My dad passed away in June. He has left in house to his 4 children. Can I go into his house?
Re: rights
My first question is, is there a probate estate opened in the probate court where he lived. If so, who is the executor of his estate.
If there is one executor, and the estate has not been finalized, then you need to work this out with the executor.
Nevertheless, if all 4 siblings agree that any of you can go into the house then you can go into the house. If not, then you need to work it out with the executor.
If there is no probate estate opened, and the 4 siblings can not work things out, then you need to open a probate estate and ask to be appointed the administrator if there is no will.
If there is a will, then you need to probate the will and the will will dictate who is the executor.