determined that water withdrawn from the well could be marketed as spring water. Greene and Hastings also determined through market research that the demand for bottled water has increased at the rate of ten percent per year for the last 4-5 years and that Florida bottlers were interested in purchasing water from the well on the mine site in bulk for bottling. In order to provide reasonable assurance that the water use proposed by Greene and Hastings is in such quantity as is necessary for economic and efficient utilization, Greene and Hastings must show that the amount to be used is consistent with what would typically be required for the activity being supplied; that the water will be used efficiently with loss or waste minimized; and that there is a demonstrated need for the water proposed for allocation. To demonstrate a need for the 499,000 gpd of groundwater requested in the application for an allocation of 499,000 gpd of groundwater, Greene and Hastings provided letters from two businesses engaged in bottling of water stating an intent to purchase specific quantities of water produced from the Greene and Hastings well should the CUP be granted. One of the letters of intent came from a bottler in Jacksonville, Florida, stating its intention to initially purchase 100,000 gpd of Greene and Hastings’s water. The other was from a bottler in Stuart, Florida, dated January 9, 2006, stating its intention to purchase 125,000 gpd of water from Greene and Hastings within “the next 12-24 months.” Based on these letters Greene and Hastings initially requested an allocation of 200,000 gpd of groundwater for the first year of the permit. Prior to completion of the CUP application, Greene and Hastings learned that because the Stuart bottler’s facility was located outside the geographic boundaries of the District, to transport water from the Black Sink Mine to the Stuart facility would require additional data and information related to inter- district transfers of groundwater. Greene and Hastings elected to reduce the requested allocation for the first year of the permit to 100,000 gpd, relying on the letter from the Jacksonville bottler. Based on the current market demand for bottled water, and based on the fact that there are other bottlers of water within the boundaries of the District purchasing water for bottling, it is reasonable to conclude that Greene and Hastings can sell 499,000 gpd of water from the well on the Black Sink Mine property by the end of the fifth year of the proposed CUP. These facts support the conclusion that there is a need for the amount of water requested by Greene and Hastings. In addition, the permit is conditioned to require a compliance review at five-year intervals during the term of the permit. Should Greene and Hastings not be successful in selling the full 499,000 gpd allocated by the fifth year of the permit, the District has the ability as part of the five-year compliance review to modify the permit to reduce the allocation based on the amount of water actually used for bottled water. Efficiency of the Proposed Use of Water The production of water in bulk for shipment to a bottler is a highly efficient use of water. There is very little if any water lost in the withdrawal and loading of the water; almost all the water goes to the end product. The evidence establishes that the use proposed by Greene and Hastings is an efficient use of water. Potential Impacts from the Proposed Groundwater Allocation The source of the groundwater proposed for use by Greene and Hastings is the Floridan aquifer. Because there is no confining layer in the vicinity of the Black Sink Mine that would retard movement of water between the Upper Floridan aquifer and the surficial aquifer, both the Upper Floridan aquifer and the surficial aquifer essentially behave as one unit. Thus, any drawdown in the surficial aquifer associated with groundwater withdrawals at this location will be the same as the related drawdown in the Upper Floridan aquifer as a result of groundwater withdrawals. The Floridan aquifer is capable of producing the amount of groundwater requested by Greene and Hastings in the application. To assess the level of drawdown expected to occur in both the Floridan aquifer and the surficial aquifer as a consequence of the proposed groundwater withdrawals, Greene and Hastings engaged a consultant, Andreyev Engineering, Inc., to run a groundwater model to simulate the proposed withdrawal and predict the anticipated drawdown. The groundwater model selected for use for this application was the North Central Florida Regional Groundwater Flow Model, a model developed for the District by the University of Florida for use in Marion County and surrounding areas. This model is an accepted and reliable tool for predicting aquifer drawdown associated with groundwater withdrawals at the location of the withdrawals proposed in this application and is used extensively by the District in its CUP program. To simulate the drawdown associated with the withdrawal of 499,000 gpd from the Florida aquifer, Greene and Hastings’s consultant inserted a pumping well in the model grid where the Black Sink Mine is located. The model then simulated pumping from the well at 499,000 gpd. The model results are graphically depicted on maps showing drawdown contours overlain on the Black Sink Mine Site, illustrating the level of drawdown in the aquifer and the distance the level of drawdown extends out from the well site. The model predicts a drawdown of 0.03 feet in the Floridan and surficial aquifers in the immediate vicinity of the well on the Black Sink Mine property, and a drawdown of 0.02 feet in the Floridan and surficial aquifers extending out to a distance of approximately 5,000 feet from the well, less than 1/3 of an inch of drawdown. The model results represent a reasonable estimation of the drawdown that will occur as a consequence of withdrawal of 499,000 gpd of groundwater at the Black Sink Mine as proposed in the application. The impact of the 0.02-0.03 foot drawdown predicted by the model was variously characterized by the experts who testified at the final hearing as “not practically measurable,” an “insignificant impact,” “very small,” or “de minimus.” The use of water proposed by Greene and Hastings will not cause significant saline water intrusion, nor will it further aggravate any existing saline water intrusion problems. The use of water proposed by Greene and Hastings will not induce significant saline water intrusion to such an extent as to be inconsistent with the public interest. Because the predicted drawdown is so small, it will not interfere with any existing legal uses of water. Neither will the predicted drawdown cause serious harm to the quality of the source of the water proposed for use by Greene and Hastings. With regard to the issue of interference with existing legal users, the County argued that the District should have considered whether there is sufficient groundwater available to meet all projected needs for water in the County during the 20- year term of the permit, as well as the additional cost County citizens will need to bear to secure alternative water supplies as a result of any future shortfalls in available groundwater. The County projects, based on planning estimates, that use of groundwater to supply all anticipated uses of water in the County will be limited within 20-30 years from the present. Such “limits” would not become an issue until after the Greene and Hastings permit expires. Thereafter, water users in the County will have to rely on alternative water sources, conservation, reuse of reclaimed water, and surface water. The anticipated growth in demand in the County’s planning estimates includes anticipated growth in the commercial/industrial category of uses. The County’s estimated limits on groundwater use will occur whether or not the CUP requested by Greene and Hastings is approved. The District does not base its permitting decisions on a pending CUP application on the possibility that the source of water may become limited at some future time for water uses not presently permitted, provided the application meets all permitting criteria. The District allocates water for recognized beneficial uses of water, such as commercial/industrial uses, as long as the water is available and the application meets District criteria. The District allocates water as long as an allocation does not cause harm to the resource. Based on these facts, the proposed use of water by Greene and Hastings will not interfere with any existing legal use of water. No Evidence of Economic or Environmental Harm Because the predicted drawdown associated with the proposed use of water is so small, and because no impacts are anticipated on any surrounding properties or water uses, Greene and Hastings have provided reasonable assurance that any economic harm caused by the proposed use has been reduced to an acceptable amount. For purposes of determining whether an applicant has provided reasonable assurance that any environmental harm caused by a proposed use of water is reduced to an acceptable amount, the District examines modeling results showing the level of drawdown predicted for the use and also examines the resources in and around the site of a withdrawal to determine the likely impact of the drawdown predicted for the withdrawal on those resources. The District’s environmental scientists examined the Black Sink Mine site and the surrounding landscape and determined that, based on the characteristics of the landscape in and around the site of the proposed withdrawal and based on the negligible drawdown impact predicted for the proposed water use in both the Floridan and surficial aquifers, there will be no environmental harm resulting from the allocation of groundwater contained in the CUP. The use of water proposed by Greene and Hastings will not cause damage to crops, wetlands, or other types of vegetation. The use of water proposed by Greene and Hastings will not cause the water table to be lowered so that stages or vegetation will be adversely and significantly affected on lands other than those owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by Greene and Hastings. The CUP will not use water that the District has reserved pursuant to Section 373.223(3), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40C-2.301(4). No Impact on Established Minimum Flows or Levels No minimum surface or groundwater levels or surface water flows have been established by the District pursuant to Rule Chapter 40C-8 for any of the water bodies in Marion County that may be affected by the proposed water use. The closest water body for which the District has established a minimum flow is the St. Johns River at the State Road 44 bridge located more than 50 miles from the Black Sink Mine property. The closest water body for which the District has established a minimum level is Star Lake in Northwest Putnam County, more than nine miles from the mine site. Because of the distance of these water bodies from the withdrawal site and because of the negligible drawdown expected to be caused by the proposed use of water, the use will not cause an established minimum flow or level to be exceeded during the term of the permit. Other Reasonable-Beneficial Use Considerations All available conservation measures that are economically, environmentally, and technically feasible are proposed for implementation in the application by Greene and Hastings for the uses proposed by them. Greene and Hastings submitted to the District, as part of the application, a conservation plan that complies with the requirements of A.H. Section 10.3(e). Reclaimed water, as defined in the District’s rules, is not currently available to be used in place of the water proposed for use by Greene and Hastings in the application. The use of water proposed by Greene and Hastings in the application will not cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards in receiving waters of the state. The use of water proposed by Greene and Hastings in the application will not cause or contribute to flood damage. The Use is Consistent With the Public Interest With regard to the determination of whether reasonable assurance was provided that the proposed use is consistent with the public interest, the County contends that: 1) Greene and Hastings must show that any necessary approvals required by the County’s Comprehensive Plan and/or its LDRs for use of the site for producing bottled water have been obtained; 2) that the District did not properly consider the effect of existence of lawn watering restrictions affecting citizens in the County in evaluating the application; and 3) that the District should have considered the amount of money the applicant may stand to gain from the use of the water requested in the application. In examining whether an application is consistent with the public interest, the District considers whether a particular use of water is going to be beneficial or detrimental to the people of the area and to water resources within the state. In this inquiry, the District considers whether the use of water is efficient, whether there is a need for the water requested, and whether the use is for a legitimate purpose; and the inquiry focuses on the impact of the use on water resources and existing legal users. Sale of water for bottling for human consumption is recognized by the District as a legitimate, beneficial economic enterprise. Use of water for human consumption is among the highest and best uses permitted by the District. For reasons outlined above in the Recommended Order, there are no detrimental impacts that will result from this use of water. The District does not consider whether local government approvals have been obtained prior to issuance of a CUP for purposes of determining whether the application is consistent with the public interest. Neither does the District consider impacts related to local roads from trucks transporting the water or other impacts not related to water resources. No such requirements are included in the District’s adopted permitting criteria. There are no water shortage orders in effect in the District at present. In evaluating a CUP application, the District considers whether its permitting criteria will be met during periods of normal weather as well as during periods of drought. Withdrawals authorized in CUPs can be restricted by order of the District during periods of water shortage, such as droughts. Thus, the possibility of a water shortage order being entered in the County in the future, or the fact that such orders may have been in effect there in the past, does not mean the application is not consistent with the public interest. The District critically examines the efficiency of all water uses for purposes of enacting its regulatory requirements regarding CUPs and in evaluating CUP applications. The District has adopted restrictions on landscape irrigation (which apply to all such users throughout the District’s jurisdiction, not just in Marion County) limiting landscape irrigation to no more than two days per week. The limitations on landscape irrigation exist because this type of use has been determined to be a highly inefficient, wasteful use of water without such restrictions. By contrast, the use of water proposed by Greene and Hastings is a highly efficient use of water, resulting in little or no loss or waste of water. The District does not consider the level of financial gain or benefit an applicant will derive from a permitted use of water for purposes of determining whether the proposed use is consistent with the public interest. Most, if not all permitted users of water derive some level of economic benefit from the water they use, and the District’s rule criteria do not provide standards for evaluating such gain or that otherwise limit the amount of such gain. For the foregoing reasons, the Applicant has provided reasonable assurance that the use of water proposed in the application is consistent with the public interest. Groundwater is the Lowest Quality Source for this Use The County contends that groundwater is not the lowest quality source of water available for the use proposed by Greene and Hastings, in that surface water from the mine pit on the site could be treated and used for bottling in place of groundwater. From the testimony, it is clear that Greene and Hastings’s ability to market water for bottling from the Black Sink Mine is dependent on such water being capable of being labeled as spring water, and on such water being delivered without having gone through any treatment processes. The testimony also establishes that because of the connection between the surficial aquifer and the Upper Floridan aquifer at the site, using surface water instead of groundwater to supply the proposed use would result in little if any reduction in impacts to the Floridan aquifer. More importantly, because the application proposes use of water for direct human consumption, the District’s rules do not require use of a lower quality source of water. For the foregoing reasons, groundwater is the lowest quality source of water suitable for use for bottled water for human consumption. The District’s Noticing Was Adequate and Appropriate The District provided notice of its receipt of the Greene and Hastings CUP application by publishing notice in the Ocala Star-Banner, a newspaper of general circulation in Marion County, on January 25, 2005, with an amended notice being published on February 16, 2005, and also by letters to the County dated January 20, 2005, and February 10, 2005. In each notice, the location of the proposed use was identified by section, township, and range. The County responded to the notices by sending a letter of objection to the application dated February 14, 2005. Thus, the County received sufficient information regarding the location of the proposed use to enable it to prepare and file a letter of objection to the application, and suffered no prejudice as a consequence of the notice. The District provided personal notice of its intent to issue a CUP to Greene and Hastings by letter dated April 5, 2006. In this notice, the location of the proposed use was identified by section, township, and range. The County responded by filing petitions that have resulted in this proceeding. Thus, the County received sufficient notice of the location of the use addressed in the District’s intent to issue to enable it to initiate administrative proceedings regarding the permit, and suffered no prejudice as a consequence of the notice.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the District enter an order granting CUP No. 97106 to Greene and Hastings with the conditions recommended in the District’s Technical Staff Report. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of January, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th of January, 2007.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57373.223373.229
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Deland, Florida Jun. 24, 1991 Number: 91-003862 Latest Update: Jun. 10, 1992

The Issue The issue concerns the entitlement of GJPS Lukas, Inc. to be granted a consumptive use of water permit from the St. Johns River Water Management District. See Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 40C-2, Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact On December 7, 1990, the Applicant applied for a consumptive use of water permit under application no. 2-127-0808AN as submitted to St. Johns. The Applicant asked that it be allowed to withdraw water from the Floridian aquifer to irrigate a 240 acre sod farm by the use of four wells and a pipeline ditch irrigation system. This was a new use. On January 9, 1991, St. Johns prepared a technical staff report recommending approval of the application. Petitioner was provided notice of this pending disposition on January 15, 1991 leading to his protest to the grant of the permit. Petitioner's property is adjacent to the Applicant's property. Petitioner has a well which he uses for domestic water needs which is in the vicinity of the proposed project. He also has a commercial fish operation with a number of fish ponds including fresh water ponds. Both these uses may potentially be affected by the proposed consumptive water use contemplated by the Applicant. St. Johns calculated that the irrigation of 240 acres of sod, by calculation using the modified Blaney-Criddle formula pertaining to evapotranspiration, calls for a maximum extraction of 169.4 million gallons a year. In any one month the amount withdrawn should not exceed 37.4 million gallons. The Floridian aquifer at the place where the Applicant proposes to draw water is capable of the production of 169.4 million gallons of water per year and 37.4 million gallons per month without promoting environmental or economic harm. Extraction of this water for purposes of irrigation is an acceptable arrangement in that no wastewater treatment plants are within a five mile radius of the site of the proposed use. Therefore it would not be economically, technically or environmentally feasible for the Applicant to use reclaimed wastewater as a source for its irrigation needs. The aquifer in that area is stable. There was no showing in the hearing by competent evidence that saline water intrusion problems now exist in the area of the proposed site of withdrawal. There was no showing that the withdrawal of as much as 169.4 million gallons per year would cause a saline water intrusion problem. The fields where the Applicant intends to apply the extracted water for irrigation purposes are surrounded by a system of ditches and water control structures to confine the water as applied to the sod and any mixing of that water with any surface or subsurface waters that are contributed by rain events. The ditches and control structures keep the water on the property and prevent flooding downgradient of the subject property. As a consequence flood damage on adjacent properties is not to be expected. On a related issue, the ditches and control structures will prevent water from discharging into receiving bodies of water and thereby degrading water in those receiving bodies such as the fish ponds operated by the Petitioner. The water quality of the Floridian aquifer will not be harmed by the activities of the Applicant in withdrawing this water. In the worse circumstances the well used by the Petitioner will be affected by the Applicant extracting the water from the aquifer to the extent of .25 to .4 drawdown in feet in the well the Petitioner uses. This is not a substantial impediment to the Petitioner's ability to withdraw needed water from the well he uses. The Floridian aquifer in the area in question is semi-confined. The four wells that would be used in withdrawing water for the Applicant's purposes will extract the water at 110 feet below the surface. Between that level and the surface are three confining areas of clay totaling approximately 40 feet in thickness. Those confining units of clay would protect the water at the surface when the Applicant withdraws water and induces a gradient. In particular, the nature of the stratification in the soils in the area in question and the topography are such that the Petitioner's fish ponds, when taking into account the distance between the Applicant's operation and those fish ponds, the clay confining units and the gradient between the Applicant's property and the Petitioner's fish ponds, would not lead to a reduction in the water levels of the Petitioner's fish ponds when the water was extracted by the Applicant. The proposed use by the Applicant would not require invading another use reserved by a permit issued from St. Johns. St. Johns has not established minimum levels or rates of flow for the surface water in the area where the Applicant proposes to extract the water. Nor has St. Johns established a minimum level for a water table aquifer or a minimum potentiometric surface water for an aquifer in the area where the Applicant proposes to extract the water. The surficial aquifer water table beneath the property where the Applicant intends to apply the extracted water should not be raised inordinately should the Applicant follow the best management practice as recommended as special condition No. 9 to the Consumptive Use Technical Staff Report pertaining to this project. Nonetheless if the water table beneath the Applicant's property were to be raised to a level which is too high or if the activities by the Applicant would result in excessive surface water runoff the ditches and water control structures that isolate the Applicant's property would prevent the water level in the Petitioner's fish pond from being increased by the Applicant's proposed activities. The application of the extracted water and the expected flow pattern of water applied to the surface and control of that water is set out in St. Johns' Exhibit No. 5 and described in the testimony of Jack Caldwell Lawrence, Jr., employee of St. Johns and an expert in geology and hydrology. See pages 61 and 62 of the transcript. Concerning water quality in the Petitioner's fish pond, it will not be affected by the Applicant's proposed activities in extracting the water. The gradients and distances between the Petitioner's fish pond and the Applicant's fields do not allow surface water or water in the surficial aquifer, which is groundwater above the confining clay unit, to flow from the Applicant's fields into the Petitioner's fish ponds. Again the ditches and control structures related to the project offer additional protection against a compromise to the water quality in the Petitioner's fish ponds. The Technical Staff Report on this project is an apt description of the project and the necessary conditions to granting a permit which would protect the public and environment. One modification has been made to that report and that modification is appropriate. It changes the intended disposition from one of allowing surface water from the onsite management system to be used as the primary irrigation supply with the Floridian aquifer serving as a supplementary source to one in which the Applicant would not use the onsite management system as a water supply source but would use the onsite management system simply as a discharge holding area.

