No. You cannot get your money back. You do not reveal how the house is titled. Is it joint as husband and wife with right of survivorship? Or is it just in his name? Is the home paid for? If its paid for, the simplest thing is to re-title the home in both of your names with right of survivorship. Your husband definitely needs to revise his will though. He should make arrangements to get life insurance and name you as beneficiary or make other arrangements to include you in his estate and make provision for you.
No. You cannot get your money back. You do not reveal how the house is titled. Is it joint as husband and wife with right of survivorship? Or is it just in his name? Is the home paid for? If its paid for, the simplest thing is to re-title the home in both of your names with right of survivorship. Your husband definitely needs to revise his will though. He should make arrangements to get life insurance and name you as beneficiary or make other arrangements to include you in his estate and make provision for you.