My neighbor, who also owned owned the home in the past, put a no trespassing sign on the door the day I purchased. The building sits extremely close to the property line if not splitting it. I had the tax record pulled and the building has been on the tax record for my lot since the house was built in 1977. The building has a walkway from my house to the door. And power ran from my house to it. Which has since been cut. Before having it surveyed, does he have any legal claim to the building? Thanks
If the neighbor has cut the power, and put up a no trespassing sign- if you intend to maintain a claim to the building (and the property it is on- you will likely need to hire an attorney to pursue your interests. Boundary disputes are tough. If the building was erected by the owner to your property and has been used by your property but it is located on both properties- depending on how long the building has been there you may have a claim to adversely possess the property and the building. You need to locate the pins for your property / have it surveyed. But I would talk to a lawyer.