employment law question
I was laid in July, seven months
pregnant. There were two men
hired after me, that were not laid
off. In my severance package, the
employer said they would pay three
months medical insurance, which
would take me to the end of
October. I found out while picking
up a prescription that my health
insurance was cancelled in Sept.
25. That was the day I delivered my
baby and my delivery and
everything else that was not
covered. I have called Blue Cross
twice and they have called my
former employer twice and my
insurance has still not been
reinstated. What can I do to make
these people reinstate it? The only
two people laid off in my office were
the two pregnant girls.
Re: employment law question
In response to your two issues:
1-Health insurance-If your company had 20 or more EE's than you would be eligible for COBRA coverage. Contact your company and ask them to send you your Cobra notice. If they won't contact the US DOL-1-866-4USWAGE.
2-Possible pregnancy discrimination-You may have been discriminated against because of your pregnancy in violation of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, part of Title 7. However, these cases are very fact specific and you should consult a knowledgeable attorney like myself to see if in fact you have a case to pursue.