We paid over two thousnad dollars for a cruise, five nights and some of the days were pure hell, A child left unsupervized,jumped, ran slammed balcany door after screaming off of the balacny, in the cabin above us .. The Guest Service Desk was told on the second morning and days and nights afterwards .They didnt even offer to us to change our cabin. We have contacted the cruiseline but wth No satisfaction .
This is probably better handled through your travel agent, but continue complaining, writing letters, etc. Hiring an attorney might get you a little farther, but is an expense you may not want to incur. I don't think there is a claim here for breach of contract, since you went on the cruise, I assume had access to all of the amenities, but were annoyed by someone's loud child. That's more of a customer service issue, resolved on the basis that they would want you to be satisfied customer.