I am a college student taking a legal introduction (very basic) course. My assignment is to contact three separate attorneys specializing in three different types concentrations (in my case I have chosen if you are wondering: medical, media/entertainment and criminal) and ask them three to six questions and ask for a short case study. I have already located locally two attorneys for the criminal and medical but due to my location I am unable to find an entertainment attorney. I thank you in advance for your time and knowledge. Please let me know I can use your name, practice and state location. Feel free to answer any of three or all. Thank you so much for your help.
1.After law school, how much training, education and certification are needed in your state for an entertainment attorney?
2.What classes should I take in college minus the law school requirements for better prepare for entertainment law?
3.What does an actor�s contract include usually?
4.What can happen in a range from mild to severe if a contract is broken?
5.What are some important entertainment laws you use on an everyday basis?
6.How much power can a studio or agent have on an actor�s life- professionally and personally?
Please send me an interesting case study. And again thank you for your time, knowledge and help in this project. Let me know how to cite you in my paper.
Thank you so very much.