harrassmaent via phone
i have an ex boyfriend who continually calls me to harrass me. he calls my cell, my parents house where i am now staying, my friends cell phones, my mothers cell phone and brothers. He calls abot 10 times a day leaving nasty messeges. I also have his son with me which because of this behavoir I refuse to communicate with him to see his child. The baby is 16 months old. There is no court ordered child support or visitation. He has a history of domestic violence as well as mental abusiveness with me. I am concerned a restraining order will only make him more mad. He has threatened to call my parents work harassing them there to get them fired. I worry when I leave the house if he is waiting for me somewhere. I just dont know what to do.
Re: harrassmaent via phone
Even if you fear a restraining order, you should speak to your local police and file a report. In that report you should state that you fear a restraining order would make matters worse. Stalking is a form of domestic violence for which there is protection. If you try handling this on your own, matters may be worse for you.