child adoption
i have a 2 year old step daughter who i have raised since she was 5 months. her father is not in her life much. what is the proper steps to adopt my step daughter?
Re: child adoption
As attorney Roth indicated, you will need to obtain the consent of the biological father.
If you are unable to obtain the consent of the biological father, but the father is notified and fails to make an objection, you may also be permitted to go ahead with the adoption.
You are seeking what is called a co-parent, or second-parent adoption, and you should retain the advice and representation of counsel. I handle adoptions as part of my practice, and would be more than happy to speak with you.
Re: child adoption
As attorney Roth indicated, you will need to obtain the consent of the biological father.
If you are unable to obtain the consent of the biological father, but the father is notified and fails to make an objection, you may also be permitted to go ahead with the adoption.
You are seeking what is called a co-parent, or second-parent adoption, and you should retain the advice and representation of counsel. I handle adoptions as part of my practice, and would be more than happy to speak with you.