Recommendation Based upon the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered which approves the application for consumptive use of water subject to the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report, excepting the need to have the Applicant utilize water from the onsite management system as the primary source of irrigation of its sod. DONE and ENTERED this 4th day of November, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of November, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following discussion is made of the suggested facts set forth in the proposed recommended orders. Petitioner's Facts Paragraphs 1-6 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 7, Petitioner does not have standing to take issue with the quality of notice provided to other adjacent landowners. As to Paragraph 8, the witness had sufficient understanding of the location and nature of the surficial or sand aquifer and the clay confining units to have his testimony credited. As to Paragraph 9 the fact that the witness is unaware of the exact depth of the Petitioner's fish pond does not cause his testimony to be disregarded in deciding that the fish ponds would not be negatively impacted by the activities contemplated in this permit application. As to Paragraph 10, this proposed fact is inconsequential given the de novo nature of this proceeding. As to Paragraph 11, see discussion of Paragraph 7. As to Paragraph 12, it is rejected. As to Paragraph 13, that knowledge was not necessary in determining the outcome here. As to Paragraph 14, it is accepted in hypothetical terms, however, no showing was made that chlorides would increase in this instance and adversely affect the Petitioner's fish based upon the evidence adduced at hearing. As to Paragraph 15, the soil samples from Petitioner's property are inclusive and less reliable that the description of soil in the general area as set forth by the witness for St. Johns. COPIES FURNISHED: Clayton D. Simmons, Esquire Stenstrom, Mackintosh, Julian, Colbert, Whigham and Simmons, P.A. 200 West First Street, Suite 22 Sanford, FL 32772-4848 Michael D. Jones, Esquire 996 Westwood Square, Suite 04 Oviedo, FL 32765 Michael D. Jones, Esquire Post Office Box 3567 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Eric T. Olsen, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429 Henry Dean, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429

Florida Laws (3) 120.57373.019373.223 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40C-2.101
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001985 Latest Update: Jan. 24, 1980

The Issue The matter to be resolved by this Recommended Order concerns the Petitioner's Notice of Violation and Order of Corrective Action filed against the Respondent on the subject of alleged violations by the Respondent of the "Florida Safe Drinking Water Act", Sections 403.850 through 403.864, Florida Statutes. Within this complaint document there are six counts constituted of the following allegations: Count I. The Respondent does not continually apply effective disinfection measures to the water distributed to the service connections of the Respondent's water system. Respondent's water system has chlorination equipment installed but a chlorine residual is not continually maintained. This condition has existed since at least February, 1979. These facts show a violation of Rule 17- 22.106(3)(c), Florida Administrative Code. Count II. The Department has not received reports from the Respondent which contain information about the operation and maintenance of the water system. This condition has existed since at least April, 1978. These facts show a violation of Rule 17-22.111(2), Florida Administrative Code. Count III. The Respondent's water system has a daily flow of more than 2,500 gallons per day but less than 0.1 million gallons per day. The operation, maintenance and supervision, if any, of the water system is not performed by a person who has passed an examination that entitled such person to be a certified operator. This condition has existed since at least April, 1978. These facts show a violation of Rule 17-22.107(3)(b), Florida Administrative Code. Count IV. The slab surrounding the well casing has been broken exposing the system to possible contamination. This condition has existed since at least February, 1979. These facts show a violation of Rule 17-22.106(2)(c)2.e., Florida Administrative Code. Count V. The Respondent`s water system has no flow meter for accurately measuring the volume of water distributed by the public water system. This condition has existed since at least February, 1979. These facts show a violation of Rule 17-22.106(3)(g), Florida Administrative Code. Count VI. The Petitioner has incurred costs and expenses in the amount of $57.22 in the course of investigating the case and is entitled to be reimbursed pursuant to Subsection 403.860(3), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact This case is presented for consideration based upon the Notice of Violation and Order of Correction filed by the Secretary of the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, on August 24, 1979. The action is taken against Arnold H. Parker, an individual who resides in Escambia County, Florida. On September 17, 1979, the Respondent, Parker, by and through his counsel answered the allegations of the Petitioner and requested a Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, hearing. The request for hearing was granted and on December 6, 1979, in Florida, a formal hearing was held to consider the Petitioner's complaint. (The essential elements of that complaint are reflected in the synopsis reported in the Issue statement of this Recommended Order.) The facts reveal that Daniel C. Walker, an employee of Petitioner, went to Perdido Key, Escambia County, Florida, in February, 1979, for the purpose of inspecting a water system owned and operated by the Respondent and to ascertain the number of service connections associated with the system. When Walker arrived at the location of the Respondent's well, he observed that the above-ground equipment utilized in pumping the water out of the ground was housed in a building. This building had a hole in the roof and the concrete slab surrounding the well casing was broken at the surface allowing for possible contamination by influent. At the time of the inspection a device for introducing chlorine into the extracted water was noted but that device was not connected and no chlorine residual was found in the water system. The water system was not being operated by a certified operator within the meaning of Rule 17-22.107(3)(b), Florida Administrative Code. In addition, the Respondent had not submitted operational reports to the Petitioner since April, 1978. The reports referred to are those reports required by Rule 17- 22.111(2), Florida Administrative Code. While Walker was at the general location of the well in onestion, he observed forty individual lots on which various types of trailers, campers and mobile homes could be found. Walker did not determine if persons were living in these shelters and he does not recall seeing persons in the area of the lots. The witness, Walker, did not observe any restaurant or public food establishment in the area of the well house and lots. On September 25, 1979, Robert Court, another employee of the Petitioner, went to the site of the well house and lots. At that time he counted thirty-two trailers, campers and mobile homes and each of those shelters had a service connection from the well of the Respondent located somewhere on the lot where the shelter was found. The service connection was in the form of a spigot. Court observed several people in the north-east section of the general area which is constituted of the well location and lots. Court returned to the location on November 30, 1979, and in a random survey saw approximately thirty-two trailers, campers and mobile hones. Subsequent to the visits of the employees, the Notice of Violation and Order of Correction was prepared by the enforcement section of the Petitioner and the cost of that preparation was $57.22. The Respondent, Arnold H. Parker, testified in the course of the hearing and his testimony established that there are nine persons who live in the area of the well on a year-round basis and these persons are served by the well during that period of time. Of the nine persons one family, the family of the Respondent, lives in a mobile home and the family is constituted of three persons, the Respondent, his wife and son. In a second mobile home the Respondent's daughter and her husband are found to reside. The final group of persons constituted of the nine full-time residents are the Respondent's daughter, her husband and two children in a third mobile home. Each lot on which the three mobile homes are found is served by a service connection. The remaining lots at the location in question were subdivided approximately two years prior to the hearing date and sold separately with the exception of the three lots where the nine permanent residents reside and two lots where other children of the Respondent resided prior to the February, 1979, inspection by the Petitioner's employee. Respondant sold twenty-four mobile home lots and twelve camper sites to persons other than family members and each of the mobile home lots and camper sites has a service connection to the well. Those persons who use the water system other than the nine permanent residents, use the system from mid-March through mid-September in the calendar year. During that time of usage, there are two families at two separate lots who come down during the week and use the water supply. The number of members in those families was not indicated in the course of the hearing. The balance of the persons using the water supply, excluding the above-mentioned two families and the nine permanent residents, use the shelters for vacation purposes and on the weekend. Some of this latter group would be vacationing in their summer home for a period as long as two weeks. The highest number of persons using the water from the well during the vacation period would be approximately forty persons during holiday weekends in the vacation cycle. From the testimony of the Respondent there would never be more than ten days during the vacation period in which twenty-five or more persons would be utilizing the water supply from the well. The water is brought into the trailers, campers and mobile hones by hoses attached to the spigot service connections and the hoses are removed when the individual owners are not in attendance. The lot owners who are served by the water system of the Respondent pay a fee of $18.00 a year, which the Respondent uses to repair the well pump, for pipe and for the cost of electricity to run the well. The well generating device is a two-horsepower electric pump and the well source is tapped by a two-inch service pipe. A one-half-inch line runs from the main to the service connectors (spigot). After the inspection of February, 1979, the Respondent repaired the broken slab around the well casing and these repairs were made in March or April, 1979. The repairs were depicted in the Respondent's Exhibits 1 and 2 admitted into evidence which are photographs of the well casing after the repair.

Recommendation It is recommended that the action taken by the Petitioner against Respondent pursuant to the Notice of Violation and the Order for Corrective Action be dismissed, to include the Petitioner's claim for costs and expenses. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of January, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: William Hyde, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Read Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Barne J. Morain, Esquire 113 North Palafox Street Pensacola, Florida 32501

Florida Laws (5) 120.57403.850403.852403.860403.864
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Jun. 16, 2000 Number: 00-002522 Latest Update: Mar. 26, 2001

The Issue The issue for consideration in this case is whether the Department of Environmental Protection should issue a permit to Sarasota Bay Hotel, Inc., to modify and expand an existing marina facility associated with an existing adjacent hotel, based on reasonable assurances from the applicant that the proposed project satisfies the applicable statutory and rule criteria.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) was the state agency in Florida responsible for the review of environmental resource permit applications and for the regulation of water pollution in specified waters of the state. SBH is a Florida corporation and the general partner of Hotel Associates of Sarasota, Limited (Hotel Associates), the owner of the property in question. The complex at issue is composed of the Hyatt Hotel and certain submerged land underlying the proposed project. SBH is the authorized agency for Hotel Associates for the purpose of obtaining the permit in issue. Petitioners are associations of condominium owners whose properties lie adjacent and to the west of the site in question. The parties stipulated that all Petitioners had standing in this proceeding. The site at issue, owned by Hotel Associates, consists of a portion of the submerged bottoms within a sea- walled, rectangular-shaped, man-made basin which runs in a north-south direction west of U.S. Highway 41 in Sarasota. It is connected by a narrowed channel to Sarasota Bay at its southern end. Hotel Associates owns approximately the northern one-third of the basin, and Petitioners own approximately the western one-half of the southern two-thirds of the basin. Petitioners' property is not covered in the proposed permit. The remaining portion of the basin, comprised of the eastern one-half of the southern two-thirds, is owned by an entity which is not a party to this action, and that portion of the bottom also is not covered by the proposed permit. However, in order for boat traffic to reach the property in issue, the boats must traverse the southern two- thirds of the basin. Both Petitioners and the unconnected third owner maintain existing finger piers within their respective portions of the basin outside the portion in issue. The basin in which the marina in question is located is classified as a Class III water body and is connected to Sarasota Bay, which is a Class III Outstanding Florida Water. Sarasota Bay is located approximately twelve hundred feet from the head of the basin and approximately eight hundred feet from the southern property line of the basin. As of the date of the hearing, the applicant, SBH, operated a permitted marina facility within the perimeter of the property in issue. This permit was issued years ago after the fact; that is, after the marina had already been constructed. As it currently exists, the marina is made up of perimeter docks which adjoin the northern and eastern sides of the basin and includes eight finger piers which provide ten to fifteen slips. In addition, a perimeter dock extends around an existing restaurant which sits on pilings over in the northeast end of the basin. Repairs and modifications were made to the facility under then-existing exemptions in 1995. These included the replacement of numerous copper, chromium, and arsenic (CCA) treated pilings and the re-decking of existing walkways and finger piers with CCA-treated wood. At the present time, seven of the finger-pier slips are under lease to a commercial charter fleet, Chitwood Charters, and one slip located along the perimeter dock is leased to a dive boat operation, Scuba Quest. At least one other finger-pier slip has a boat docked at it for an extended period. This boat is owned by Charles Githler, president of SBH. The remaining finger-pier and perimeter slips are ordinarily used on a transient basis by guests of the Hyatt Hotel and the restaurant. The existing facility, including the finger piers slips and the perimeter slips, contains approximately 6,700 square feet of docking space and is designed to accommodate between twenty to thirty boats, depending upon the length of the boats. On occasion, however, as many as 40 to 60 boats have been docked at the facility. At times, when demand increases, the larger slips have been subdivided to allow up to four boats to be stern-moored per slip. Even more boats have been docked at the facility for boat shows by the use of stern mooring or "rafting," which calls for boats to be moored tied together, side by side, out from the docks. By application dated May 18, 1999, and received by the Department's Tampa District office on June 16, 1999, SBH sought to obtain from the Department a permit to modify and expand its existing marina facility. It proposed to expand the existing approximately 6,700 square feet of dock space to approximately 7,000 square feet, thereby creating a marina with 32 designated slips. Conditions to issuance of the permit, agreed to by the applicant, include a limitation on the number of boats which may be moored at the facility at any time and the addition of storm water treatment capability to the existing storm water drainage system. SBH also agreed to reduce the terminal end of the middle pier from 900 to 400 square feet. SBH also agreed to accept the imposition of several other permit conditions required by the Department, and to offset any impacts on wildlife and water quality as a result of the operation of the permitted facility. In addition to requiring that all long-term slip leases incorporate prohibitions against live-aboards and dockside boat maintenance, these conditions include the following: Overboard discharges of trash, human or animal waste, or fuel shall not occur at the docks. Sewage pump-out service shall be available at the marina facility. * * * 18. Fish cleaning stations, boat repair facilities and refueling facilities are not allowed. 20. There shall be no fueling or fueling facilities at the facility. * * * 28. The shoreline enhancement indicated on Attachment A shall be implemented within 30 days. * * * 30. The permittee shall perform water quality monitoring within the basin at the locations indicated on Attachment A semiannually (January and July of each year) for a period of 5 years. * * * All piles shall be constructed of concrete with exception of 18 mooring piles identified in permit submittals. This permit authorizes the mooring (temporarily or permanently) of a maximum of [32] watercraft at the subject facility. A harbormaster must be designated and maintained at the subject facility. In order to be in compliance with this permit, the ”OARS Ultra-Urban" hydrocarbon adsorbent insert, or Department approved equal, must be installed within the catch basin inlets as shown on the approved drawings. At a minimum, the hydrocarbon adsorbent material shall be replaced and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. More frequent inspections and replacement of the filtration media may be required, depending on local conditions and results of the required water quality monitoring. * * * The permittee/grantee/lessee shall ensure that: In order to provide protection to manatees during the operation of this facility, permanent manatee information and/or awareness sign(s) will be installed and maintained to increase boater awareness of the presence of manatees, and of the need to minimize the threat of boats to these animals. SBH has also agreed to replace existing CCA-treated wood decking with concrete and fiberglass decking and to replace approximately 80 existing CCA-treated wood pilings with concrete pilings. Based on its analysis of the permit application and the supporting documentation submitted therewith, the Department, on March 2, 2000, entered a Notice of Intent to issue the permit for this project. Shortly thereafter, on March 25, 2000, after obtaining a minimal extension of time to file, the Petitioners filed a Petition for Administrative Hearing opposing the issuance of the proposed permit. Departmental decisions on water quality permits such as that in issue here are dependent upon the applicant satisfying the Department's requirements in several identified areas. These include the impact of the project on water quality; impact of the project on the public health, safety, and welfare; impact of the project on the conservation of fish and wildlife, including threatened or endangered species; impact of the project on navigation, the flow of water, erosion and shoaling; impact of the project on the immediate fishing, recreational values and marine productivity; impact of the project on archeological resources; impact of the project on the current condition and relative value of functions currently performed by areas to be affected; whether the project is permanent or temporary; and a balancing of the criteria, cumulative impacts, and secondary impacts. Addressing each of these in turn, it is clear that the current quality of the water within the existing marina is below established standards. Respondents admit that Petitioner has shown that the existing marina operation has diminished water quality conditions and created an environment that has potential adverse impacts to the fish and wildlife which frequent the basin as well as some of the neighboring property owners. This is not to say that these impacts were envisioned when the basin was constructed. However, other than as they relate to fish and wildlife and to water quality, the problems created by the marina do not relate to most permit criteria. The Respondent's experts calculate that due to its configuration and location, the basin naturally flushes approximately every 14.75 days. This is an inadequate time period to fully disperse any pollutants found in the basis. As a result of the inadequate flushing and the continuing use of the basin as a marina, there are resulting impacts to the water quality surrounding the existing facilities. Mr. Armstrong, Petitioner's water quality expert, indicated the project as proposed would lengthen even further the flushing time because of the addition of new boats and, to a lesser degree, the additional pilings and dock structure. These additions would, he contends, result in additional obstructions to water movement and cause a resultant increase in flushing time. While flushing is not a requirement of the permit, it has a bearing on water quality which is a consideration. Petitioners also argue that the mitigation measures proposed in the permit are inadequate and attack the qualifications of Mr. Cooper, the Department's storm water engineer. They point out alleged errors in Cooper's analysis and cite Mr. Armstrong, an individual with significant experience in water quality monitoring and analysis, to support their other witnesses' conclusions that more boats will increase the risk of hydrocarbon pollution from gasoline and diesel engines. Petitioners urge that the increased contamination, when coupled with the slow flushing action, would tend to settle down to where the pollutants enter the water - in the basin. Since it is clear these impacts would exist and continue even were the pending project not constructed, the issue, then, is whether the proposed project will worsen these environmental impacts. Respondents' authorities calculate they would not. In fact, it would appear the proposed changes called for in the permit, the removal of CCA-treated wood and its replacement with concrete piling and decking and the installation of storm water treatment apparatus, would reduce the adverse impacts to water quality within the basin and, in fact, improve it. It is so found. An issue is raised in the evidence as to the actual number of boats which can effectively use the marina at any one time. SBH contends the present configuration calls for between twenty to thirty boats. Evidence also shows that at times, during boat shows for example, many more boats are accommodated therein through "rafting." Even if the facility is expanded by the most significant number of slips, there is no concrete evidence there would be a significantly increased usage. The current usage is normally well below capacity. Modifications proposed under the pending permit could add as many as ten to fifteen additional slips. The Department has considered it significant that SBH has agreed to limit the number of boats that can be docked in this marina, even after modification. Unfortunately, no specific figure has been given for this limit, and, therefore, it cannot be shown exactly how much long-term water quality benefit can be expected. Nonetheless, it is a reasonable conclusion to draw, as the Department has done, that if the number of boats is limited to a figure at or even slightly higher that that which is currently experienced, a long-term benefit can be expected with the implementation of the other mitigation conditions. This benefit currently cannot be quantified, however. What can be established, and all parties agree, is that the basin currently does not meet water quality standards for copper and dissolved oxygen. The proposed permit addresses the issue of dissolved oxygen by requiring SBH to follow best management practices in the operation of the marina; to treat storm water discharge which enters the marina; and to provide a sewage pump-out station at the marina which would prevent the discharge of sewage into the water. The issue of the water's copper level is addressed by the removal of the CCA-treated pilings and decking and their replacement with concrete and fiberglass; the treatment of the storm-water discharge before its discharge into the basin; and the hiring of a harbor master to ensure that the prohibition against hull scraping at the basin is complied with. A restriction on the number of boats allowed into the marina at any one time would also treat the copper problem by reducing the exposure to anti-fouling paint containing copper. This is a condition of the permit. It is important to note that under existing statutory and rule exemptions, SBH could repair or replace the existing dock structure without the need for a permit. However, the issuance of a permit which permits modification and a slight expansion of the facility will prohibit the replacement of the existing CCA-treated wood with CCA-treated wood. The concrete and fiberglass pilings and decking will not leach copper into the water and, in time, should result in a lower concentration of that substance in the water. Another consideration of the permitting authorities relates to the impact the project would have on public health, safety, and welfare. Petitioners expressed concern that an increase in the number of slips called for in the proposed project would cause an increase in the number of boats that utilize the basin. Currently, though there are a limited number of slips available, there is no limitation on the number of boats which may use the facility. A reasonable estimate of capacity, considering the configuration of the docks and slips and the permit limitations established, indicates that no more than thirty-two boats will be permitted to use the basin at any one time. If this limitation is followed, it is reasonable to expect an improvement in the water quality. Petitioners also express concern that an increase in the number of authorized boats using the marina will result in an increase in the number of boats traveling at excessive speeds in entering and exiting. No evidence was introduced in support of this theory, but, in any case, Respondents counter- hypothesize that the increase in allowed boats will result in an increase in long term lessors over transients, and suggest that long term users are more considerate than transients. Neither side presented any substantial evidence in support of its positions. The impact on the conservation of fish and wildlife is a mandated consideration by the agency. No evidence was presented by either side regarding the existence of fish and wildlife in the area, much less threatened species, other than manatees. To be sure, these noble creatures inhabit the marina at times in appreciable numbers. The threat to them, however, comes from boat strikes, and no evidence was presented as to the number of strikes caused by boats in the marina or its approaches or the seriousness of these strikes. The agency to which the review of impacts to manatees was left, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) opined that the permit cap of 32 boats would keep to a minimum the potential impact to manatees from this project. Any increase in the number of boats, and the minimal impact increase thereby, should, it was considered, be offset by compliance with permit conditions. This opinion was contradicted by Mr. Thompson, Petitioner's manatee expert, who argued against any increase of boat traffic in manatee areas. This position is not the policy of the Department and is not controlling here. Further, it would appear this expert did not consider any mitigation factors proposed by SBH, as the Department is required to do. Taken together, the weight of the evidence supports a finding that the expected impact of this project on fish and wildlife, including those threatened and endangered species, is minimal. Based on the evidence of record, it is found that the expected impact of this project on navigation, the flow of water, erosion, and shoaling in the vicinity is virtually non- existent. The only factor bearing on this issue is the number of boats which will use the facility and its approach. Permit conditions call for a limitation on the number of water craft which will use the facility to be permitted to a number lower than that which uses it, at times, under current conditions. The water is a dead-end harbor, with no through traffic. There is no evidence of either erosion or shoaling now. It would not likely increase. A reduction in traffic as would occur under the conditions imposed by the permit can do nothing but reduce the potential for propeller dredging by boat traffic and the water turbidity that would accompany such strikes. This would improve navigation slightly, and there should be no adverse impact to the flow of water. The evidence presented at hearing did not establish any negative impact on fishing or marine productivity in the vicinity of the proposed project, which is permanent in nature. By the same token, no adverse effect to significant historical or archaeological resources was shown by the evidence of record. The facility in issue is currently a commercial activity consisting of a docking facility and a restaurant. No evidence was introduced to show that the project proposed would have an adverse impact on the current condition and relative value of the current function. In fact, the evidence indicates that the facility would be improved. Though not raised by the evidence, it should be noted that Petitioners presented no evidence that their property values as adjacent property owners, would be adversely effected by this project. In balancing the criteria, cumulative impacts and secondary impacts of the proposed project on the immediate and surrounding area, it appears that the applicant has provided reasonable assurances that the project is not contrary to the public interest. The marina supports the hotel and restaurant which is on it. Adjoining property owners, the Petitioners, expressed concern that the modifications to the existing marina will result in a decrease in water quality in the basin; will increase the potential for fuel spills with their related short term discomforts and long term damages; and will increase the danger to the manatee population which periodically uses the basin. While they are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their property, it is unreasonable for those who live on the water to expect that the benefits of living by the water would not carry with it the potential for some periodic discomfort created by waterfront activity. The weight of the evidence presented in this case indicates no significant cumulative adverse impacts from this project. To the contrary, the state of the evidence suggests an improvement in water quality and navigation in the basin and its approaches, and any secondary impacts resulting from the accomplishment of the project would be minimal.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a Final Order issuing to Sarasota Bay Hotel the requested permit to modify and expand the existing marina facility located adjacent to the existing Hyatt Hotel at 1000 Boulevard of the Arts in Sarasota, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of February, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Barbara B. Levin, Esquire Scott A. Haas, Esquire Abel, Band, Russell, Collier, Pitchford & Gordon 240 South Pineapple Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34236 Graig D. Varn, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Mark A. Hanson, Esquire Law Offices of Lobeck & Hanson, P.A. 2033 Main Street Suite 403 Sarasota, Florida 34237 Kathy C. Carter, Agency Clerk Office of the General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Teri L. Donaldson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (4) 120.57373.413373.414373.416 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40D-4.301
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Inverness, Florida Mar. 15, 2010 Number: 10-001249EF Latest Update: Oct. 05, 2011

