Driver almost died and has not driven since the accident. Anything less than 7 years?
I was given a careless operation ticket with alcohol and open container. I was not drinking that day. No breath test was given to me but the officers did make me do a few things like look into a light. During that test I allowed officers in my vehicle and they found a bottle in one of my bags. Somet...
He says he has it but he keeps blowing me off with lame excuses.
The DUI part was taken care of and I get my license back by the man part is the civil case that an arbitrator provided by the third-party said that I am at no fault and the case was closed the accident occurred in September 2016
I recently found out I have a judgment that is affecting my drivers license so this is something I need to pay. About 8-9 years ago my ex and I were sued in Maryland District Court and I had a default judgment entered against me and she did not. We were never served with any papers to appear in cour...
I got pulled over they made me blow 3 times there machine didnt work i got mad they wouldnt let me leave then they yelled at me to sit on my tail gate i did but stood up again cause was angry took one step and the cop slammed me on concrete broke my elbow "shattered" it then said he was giving me ob...
The drunk driver was dismissed of all chargers. I am looking for a lawyer who can pursue a civil law suit and look into if there was any leniency towards the defendant. Victim feels as if there was not enough action taken for restitution and wants to sue the city of Yuma. Are there lawyers here in M...
Should receive for pain and suffering. Other driver charged with DUI and car totaled. Also our ins payed for hospital. Ins co says they are going to pay us directly because ins isn’t responding. No clue how much is reasonable amount to settle on.
While under the influence of any mind altering substance you are not in your right mind to make proper judgement or any choice. Therefore if a person was drunk before deciding to drive, would not this be more of a temporary insanity induced by chemical substances. How could the person have made a ri...
Then he wants me to send copy of ID then my birthday name and address for money to come proof of income then he says I have to send 470 for a clearance fee then they send me 350,000 after I send it is this a scam I never seen him he only communicate through text messages
Plus expired license. Would he have went to jail and what will his consequences be
I lost my license and my job because I mobile security and now I really can't pay and if I do file bankruptcy will I lose my tax refund?
How do i go about having a dui charge from 2008 removed from record, background check? And also a charge that Im not sure if its on my record or not, but child neglect/abuse that i was never convicted of through court, but had to sign a paper for department of social services when me and my child te...
We were at a friends house and I was riding his dads bike. They had been encouraging me to ride all day and i had been saying no i just finally gave in to them and got on. Our friend that hit me had been drinking. He was playing horse shoes with my husband and in the middle of the game he stopped an...
I was involved in a car accident and the officers did a dui test on me but they never tested the other driver. I’m not claiming that she was drinking just doesn’t seem right to me. I was claimed at fault because I was making a left hand turn. As the ticket states failure to yeild at an uncontrolled ...