Broken Bone
My 12 year old injured his elbow in May. I took him to the doctor and they said little leager elbow. I ask for an x-ray or mri on more than one occasion and they said it was wasn't needed and finally sent him to therapy. After therapy for 1 1/2 months it had no improvement. I finally got them to refer him to a sports medicine doctor. Today during our first visit they took x-rays and found that his elbow had a fracture and since so much time had went by (3+months) that now he requires surgery because they bone is spread so far apart. I am very upset that he was left with a fractured elbow for so long. He has very high pain threshold so he went on about his everyday activities for this whole time further injuring it. What, if any recourse do I have for this situation?
Re: Broken Bone
Your description certainly seems to describe a case of professionl negligence on the part of a health care provider for failing to properly diagnose your son's injury. However, we would need a medcal expert witness to review the medical records and provide an opinion. If you do not already have an attorney, you may call me for a consultation.