Credit card paid off, now getting billed for it again
I have a credit card that I was running a BAL on and making my payments on-time every month. So I paid it off finally and had an over payment on it on the top of my BAL, which I requested a refund for and received it. I received my final statement showing my zero -0- balance and no transaction on it. I have not used the card for a few months, now I am receiving a bill from the card company stating that I still owe them money and there was a mistake in calculating that my balance was paid off!
There have not been any charges on the card and I have statement showing my BAL was zero 3 months ago. Do they have the right to do so? What is my course of action at this point?
Re: Credit card paid off, now getting billed for it again
Read your credit card agreement - that contains your rights. It likely gives them the right to correct any errors. Of course, you'll also want to check their math.
Re: Credit card paid off, now getting billed for it again
Read your credit card agreement - that contains your rights. It likely gives them the right to correct any errors. Of course, you'll also want to check their math.