The Issue The issues in this case are whether penalties should be imposed and investigative costs and expenses assessed against Respondent for water supply system violations; and, if so, the amount of the penalties and assessments.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Premier Construction Group, Inc., owns and operates a water treatment plant and associated piping in a commercial building it owns and leases at 2315 Highway 41 North in Inverness. The water treatment plant consists of a 500- gallon tank that holds groundwater pumped from a well. The water in the tank is treated with chlorine and distributed throughout the building for potable water use. The water system serves 25 or more people daily for at least 60 days a year and serves the same people for over six months a year. Respondent owned and operated the water system for 18 and a half years with no violations. Respondent hired a licensed water treatment plant operator to monitor and ensure compliance with applicable DEP rules. In August 2009, Respondent’s licensed operator increased his price substantially. Rick Suggs, as Respondent’s owner and president, disputed the increase and asked the licensed operator to reconsider. Family obligations then required Mr. Suggs to travel to South Carolina for an extended period of time, and Respondent did not attend to the matter further. By the end of August 2009, Respondent’s licensed operator notified DEP that he would no longer be servicing Respondent’s water system as of the end of the month. On August 24, 2009, DEP mailed Respondent a letter relaying this information and putting Respondent on notice that a new licensed operator would have to be hired for September. Notwithstanding Respondent’s communications with its licensed operator and DEP in August, Respondent did not hire a new licensed operator. Mr. Suggs testified that Respondent did not know its licensed operator actually quit until later in September. When this was brought to Mr. Suggs’ attention, he instructed his office manager to hire a replacement. Respondent thought the matter was resolved, but the supposed replacement did not proceed with the work. While Respondent was without a licensed operator, the residual chlorine in the system dropped to zero when tested by DEP on September 17, 24, and 30 and on October 7 and 13, 2009. As a result, the water system did not comply with disinfection requirements during September and October 2009. Respondent did not notify DEP of its failure to comply with disinfection requirements in September and October 2009. No monthly operation reports were submitted to DEP for Respondent’s water system for September or October 2009. No bacteriological samples were collected from Respondent’s water system for the months of September and October 2009. Respondent did not notify DEP of its failure to collect bacteriological samples in September and October 2009. While without a licensed operator, Respondent did not provide public notification of its failure to collect bacteriological samples in September and October 2009. Well into October 2009, Respondent became aware that the supposed replacement licensed operator was not doing work for Respondent. Mr. Suggs hired a replacement licensed operator named Mike Watson, who began servicing Respondent’s water system on November 17, 2009. Public notification of Respondent’s failure to collect bacteriological samples in September and October 2009 was given on November 25, 2009. On December 11, 2009, Respondent submitted a completed DEP Form 62-555.900(22), Certification of Delivery of Public Notice, as to its failure to notify the public of its failure to collect bacteriological samples in September and October 2009. By not having a licensed operator in September and October 2009, Respondent saved $332. By not having bacteriological samples collected and tested in September and October 2009, Respondent saved $60. There was evidence that DEP spent approximately $678 investigating and enforcing the violations. More may have been spent, but no evidence of any additional costs or expenses was presented. There was no evidence of any other water treatment violations by Respondent after October 2009. Although there was a potential that the violations could have posed a health threat, there was no evidence that the public’s health actually was threatened by Respondent’s violations. The water system was tested on November 18, 2009, and did not have any coliform bacteria. The NOV includes corrective actions (essentially coming into and staying in compliance), which Respondent already has taken. The NOV requests that penalties be paid within 30 days by cashier’s check or money order made payable to the “State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection” and including the notations OGC File No. 09-3847-09-PW and “Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund” to be mailed to DEP’s Southwest District office at 13051 North Telecom Parkway, Temple Terrace, Florida 33637. Respondent believes the penalties sought by DEP in this case are excessive. Mr. Suggs cited Respondent’s clean record for 18 and a half years, his personal and financial difficulties during the two months when the violations occurred, and his responsiveness in correcting violations beginning in November 2009. Mr. Suggs testified that, during mediation, DEP informed him that the penalties could have totaled $115,000 if an unexplained “matrix” had been used to calculate the penalties. Mr. Suggs thought $115,000 was “ludicrous.” Mr. Suggs also requests that the lesser penalties sought in the NOV be further reduced, especially considering that Respondent paid a lawyer $2,800 for representation earlier in the proceeding, until the lawyer withdrew from the case.

Florida Laws (5) 120.68403.121403.141403.161403.852
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lakeland, Florida May 04, 1990 Number: 90-002784 Latest Update: Sep. 18, 1990

The Issue Whether the rules promulgated by the Department of Environmental Regulation require the Respondent to employ the services of a state certified water system operator to operate the water systems at the two business locations involved in these proceedings.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to these proceedings, the Respondent was responsible for the operation of two water systems. One water system is located on Highway 92 West, Winter Haven, Polk County. The other water system is located on State Road 37 South, Mulberry, Polk County. The restaurant and bar business operated at the Winter Haven location is known as the Rainbow Club. Customers eat food and drink beverages prepared with water from the on site water system. The system serves at least twenty- five individuals daily, at least sixty days out of the year. The convenience store business operated in Mulberry serves ice tea, juices, and coffee to customers which is prepared with water from the on site water system. The system serves at least twenty-five individuals daily, at least sixty days out of the year. During the recent past, the Respondent retained a certified operator to meet the state requirements. He was not satisfied with the operator for the following reasons: (1) He had to show the man how to chlorinate the water. (2) The operator took the required chlorine samples from water that had not been chlorinated. (3) Visits were not made to the site as scheduled. (4) The pump at one of the establishments was harmed by the certified operator. (5) The expense of four hundred dollars a month for the testing of three sites operated by the Respondent was too much money. The Respondent wants to be able to chlorinate the water and maintain the systems himself. He has professional experience regulating the chemical balance of water in swimming pools. The samples he turned into the lab himself were good. The Respondent also wants to keep the old well next to the convenience store in Mulberry. He disagrees with the Department's request that he abandon the well because he needs it for an adjoining piece of property. This well is used for lawns, not for the convenience store business. The Department is amenable to the Respondent maintaining his own systems if he is certified to do so. The next examination is scheduled for November 1990.

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.57120.68403.850403.852403.854403.860403.864
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000365 Latest Update: Oct. 16, 1986

The Issue Respondent Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc. (JSI) filed a permit application with the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, (DER), for permission to conduct maintenance dredging in a basin associated with its shipyard operation. This permit application was made in accordance with Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code. In the face of DER's statement of intent to grant this permit, George H. Hodges, Jr., (Petitioner), has petitioned in protest. Therefore, the issues to be considered in this dispute concern the entitlement of JSI to the grant of an environmental permit for maintenance dredging of its shipyard basin.

