I was charged with driving without a license under d.u.i suspension in April 2017.. I was confused because I caught my d.u.i in 2010, the judge told me if I'm found guilty I have a mandatory 60 days..when my court date came I didn't show and they continued without me..I got a letter in the mail for a date in July 2017 to turn myself in and serve my 60 days ,I never showed.. I'm to the point where I'm ready to turn my self in and deal with it. I'm curious if anything will change when I do.Can I be looking at more time for not showing up..I'm curious ,so I can lawyer up or not..I know I Shud of went and completely understood when I chose not to show however Ive been dealing with surgies at the time and it was jus bad timing..I would appreciate every and any advice.
It wasn't an intelligent decision to not show up. They found you guilty In Absentia. Depending on how long ago this happened you may be able to get an attorney to help you with this. 60 days in jail is a lot of time. Most counties have alternative to jail sentences for which these cases can be served. additionally, and appeal could be filed which would stay at the jail sentence and may result in a lesser charge. do a consultation with a local defense attorney and let them help you, handling it on your own at this point has not been good. You're also looking at an additional license suspension related to this offense.