Teachers are given a fair amount of latitude and if this is this teacher's rule, you may risk a bad grade or failure. If your gradepoint is lowered enough as a result, you could wind up on probation or yes suspended but it probably won't be for using the internet, just for the bad grades.
It is hard to believe there is a college teacher today who would ban use of the internet as a research tool unless the purpose of the assignment was to learn how to use other research tools like a library....You may want to ask (politely) why the teacher has this policy and you may learn from it -- even if you learn the teacher just doesn't trust internet sources! If you do ask your teacher and are not satisfied with the answer, you may be able to go to the head of the department, or beyond to a dean. But that can become a political disaster. If not using the internet for the particular situation won't be a hardship, and if everyone is subjected to the same rule, the better part of valor may be to just comply where and as required to avoid a conflict with the teacher.