Findings Of Fact DER is an agency of the State of Florida charged with the environmental protection of waters within Florida. Its authority includes regulatory powers announced in Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code. Certain activities involving state waters require permission from DER before they be lawfully undertaken. Among those activities are dredge projects such as contemplated by JSI in its pending request to be allowed to maintenance dredge as much as 66,000 cubic yards of material per year from its shipyard basin located in Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida. This is an undertaking which is envisioned by Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, related to the permit responsibility of DER. It is specifically addressed by Rule 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code, in which is found the statement of permit requirements for dredge and fill activities. JSI, the applicant, operates a facility known as Bellinger Shipyard, which is engaged in the repair and maintenance of commercial and naval vessels. This enterprise includes the drydocking of vessels upon which repairs are effected, through the use of several drydock chambers in shipyard basin. In the course of the maintenance, a technique known as "gritblasting" is employed. The purpose of this "gritblasting" is to clean the ships in anticipation of repainting. On occasion the "gritblasting" would remove all coats of paint down to the metal finish of the ship. The paints being removed contain antifouling and anticorrosive materials. Those materials have, among other properties, the ability to repel marine organisms, causing their mortality. The "gritblasting" process utilizes a material known as "black beauty." This is a waste product from firing power plant boilers and it contains iron, silica, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, lime, penta oxide (P2O5), sodium oxide, sulfur trioxide and potassium oxide. The "black beauty" is applied through the use of a pressurized system which forces the material onto the treated surface under pressure of 70 to 85 pounds per square inch. After the preparation is made, vessels under repair are repainted, and similar paint with antifouling and anticorrosive properties is reapplied. During the "gritblasting" process, dust is generated and a portion of that material finds its way into the water within the basin. Other particles being removed drop to the deck surface of the drydock. When paint is reapplied to the surface of a vessel undergoing repair, it is given the opportunity to dry and the vessel is then refloated and removed from the drydock. To do this, the drydock itself is submerged. When the vessel has exited the drydock facility, the drydock resurfaces and is allowed to dry out. The material which has been removed from the surface of the repaired vessel is then shoveled into containers and transported to an offsite sanitary landfill for disposal. This material removed includes the "gritblasting" compound and paint which has been stripped from the surface of the vessel. When the drydock is submerged following vessel servicing, the inference can be drawn that a certain amount of the materials on the drydock deck surface will be introduced into the water within the basic before the drydock is resurfaced. The arrangement for refloating the vessel is the reverse of the technique employed in lifting the vessel out of the water for maintenance. When the vessel is brought in for service, it is guided into a submerged drydock. Water is then pumped out of the hollow drydock walls and deck to raise the vessel out of the water, allowing access to the vessel, which is completely above the water surface, as is the drydock work deck. The basin in which the business activities of JSI take place is located on the western shore of the Intercoastal Waterway. The Waterway and basin are part of an estuarine system, as these water bodies are tidally influenced. The basin and the Intercoastal Waterway constitute Class III waters of Florida. The configuration of the basin is as found in JSI Exhibit 16, an aerial photograph of the site. Moving from east to west within the basin, it is approximately one thousand feet from the Intercoastal Waterway to the back of the basin in its western-most extremity. In the back area of the basin the north- south axis is 250 feet. The interface between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway on the eastern reach north-south axis is approximately 625 feet. There are no obstructions to the confluence of the Intercoastal Waterway and the eastern side of the repair basin. The southern-most reach of the basin is approximately 350 feet in length running east to west. On the eastern side of the basin there is a pier area which is roughly 360 feet north-south by 60 feet east-west. As described before, the pier is not a solid structure extending to the bottom of the water. Thus, water can be exchanged between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway beneath the pier. JSI had acquired the Bellinger Shipyard in 1974. At that time environmental permits had been issued allowing for the maintenance dredging of the basin. These permits were valid through 1975. In 1975, JSI obtained a dredge and fill permit from the Florida Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, as well as a dredge and fill permit from the United States Corps of Engineers. These permits were for a ten-year period. They allowed maintenance dredging in the amount of 66,000 cubic yards per annum and for the disposal of the dredged material in an EPA-approved offshore site. In 1980 DER confirmed the dredge and fill permit that had been obtained from the Florida Board of Trustees. This permit by DER required JSI to conduct monitoring of turbidity during dredging, but did not require employment of turbidity screens. In 1979 the Army Corps had required JSI to conduct bioassay analysis in furtherance of the federal dredge and fill permit. In the face of the results obtained in that bioassay analysis, the Army Corps continued the dredge and fill permit to JSI dating from August 14, 1980. A subsequent extension of the federal permit was given through August 14, 1986. Contemporaneous with the present permit application before DER, JSI has requested further permission from the Army Corps related to the ability to excavate as much as 66,000 cubic yards of material on an annual basis. JSI has not been cited by any regulatory agency related to water quality violations associated with its dredging activity. The present DER permit application is for renewal of the 1980 Permit No. 16-21380 and is being processed under the DER File No. 161071139. This application for permit renewal was submitted on July 16, 1985. The application requests permission to maintenance dredge for a period of ten years. If granted, it is the intention of the applicant to use a closed clam shell bucket to excavate the material in the basin. This choice is in furtherance of the suggestion of DER and is a departure from the applicant's initial intention to use an open bucket to excavate. JSI also intends to employ turbidity curtains during the dredge activities. The applicant intends to transport the dredged material to the aforementioned EPA disposal site which is at sea. In doing so, a hopper barge is propelled by a towing vessel. Both the barge and towing vessel are inspected and certified by the United States Coast Guard. The crews involved in the transport of the material are qualified and licensed. In the past, transport of the material has been done under fair weather and smooth sea conditions, and it is intended that the transportation be done in that same setting if the permit is granted. The barge would not be loaded fully, thereby minimizing spillage. This was the arrangement in the past. The United States Coast Guard will be apprised of the departure time of the voyage in transport of the material, certain activities within that transport and upon return. The hopper barge has a bottom dump which is closed during transport and is opened at the bottom in disposing the dredge material. After satisfying DER about its proposal, JSI was informed that DER intended to grant the dredge permit requested. When Petitioner, George H. Hodges, Jr., the owner of real property adjacent to the site of the project, learned of the stated intention to grant the maintenance dredging permit, he offered a timely petition in opposition to the proposed agency action. This property of Petitioner is in Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida. It is located north of the JSI property at issue. Petitioner's real property is connected to the Intercoastal Waterway. Petitioner has filed this action in opposition to the grant of the permit upon the expressed belief that the dredging activity will cause pollution at his property. In particular, it is JSI's intention at various times in the calendar year to do maintenance dredging in the entire basin. In addition to using a closed clam shell bucket, a system of turbidity barriers or curtains will be employed in segmented dredge areas. Those several locations within the basin which are cordoned off with the turbidity curtains are as depicted in JSI's Exhibit 9 admitted into evidence. The design maintenance depths for the dredging project are set forth in JSI's Exhibit 4 admitted into evidence. They vary from -17 to -37.5 feet, with the greatest depth being contemplated under drydock number 1 in the northwestern corner of the basin. Near the Intercoastal Waterways the depth sought is -17 feet, transitioning to -21.5 feet moving toward the back of the basin at the western extreme and outside of the area dredged beneath drydock number 1. The depths sought under drydock numbers 2 and 3 are -26.5 feet and -20 feet respectively. These desired elevations correspond to conditions at mean low water. The tidal range in the Intercoastal Waterway adjacent to the basin, which would promote an influence in the basin proper, is in the neighborhood of 4-foot intervals, with two tidal cycles a day. This would mean, as example, that at the high tide range, the shallowest design depths for dredging of -17 feet become -21 feet in the transition from mean low water to mean high water. Those 4-foot variations would pertain to the other design depths contemplated in the dredging as described in the preceding paragraph as well. The turbidity barriers contemplated for use will extend from the surface through the water column to depths near the bottom. See JSI Exhibits 4 and 9. It is desirable, according to Dr. Gregory Powell, witness for JSI, a reliable expert in describing the effectiveness and use of turbidity curtains, to have those curtains extend to an area just above the bottom. Dr. Powell's education includes a Masters Degree in coastal and oceanographic engineering and a Ph.D. Degree in engineering mechanics, with emphasis on coastal and oceanographic engineering. In consideration of his remarks, under the influence of high tide there could be as much as a 4 foot gap between the curtain and the bottom. Powell and other experts who offered testimony agreed that turbidity screens can have effectiveness in areas of low current velocity, assuming the proper installation, maintenance and extension to a location near the bottom of the water body. If mismanaged, turbidity screens are not effective in controlling turbidity. Moreover, they are less effective in areas where significant current velocities are experienced. This would include the circumstance in which a foot and a half or more per second of flow was being experienced, according to Dr. Powell, whose opinion is accepted on this point. He also indicated that the quiescent areas in the basin, toward the back of the basin or western dimension of the basin, would show a flow regime in a rate of one centimeter per second. This expression is credited. Although, as described by Dr. Powell, the currents in the Intercoastal Waterway are moving at a rate approximating nine feet per second on ebb time at the bridge located on the Intercoastal Waterway to the south of the project site, these current velocities are not expected in the area where the dredging is occurring. Dr. Powell is correct in this assessment. As he describes, and in acceptance of that testimony, eddies from the current from the Intercoastal Waterway at peak flood tide could come into the basin and temporarily show velocities of one foot per second; however, these velocities are within the acceptable range of performance of the turbidity barrier. Dr. Powell's conclusion that wind would have no significant effect on the current velocity, given the depth of this basin, is also accepted. The remaining flow regime in the basin is not found to be a detriment to the function of the turbidity barriers. The use of turbidity curtains in this project is not found to be a "placebo" to placate DER as suggested by Erik J. Olson, engineering expert who testified in behalf of the Petitioner The monitoring that is intended in the course of the dredging activities would call for examination of background turbidity levels at three sites in the Intercoastal Waterway prior to commencing of dredging and twice daily at each of these sites during dredging. Should a violation of state water quality standards for turbidity be detected, dredging will cease until the problem with turbidity can be rectified. To provide ongoing assurances of compliance with water quality standards, JSI will analyze the sediment in the basin for the parameters of cadmium, copper, aluminum, lead, mercury, oil and grease every two years. Dr. Powell, expert in engineering and recognized as an expert in the matter of transport of the resuspended sediment associated with the dredging, as well as David Bickner, the project review specialist for DER, believe that the use of the closed clam shell bucket technique and employment of siltation screens or barriers, together with turbidity monitoring, will effectively protect against turbidity violations in the Intercoastal Waterway adjacent to the basin. This opinion is accepted. Bickner brings to his employment a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a Master of Science degree in ecology. Bickner identified the principal concern of DER related to this project as the possibility of release of resuspended sediments into the Intercoastal Waterway. With the advent of the techniques described in the previous paragraph, only minimal changes in background conditions related to turbidity are expected. Although there would be turbidity violations within the confines of the areas where the dredging occurs, the principal influence of that turbidity will be confined in those regions. This speaks to dredge areas I, 2 and 3. According to Bickner, whose opinion is accepted, the turbidity changes within the dredge areas in relationship to background conditions do not require a mixing zone permit, nor do they constitute a basis for denial of the permit. As alluded to before, and as described by Dr. Powell, the basic nature of the basin in question is one of quiescent conditions with low current velocity. He points out that the layout of the basin is such that it is a sediment trap allowing the deposit of silt, in particular in the deeper sections of the basin near the western side. The greatest influence by resuspension of sediment in the dredging activities can be expected in the back portions of the basin and it is in this area that the silt barrier can be expected to be most efficient, based upon Powell's remarks. Dr. Powell indicated that there is the expectation of increased efficiency in turbidity control when a closed clam shell bucket is used, as opposed to the open style of clam shell bucket. Those efficiencies range from 30 to 70 per cent. There is some risk of increased turbidity near the bottom of the water column in the use of a closed clam shell bucket, and for that reason the applicant should monitor the activities of the operator of the excavation machinery to guard against inordinate disturbance of the area being excavated. On balance, the closed clam shell bucket is a superior technique to the open style of clam shell bucket excavation when those alternatives are compared. As Dr. Powell explained, the segmentation of the dredge area allows the resuspended sediment to be confined in more discrete circumstances and to be controlled. The location of the silt barriers behind the pier structure guard against the effects of eddying. The silt barriers can be properly anchored and will not be unduly influenced by current velocity. Dr. Powell believes that the use of silt barriers, taking into account a low velocity of current in the basin, and the proper deployment of the siltation screen could bring about a reduction of the resuspended solids by 80 to 90 per cent on the outside of the barrier. To calculate the influence or the environmental significance of that remaining 10 to 20 per cent of resuspended solids at the Intercoastal Waterway, Dr. Powell testified that the suspended load behind the silt curtain resulting from the dredging is expected to average from 100 milligrams per liter to a peak amount of 500 milligrams per liter. He believes that, depending on which methods of calculation is used, the dilution factor in the Intercoastal Waterway ranges from 330:1 to 600:1. In using an environmentally conservative assessment, that is 80 per cent effectiveness of the silt curtain with a 330:1 ratio, Powell calculated that the release of resuspended materials into the Intercoastal Waterway would be approximately .3 to 1.5 milligrams per liter. This translates to less than 1 NTU against background conditions. This result would not exceed the 29 NTU limit against background that is described as the standard for turbidity control. Dr. Powell's opinion of turbidity results based upon the dredge activity is accepted. There is exchange of water between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway and to accommodate this influence, the turbidity curtains would be placed in such a fashion that they would not compete with the ebb and flow of the tide. Dr. Powell's assessment of the circumstance in describing the effectiveness of turbidity barriers takes into account the tidal conditions and the inappropriateness of trying to have the silt curtains prohibit the flow conditions during these tidal changes. In order to promote maximum effectiveness of the turbidity barriers during the entire course of excavation of materials, the length of, the silt screen must be adjusted as desired elevations are approached. Erik J. Olson is an expert in civil engineering with an emphasis on hydraulics and the holder of a Masters Degree in coastal and oceanographic engineering. As alluded to before, he questions the validity of the use of siltation barriers as an effective protection against the implications of turbidity. He properly points out that the curtains will not extend to the region of the interface of the basin and the water column at all times. He describes the exchange of water between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway, to include the unrestricted sediment transport beneath the turbidity curtain. He believes that wind can cause changes in current velocity as great as .2 foot per second, activities within the basin an additional .3 foot per second, and eddying .3 foot per second. All of these taken together do not exceed the range of effective response of the turbidity barriers. On balance, Olson's criticism of the benefit of turbidity curtains is unconvincing. Arlynn Quinton White, Jr., who holds a Bachelor of Science Degree, a Master of Science Degree in biology and a Ph.D. in matters related to marine biology, offered his testimony in support of Petitioner. He believes that as much as 2 to 3 per cent of the resuspended sediment related to the dredging activities would reach the Intercoastal Waterway under the best of conditions. It is difficult to translate that testimony into a measurement of changes in turbidity levels against ambient conditions in the Intercoastal Waterway. In any event, as already indicated, the changes in turbidity levels are not expected to exceed 29 NTU against background. It is evident that the turbidity curtains are necessary and their proper use must be assured to protect against problems associated with turbidity and the implications of the constituents of the resuspended particulate matter related to possible toxicity. Therefore, the close monitoring suggested in the statement of intent to grant the dredge permit is viable. Another matter associated with the implications of turbidity pertains to the fact that when the dredge material has been resuspended, as much as two days could pass before the basin returns to background conditions, given the high content of silt with its attached metals. This becomes significant given the uncertainty of the location of the dredge equipment during the course of excavation, i.e., inside the barrier or outside the barrier. Final choice about the placement of the dredge equipment will have to be made at the time of the excavation. Should the dredge equipment be inside of the cordoned area while excavation is occurring, it would be necessary to allow turbidity conditions to achieve background levels before opening up the barrier for the exit of the hopper barge which contains the excavated material. Otherwise, the estimates as to the influence of the dredging activities in the Intercoastal Waterway are unduly optimistic. Likewise, if the excavation platform is placed outside of the work site, that is to say, on the outside of the siltation curtain, extreme caution must be used to avoid spillage of the excavated material when being loaded onto the hopper barge. The occasions in which the excavation is being made from this side of the barrier should be minimized. These safeguards are important because any changes in sediment loading within the Intercoastal Waterway promote an influence in the area immediately adjacent to the basin and other sites within the Intercoastal Waterway as well. The subject of the use of a hydraulic dredge as an alternative to excavation by use of a closed clam shell bucket was examined in remarks by the witnesses appearing at hearing. Olson believes that there are hydraulic dredges which can achieve the design depth contemplated by the project and which equipment could fit inside the basin area. This is contrary to the opinion of witnesses for the applicant and DER who do not believe that the hydraulic dredging equipment which would be necessary to achieve the design depths would fit into the basin area. On balance, the record does not establish that such equipment with the appropriate capability and size does exist. More importantly, the proposed method of excavation is environmentally acceptable when examined in the context of the permit sought in this case. Finally, it was not essential for the applicant to make a detailed investigation of availability of hydraulic dredging equipment and it is not determined that failure to make this investigation warrants the denial of the requested permit. Although an hydraulic dredge is more desirable from the standpoint that it causes less turbidity through resuspension of sediments, it is not the only plausible method of excavation in this instance. Raymond D. Schulze testified in behalf of JSI. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master of Science Degree in environmental engineering sciences. In particular, he established the fact that the amount of resuspended solids that would be introduced into the Intercoastal Waterway associated with the dredging activity would not result in the smothering of organisms or to clogging of gills of fish. In addition to the possible problems with turbidity, there is the additional issue of violation of water quality standards in the several parameters associated with concentrations of metals in the water column within the basin and in the sediments or related parameters such as dissolved oxygen and biological integrity. Having considered the testimony, the facts do not point to water quality violations for any parameters occurring in the Intercoastal Waterway as a result of the dredging. To arrive at this factual impression, the testimony of Dr. Pollman and Schulze is relied upon. Water quality sampling done by JSI in locations within the basin and in the Intercoastal Waterway, that by Dr. Pollman and Schulze, supports their impression of the acceptability of the dredge activities. This water quality data was admitted as JSI's Exhibit 18. Additionally, the field conditions existing at the time of testing, to include water temperature, weather conditions, tidal cycle, ph and dissolved oxygen were also made known. This water quality data and other information examined by these witnesses points to the fact that no increases in concentrations of metals are occurring within the Intercoastal Waterway as a result of the business activities of the applicant, nor are they to be expected while dredging operations are under way. Dr. Pollman correctly identifies the fact that there will not be significant degradation of water quality, above DER's minimum standards, related to the Intercoastal Waterway based upon the dredging activities within the basin, dealing with the water quality parameters of mercury, zinc, cadmium, chromium, lead, aluminum, iron and copper, substances which are within the basin. Dr. Pollman also examined sediment data collected by DER, and that data tended to confirm his assessment of the influences of the dredging activity related to these parameters. Dr. Pollman does not believe that metal concentrations contained in the sediment of the basin are leaching into the water column in quantities sufficient to cause violation of water quality standards. His opinion is accepted. Pollman had collected water quality samples in the two locations where the greatest siltation rate was expected and as a consequence the greatest concentration of metals would be expected. The water quality samples were taken at several depths to reach an opinion as to the matter of leaching of metals into the water column and the possibility of those metals dissolving in the water column. If leaching had been occurring, a concentration of metals expressed as a gradient would be expected. The greatest concentration in this instance would be near the sediment interface with the water column. No such gradation was detected and the idea of leaching was ruled out. Bickner's testimony established that testing for the exact amount of iron present at the dredge site was not required, given the nature of the iron source being introduced into the water within the basin. Bickner did not find that type of iron to be toxic. As stated before, Pollman agrees that no violation of state water quality standards as a result of the presence of iron associated with the maintenance dredging should be expected. There is some data which shows water quality violation for mercury in the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway. Subsequent water samples collected by Schulze in the westerly portion of the basis did not show detectable levels of mercury. Moreover, data taken by Pollman and Schulze and compared with the DER sediment data shows that the concentration levels of mercury are greater in the Intercoastal Waterway than in the basin, thereby suggesting that there is no concentration gradient for mercury which would lead to the belief that the basin contributes to the amount of mercury found in the Intercoastal Waterway, nor is the mercury believed to be leaching into the water column in the basin. The explanation of the differences in measurements of the amount of mercury in the basin, depending upon the point in time at which analysis was made, may be attributable to a natural phenomenon, given numerous sources of mercury within the environment. Whatever the explanation of these changes, Dr. Pollman does not believe that the release of mercury associated with the resuspended sediments that may find their way into the Intercoastal Waterway would show a violation of the state water quality standard for mercury in that water body and his opinion is credited. Data collected by Pollman and Schulze did not show water quality violations for aluminum and the DER test data described before indicated aluminum levels lower in the basin than in the Intercoastal Waterway. Some data collected by Technical Services, Inc., an environmental consulting firm in Jacksonville, Florida, which was reviewed by Pollman, Schulze, and Bickner showed a substantial violation of the water quality standard related to aluminum in sediment sampling that was done. The origin of that amount of aluminum found on that occasion was not clear. It is possible, as described by Bickner, Pollman and Schulze, that the level detected In the Technical Service report could have occurred based upon natural phenomena such as storm water runoff from uplands. Bickner also questioned the findings of Technical Service and felt like the determination might be influenced by some intervening circumstance which would promote the need for re-analyzing that parameter. Whatever the explanation of the findings in the Technical Service report, it does not point to any water quality violation of the standard related to aluminum based upon the dredging activities, given the limited amount of total suspended solids that would be introduced into the Intercoastal Waterway. Schulze, in his assessment of the implications of metal concentrations in the sediment transported to the Intercoastal Waterway, did not find them to cause concern about toxicity to marine life in the Intercoastal Waterway. This point of view is accepted. In trying to understand the implications of metal concentrations, Schulze believed that the biologically available fractions of those metals in the sediment is not very high, and when the dilution of the sediments which occurs in these circumstances is examined, no toxicity is expected. Moreover, as Dr. Pollman described related to the parameter aluminum, it is not a toxic material at the ph levels found in the basin, and the resuspension during dredging will not cause it to gain toxicity. This opinion of Dr. Pollman is supported by Bickner and Schulze. The opinion of Dr. White that the amount of aluminum, copper and zinc within the sediment found in the basin would eventuate in the violation of water quality standards for those parameters when introduced into the Intercoastal Waterway is rejected. The information available to Pollman, Schulze and Bickner which describes their opinion about water quality standards was sufficient to reach an opinion, the position of Petitioner's witness Sanford Young, holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in civil engineering and a Master of Science Degree in zoology notwithstanding. As Bickner indicated in his testimony, it is essential that an applicant give reasonable assurances of compliance with all parameters listed in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code, dealing with water quality. However, this does not mean that testing must be done for each parameter set forth in that chapter. Reasonable assurance has been given that water quality parameters as identified in that chapter will not be violated. Bickner indicates the biological integrity standard is not one of concern in that given the nature of business operations within the basin, there is no expectation of a stable benthic community which might be disturbed by dredging. From the remarks of Schulze, there is no prospect of danger to benthic communities within the Intercoastal Waterway. These impressions by Bickner and Schulze are accepted. Under the facts of the case, the failure of the DER permit appraisers to discover benthic organisms in the sample grabbed at the site is not unexpected. There is also some question about whether that sample is representative of the circumstance at the site, given the limited sampling. On the topic of normalization of the DER data which was described in the course of the hearing and is identified by Dr. Pollman, the value of that information is seen as establishing the relative quantities of certain metals within the basin as compared with other sites throughout the Intercoastal Waterway. Twenty-one different locations were involved in this analysis. Concentration ratios using aluminum to normalize the data are as reflected in JSI's Exhibit 17 admitted into evidence. The significance of this information as it grossly describes whether the basin routinely contributes to increases in the amounts of these metals within the Intercoastal Waterway. Overall, basin activities are not shown to have promoted such an outcome. This normalization comparison does not address the issue of site specific water quality violations; however, no such violations are expected associated with the dredging activities within the basin as it relates to violations in the adjacent Intercoastal Waterway. Schulze had made sampling related to dissolved oxygen within the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway. As Schulze describes, the levels of dissolved oxygen seem to be at their lowest point just prior to the dawn hours. Sampling which he did was done at 5:00 a.m. in order to obtain the lowest dissolved oxygen readings. Three sites were sampled within the basin and an additional site was sampled in the Intercoastal Waterway. Readings were taken at varying depths at each site to gain an impression of the overall water column. The mean reading for the circumstance was in excess of the required range for state water quality, that is 4.0 per million. Having considered the evidence, no problems with dissolved oxygen are expected in that deficit contribution is in the range of .1 milligram per liter, per Pollman. In addition, Dr. Powell, through modeling, examined the implications of long-term dredging activities on the topic of dissolved oxygen. He employed field data gathered by Schulze in this assessment. This modeling established that decreases in dissolved oxygen levels would range from .1 to .15 milligrams per liter. Given the average of 4.5 parts per million oxygen in the basin at present, the incremental decreases in dissolved oxygen levels related to the dredging would not pose a problems with state water quality standards for dissolved oxygen other than short-term effects in the immediate vicinity of the dredge area, which is an acceptable deviation. As the Petitioner urges in its fact proposal, a 1983 report of Technical Services, Inc., JSI Exhibit 4, and a 1985 report of that firm, JSI Exhibit 7, were made available as part of the application. Officials within Technical Services, Inc. did not appear at the hearing and offer testimony related to the specific findings found in those reports. This information was used by the experts who did testify on behalf of the applicant, in particular Dr. Pollman, as data to question, his assumptions made about the implications of the project in terms of water quality concerns. Pollman also utilized DER data taken from a source known as Storette, and this pertains to the 21 sampling stations involved in the preparation of JSI Exhibit 17, the graphing document related to concentrations of various metals. Again, this was in furtherance of the basic underlying opinion which Pollman had about the project. The Storette data as such was not offered into evidence. Witnesses for the Petitioner, namely Olson and White, were aware of the two reports of Technical Services, Inc. and the use of the DER Storette data and offered their criticism of the project taking into account this information. Petitioner points out that there is no indication as to how far below the sediment/water interface the Technical Services, Inc., and DER sediment samples related to reports of the consultant and the Storette information of DER were extracted. Therefore, it only reflected one portion of the sediment at a depth of extraction. A more complete understanding of the sediment characteristics would have been shown through a core sample, especially in the area to be dredged, but that understanding was not essential. The suggestion by the Petitioner that it was inappropriate to normalize data for purposes of describing the relative concentrations of the metals parameters is not accepted. The preparation of JSI's Exhibit 17 does not point to abnormally high amounts of aluminum, such that the use of aluminum as a known commodity in carrying out the normalization would be contraindicated. As identified by the petitioner in its proposal, sediment sizes within the strata found in the basin depicts higher percentage of silt and clay-size sediments in the back end of the basin with lesser amounts of the silt- and clay-size sediments in the southern reach of the basin and at the intersection of the basin with the Intercoastal Waterway. The smaller the particles, such as silt and clay, will remain suspended for a longer period of time and have a tendency to promote bonding with heavy metal. Nonetheless, this information does not change the impression that the turbidity barriers will be effective. The 1983 Technical Services, Inc., information related to the settling of resuspended sediment and similar information imparted in the 1985 report by that organization tend to confirm that approximately two days should be necessary to allow the area of excavation to return to background conditions related to turbidity. This is in corroboration of remarks by Dr. Powell. These time projections are not found to be inadequate when taking into account other factors such as tidal changes, boat traffic, other activities within the basin, wind and weather events. As White described, the antifouling properties of the paint involved in the business activity of the applicant can be expected to adversely impact any larval forms of marine organisms when introduced into the basin. Nonetheless, this toxicity is not expected to pose a danger to marine organisms in the Intercoastal Waterway given the percentage of resuspended sediment that will escape capture by the sediment barriers and the dilution factor before introduction of those resuspended sediments into the Intercoastal Waterway. Petitioner questions the acceptability of evidence of the findings set forth by E G & G Bionomics, a firm which performed an examination to determine existing diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates. Those results are reported in Petitioner's Exhibit 13, a 1980 report. They were not accepted as evidence of the specific findings within that report in that they were not the subject of discussion by persons who authored that report. The use was limited to corroboration of the opinion by Dr. Pollman and Schulze as to water quality considerations and they were not Crucial to their opinions. Moreover, it was not necessary for the applicant to perform a more recent bioassay in order to give reasonable assurance to DER concerning water quality matters or to establish the implications of the influence of contaminants within the sediment found in the basin related to benthic macroinvertebrates. The biological integrity of the basin area was at risk prior to the proposal for maintenance dredging. The relevant inquiry is the influence of the dredging activities on the biological integrity in the Intercoastal Waterway and those activities do not place organisms within the Intercoastal Waterway in peril. Any synergistic aspects of metals which act as toxins, for example, the increase in the aggregate value of the toxicity of zinc and cadmium, compared to their individual implications as toxins, will not present problems with water quality in the Intercoastal Waterway. Petitioner takes issue with the proposed disposition of the dredge material at an ocean site. While an appropriate upland disposal site would be preferred, it is not mandated. The approved EPA disposal site within federal jurisdiction is acceptable. Petitioner in its fact proposals found at paragraphs 36-39 (incorporated by this reference) points out violations of water quality standards for cadmium, mercury, and aluminum, and other possible violations of the standard for mercury. This information does not cause a change of opinion about the acceptability of the project in terms of reasonable assurances. There is no indication that oils and greases will present a problem related to water quality standards. The project is not contrary to public interest in that: (a) the project will not adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare or the property of others; (b) the project will not adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitat; (c) the project will not adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion of shoaling; (d) the project will not adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project; (e) the project will be of a temporary nature; (f) the project will not adversely affect significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of s. 267.061; (g) the project is in no other way contrary to the public interest. The purpose of this fact finding does not include the issue of whether there are ongoing violations of state water quality standards associated with the business activity of the applicant, that not being the subject of the hearing. In any event, the testimony of Dr. Pollman established that the operations of JSI are not causing water quality problems associated with the parameters of cadmium, copper, aluminum, mercury, lead, chromium, tin, zinc or iron related to the Intercoastal Waterway. The influences of the business activities associated with those parameters within the basin are not understood when the evidence presented is examined but are not found to be essential to the resolution of this dispute.

