I am an American born African American 48 years old living in Houston, Texas. I want to marry an Ethiopian Lady who's 25 years old, I just met her and feel in love with her the minute I met her. She is here in Houston, Texas visiting her sister. She feels the same way I do. I served 17 years for homicide and controlled substance in the Texas Department of Corrections and was released 2 years and 2 months ago.
#1 Can I marry her if I am still on parole?
#2 Can we marry next week before she leaves to go home to Ethiopia?
#3 What do we need to do to get married before she leaves?
#4 Since I was married and divorced over 27 years ago will I still need my divorce papers to show the court?
#5 What kind of problems will we face with her country to marry?
You mis-characterized your question. This is not an ADA issue, rather you should consult with an immigration lawyer.
Good Luck!
Cost of Texas Divorce Lawyer