Custody trial ruling
My ex-husband tried to get custody of my kids. He thought since he remarried he would win. I was able to continue to have primary custody. The judge made him pay for everything. In his ruling after the trial the judge decided to make us go to a parent coordinator, because we don't get along, and have the kids go to a counselor. We've been divorced 7 years, we will never get along. The counselors and gardian ad litem stated in the trial our kids were well adjusted thriving children. They don't need counseling, but it seemed like the judge didn't really pay much attention to any of the testimonies. I am required to pay 20% of fees for counseling. my ex would not agree on any counselor I found.Instead the courts decided and they chose someone so expensive that even 20% is outrageous. I have a child that is handicap(from another marriage). I am the only one that takes care of him. I work as an artist, but money is tight. I haven't followed the Judge's court order, because my kids come first.Every penny I make goes towards them. Now I'm in contempt of court(my ex says).What do I do.My lawyer will not return my calls or emails. Will I go to jail. Is it to late to appeal,since it was placed in January.Is my Lawyer in trouble?
Re: Custody trial ruling
1) Yes you may be in contempt of court.
2) Yes you could end up in jail if you are in contampt, but not likely.
3) It is too late to file an appeal, however, you might have a post judgment motion available to you.
4) Why do you think that your lawyer is in trouble? You are the one who did not follow the court's order.