LLC ownership
In an LLC what is the impact on the ownership interest of a member who discontinues working?
Re: LLC ownership
Disclaimer: the materials provided below are informational and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Generally, membership of an LLC and its operation are not connected to each other. Some exceptions exist, for example where an operating agreement requires a member to continue performing services, or other scenarios where a person earns membership interest based on performing certain services. You should consult your own attorney to protect your legal rights.
Re: LLC ownership
Disclaimer: the materials provided below are informational and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Generally, membership of an LLC and its operation are not connected to each other. Some exceptions exist, for example where an operating agreement requires a member to continue performing services, or other scenarios where a person earns membership interest based on performing certain services. You should consult your own attorney to protect your legal rights.
Re: LLC ownership
Disclaimer: the materials provided below are informational and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Generally, membership of an LLC and its operation are not connected to each other. Some exceptions exist, for example where an operating agreement requires a member to continue performing services, or other scenarios where a person earns membership interest based on performing certain services. You should consult your own attorney to protect your legal rights.
Re: LLC ownership
Disclaimer: the materials provided below are informational and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Generally, membership of an LLC and its operation are not connected to each other. Some exceptions exist, for example where an operating agreement requires a member to continue performing services, or other scenarios where a person earns membership interest based on performing certain services. You should consult your own attorney to protect your legal rights.