Rhumatoid arthritis and intermittent days off
I work for a large major
corporation and have been
diagnosed with rheumatoid
arthritis and when the disease
flares up, i need an
occassional day off or two
just to recover and get my
strength back ...The union that
represents me said i need to
look into the fmla...I am 55
years old and will retire in 2
years ...The occassional day
off here and there is crucial
to me and i feel that it is
beneficial to my company
knowing my leave is not for
extended periods but brief and
occassional...What is your
take on my direction
Re: Rhumatoid arthritis and intermittent days off
Go see your doctor and make sure that he/she will support your request for intermittent leave. If your doctor is supporting you, then get the FMLA paperwork from your HR department, take it to your doctor to be completed and then return it to the employer. Your situation sounds like it may be covered under the FMLA and, if so, you should certainly seek that right.