Recommendation Having considered the facts, and the conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That DER issue a final order which grants the requested maintenance dredging permit in keeping with the safeguards described in the fact finding of this recommended order. DONE AND ORDERED this 16th day of October 1986 at Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of October 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-0365 Having examined the proposed facts submitted by the parties, those proposals have been found as fact with the exception of the following which are distinguished: Petitioner's facts Paragraph 1: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 2: The first sentence in this paragraph is rejected because the fact is not found within the indicated exhibits, nor can that fact be fairly inferred. Paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 14, and 15: Except for the last sentence in that latter paragraph are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 15: The last sentence: Contrary to facts found. Paragraph 18: The last sentence: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraphs 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 27: Contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 28, 29, 30 and 31: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 32: Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraphs 33 and 34: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 35: Contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 40, 41 and 42: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraphs 44, 45: Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 47: The first two sentences are information that is not sufficiently credible to allow application to the issues of the present case. Paragraphs 48, 49, 50 and 51: Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 52: Reject as fact. Paragraph 54: Contrary to facts found. Paragraph 55: Not necessary to dispute resolution. JSI and DER facts Paragraph 2: Pertaining to sentence 8 and the last phrase within sentence 11; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 3: As to the first sentence, fourth sentence and seventh sentence; Not necessary to fact resolution. Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 to the colon in paragraph 6: Not necessary to dispute resolution. The remaining portions of paragraph 6 are subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 10: as to the last two sentences; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 13: As to the next to the last sentence; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 14: As to the fourth sentence and the last sentence; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraphs 16, 17, 18 and 20: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 21: Sentence 3 is subordinate to fact finding sentence 4 is not necessary to dispute resolution; sentences 5 and 6 are subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 22: Next to the last sentence; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraphs 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 and 41: Subordinate to fact finding, except the comments in the last sentence of paragraph 41 related to the operations of JSI causing or contributing elevated concentrations of parameters within the basin which is not found as fact. Paragraphs 42, 43 and 44: Subordinate to fact finding. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire Chris Bryant, Esquire OERTEL AND HOFFMAN, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 Thomas M. Baumer, Esquire Deborah Barton, Esq. GALLAGHER, BAUMER, MIKALS, BRADFORD, CANNON AND WALTER, P.A. 252-5 Independent Square Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Bradford L. Thomas, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57267.061403.03190.704
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Mar. 27, 1992 Number: 92-002002 Latest Update: Jan. 15, 1993

The Issue Whether Respondent Sarasota County Public Utilities Department (Sarasota County) has provided reasonable assurances pursuant to Rule 17- 555.530(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, that its proposed water treatment plant will comply with each applicable water quality standard contained in Part III, Chapter 17-550, Florida Administrative Code. Whether Respondent Sarasota County has provided reasonable assurance pursuant to Rule 17-555.530(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code, that its proposed water treatment plant meets adequate engineering design complying with the applicable engineering principles established in Rules 17-555.310 through 17-555.160, Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: STIPULATED FACTS Sarasota County Utilities Department is a department established by Sarasota County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida and operates a public utility department which is charged with meeting, among other things, potable water needs of the residents of Sarasota County. At all times pertinent to the issues herein, HRS was responsible for receiving applications and issuing permits for the construction of water treatment plants and the accompanying well field. Petitioner, Charles P. Page, is a resident of Sarasota County and resides at 259 Glen Oak Road, Venice, Florida. Sarasota County filed an Application for a Water Treatment Plant Construction Permit with HRS seeking to construct a well water collection system and a 12 mgd - electrodialysis treatment plant having an auxiliary power system to provide power for the well field and water treatment plant. Sarasota County has previously obtained a water use permit from the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) #208836.00, restricting Sarasota County to feed water for the water treatment plant to 7,303,000.00 gallons average daily withdrawal and 9,625,000.00 gallons peak monthly withdrawal. Sarasota County has received permits for the eleven (11) production wells from HRS. It was the duty of HRS to review the plans and specifications and all supporting documentation to assure that they address and meet every requirement listed in Rule 17-555, Florida Administrative Code, for the issuance of a construction permit.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered issuing permit No. PATS No. 204307 & WC No. 1591-91-036 to Respondent Sarasota County, as set forth in the Notice of Intent To Issue dated February 20, 1992, provided that the grant of the subject permit shall include the general and specific conditions in the Intent To Issue with the further recommendation that the third required specific condition found on page 1 of the Specific Conditions be modified as follows: Construction of the electrodialysis reversal water treatment plant covered by this permit shall not begin prior to the issuance of a permit as required by State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for the EDR concentrate discharge facility. DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of October, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of October, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 92-2002 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statute, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner 1. The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1); 22(47); 23(48); 24(19-20) 29(49); 38(5); 39(19); 42-43(19,20); and 51(49). 2. Proposed finding(s) of fact 2,3,5,6,7,11,14,15,16,18, 19,20,21,25,26,30,31,35,40,45,46,47,49,and 50 are neither material nor relevant to this proceeding or the conclusion reached in the Recommended Order. Proposed finding(s) of fact 4,8,9,10,12,13,17,27,28,and 41 are rejected as not being supported by competent substantial evidence in the record. Proposed finding(s) of fact 32,33,34,36,37, and 48 are unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 44 is rejected as not being the "opinion" of the Hearing Officer. The transcript will show that the Hearing Officer was only restating the testimony of Judith Richtar. But see Finding of Fact 49. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Sarasota County The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified if the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1 - 20(1) - 20, respectively); 21(27); 22 - 26(22 - 26, respectively); 27(28); 28(29); 29(31); and 30 - 44(32 - 46, respectively). For proposed findings of fact 45 through 65 see Findings of Fact 51 and 52. Proposed findings of fact 66 through 68 are unnecessary. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation The Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation adopted Sarasota County's proposed findings of fact 1 through 44, 63 and 64, and 66 with modification. Therefore, the rulings on the Department's proposed findings of fact would be the same as the previous rulings on Sarasota County's proposed findings of fact adopted by the Department. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce Wheeler Pitzer, Esquire 546 47th Street Sarasota, FL 34234 William A. Dooley, Esquire Nelson, Hesse, Cyril, et al. 2070 Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, FL 33237 Joseph W. Landers, Esquire Landers & Parsons 310 W. College Avenue, 3rd Floor Tallahassee, FL 32301 W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (3) 120.57403.861403.862
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Palatka, Florida Jun. 19, 2001 Number: 01-002442 Latest Update: Sep. 12, 2002

