Paternity Test
What does this statement mean? ''The probability of paternity, assuming a 50% prior chance, is 99.99%.'' This is on my son's paternity test, and his father says it means the results are inclusive and he's not the father! Even though it also states, '' (said father) can not be excluded as the father of (said child).'' I feel that if he wasn't indeed the father why isn't he contesting the child support and insurance court order. Thank you for any help clearing this up.
Re: Paternity Test
You can call the paternity testing site to ask them to explain what they mean in their wording.
Based on your information and I've not seen the exact document, if the test is 99.99% that he is the father.
Then congratulations -- he's a daddy & you are a grandparent!!
No paternity test will come back 100% -- why? I have no idea -- but I've never seen one.