Whether a proposed trademark is infringing on another mark depends on many factors and is not limited to trademarks that are registered with the USPTO. Generally speaking, before using a trademark you must ensure that the mark is not confusing with another mark that is currently being used in the same or related class of goods or services (in your case would include clothing, accessories, etc). Consult with a trademark attorney if you need assistance.
breach of vebal agreement
I rented my lower level of my commercial building to a lady that does special needs, she was taking children without special needs. which was conflicting with my daycare upstairs, so she was stilling clients from me, and she was working under my state license. I termated our agreement and she wants her lease deposit. Do I have to give her the deposit, and do I have to give her 30 days
Quit claim deed and siblings
I am executor of my dads will. He is
widowed and has excluded children
from a previous marriage. He has
quit claimed land to me at the time
of his death. Can this be contested
by siblings or grandchildren from a
previous marriage? Would it be
wise to quit claim the land now to
avoid any potential legal issues?