The Issue The issues are whether Georgia-Pacific Corporation is entitled to the issuance of an industrial wastewater facility permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program that would authorize it to discharge industrial wastewater to the St. Johns River in Putnam County, Florida, and whether Georgia-Pacific Corporation has met the statutory criteria for a related administrative order for the interim discharge to Rice Creek in Putnam County, Florida.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: The Parties Respondent, Department of Environmental Protection (Department), is the state agency authorized under Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, to regulate discharges of wastes to waters of the State. Under approval from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department administers the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program in the State. The Department also enforces specific water quality standards that have to be achieved in order to ensure protection of the designated uses of surface waters in the State. Respondent, Georgia-Pacific Corporation (Georgia- Pacific), owns and operates a bleached and unbleached kraft pulp and paper mill in Putnam County, Florida. The plant presently discharges treated wastewater to Rice Creek, a Class III water of the State, and a tributary of the St. Johns River. Petitioner, Putnam County Environmental Council, Inc. (PCEC), alleged in the Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing (Petition) that it is a non-profit Florida corporation headquartered in Palatka, Florida. However, other than a statement by one witness that PCEC was incorporated on an undisclosed date prior to the hearing, PCEC failed to present any evidence to establish its corporate status or residency in the State of Florida. According to the same witness, the organization was created in an unincorporated status in 1991, and it currently has 65 members who use and enjoy the St. Johns River for recreational purposes. Petitioner, Stewards of the St. Johns River, Inc. (SSJR), also alleged in the Petition that it is a non-profit Florida corporation with headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida. Like PCEC, SSJR failed to prove its corporate status or residency in the State of Florida. Although the number of members in SSJR is unknown, "many" of its members are boaters and "most" live along the St. Johns River. Petitioner, Linda Young, is Southeast Regional Coordinator for the Clean Water Network and a citizen of the State of Florida. As such, she has standing to "intervene" in this action under Section 403.412(5), Florida Statutes. In this complex case, the parties have presented extensive and conflicting evidence regarding the factual issues raised by the pleadings. In resolving the numerous conflicts in that testimony, the undersigned has accepted the more credible and persuasive evidence, as set forth in the findings below. The Applicant's Mill Operation Georgia-Pacific's Palatka mill was built in the 1940's before the establishment of Department water quality standards and classifications. Because of the nature of the pulping process, the mill has not been able to fully meet water quality standards in Rice Creek because of poor dilution. Georgia-Pacific receives wood chips from a sister facility and purchases residual chips from local wood products facilities. Those chips are separated into pine and hardwood, conveyed into the pulp processing facility, and loaded into digesters, that is, industrial-sized pressure cookers, which cook the chips for several hours. Pulp from the digesters goes to the brown kraft, bleached kraft, and tissue manufacturing facilities. Water in the manufacturing process is used, re-used, and recirculated until it cannot be used again, at which point it is conveyed into a primary wastewater clarifier, which is used to settle out fiber and other settleable solids. Additional wastewater sources are collected in sumps located in the facility, which are discharged into the primary clarifier. The underflow from the primary clarifier flows into a solids settling area (sludge pond) while the water from the primary clarifier passes into a secondary treatment system. The secondary treatment system uses aerobic and facultative biological treatment. Stormwater at the facility also flows into the treatment system. The secondary treatment system consists of four ponds in series: Pond 1, 485 acres, aerated with over 1600 horsepower of aeration; Pond 2, 175 acres, with 140 horsepower of aeration; Pond 3, 130 acres, with 120 horsepower of aeration; and Pond 4, 100 acres. Pond 4 is a quiescent basin, used to settle solids in the wastewater before discharge. The treatment system has a very long hydraulic detention time; once water enters the system, it remains there for 50 to 60 days. After treatment, a side stream of roughly 8,000,000 gallons per day of treated effluent is withdrawn, oxygenated with liquid oxygen, and discharged at two locations in Rice Creek: 3.4 miles upstream from the St. Johns River (Outfall D-001); and 2.4 miles upstream from the St. Johns River (Outfall D-002). Under low flow conditions, effluent from the Georgia-Pacific mill dominates the flow in Rice Creek. The Application Process Rice Creek is a small tributary of the St. Johns River, particularly in its upper reaches where Georgia- Pacific's effluent discharge occurs. Over the years, there have been exceedances of certain Class III water quality standards including specific conductance, color, and periodically whole effluent toxicity. Because of this, and during the permit review process, the Department began considering alternatives for mitigating or eliminating those existing concerns with the facility's discharge. In October 1992, Georgia-Pacific applied to the Department for the renewal of its existing wastewater discharge permit. In June 1994, Georgia-Pacific submitted an application to the Department for the construction and operation of an industrial wastewater treatment and disposal system. This application included a request to relocate Georgia-Pacific’s existing discharge to the St. Johns River. Because Georgia-Pacific submitted timely permit applications, it is authorized to continue operations based on an "administratively extended permit." In June 1994, Georgia-Pacific also applied to the EPA for a permit under the NPDES program. In October 1994, the EPA acknowledged receipt of a timely application for the renewal of Georgia-Pacific's existing NPDES permit, advising Georgia-Pacific by letter that its permit was automatically extended and that continued operation was authorized in accordance with the existing permit and 5 U.S.C. Section 558(c). On May 24, 1995, the Department advised Georgia- Pacific that the EPA had granted the Department the authority to administer the NPDES program and that its state permit and existing NPDES permit were deemed combined into one order. In response to a Department request, in November 1995, Georgia-Pacific submitted to the Department an antidegradation review for the relocation of its discharge. After Georgia-Pacific applied to the Department for a renewal of its NPDES permit, the Department directed Georgia-Pacific to provide alternatives that would ensure compliance with water quality standards. Georgia-Pacific submitted a proposal to construct a pipeline that would enable it to discharge its effluent to the middle of the St. Johns River. Under that proposal, Georgia-Pacific would achieve compliance with water quality standards as a result of greater dilution in the St. Johns River. Based on a review of Georgia-Pacific's submittal, the Department determined that Georgia-Pacific could in fact achieve water quality standards by constructing a pipeline to the St. Johns River. Likewise, the EPA concluded that Georgia-Pacific could receive a permit to discharge to the St. Johns River through a pipeline, without additional process improvements. Although the Department concluded that compliance could be achieved solely by the construction of a pipeline, it began discussions with Georgia-Pacific and EPA in order to examine other approaches that might lead to compliance in Rice Creek. These discussions culminated in a decision that Georgia-Pacific would invest substantial funds in the installation of additional technology and also be assured of some ultimate means to achieve compliance with water quality standards. On May 1, 2001, the Department issued a Notice of Intent to Issue an industrial wastewater permit, together with an Order Establishing Compliance Schedules Under 403.088(2)(f), Florida Statutes (the Administrative Order). In late January 2002, Georgia-Pacific submitted a request to the Department asking for consideration of two changes to the proposed permit: first, a request to relocate a groundwater monitoring well; and second, a request to review the Department's proposed mixing zone in the St. Johns River for the transparency standard. The Department also proposes a minor change in permit conditions to allow approval of the bleach plant monitoring plan to take place within sixty days after the issuance of the final permit. Both of Georgia- Pacific's requests were reviewed by the Department, and it has recommended that they be included in the proposed permit. Technology-Based Effluent Limits and Water Quality- Based Effluent Limits When considering a permit application such as the one here, the Department reviews the application to determine compliance with technology-based effluent limits (TBELs) and water quality-based effluent limits (WQBELs). TBELs are minimum industry standards that all facilities must meet regardless of their discharge location. They are predominantly production-based, and they limit the mass of pollutants that may be discharged based on the mass of product produced. Those limits generally reflect EPA's assessment of the industry standard regarding what can be met in a given discharge. In the preparation of a permit, the Department practice is to first determine the TBELs that would apply. In contrast, a WQBEL reflects how low the discharge must be (or how effective treatment must be) for a given parameter to meet water quality standards. Relief mechanisms such as mixing zones are inherent in WQBELs. A WQBEL is necessary only for those parameters for which there is a reasonable potential for the facility either to exceed the water quality standard or come close to exceeding the standard. As a matter of agency practice, the Department does not impose a limit unless there is a reasonable potential to exceed a standard. In order to determine whether there is such a reasonable potential for exceeding a standard, the Department will review past operations and other information it may have regarding the characteristics of the discharge. For a discharge such as the one proposed in the present case, a "Level II" WQBEL is required. The Department's Point Source Section, with expertise in the field of water quality modeling, analyzes the Level II WQBEL. Georgia-Pacific must meet certain technology-based standards, such as those set forth in the Cluster Rule. The Cluster Rule has been promulgated by the EPA and adopted by the Department and requires the installation of technologies to eliminate the use of elemental chlorine in the bleaching process. The Palatka facility far exceeds (performs better than) technology-based effluent limits. In March 1998, the Department created a document titled "Level II Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations for the Georgia Pacific Corp. Palatka Mill" (the WQBEL Technical Report]. The WQBEL Technical Report has a typed notation on the title page reading "March 1998 -- Final." The WQBEL Technical Report contained the following effluent discharge limitations: The following are the effluent limitations for the Georgia-Pacific Palatka mill discharge to the St. Johns River based upon results from the Level II WQBEL. Review comments from EPA Region 4 are included in the correspondence section. Parameter Limitation Discharge 60 MGD Daily Maximum BOD5 Summer (June 1 - November 30) 3,500 lbs/day maximum thirty day average Winter (December 1 – May 31) 7,170 lbs/day maximum thirty day average TSS Summer (June 1 - November 30) 5,000 lbs/day maximum thirty day average Winter (December 1 – May 31) 10,000 lbs/day maximum thirty day average Dissolved Oxygen 2.7 mg/l minimum Specific conductance 3,220 umhos/cm daily maximum Un-Ionized Ammonia Nitrogen Summer (June 1 - November 30) .11 ug/l daily maximum Winter (December 1 – May 31) .13 ug/l daily maximum Iron (Total Recoverable) 2.91 mg/l daily maximum Cadmium (Total Recoverable) 3.46 ug/l daily maximum Lead (Total Recoverable) 5.87 ug/l daily maximum Zinc (Total Recoverable) 480 ug/l daily maximum When the WQBEL Technical Report was approved in 1998, the Department's Northeast District Office did not prepare a separate formal notice of approval. The WQBEL Technical Report was transmitted by memorandum from the Water Quality Assessment Section to the Department's Director of District Management for the Northeast District on April 13, 1998, where it remained on file. The WQBEL Technical Report complied with the plan of study previously approved by the Department, and it met the requirements of Rule 62-650.500, Florida Administrative Code. Both the Department and EPA staff concurred with the approval of the WQBEL Technical Report. They agreed that the construction of a pipeline and the relocation of the discharge to the St. Johns River would yield a net environmental benefit without additional process improvements. Upgrades Implemented and Required in the Proposed Agency Actions As described more fully below, Georgia-Pacific has modified its production and treatment processes in such a manner as to improve its overall environmental performance. In installing some of those modifications, Georgia-Pacific undertook what was required by federal and state law. For others, Georgia-Pacific has exceeded what it was required to do under state or federal law. To comply with the Cluster Rule, Georgia-Pacific eliminated two bleach plants and installed a new bleach plant, one which uses chlorine dioxide as opposed to elemental chlorine. The implementation of this technology is primarily aimed at eliminating the mechanism for the formation of dioxin in the bleaching plant. Compliance with the Cluster Rule generally requires, among other things, conversion to an elemental chlorine-free bleaching system. Georgia-Pacific is in compliance with the Cluster Rule. Under the Cluster Rule, Georgia-Pacific is required to sample for dioxin at its bleach plant, with a limit of under 10 picograms per liter. Georgia-Pacific has experienced reductions in the color of its effluent as the result of the chlorine dioxide conversion as well as reductions in specific conductance. The reductions in specific conductance are particularly significant because Georgia-Pacific has decreased its effluent flow, which would ordinarily increase specific conductance in the absence of additional improvements. After conversion to chlorine dioxide, Georgia- Pacific began monitoring for parameters defined by the Cluster Rule. In that monitoring, Georgia-Pacific has tested "non- detect" for dioxin and chlorinated phenolics. Specifically, Georgia-Pacific has monitored dioxin in its effluent, as well as within its process –- before dilution with other wastewater –- and the monitoring results at both locations are likewise "non-detect" for dioxin. Furthermore, levels of chloroform and adsorbable organic halides (AOX) have been well within the limits imposed by the proposed permit and the Cluster Rule. Georgia-Pacific has voluntarily agreed to install by April 15, 2006, an oxygen delignification system, or a like system that produces similar or better environmental benefits. Oxygen delignification is a precursor to bleaching, which removes lignins from the fiber before the product is bleached. This process is significant because lignin consumes chemicals, impedes bleaching, and prohibits achieving brightness targets in the bleach plant. The cost associated with the oxygen delignification system is $22,700,000. This commitment is reflected in the proposed Administrative Order and Permit. Oxygen delignification has been identified as having significant benefits in terms of reducing the color and specific conductance of effluent. Georgia-Pacific voluntarily agreed to install by August 15, 2003, a new brownstock washing system to replace four existing brownstock washing lines. A brownstock washer is a piece of equipment that washes organics away from fiber, after pulping and before oxygen delignification. The cost of this equipment is approximately $30,000,000. This commitment is reflected in the Administrative Order and Permit. The new brownstock washers are not required by Department rules, but they will be helpful in reducing the specific conductance of effluent. Georgia-Pacific has also voluntarily agreed to install a green liquor dregs filter. This system would remove dregs from the effluent system and reduce specific conductance and color in the effluent. The cost of the green liquor dregs filter is $1,100,000. This commitment is reflected in the Administrative Order and Permit. Under the proposed agency action, Georgia-Pacific is likewise required to install additional equipment for the implementation of its best management practices program to minimize leaks and spills in the process sewer. This equipment, including controls on the brownstock washer system, and the installation of a spill control system, pumps, and piping, has been installed at a cost of $7,100,000. Georgia-Pacific has also optimized the performance of its treatment system through the relocation of its aerators in the treatment ponds and modifying its nutrient feed system. This has led to reduced levels of biological oxygen demand (BOD) in the discharge, as well as improved treatment for total suspended solids. In addition, Georgia-Pacific has voluntarily installed a reverse osmosis system to recycle certain internal streams, which in turn has led to reductions in specific conductance, at a cost of $3,300,000. To comply with the proposed agency actions, Georgia- Pacific expects to expend a total of approximately $170,000,000 for upgrades for the purpose of producing environmental benefits. Additional money is earmarked for other environmental performance issues, such as water conservation. Except for technology-based limits adopted by rule, the Department does not dictate how a facility achieves compliance with water quality standards. Georgia-Pacific demonstrated that its environmental performance is substantially better than required by technology-based limits. Based on the foregoing, it is reasonable to find that Georgia-Pacific’s commitments to process improvements will lead to a general improvement in water quality in the receiving waters. Relocation of the Discharge As noted above, because of the minimal dilution available in Rice Creek, Georgia-Pacific has never been fully able to achieve water quality standards in Rice Creek, a Class III water body. Rice Creek continues to exceed water quality criteria for specific conductance and color; historically, the discharge had experienced exceedences for the chronic toxicity criterion. Under present conditions, with Georgia-Pacific discharging to Rice Creek and Rice Creek flowing to the St. Johns River, elevated levels of color are experienced along the shoreline of the St. Johns River in the area of existing grass beds. Modeling shows that under current flow conditions from Rice Creek, those color effects are observed on the northwest bank near the confluence of Rice Creek with the St. Johns River. If the discharge is relocated to the St. Johns River and discharged near the river bottom through a diffuser, it will beneficially change the distribution of color impacts both to Rice Creek and the St. Johns River. Color in Rice Creek will improve, returning to its background color of 100 to 150 platinum cobalt units (pcu). Specific conductance within Rice Creek will also be markedly reduced. Because the input will occur in the middle of the St. Johns River, with higher flows and greater turbulence, there will no longer be relatively highly colored water flowing along the shoreline. Therefore, the relocation will provide a significant benefit of moving highly colored water away from grass beds and will mitigate against any existing effects on those grass beds. It is beneficial to relocate discharges to the middle of a stream, as opposed to the edge of a shoreline, where effluent tends to hug the shoreline. Therefore, regardless of the process improvements, there will be a net environmental improvement by relocating the discharge to the middle of the St. Johns River The discharge from the proposed diffuser will be comparatively benign, in comparison to the present flow from Rice Creek into the St. Johns River. This is because the effluent would not reach or hug the shoreline in such a scenario but rather would be diluted in rising to the surface, as well as by its lateral movement in the direction toward the river bank. The relocation of the discharge to the middle of the St. Johns River will cause improvements through localized changes in concentrations near the diffuser and the confluence of Rice Creek and the St. Johns River. Based on the foregoing, it is found that Georgia- Pacific’s proposed discharge into the St. Johns River will not result in water quality degradation, but will instead lead to a general improvement in water quality. Proposed Conditions in the Permit and Administrative Order Before certifying completion of the required manufacturing process improvements, Georgia-Pacific is required to submit to the Department a report on its ability to optimize the modifications, as well as a separate report which would determine whether Georgia-Pacific can meet certain limits that would enable a continuing discharge to Rice Creek. If the water quality improvements are sufficient to achieve standards in Rice Creek, the permit would be reopened and Georgia-Pacific would be required to maintain the present discharge location to Rice Creek. Otherwise, Georgia-Pacific would be authorized to construct the pipeline to the St. Johns River. The permit is drafted so that Georgia-Pacific will verify the need for mixing zones, as well as the dimensions of proposed mixing zones, after process improvements are complete. The Administrative Order imposes interim effluent limitations during the compliance period described in that Order. The Administrative Order contains "report-only" conditions for certain parameters. For those parameters which do not have interim limits, there is no appropriate standard to apply because information on effluent and water quality conditions is incomplete. The Department also found it unreasonable to impose interim limits that will be met only after Georgia-Pacific completes the improvements requested by the Department. Under Department practice, it is reasonable to impose "report only" conditions for parameters when it is unclear whether the discharge for the facility presents a concern for potential exceedences of water quality standards. In addition, "report only" conditions are used when a facility is undertaking an effort to address problems for certain parameters during a period necessary to achieve compliance. The proposed permit includes mixing zones in the St. Johns River for dissolved oxygen, total recoverable iron, total recoverable cadmium, total recoverable lead, un-ionized ammonia, turbidity, and specific conductance. The length of each of those mixing zones is 16.5 meters, that is, limited to the rise of plume. A mixing zone is also required for transparency, which will require a length of 734 meters. Within 12 months after certifying completion of the manufacturing process improvements, Georgia-Pacific will be required to re-evaluate the need for mixing zones and effluent limits and re-open the permit as necessary to include final mixing zones, effluent limits, and monitoring requirements. Compliance with Ambient Water Quality Standards The Petition contends that Georgia-Pacific has not provided reasonable assurances that it would comply with the following standards: nutrients (paragraph 18); dissolved oxygen (paragraph 20); chronic toxicity (paragraph 21); total suspended solids (paragraph 23); iron (paragraph 25); and phenolic compounds (paragraph 26). Although no water quality standard is directly applicable, Petitioners also addressed the following water quality issues: biological oxygen demand (BOD) (paragraph 20); dioxin, "related compounds," chlorinated organics, AOX, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) (paragraph 22); color (paragraph 24); and total suspended solids (TSS), which is alleged to include total organic carbon (TOC) (paragraph 94). Petitioners asserted that dioxin, chlorinated organics, TSS, and AOX are significant in considering compliance with the "free-from" standard in Rules 62- 302.500(1) and 62-302.530. In determining whether water quality standards will be met, those allegations should only be considered in reference to those adopted standards for the "free-from" standard. The effluent data establishes that Georgia-Pacific will consistently meet the proposed permit limits for discharge to Rice Creek. Georgia-Pacific's treatment facility has the capacity to comply with the proposed permit limits for discharge to Rice Creek, and there is a very high degree of assurance that it has the capability to comply with those standards in the future. In addition, Georgia-Pacific's treatment facility is able to meet the WQBELs established for discharge into the St. Johns River. Evaluation and modeling demonstrate that if a discharge to the St. Johns River is undertaken, the St. Johns River will meet Class III water standards at the edge of the mixing zone if Georgia-Pacific complies with its proposed effluent limits. Also, the effluent will meet all applicable effluent guidelines and technology-based standards adopted in the Florida Administrative Code. The effluent will not settle, form deposits, or create a nuisance, and it will not float as debris, scum, or oil. Finally, the effluent will not produce color, odor, taste, or other conditions so as to create a nuisance. Georgia-Pacific performed an analysis to determine the effluent limits that would be necessary to achieve water quality standards. This analysis included water quality modeling, which is a method of summing up inputs and losses, calculating the amount of material in a system, and determining the concentration of a substance. The model was used to geometrically represent the St. Johns River, Etonia Creek, and the reach of the St. Johns River within the study area, which extended from Buffalo Bluff (15 miles upstream of the confluence of Rice Creek and the St. Johns River) to Mile Point 50. Rice Creek enters the St. Johns River at Mile Point 74. When a model is performed, the model will yield estimates or predictions of concentrations throughout a water body. Those predictions can be compared to field observations and measurements; if the model is done properly, the calculated numbers should agree with the measured numbers. Modeling is used to evaluate future conditions based on hypothetical future changes to the system. The modeling methods and advanced time-variable models employed by Georgia- Pacific's consultants were approved by the Department. Georgia-Pacific prepared a plan of study to obtain field data in the St. Johns River for the purpose of assuring that the models would simulate observed concentrations of constituents. The Department approved that plan of study and published a notice of approval. The Department also approved the quality assurance project plan for the collection of water quality data in Georgia-Pacific's modeling efforts. After approval of the plan of study and quality assurance project plan, Georgia-Pacific's consultants performed water quality surveys in November 1994 and May 1995. The models employed by Georgia-Pacific's consultants were calibrated and produced the observed water quality results. The proposed diffuser would be located about one foot from the bottom of the channel. As designed, the plume would leave the proposed diffuser and spread out, with the upper part of the plume going to the surface of the water. The plume model calculates the dilution at the centerline of the plume, where there would be a minimum of dilution. This method of using the centerline as a reference point leads to a conservative analysis, and it would require the Applicant to achieve more dilution than might otherwise be necessary to achieve water quality standards. For regulatory purposes, the Department usually uses the maximum height of the rise of the plume to determine a mixing zone, the point at which concentrations along the centerline of the plume would level off. Because of that practice, for certain parameters where the required mixing zone is less than the distance of the rise of the plume, a decrease in effluent limits would not lead to a decrease in the size of the mixing zone. Tidal actions will cause re-entrainment, that is, the movement of dissolved substances back into the plume area. This factor reduces the dilution factor that otherwise would apply to the system. This factor is accounted for in modeling by tying in a diffuser computation to a water quality model. The modeling employed by Georgia-Pacific assumes 7Q10 conditions, that is, a conservative assumption that flow is equal to the lowest one-week average for a ten-year period, where there is little dilution. The employment of this conservative method would minimize the probability of exceedences in the receiving water body. The projection employed by Georgia-Pacific's consultants was even more conservative because the 7Q10 flow rate is assumed to apply through a 60-day average flow, a condition that may never occur, and would not be expected to occur once in ten years. In contrast, the use of time-variable simulations would lead to less stringent permitting requirements. The permit provides reasonable assurance that the construction, modification, or operation of the treatment system will not discharge or cause pollution in violation of Department standards. The permit provides reasonable assurance that, based on the effluent limitations determined by the Department in the WQBEL Technical Report, water quality standards would be met outside the area of the proposed mixing zone for specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, un-ionized ammonia, iron, cadmium, lead, and zinc. Based on additional analysis as reflected in Georgia-Pacific's proposed amendment to the draft permit, Georgia-Pacific would achieve compliance with the transparency standard with the mixing zone described in its proposed amendment, that is, with a total length of 734 meters. The chronic toxicity criterion is a biological measurement which determines whether organisms are impaired by effluent. If impairment is demonstrated, the test does not indicate what component of the effluent is causing the effect. Georgia-Pacific is required to conduct testing for acute and chronic toxicity twice a year. Current tests undertaken in May and October 2001 are representative of effluent conditions after Georgia-Pacific undertook conversion of the bleach plant to chlorine dioxide. Those tests demonstrate that Georgia-Pacific is in compliance with the acute and chronic toxicity criterion since the conversion to chlorine dioxide bleaching. Georgia-Pacific is also in compliance with the biological integrity standard, based on the most recent fifth-year inspection. Because of the flow characteristics and the characteristics of pulp mill effluent, the pollutants associated with the effluent are not assimilated as the effluent travels from the point of discharge, through Rice Creek, to the St. Johns River. The particulates associated with pulp mill effluent are so small or fine that they will remain in suspension and thus not settle out in Rice Creek. In addition, because Rice Creek is channelized, there is no sloping side that would enable the growth of vegetation that would filter the water. Furthermore, even if there was a sedimentation process occurring in Rice Creek, no additional sedimentation would occur after the system reaches an equilibrium point. Although Rice Creek does cause a small decrease in BOD through oxidation, Georgia-Pacific has compensated for that factor by the injection of oxygen in the effluent. Thus, the direct piping of effluent to the St. Johns River (as opposed to a discharge into Rice Creek, which flows into the St. Johns River) would not result in any significant increase in pollutant loading to the St. Johns River. In addition, the construction of a pipeline would take place only after additional technologies have been implemented to maximize pollutant reduction. Compliance with the Reasonable Assurance Standard Georgia-Pacific has provided reasonable assurances for the proposed permit to be issued for a discharge into the St. Johns River. This finding is based upon Georgia-Pacific's ability to meet the effluent standards described in the draft permit, and modeling results demonstrating that, with the proposed mixing zones for certain parameters, a discharge into St. Johns River, as designed, will not result in a violation of Class III standards. Mixing Zones In Section H of their Petition, Petitioners challenged the proposed mixing zones set forth in the proposed Permit. Petitioners generally alleged that the proposed mixing zones were "enormous" and that they failed to comply with certain rules restricting mixing zones. In their Petition, Petitioners articulated three theories to support the proposition that the mixing zones were illegal: first, that the mixing zones would include a nursery area of indigenous aquatic life, including beds of aquatic plants of the type listed in Rule 63-302.200(16); second, that the mixing zone, by itself, would lead to a violation of the minimum criteria in Rule 62-302.500; and third, that the mixing zones, or a combination of those mixing zones, would result in a significant impairment of Class III uses in the St. Johns River. Petitioners were authorized to amend their Petition to add additional allegations to paragraphs 17 and 67 of their original Petition regarding the mixing zone. Under those amendments, Petitioners alleged that Georgia-Pacific’s proposed amendment to the draft permit would (a) improperly expand the mixing zone; (b) fail to account for the length of the diffuser; (c) improperly substitute "transparency" for "color"; and (d) prevent isolation of transparency impacts from color in the discharge. However, there is no evidence which ties those allegations to any regulatory standard that would affect the proposed agency action. Petitioners also contended that color was a surrogate for chemical oxygen demand, as well as for substances that are alleged to cause chronic or acute toxicity. However, as shown by the testimony of Department witness Maher, the permit condition for "color" was a surrogate only for the transparency standard. No evidence to support a contrary inference was presented. Petitioners also made general allegations that the proposed mixing zones are illegal, without a clear indication of what is deemed illegal about the mixing zones. Although the Petition includes a general argument in opposition to mixing zones, Petitioners were unable to suggest a legal basis for alleging that the mixing zones were illegal. For example, Petitioners alleged that certain mixing zones are enormous but failed to articulate why they are so enormous as to be illegal. They did not allege that the Department had erred by allowing a larger mixing zone than Georgia-Pacific should have received under applicable rules. Indeed, such a position would be antithetical to Petitioners' allegations that Georgia-Pacific had failed to achieve water quality standards for a number of parameters. The accepted testimony establishes that Georgia-Pacific's proposed mixing zones will comply with