Hi...My question concerns The Brown Act/ California. I'll try and make a long story short. I am newly elected President of The Board of Directors for a small homeless shelter in Ca. We are a non profit corporation.
Our monthly meetings are governed by Roberts Rule of Order. The question has been brought up Are we also governed by The Brown Act ? Or is that just for legislative body/ boards? as explained in The Brown Act 54952(c) (1) (A) and 54952(c) (1)(B) We have a Board meeting soon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance for your time.
Maureen Bates
Your organization might be covered. Here are the rules:
A non-profit corporation is covered only if:
a. A legislative body delegates some of its
functions to a private corporation or entity; or
54952(c)(1)(A) Ch. II or
b. If a legislative body provides some funding to a
private corporation or entity and appoints one of
its members to serve as a voting member of
entity�s board of directors.
References are to the Government Code and this material was cut-and-pasted from a booklet prepared by the Calif. Attorney General (Lockyear) which can be accessed via www.ag.ca.gov/publications/2003_Intro_BrownAct.pdf