child support vs SS survivors benefits
My wife & myself had 2 Children. We divorced. My ex wife remarried & died.
After the death of the children's Mother. The kids went to my sister home to live. While I was working to support the kids & myself.
My sister filed & was awarded SS survivors benefits for the kids & is getting child support from me.
As far as I know my sister did not inform SS that the kids where getting child support. Nor did she inform the Courts that the kids are getting SS survivors benefits. I did not give up my parental rights.
My sister, her husband have bought a huge home in the state of Georgia with all of this money which is appox 3000 dollars a month . They cannot afford this home on the money that they earn. My brother-in-law is in the Military my sister does not work.
I do not have the money for a lawyer let alone an apartment & almost living in the street. I bring home 800 a month. after taxes & child support. My sister filed for a modification order to get more child support. Sister lives in Georgia I am in Florida Any suggestions?
Re: child support vs SS survivors benefits
If your case is occurring in Florida, you get credit for the Social Security the children are receiving. I counts as income to the other side, and that should reduce the amount of child support you have to pay.