I stand corrected on whether you LEGALLY have to wait. However the pre-natal testing is sufficiently invasive, that unless there is some great urgency, or the petition is filed by the mother, it is extremely unlikely that a court will order a test before the birth. Therefore, for all real purposes, you have to wait until the birth.
I stand corrected on whether you LEGALLY have to wait. However the pre-natal testing is sufficiently invasive, that unless there is some great urgency, or the petition is filed by the mother, it is extremely unlikely that a court will order a test before the birth. Therefore, for all real purposes, you have to wait until the birth.
I stand corrected on whether you LEGALLY have to wait. However the pre-natal testing is sufficiently invasive, that unless there is some great urgency, or the petition is filed by the mother, it is extremely unlikely that a court will order a test before the birth. Therefore, for all real purposes, you have to wait until the birth.