Department rules. No persuasive evidence was presented to the contrary. Because the effluent quality will differ from present conditions after completion of the process improvements, the proposed mixing zones will not be final until after process improvements have been made, the operation has been stabilized, and the mixing zones have been re- verified. No mixing zones are authorized in the Administrative Order. The Administrative Order contains a table setting forth potential mixing zones that are used as a benchmark to determine whether Georgia-Pacific can meet water quality standards in Rice Creek. The table sets out a series of hypothetical mixing zones at 800 meters, that is, the maximum presumptive distance afforded without additional relief mechanisms. Because no mixing zones are proposed to take effect in Rice Creek, there can be no issue of "illegal" mixing zones in Rice Creek. Within a range of potential discharge flows, from 20 MGD to 60 MGD, water quality standards will be met within the area of the proposed mixing zones for all parameters for which mixing zones are required. Mixing zones are allowed by Department rules and are considered a part of Florida water quality standards. In the context of the Department's permitting review, if a modeling analysis shows that the concentration of a pollutant in effluent is greater than the water quality criterion, the Department will determine if the amount of dilution in the receiving water is sufficient to assimilate the pollutants of concern. The Department will then determine either the length (in the case of a river) or area (in the case of an estuary) of a water body that would be necessary to achieve compliance through dilution. Based on chloride levels, the St. Johns River at the area of concern would not be considered an estuary under Department rules. Each of the proposed mixing zones would be less than 800 meters in length (as allowed by Department rule) and less than 125,600 square meters in area (a limitation that would apply only if the area was an estuary). The proposed discharge will comply with all minimum rule requirements with respect to mixing zones, such as those for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and the absence of acute toxicity. Likewise, the proposed mixing zones will not impact any nursery areas for indigenous aquatic life. Nutrient Issues In Section I, Petitioners contested the Department's decision to not require effluent limits to prevent a violation of the narrative water quality criterion for nutrients. For reasons addressed in the undersigned's Order dated February 14, 2002, that issue is waived based because of Petitioners' failure to file a timely challenge to the WQBEL Technical Report. In addition, based on the findings set out below, Georgia-Pacific has provided reasonable assurances that it will not violate the narrative standard for nutrients. Further, the evidence shows that effluent limits for nutrients are not presently warranted. Petitioners presented testimony that the St. Johns River may be nitrogen-limited or phosphorous-limited at different times of the year, which means that concentrations of one or the other would limit algae growth at different times of the year. Relative light levels, as well as the penetration of light, also affect algae growth. Georgia-Pacific’s treatment system requires the addition of ammonia because ammonia or nitrate is a necessary nutrient for the growth of bacteria in the treatment system. Ammonia and nitrate are both nutrients. Although there can be a conversion from one form to the other, that conversion does not affect the net loss or gain of nutrients. Although nutrient issues are of concern to water bodies, it is absolutely necessary in a biological treatment system to have sufficient nutrients for the operation of the system to treat parameters such as BOD. The Georgia-Pacific facility is achieving a high level of treatment while managing its system at a minimum level of nutrient addition. Management of a treatment system requires attention not only to the influent and effluent, but also monitoring of conditions within the system itself to assure adequate treatment. Georgia-Pacific is continuing to refine its procedures for doing so. The State has adopted what is referred to as the "5- 5-3-1" (advanced wastewater treatment) limitation for municipal treatment plants that discharge to surface waters. This standard refers to five milligrams per liter for BOD, five milligrams per liter for suspended solids, three milligrams per liter for total nitrogen, and one milligram per liter for total phosphorous. This limitation has been in effect for many years and remains one of the most stringent state standards in the nation. Georgia-Pacific's facility would be in compliance with those standards for nitrogen and phosphorous. Effluent from the Georgia-Pacific mill increases the concentration of total nitrogen in Rice Creek, relative to background conditions. However, because of the relatively higher flow of the St. Johns River, when the load from the mill is transported to the St. Johns River, the increase in nitrogen concentration is so small as to be imperceptible. Nitrogen loading from Georgia-Pacific's Palatka mill on a long-term average (prior to upgrades of its treatment plant) has been measured at 1,196 pounds per day. The average loading at Buffalo Bluff, which is far upstream of Rice Creek and the Georgia-Pacific Palatka mill, is 36,615 pounds per day. Additional nonpoint sources contribute approximately 12,000 pounds per day in the study area. Thus, the loading from the Georgia-Pacific mill represents a 2.4 percent increase in nitrogen levels on the St. Johns River, a difference that cannot be measured. The largest point source of nutrients in the lower St. Johns River is the Buckman wastewater treatment plant in Duval County. That facility does not have nutrient limits on its discharge permit. Rice Creek does not provide any treatment (as opposed to dilution) for nitrogen in Georgia-Pacific's effluent. A review of probability distributions for nitrogen concentrations upstream and downstream of Rice Creek demonstrated that Rice Creek had no influence on nitrogen levels in the St. Johns River. Phosphorous concentrations from the effluent, if discharged to the St. Johns River, would dilute rapidly, decreasing to .2 milligrams per liter within the water column, five to six feet below the surface, after discharge from the diffuser, below the area in which light is absorbed at the surface of the water column. Chlorophyll-A is a parameter that is typically used as a measure of phytoplankton in the water column. Concentration distributions for chlorophyll-A at Buffalo Point (upstream of Rice Creek) matched concentrations for the same parameter at Racey Point, a station far downstream of Rice Creek. This analysis confirms that the inputs coming into the St. Johns River System from Rice Creek do not have a significant influence on the water quality of the St. Johns River, with respect to nutrients. With a discharge coming directly to the St. Johns River, and with nutrient loading being the same as from Rice Creek, the nutrient loading would not influence the St. Johns River. The Department does not have sufficient information at the present to impose a nutrient limit on Georgia-Pacific. The draft permit accounts for this issue through a re-opener clause which would authorize a limit when that information is available, if such a limit is necessary. Allegations Regarding "Deformities in Fish" Section J of the Petition includes allegations that Georgia-Pacific failed to provide reasonable assurances regarding adverse physiological response in animals under Rule 62-302.530(62), and that Georgia-Pacific has failed to provide reasonable assurances that its discharge will not be mutagenic or teratogenic to significant, locally occurring wildlife or aquatic species, or to human beings, under Rule 62- 302.500(1)(a)5. Petitioners suggest that the permit cannot be granted as proposed because it lacks effluent limits for (unstated) substances that are alleged to create potential violations of the free-from standard. This argument is barred as a matter of law for the reasons stated in the Order dated February 14, 2002. In addition, based on the following findings, this argument has been rejected because Georgia- Pacific has met the reasonable assurances standard without effluent limits on those unstated (and unknown) substances that are alleged to cause violations of those rules. Petitioners presented evidence that paper mill effluent in general contains chemicals which could cause the masculinization of the females in certain fish species, as well as hormonal effects in males. However, witness Koenig did not offer any testimony that Georgia-Pacific’s effluent, in particular, contained such chemicals. Dr. Koenig had collected no data and had not conducted any field studies in Rice Creek to support his testimony; rather, he relied on articles published by others and provided by Petitioner Linda Young. In agency practice and interpretation of the free- from standard in Rule 62-302.530(62), Florida Administrative Code, the question of whether a change is adverse depends on the overall community or population of that particular species. Tellingly, Petitioners did not present any competent evidence, through Dr. Koenig's testimony or otherwise, that Georgia-Pacific's effluent presents the potential for adverse effects on the overall community or population of any species. Dr. Koenig testified at length from his reading of studies performed by other scientists regarding changes in the hormone levels and gonadosomatic index (the relative weight of gonads) of fish in the St. Johns River in the vicinity of Rice Creek. In his testimony, Dr. Koenig relied on two published articles to address conditions in the vicinity of Rice Creek, both of which were primarily authored by M. Sepulveda. One of those articles showed hormonal changes taking place in a laboratory study where largemouth bass were exposed to mill effluent. That study also showed a change in the gonadosomatic index in the subject fish. Dr. Koenig did not offer any opinion that such changes would be adverse or that they would affect the reproduction of those fish. The other study was a field study with samples of fish at various regions in the vicinity of Rice Creek. This study did not include any fish from Rice Creek, but did include fish from the confluence of Rice Creek and the St. Johns River, as opposed to reference streams. The study showed lower levels of hormones in fish from the area of that confluence, but also showed similar effects at a reference stream 40 kilometers away. No testimony was presented to support the inference that the effects represented in the two studies were adverse, within the meaning of the free-from rule. Moreover, the data from those two studies were collected in 1996, 1997, and 1998, or before Georgia-Pacific converted its bleach plant to chlorine dioxide bleaching in March 2001. Therefore, Dr. Koenig had no data to support any theory that under current effluent conditions, Georgia-Pacific is producing or will produce compounds that would cause any changes of hormone concentrations in fish. With respect to the phenomenon of fish masculinization in Rice Creek, Petitioners' experts had no data to support a competent opinion on this subject. To support his testimony, Dr. Koenig only read one article that purported to demonstrate fish masculinization in 11-Mile Creek and the Fenholloway River, and one letter from an employee of the St. Johns River Water Management District [Young Exhibit 8A] that referred to "external anatomical anomalies" near Georgia-Pacific discharge points. The article attached to that letter and included in Young Exhibit 8A addressed data collected in Escambia County, and does not address conditions in Rice Creek. Petitioners attempted to present the theory that the potential for endocrine disruption or fish masculinization resulting from paper mill effluent would violate the free-from standard. As a condition to issuance of the permit, the Department proposes to require Georgia-Pacific to obtain approval of a plan of study to analyze the potential for significant masculinization effects from the discharge. Under the proposed conditions, Georgia-Pacific is required to determine the minimum concentration at which such effects may be detected. By its terms, the proposed permit may be reopened to adjust effluent limitations or monitoring requirements if the masculinization study shows a need for them. Department witness Brooks acknowledged a general concern for endocrine disruption resulting from paper mill effluent. In particular, Mr. Brooks referred to studies which showed that paper mill effluent could cause the elongation of an anal fin in the females of certain fish species. However, Mr. Brooks observed that although this appeared to be a physiologic response, there was no evidence or reason to believe that this effect was an adverse effect. Reports regarding masculinization, that is, the elongation of anal fins in female fish, are suspect because (among other reasons) the studies do not account for variances that would be expected based on the independent variables of sex, age, and growth. In any case, the data from those reports do not demonstrate significant, adverse effects in exposed populations. A critical and unbiased review of the published literature shows that impacts of masculinization are biologically interesting but preliminary in nature. Department witness Maher observed that the masculinization effect occurs naturally, and that the Department's plan of study is intended to determine whether this natural phenomenon becomes problematic or is enhanced by activity at the mill. Initial information reviewed by the Department indicates that the phenomenon is no longer experienced when a mill converts to a chlorine dioxide (ECF) bleaching process, as Georgia-Pacific has done in converting to ECF. According to witness Brooks, the observed effect known as "fish masculinization" is not confirmed to result from endocrine disruption. The Department has concluded that it has reason to be concerned about the potential for fish masculinization. From the Department's viewpoint, it is not clearly understood what is causing this effect. It has been shown that there is a direct relationship between concentration (or dilution) and the observation of those effects. This conclusion is consistent with Dr. Koenig's testimony, which observed a decline in observed effects based on the dosage or concentration of effluent. The Department has reviewed evidence showing that, with dilution, the effect of fish masculinization "go[es] away." In the Department's analysis of the fish masculinization issue in the present permit, the Department is requiring process improvements that would reduce this phenomenon, if it exists, in Rice Creek. In addition, if the discharge is relocated to the St. Johns River, the additional dilution would ameliorate the concern regarding fish masculinization, and the phenomenon will "go away." To give an even higher level of assurance that the resource will be protected, the Department is requiring a study to evaluate and confirm that the issue is resolved. The process changes required in the permit, the potential for further dilution in the St. Johns River if it becomes necessary, and the evaluations required in the permit condition render it very likely that any potential for fish masculinization will be mitigated. Thus, to the extent that fish masculinization could be deemed a violation of the free- from standard, Georgia-Pacific has provided reasonable assurances that it will not cause the masculinization of fish in the St. Johns River. Petitioners did not offer any credible evidence establishing that any specific compound or substance would cause the alleged effects of endocrine disruption or fish masculinization. Indeed, Dr. Koenig acknowledged that he was unable to find in his literature search the mechanism or chemical that is alleged to cause fish masculinization. Likewise, Petitioners were unable to suggest any concentration of that substance which would lead to those alleged effects. Dr. Koenig expressed a belief that chlorinated organic compounds from the paper manufacturing process may be responsible for endocrine disruption. Dr. Koenig also opined that within the general process of paper manufacturing, the bleaching process in particular was a concern. To the extent that Dr. Koenig may have had a concern regarding endocrine disruption from his review of studies performed using data from 1996 through 1998, it is reasonable to conclude that this concern is ameliorated by Georgia-Pacific's conversion to chlorine dioxide bleaching in March 2001. There is no evidence to establish a relationship between the presence or absence of dioxin and fish masculinization. Compliance with Dissolved Oxygen Standard (and BOD Concerns) In Section K, Petitioners disputed whether Georgia- Pacific had provided reasonable assurance of compliance with the adopted dissolved oxygen standard. The proposed permit contains different permit limits for BOD for winter and summer, because the impacts of discharges are different during those parts of the year. Georgia-Pacific has shown a substantial downward trend for BOD. The Georgia-Pacific facility discharges mass loadings of BOD at quantities which are much less than what is required to meet discharge standards. A review of effluent data shows that even for the worst period for performance, Georgia-Pacific's effluent was well below the proposed permit limits for BOD. A review of BOD discharges over the period of January 2000 to August 2001 demonstrates a consistent ability of the facility to meet the proposed permit limits, as well as a general trend of improvement that reflects Georgia-Pacific’s upgrade of the treatment system. Georgia-Pacific will meet the minimum standards for dissolved oxygen in mixing zones. With additional process improvements, Georgia-Pacific will also experience additional environmental benefits in the reduction of chemical oxygen demand. N. Dioxin and "Related Compounds" As to dioxin, Petitioners alleged in Section L of their Petition that Georgia-Pacific may discharge dioxin in concentrations that could cause a violation of the free-from standard. The proposed permit includes a permit condition for a plan of study to assess levels of "TCDD" and "TCDF" in fish tissue in the receiving waters. Department witness Brooks was unaware of any regulatory authority to require fish tissue sampling for dioxin. Department engineer Kohn was also uncertain of any regulatory authority for the Department to test for dioxin in fish tissue. Mr. Kohn agreed with the proposition that when a proposed permit condition is not specifically authorized by rule or statute, the condition must be withdrawn if the applicant objects. However, in this case, Georgia-Pacific did not object to the inclusion of a permit limit of .014 picograms per liter of dioxin in its final effluent. As noted above, Georgia-Pacific established that under its current effluent conditions, following conversion to chlorine dioxide bleaching, the facility is "non-detect" for dioxin. The Department does not have any adopted standards for fish tissue concentrations. Petitioners presented very little evidence of dioxin concentration in fish tissue following Georgia-Pacific's conversion to ECF bleaching, and they opposed the introduction of such data into evidence. A review of available data shows that there was not a statistically significant difference between the level of bioaccumulation of dioxin in fish tissue in Rice Creek versus a reference creek. The Florida Department of Health has concluded, based on review of prior fish tissue data, that a fish consumption advisory for Rice Creek was not warranted. Total Suspended Solids In Section M, Petitioners have alleged that TSS in the effluent would cause various environmental problems. However, Petitioners did not allege that TSS in the effluent would lead to a violation of water quality standards, and they did not present any accepted testimony or other evidence to support such a theory. There is no adopted water quality standard for TSS. According to the WQBEL Technical Report, effluent levels of TSS are generally comparable to background levels in the St. Johns River. The primary wastewater clarifier is designed to remove fiber or other settleable solids from the effluent before it travels to the secondary treatment system. Total suspended solids in Georgia-Pacific's effluent are primarily derived from biota in the treatment system, rather than fiber from the industrial process. Georgia-Pacific has shown a substantial downward trend for TSS. The facility reliably discharges TSS at quantities which are much less than what is required to meet proposed effluent limits. A review of discharge data for TSS demonstrates that Georgia-Pacific would perform in full compliance with the proposed permit limits. Petitioners presented no evidence to the contrary. Petitioners likewise presented no evidence to quantify any impacts from TSS. Color, the Transparency Standard, and Related Issues Petitioners have also alleged that the color in Georgia-Pacific's effluent would lead to nuisance conditions in violation of Rule 62-302.500(1)(a). However, they did not allege any potential violation of the one parameter traditionally associated with effluent color: the Department's transparency standard. Elevated levels of color in the effluent reduces the ability of light to penetrate into the water column, with potential effects on the growth of aquatic plants. This is translated into a "compensation point," that is, the water depth at which the light level reaches one percent. The state transparency standard prohibits a discharge from causing a decrease in the compensation point of more than ten percent, relative to natural background. The rate of decrease of light within a water column is related to increased color levels. Analysis performed by Georgia-Pacific's consultants shows that a ten percent change in compensation depth corresponds to a seventeen percent increase in color above natural background levels. Under the proposed permit, color was used as a surrogate, or alternative measure, for compliance with the transparency standard. Color was not used as a surrogate for any parameter other than transparency. Georgia-Pacific will, with additional process improvements, see additional environmental benefits in reducing the color of its effluent. For the purpose of the application, Georgia-Pacific's modeling analysis assumed that based on process improvements, its effluent would have a color of 1202 pcu. EPA's technical team had opined that Georgia- Pacific would, with process improvements, achieve a reduction in color to 500 pcu. Georgia-Pacific had opined that the improvements would achieve a color of 1202 pcu. Department witness Owen opined that the color reduction would be in a range between those two figures. Petitioners did not present any contrary evidence as to the ability of additional process improvements to reduce effluent color. Accordingly, using the most conservative (least optimistic) figure, Georgia-Pacific has provided reasonable assurances that before a discharge to the St. Johns River would be authorized, it will reduce the color of its effluent to 1202 pcu. The proposed permit takes into account the potential that Georgia-Pacific's process improvements will achieve greater improvements in color than anticipated. Under the proposed permit, the Department would reduce the size of the proposed mixing zone if Georgia-Pacific demonstrates that the color of its effluent is lower than projected. The modeling analysis further demonstrates that based on a discharge to the St. Johns River, assuming an effluent color of 1202 pcu, the change in compensation depth is greater than ten percent in the vicinity of the proposed diffuser. A 734-meter mixing zone for transparency would be required for a discharge to the middle of the St. Johns River. The required area for such a mixing zone is 64,000 square meters. Antidegradation Review In Section P, Petitioners have generally alleged that the Department failed to conduct a proper antidegradation analysis. More specifically, they alleged that the proposed discharge would reduce the quality of the receiving waters below the classification established for them. Because Georgia-Pacific presently discharges to Rice Creek, and because a separate relief mechanism (the Administrative Order) authorizes the discharge to Rice Creek, it appears that the antidegradation issues relate solely to the proposed discharge into the St. Johns River. If the relocation had resulted in degradation of the receiving water, the Department would have regulatory authority in its Rule 62-4.242(1)(c) to consider whether Georgia-Pacific could minimize its discharge through other discharge locations, the use of land application, or reuse. However, Petitioners failed to allege in their Petition that the Department misapplied that regulatory authority. Moreover, under Department practice, when a new discharge or relocation of a discharge will result in an environmental benefit, it is not necessary to conduct a review of other discharge options. The Department undertakes an antidegradation analysis in, among other scenarios, cases where a discharge will result in achievement of minimum water quality standards for a given designated use but will lead to an incremental lowering of water quality. The purpose of this analysis is to assure that the societal benefits of the discharge outweigh the cost of that incremental lowering. The proposed permit will not lead to the increase in discharge of any parameter, and the permit is more stringent and adds additional parameters or limits. In addition, there is a trend of improved performance for the treatment system. In the present case, the Department has concluded that the proposed project will result in a significant improvement in water quality by the reduction of pollutants associated with exceedences of water quality standards in Rice Creek. Regardless of whether the discharge remains in Rice Creek or is relocated to the St. Johns River, the proposed Permit and Administrative Order will lead to an improvement in water quality as opposed to a degradation of water quality. Based on improvements with respect to specific conductance parameters, the ability to relocate the discharge into the middle of the St. Johns River where better mixing will occur (relative to the confluence of Rice Creek), and anticipated improvements in grass beds, the proposed pipeline will lead to a net environmental benefit in the St. Johns River and Rice Creek. The project as set forth in the proposed Permit and Administrative Order will be clearly in the public interest because it will result in full achievement of water quality standards and full compliance with the designated use of the receiving water body. The project will result in a substantial reduction in pollutant loading in Rice Creek and the St. Johns River, regardless of the whether the discharge will be located in Rice Creek or in the St. Johns River. The Department adequately evaluated other discharge locations, alternative treatment, and disposal alternatives. Studies, including a land application pilot project, demonstrated that land application was not feasible based upon impacts to groundwater resources. In their Petition, Petitioners did not dispute the Department's analysis of those factors under applicable rules. Given these considerations, it is found that Georgia-Pacific has provided reasonable assurances that it will meet water quality standards, and it is evident that Georgia-Pacific will not reduce the quality of the St. Johns River below its Class III designation. Further, the proposed discharge will be clearly in the public interest for the purpose of antidegradation analysis. Further, the proposed discharge into the St. Johns River is important to and beneficial to the public health, safety, and welfare, taking into account the policies set forth in Rules 62-302.100 and 62-302.300, Florida Administrative Code. The proposed discharge into the St. Johns River will not adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats. Instead, the proposed discharge would provide a benefit to fish and wildlife, and their habitats. No persuasive evidence was presented that the proposed discharge to the St. Johns River would adversely affect the fishing or water-based recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the proposed discharge. Indeed, the record demonstrates a beneficial effect as to those factors. The proposed discharge has not been shown to be inconsistent with the applicable Surface Water Improvement and Management Plan (SWIM plan). Rather, the evidence shows that the proposed discharge would promote the implementation of the applicable SWIM plan. Monitoring Issues Section Q in the Petition generally challenged the adequacy of proposed monitoring requirements. As to this issue, the monitoring conditions imposed in the proposed permit are sufficient to ensure compliance with the proposed permit. Petitioner Young's witness Gilbert agreed that the proposed monitoring conditions were adequate to determine the result of process changes, that the proposed monitoring conditions were comprehensive, and that those conditions were beyond what the Department normally required. The Department does not propose to engage in water quality sampling at the end of the diffuser or at the edge of the mixing zone because of the technical difficulties associated with such an endeavor. Instead, the process for determining compliance is to determine the condition of the effluent and simulate water quality conditions of the receiving water body under low-flow conditions (when the river would be most vulnerable to pollution discharges). Such an approach is more protective because it eliminates variables that may not be representative of worst-case conditions. The evidence shows that the size of Georgia- Pacific's facility renders it impracticable for Georgia- Pacific to compromise the integrity of sampling results, as suggested by Petitioners. Flow Limitations In their Petition, Petitioners also contended that the proposed agency action violates Rules 62-4.240(3)(a) and 62-620.310(9)(a) by failing to specify the volume of discharge or flows. Under Department practice, flow must be specified but is not necessarily limited. Flow was adequately specified in the proposed permit, where the facility is described as 40 MGD wastewater treatment facility with a 22 MGD expected average flow. Volume limits are indirectly set through the establishment of a mixing zone and through mass loading limits in the permit, such as the loading limits for BOD and suspended solids. When flow is increased and the concentration of the effluent remains constant, the flow would be limited by the mass limits in the permit. Furthermore, the pipe and diffuser will have a hydraulic limitation, that is, a physical limitation on the amount that can physically be discharged. The pipeline and diffuser are hydraulically limited to 60 MGD based on the current design. Over a ten-year period, Georgia-Pacific has shown a trend toward reduced effluent flow. For example, in 1991, Georgia-Pacific discharged just under 40,000,000 gallons per day (GPD). In 2001, the discharge was less than 24,000,000 GPD. As a result of water conservation measures, Georgia- Pacific has been able to achieve a substantial reduction in effluent flow even when it experienced increased storm water flow into the treatment system. Because of stormwater inputs into the treatment system, it is very difficult to set a flow limit on the discharge from a pulp and paper mill. Indeed, the Department does not typically impose volume limits on NPDES permits for pulp and paper mills. Where volume or flow limits are imposed on pulp and paper mills, they are necessary in order to assure compliance with a specific standard. The Administrative Order Georgia-Pacific has submitted plans and a reasonable schedule for constructing, installing, or placing into operation an approved pollution abatement facility or alternative waste disposal system. No contrary evidence was presented, and no alternative construction schedule was proposed by Petitioners. In assessing a schedule to achieve compliance, the Department considered the time necessary to construct additional improvements as well as the reasonableness of the time period in light of Georgia-Pacific's capital investment. As part of this analysis, the Department also considered Georgia-Pacific's commitment to go beyond what they were legally required to do in environmental upgrades. The schedule of compliance is reasonable, given the cost and magnitude of the improvements required of Georgia-Pacific. Georgia-Pacific needs permission to continue its discharge to Rice Creek for a period of time necessary to complete research, planning, construction, installation, and operation of an approved and acceptable pollution abatement facility or alternative waste disposal system. The time period described in the Administrative Order will enable Georgia-Pacific to maximize the operation of the process improvements in order to determine if the discharge can meet water quality standards in Rice Creek. Given the cost and magnitude of the improvements required in the permit and Administrative Order, the schedule of compliance set forth in the Administrative Order is reasonable. There is no present, reasonable alternative means of disposing of wastewater other than to discharge it into waters of the State. In their Petition, Petitioners contested the Department's general antidegradation analysis but did not allege that any alternative means of disposal were improperly overlooked. The Department does not have specific regulatory authority to require facilities such as Georgia-Pacific to consider re-use as part of its antidegradation analysis, as it does with domestic waste discharges. Nonetheless, the Department did look at re-use and land application and determined that they were not feasible alternatives. Although it was not specifically required to do so by rule, Georgia- Pacific had exhausted every reasonable means to re-use (rather than discharge) water from its facility. Under earlier authorizations, Georgia-Pacific was not required to achieve standards for color, conductance, and chronic toxicity in Rice Creek. The granting of an operation permit will be in the public interest. This is because Putnam County will suffer an adverse economic impact if the facility is shut down and there will be net environmental benefits achieved through compliance with the requirements set forth in the Permit and Administrative Order. The Permit requires Georgia-Pacific to submit a written report to the Department if it appears that a mixing zone is needed for chronic whole effluent toxicity.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order (1) issuing proposed permit number FL0002763 to Georgia-Pacific Corporation, as set forth in Department Exhibit 175, and with the change in the permit conditions as requested in Georgia-Pacific Exhibit 102 and proposed by the Department during the hearing, and (2) approving Administrative Order No. 039-NE as set forth in Department Exhibit 176. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathy C. Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Timothy Keyser, Esquire Keyser & Woodward, P.A. Post Office Box 92 Interlachen, Florida 32148-0092 Ralf G. Brookes, Esquire 1217 East Cape Coral Parkway, No. 107 Cape Coral, Florida 33904-9604 Jessica C. Landman, Esquire 1200 New York Avenue, Northwest Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20005 Terry Cole, Esquire Jeffrey Brown, Esquire Oertel, Hoffman, Fernandez & Cole, P.A. Post Office Box 1110 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1110 Teri L. Donaldson, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Francine M. Ffolkes, Esquire Thomas R. Gould, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

