Is there a nonstandard provision for this motion to modify from a 3 yr to 5 yr
This is my only offense; therefore, what will my limitations amount to after a background check?
1. Father was very successful quadriplegic who planned his estate thru a will. 2. Had a tragic accident that put him in a coma for 8 wks r.Then incapacitated by doctors reports thereafter. 3. Mom knew that his will would not pass his estate to her only 1/3 of his wealth 4 She hires a Trust Attorney ...
DaVINCI EDITRICE S.R.L., VS. ZIKO GAMES, LLC, et al., in CIVIL ACTION NO. H-13-3415 cited a card game's mechanics aren't protected, I'm looking - quite literally - to copy a card game (as the defendant in the cited case) that is no longer in production by reskinning the game and removing protected t...
If illegal/egregious actions by stepmother/POA/PR were recently learned of by daughter beneficiaries, and estate admin was closed August, 2018, do we have options to sue or recover estate assets (money)? (Date of death 5/2017) One of several issues involves fathers long-time advisor. Investment firm...
Can I terminate a lease agreement if I am called on military orders (title 32) in the state of NJ?
since the stock was halted on April 2017 and delisted from Nasdaq and never relisted on OTC. My broker at first said they wouldn’t charge short interest fees since the stock is halted. But then they suddenly start charging “Stock Borrow Fee” ranging from $500-$700 every month since May 2017. My acco...
A judgment was filed against me in 2014. I was unemployed and could not pay the credit card. I am now living only on Social Security. The original card owner was my husband but I used the card. The court documents show his social security number as mine. When I tried to call the collection agency fo...
we went with a annual rate contract which is valid till 31.03.2020... its been going good with the client for the past 8 months... now since the automotive industry is going down, my client sales went down... my client has to payment a approximate amount of Rs 6 lakhs, our credit term with the clien...
And is it legal for the brokerage company to ask for higher price than i bought it from bank
not came and got it and now its not showing on any of my credit reports did they write it off how do I get rid of the car ?
My dad sold his gas station about a year ago (as it was in bankruptcy). He had to go through the court system to negotiate a deal with the buyer and was asked to pay a portion of the funds to lenders to pay off debt owed. He would still be left over with a good amount of money (close to $70k+). To d...