My middle name is Marshall and I want to use it for my clothing brand “Marshall Clothing”
I have checked trademark databases and the phrase ‘Marshall Clothing’ is not registered.
However, I realised that the word ‘Marshall’ is highly associated with the company “Marshall Amplifications”
Is my brand infringing on anything? Am I at risk of being sued? Please help
Whether a proposed trademark is infringing on another mark depends on many factors and is not limited to trademarks that are registered with the USPTO. Generally speaking, before using a trademark you must ensure that the mark is not confusing with another mark that is currently being used in the same or related class of goods or services (in your case would include clothing, accessories, etc). Consult with a trademark attorney if you need assistance.
I live in the State of Kansas and currently rent an apartment. My lease is up October 18, 2010 and I was notified on 8/4/10 that if I choose to stay at the apartment my rent will increase $90.00.
As my lease states that I am required to give a 60 day notice which would be by 8/18/10, and which give me only 2 weeks to look for another apartment if I want to move and give a 60 day notice. I have two questions:
1-Is there any law that states the landlord needs to give notice about rental increases.
2-What will happen if I do not give a 60 day notice on 8/18/10 as I need a little more time to find another apartment.
Thank you.
I have a question about two possible forms of stealing in the workplace.
Is it considered stealing, and therefore illegal, for an employee to REGULARLY clock into work, THEN go get breakfast for 20 min, and still take her (2) 10-min breaks and (1) hour lunch break? Or is this up to HR as to whether they want to consider it an issue? (this is in addition to the person spending a couple of hours per day (cumulative) chatting with various people, including co-workers who are trying to work).
Next, is it considered stealing if an employee who orders office supplies FOR THE COMPANY (using the company credit card) uses the rewards bucks for her own personal shopping rather than apply to the next company order? Incidentally, she has the account in HER name under her cell #, not the company�s.