Social Security
My daughter has a live-in boyfriend and she has an 11 month old boy. She was married to someone else but the live-in boyfriend claims the child as his therefore the child receives a disability check from SS. The live-in boyfriend is a disabled paraplagic. They have had domestic problems and though the live-in boyfriend has claimed the child and signed papers stating that he was the father, he keeps threatening to stop the babies check if my daughter leaves him. Can he stop the baby's check if the guy has claimed for almost a year that he is his child and sighned documents stating this? Thank you so much, Lisa
Re: Social Security
Two suggestions...One, call your local Social Security office and ask the person there for an answer and two, contact a domestic relations/family law attorney in the county where she lives, since this is really a family law question. My instinct is that he can't do that but you want more than a gut feeling, so call the local SS office and ask.