contest rights of survivorship
my father is in the middle of getting a divorce from his estranged wife. they have been apart for 25 years after she left with a boyfriend.
He has made all the arrangements, but she will not sign the papers.
The problem is that My father was a child molester. He and this women molested me and my sisiters. then he molested her daughter from another marriage.
He thinks that we forgot about the abuse and is only concerned with keeping her quiet.
Can my sisiters and I contest her rights of survivorship if this divorce isn't finalized?
Re: contest rights of survivorship
Disclaimer: The materials provided below are informational and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
You need to provide more details. What "right of survivorship" are you referring to? If your father and/or step mother molested you, you need to immediately report it to the authorities and bring civil action for your damages before the statute of limitations runs on you. You should consult your own attorney to protect your legal rights.