Virginiia's Standing Committee on Comissioners of Accounts recommemds
the following fee schedule when there is no reference in a will:
5% for the first $400,000 (of estate assets)
4% for the next $300,000
3% for the next $200,000
2% for $1,000,000 +
Above $10,000,000 must be negotiated
5% on all income receipts (from estate assets)
Virginiia's Standing Committee on Comissioners of Accounts recommemds
the following fee schedule when there is no reference in a will:
5% for the first $400,000 (of estate assets)
4% for the next $300,000
3% for the next $200,000
2% for $1,000,000 +
Above $10,000,000 must be negotiated
5% on all income receipts (from estate assets)