Louisiana laws
Does louisiana have alaw that states if you draw disability that you are considered indigent, therefore not required to pay probation fees?
Re: Louisiana laws
Dear LawGuru Friend,
Based on my forty-plus years' of law practice in Louisiana, I have never heard nor run across such a law. I am not saying it does not exist, however; but I find this very unlikely; for anyone drawing a disability check would, in my opinion, be able to pay such a probation fee; for it never exceeds $55.00, a month, as I have observed. Of course, you should ask a probation officer, as that is someone who would more likely know the answer to your specific question than a criminal lawyer; for most criminal lawyers get their clients off and they are never placed on probation. (Humor intended!)
Also, you can Google the Louisiana Legislature's web-site, click on Louisiana Laws, then on Louisiana Revised Statutes and go to Title 15 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes and research the statutes on Probation and Parole; and there you might find a more definitive answer than I have given you here. Good luck to you and/or your friend and/or relative!
Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
Lake Charles