USC (2) 33 U.S.C 13425 U.S.C 558 Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57403.051403.088403.0885403.412
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002954 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 1991

Findings Of Fact The parties stipulated, and it is so found, that Petitioner, DER, has jurisdiction over both the issues and the Respondents Dey and KWC. KWC owns and operates a water system which supplies water to both residential and commercial customers in the City of Keystone Heights, Florida. Virginia Key is the President of KWC, a member of the Board of Directors of the corporation, and one of the five stockholders. The other stockholders are her sisters. The five sisters are the daughters of the late G. E Wiggins, and inherited the company from him at his death in 1969. Mr. Wiggins developed the water company in the 1920's and operated it until his death. KWC came under the jurisdiction of the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) just prior to Mr. Wiggins' death. At that time, pursuant to a PSC requirement, it was assessed and valued at a sum in excess of $250,000.00 by a consultant firm hired for the purpose. As of late November, 1984, KWC served approximately 752 residential customers which, when multiplied by an average 2.5 persons per family factor, results in a total of approximately 1,880 residential inhabitants served by the water system. In addition, the system serves 105 commercial customers. It is impossible to estimate with any reasonable degree of accuracy the number of individuals involved in the commercial service. The system consists of three wells drilled in 1940, 1946, and 1960 to a depth of 350, 450, and 492 feet respectively. Total yield from the three wells is normally 1,350 gallons per minute. The wells are generally well protected against surface water infusion, are normally not subject to inundation, and have had no salt water infiltration problems in the past. At the present time, well number 2, drilled in 1946, with a 350 gpm yield is out of service. The water, when pumped from the ground, is stored in two tanks-one with a 60,000 gallon capacity and the other with a capacity of 800 gallons. Both tanks are steel. Chlorine is added to the water in each storage situation by a hyper-chlori- nation system before the water is sent to the storage tank. The distribution system is made up of 6" and 2" diameter pipe. In March, 1984, two different inspections of the water system, done by, in one case, an environmental specialist and in the other, an Engineer I with DER, revealed several deficiencies in the maintenance and operation of the system all of which constitute violations of DER rules. Specifically, these include (1) failure to provide an auxiliary power source in the event the main pumping capability of the system is lost, (Rule 17-22.106 (3)(a); (2) failure to utilize for the system an operator certi- fied by the state with a Class C license, (Rule 17-22.107(3)(b); (3) failure to maintain a free chlorine residual in the water of at least 0.2 ppm in the system, (Rule 17-22.106(3)(c); (4) failure to maintain a minimum pressure of 20 ppi in the distribution system, (Rule 17-22.106(3)(f); (5) failure to have a gas chlorination facility, (Rule 17-22.106(3)(d); and (6) failure to obtain proper permits to expand the distribution system, (Rule 17-22.108 (1)(b) Rule 17-22, F.A.C., sets up requirements for safe drinking water and was designed to establish guidelines and standards for facilities and water and to bring water into compliance with the Federal Act. Twenty ppi of pressure in the system was adopted as a standard minimum for residual pressure to protect against outside contaminants getting into the water system. Such contaminants could come from ground water, leaks, and water in storage tanks attached to the system such as toilet tanks, being aspirated into the system. Also a certain amount of pressure is required to operate appliances. Normally minimum pressure is found in areas at the edge of the system and in those areas where inadequate chlorination is located. They interact and both pressure and chlorinization are required. Chlorine can be injected into the system generally in two ways: the first is through gas chlori- nation and the second, through hyper-chlorinization as is used in the instant system. The effectiveness of hyper-chlorinization is limited, however, by the size of the system. Basically, hyper- chlorinization is effective when the demand in the system for pressure is no more than 10 ppi. Above this, gas chlorinization is necessary. As late as January 4, 1985, Mr. Dykes went to Keystone Heights to test the system. His tests showed that 11.9 ppi is the average daily flow per 24 hours for the last 12 months. Since this figure is above 10 ppi, in his opinion, a gas chlorinization system would be needed. Chlorine is used to purify water because it has been shown, through long use, to prevent disease. The requirement for a residual chlorine level in water, therefore, is consistent with that concept to insure chlorine is always in the water in sufficient quantity to prevent disease. Respondent's plant has less than the 0.2 residual that is required under the rule. This insufficiency is caused by the inadequate chlorinization system which has insufficient capacity to provide the appropriate amount of chlorine. At the current level, it is providing only approximately 60 percent of the needed chlorine. To correct this deficiency Mr. Dykes recommends installation of a gas chlorinization system. In addition, the pneumatic tank storing the water from the number 3 well does not give sufficient detention time to allow for appropriate reaction of the chlorine contained in the water before the water is released into the distribution system. Another factor relating to the lack of adequate pressure in the system is the fact that, in Mr. Dykes' opinion, too much of the system is made up of 2" diameter water line. A line of this small diameter prevents the maintenance of adequate pressure especially in light of the fact that there are numerous old lines in the system some with corrosion and scale in them which tends to reduce pressure. This latter factor would be prevalent even in the 6" lines. The current plant manager, Mr. Cross, who has been with Respondent for approximately 4 years is, with the exception of one part time employee, the only operations individual associated with the plant. As such, he repairs the meters and the lines, checks the pumps, the chlorinator, and checks and refills the chlorine reservoir on a seven day a week basis. Be learned the operation of the plant from his precedessor, Mr. Johnson, an unlicensed operator who was with the company for 10 years. Mr. Cross has a "D" license which he secured last year after being notified by DER that a license was required. It was necessary for him to get the "D" license before getting the required "C" license. At the present time, he is enrolled to take courses leading toward the "C" license. At the present time, however, he is not, nor is anyone else associated with KWC, holding a license as required. The rule regarding auxiliary power provides that all community systems serving 350 or more persons shall have standby pumping capability or auxiliary power to allow operation of the water treatment unit and pumping capability of approximately one-half the maximum daily system demand. Respondent has admitted that the system is not equipped with an auxiliary power source and it has already been established that more than 350 persons are served by the system. Respondent also admits that subsequent to November 9, 1977, it constructed main water lines for the system which required the obtaining of a permit from either the Petitioner or the county health unit. Respondent admits that it did not obtain or possess a permit to do the additional construction referenced above from either DER or the Clay County Health Department prior to the construction of the water lines referenced. The inspections referenced above, which identified the problems discussed herein, were accomplished by employees of Petitioner, DER, at a stipulated cost of $898.10. Respondent contends, and there is no evidence to the contrary, that there have been no complaints of contaminated water and that the monthly water samples which Mr. Cross forwards to the Clay County Health Department have been satisfactory. Mr. Cross also indicates that a September, 1983 DER analysis of water samples taken from the system was satisfactory. However, bacteriological analysis reports on water collected from Respondent's system on July 11 and 27, 1983, reflect unsatisfactory levels of either coliform or non-coliform bacteria in the water requiring resubmission of test samples. Respondent also contends that no one has ever gotten sick or died from the water furnished by the system and there is, in fact, no evidence to show this is not true. Even though so far as is known, no one has ever been made sick from the water in the system, in Mr. Dykes' opinion, the risk is there. As a result of the defects identified in this system, insufficient chlorine is going into the system to meet reasonable health standards. Though this does not mean that the water is now bad, it does mean that at any time, given a leak or the infusion of some contaminant, the water could become bad quickly, and the standard established by rule is preventive, designed to insure that even in the case of contamination, the water will remain safe and potable. Respondent does not deny that it is and has been in violation of the rules as set out by the Petitioner. It claims, however, that it does not have sufficient funds available to comply with the rules as promulgated by DER. Respondent has recently filed a request for variance under Section 403.854, Florida Statutes, setting forth as the basis for its request that it does not have the present financial ability to comply with any of the suggested or recommended corrective actions to bring its operation into compliance with the rules. Mr. Protheroe, the consulting engineer who testified for Respondent has not evaluated the system personally. His familiarity with it is a result of his perusal of the records of the company and the Petitioner. Based on his limited familiarity with the system, he cannot say with any certainty if it can be brought into compliance with, for example, the 20 ppi requirement. There are too many unknowns. If, however, the central system was found to be in, reasonably good shape, in his opinion, it would take in excess of $100,000.00 to bring it within pressure standards. To do so would require replacement of the 2" lines, looping the lines, and cleaning and replacing some central system lines as well. In his opinion, it would take three months to do a complete and competent analysis of the system's repair needs. Once that was done, he feels it would take an additional three months to bring the plant into compliance with DER requirements. Other repairs, such as those to the lines outside the plant, would take longer because some are located in the downtown area and have interfaced with other utilities. This could take from three to four months if the money were available to start immediately. Here, however, it has been shown that it is not. Consequently, to do the study and then, if possible, procure the funds required, could take well in excess of six months or so. Mr. Protheroe contends, and there is little if any evidence to indicate to the contrary, that to replace the current system with a new one entirely as it is currently constituted would cost at least $250,000.00. However, in his opinion, no one would ever put in a new system similar to the one currently there. He cannot say how much it would cost to buy the system and make the necessary corrections to it to rectify the deficiencies. His familiarity with the system is not sufficiently complete to do this. He cannot say exactly how much the system is worth in its current state, but he is satisfied that it is worth more than $65,000.00. In that regard, Mrs. Dey indicated that in her opinion, the fair market value of the system is currently at $250,000.00. At the present time, there are current outstanding loans in excess of $9,000.00 at 16 percent interest. This current loan basis has been reduced from a higher figure. In 1977, the company borrowed $15,000.00 at 9 percent. In 1981, it borrowed $5,000.00 more at 18 percent. In 1982, the loans were consolidated at an increased rate of 16 percent and the officers have been advised by their current creditors that they cannot borrow any more money for the system in its current state. They would sell the system if a reasonable price could be realized. However, any inquiries on prospective purchases have been chilled by a low rate base assigned by the PSC. In that regard, the City of Keystone Heights offered to purchase the system for $59,000.00. This offer was declined as being unreasonable. Nonetheless, in light of the low rate base assigned by the PSC in its order issued on December 21, 1981 of slightly over $53,000.00 the offer by the city of $59,000.00 is not completely out of line. A certified public accountant, in KWC's December 31, 1983 financial report assigned a valuation of approximately $62,000.00, again a figure only slightly higher than that offered by the city, but substantially less than the $175,000.00 price asked of the city by Respondent Dey and her sisters. Mrs. Dey indicated that to the best of her knowledge the PSC denied rate increases for the purposes of improvements. In the presentation before the commission, respondents relied exclusively on the services of their attorney and accountant. Evidence from Mr. Lowe, of the PSC, however, indicates that KWC has never requested a rate increase to finance any of the improvements called for here. In the PSC order referred to above, Respondent was awarded a 12.25 percent rate of return on its rate base. This figure was an amalgam of a more than 13 percent rate on equity and a lesser figure for cost of doing business, including debt. At the time of that hearing, however, the debt cost was based on a 9 percent interest figure. The 16 percent interest figure came afterwards and no hearing has been requested based on the higher interest rate and it is so found.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusion of law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondents Virginia W. Day and the Keystone Water Company be ordered to comply with the Orders for Corrective Action previously filed herein to bring the water system in question in compliance with the Florida Safe Water Drinking Act without delay or suffer the penalties for non- compliance called for by statute and, in addition, pay costs of investigation in the amount of $898.16. RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Florida this 19th day of February, 1985. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of February, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Debra A. Swim, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John E Norris, Esquire 10 North Columbia Street Lake City, Florida 32055 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 403.854
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