It sounds like all you had was an oral agreement for the roommate to pay a portion of rent and bills. If this is the case, your odds of collecting anything out of him from a legal standpoint are not good. As to the toliet, you don't say if he was responsible for it being broken. If he didn't break it - he has no obligation to repair it. A toliet truly is an easy fix - most have a knob behind the toliet on the water line where you can simply tun the water to the toliet on and off. He could argue you are mostly responsible for your water bill for failing to simply turn the knob and shutting off the water. Your best bet is to just chalk this up as a life lesson to put things in writing before not after. You could of course explore the option of a small claims action but the couple of hundred-ish you say he owes is not really worth the filing fee to sue.