My ex-girlfriend broke up with me a week after I started a new position at work.
I had my doubts about our relationship, so in December, I asked her if I should buy a local gym membership for her. I live in CA., she lives in NY. She said buy it. I now went forward with our plans of her moving to CA. In late Nov. she told me she would not move unless I could offer her health insurance. 3 weeks into January, she came to visit. The current position pays less, but has benefits. I was one week into the new job when she dumped me. According to the Union contract at work, I can't move to a different position for 6 months.I want to sue her for lost wages. All I have is a copy of her resume, with my address on it (indicating I was lead to believe she was moving), and I have a copy of a sublet ad for her apartment in NY. The point of those documents, she never posted them or gave them to anyone, she was fooling me. The contention is, not only did she breach our verbal contract, but she she knowingly and willfully withheld her intent for some time, and had I known her intent, I would have stayed at my old job with higher pay.
So, I'm not suing her for breaking up with me, but for acting in bad faith, and withholding information from me that she already knew.
Question 1) How do I frame this into a small claims case that has a chance
2) How do I deal with her being in NY, and me in CA.
3) Can I address the horribly painful emotional pain caused by her actions surrounding the breakup? I realize this one may not be viable for any legal action.
You need to stop buying stuff for women, whether it's a drink at the bar or a health club membership..