Child custody and parenting time, as well as child support, orders remain in full force and effect during the #Covid19 pandemic and through and stay-at-home orders that may be issued.
If a parent refuses to return a child to a parent as set out in the parties' parenting plan or refuses to abide by the parenting plan in any other way, a parent may file a motion to compel compliance with the parenting plan (contempt is an inefficient and cumbersome process that is best avoided-especially by self-represented parties).
The Kansas courts are now under an "emergency hearings" only protocol. Enforcement of parenting plan provisions fits within that protocol. At this time it is best to work with a knowledgeable local family law attorney rather than trying to represent yourself and figure out what to do.
is there anything I can do legally to prevent my ex wifes boyfriend from constantly spanking, punishing and babysitting my kids?