V.P. of major armored car company wanted to fire me.
I was not terminated because my branch manger stuck up for me. I have 14 years with the company. It is a long story a customer on my route had closed down. I had told managemet verbaly that the location had closed down. So my companyhad billed them for three months. and had to reufund the money back to the customer. I was blamed for the the mistake due to managment.Incopitance. Vice pres said to hr that ''at the very least he is not smart enough to carry a weapon in public and we need to get rid of him.''I think this is discrimination. I have the internal memo. Do i have a case to sue?
Re: V.P. of major armored car company wanted to fire me.
Sue for what? You weren't fired.
Re: V.P. of major armored car company wanted to fire me.
Sue for what? You weren't fired.
Re: V.P. of major armored car company wanted to fire me.
Sue for what? You weren't fired.