The driver escaped from USA and now he’s in his home country. He has many charges on him. Will USA be able to extradite him from other countries? The driver never appeared in court.
1)Driving so as to endanger, Resulting in death
2)Driving so as to endanger resulting in personal injury
3)Driving so as to endanger, resulting in physical injury
4)DUI, Resulting in death
5)DUI, resulting in serious bodily injury
6)Reckless driving and other offenses against public safety
The estate of the passenger should contact a member of the Trial Lawyer's Assn/Assn for Justice for the state where it happened.
Short Sale: Removing a difficult previous owner
I just closed escrow on a Short Sale
SFR. We were asked if the previous
owner could rent the house back
from us for Xmas Holidays. We
provided them with a rental
agreement for one month. Got a
verbal agreement but agreement
never got returned to us. We
assumed that they changed their
minds and would be out in the three
days as stipulated in escrow papers.
House closed yesterday. There is no
evidence that any effort has been
made to move out and no one is
returning our calls. We purchased
the house for $250k less than what
was owed on the house and the
seller got no cash out of escrow.
What are our options if she is not out
of the house if she has not vacated
by the 3rd day after recording of our
grant deed (The time stipulated in
the escrow papers for her to get
packed up and out)?
sueing paypal for locking my account
well there is this company called paypal who locked my account for reasons sayng that i am a high risk when i receive 3.6k in a day ( i receive monthy payments). they say they are going to keep it locked for 160 days and i really cant wait that long.
Can a Trust be listed as the beneficiary on a Small Estate Affidavit in California? I am a co-trustee to my stepmother's estate. She had put down her personal trust as the beneficiary on one of her accounts prior to marrying my father. Once married she listed this account as an asset in their new trust, but never went back and changed the account. when she passed away the account holder asked for the information on her old trust, which of course had been disposed of. The company that put their new trust together prepared the Small Estate Affidavit such that myself and the other co-trustee were the beneficiaries. When I enquired I was told that the Small Estate Affidavit was prepared correctly and that they could not change it to reflect the new trust as the beneficiary. Is this correct??
Thank You
Criminal statute
What is the criminal statute for my ex wife to be accessing my personal information without my knowledge