Corporate apartment
I was traveling back and forth to Boston for business. The business got an apartment for me but since I was going to be living there I had to be on the lease. The lease term was for 14 months. The verbal agreement between my employer and myself was that after July I would pay for the lease as I should be moving there.
In February the company I worked for laid me off. I then had no reason to travel to Boston and the apartment sits empty.
The rent is very high $1800 per month and my former employer wants to sue me for the lease.
What is my legal recourse?
Re: Corporate apartment
This is an interesting issue that straddles two areas of the law: employment and housing.
The answer to your question really depends on who is responsible for the lease and what agreements were in place with your employer. Who was paying the rent, you or your employer? Whose name is on the lease, you or your employer, or both? I would need to review any lease and employment documents before being able to advise you on this specific situation.
It is sometimes a good idea (and cheaper) to try and resolve these things before litigation commences. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss this further.