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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 23, 1992 Number: 91-002148 Latest Update: May 10, 1993

The Issue On December 13, 1989, Florida Power Corporation (FPC) filed a wetland resource permit application with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) for a project to construct, operate and maintain a 69 kilovolt (kV) electrical transmission line in Osceola County. The application described the placement of power line poles in jurisdictional wetlands. On September 28, 1990, DER issued its notice of permit denial, DER File No. 49-173789-4. The ultimate issue for determination is whether FPC is entitled to the permit. Ancillary issues include the scope of "cumulative impacts" to be considered; the scope of "secondary impacts"; whether alternative sites must be considered; whether FPC's clearing of the right of way constituted dredge and fill activity; and whether mitigation is required, and if so, whether the mitigation offered by the applicant is adequate.

Findings Of Fact FPC, whose headquarters are located at 3201 34th Street, South, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33733, is required by Florida Statutes and regulations promulgated by the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) to provide electric utility service in the vicinity of the proposed transmission line. DER, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2900 is an executive agency directly responsible for prevention of pollution of the air and waters of this State. Pursuant to that obligation, Sections 403.91-403.929, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17-312, F.A.C., DER regulates proposed dredging and filling activities in waters of the State. FPC, pursuant to its statutory and regulatory mandate, transmits electricity through 33 counties within the state, providing actual service to customers in 32 counties. FPC's electrical transmission lines range in voltage capacity from 69 kV (69,000 volts) to 500 kV (500,000 volts). Considering other utilities, there are approximately 7,000 miles of 69 kV electrical transmission lines within the state, over 1,855 miles of which are operated and maintained by FPC. The Project The electrical transmission line at issue in the instant proceeding will traverse approximately 10 miles. It intercepts two areas of jurisdictional wetlands; however, the main point of contention in the permitting proceeding is the six acres of wetland vegetation which have been cleared in the vicinity of where the transmission line corridor intersects the main crossing of Reedy Creek. The original application for this project was 14 miles long; however, FPC and DER agreed to modify the application by separating the northern-most four miles of the project and submitting it as a separate application. The northern segment starts at the Intercession City substation and proceeds easterly along an existing transmission line corridor in the right of way of SR 17/92 to Old Tampa Road and then turns south terminating at the Poinciana Industrial Park. The proposed transmission line which is the subject of this proceeding starts from the Poinciana Industrial Park and proceeds south, then crosses Reedy Creek in a northeast to southwest direction and continues south, ultimately terminating at the Poinciana substation. There are references in the application to a 72 kV line. 72,000 volts is the maximum operating voltage. 69,000 volts is the normal daily load. Direct dredge and fill impacts associated with the proposed construction include 301 cubic yards of fill, which includes the wooden transmission poles as well as crushed rock backfill at the base of those poles. This fill material would be placed over .00846 acres. This fill amount equates to an area analogous to a 20 foot by 20 foot room. Initial placement and continued maintenance of the poles and lines require clearing. This enables access by equipment and prevents vegetation from interfering with the lines. Clearing is essential for the safety and reliability of the electrical power distribution system. The wood electrical transmission line poles will be spaced approximately 300 foot apart in an area of vegetation clearing 60 feet wide. The major jurisdictional area north and south of the Reedy Creek crossing is approximately 4,400 feet long. The Applicant will, after construction, undertake corridor maintenance on a three to five year cycle. An area will be kept clear 50 foot square around each wooden pole structure along the proposed transmission line. Vegetation will be maintained at ground or water level for 17 feet on either side of the wooden utility poles. The outer 13 feet on each side will be allowed to regenerate except for fast growing trees and other vegetation with the potential to reach 30 feet prior to the next regularly scheduled maintenance period. Fast growing trees within the 13 foot outer area on either side of the corridor will be girdled or treated with herbicides by specific and selective application. The only herbicides to be used will be those that are EPA approved for use in the State of Florida. All exotic or nuisance target species will be removed from the entire right of way as part of FPC's maintenance program. The Application Process FPC submitted a wetland resource permit application for this project on December 6, 1989, received by the DER Central Florida District on December 13, 1989. DER requested additional information on January 12, 1990, and the Applicant submitted responses by letter dated April 20, 1990. On May 18, 1990, DER submitted a second request for additional information, which was responded to by FPC at a meeting with DER Central District staff in Orlando on June 5, 1990, and by a follow-up letter dated June 20, 1990. Neither of DER's requests for additional information required information relative to alternate routes for the proposed transmission line; however, a letter from DER to FPC dated June 20, 1990 states that mitigation would be required since an alternative route was not presented and impacts could not be reduced any further. The application was deemed complete on June 22, 1990. Subsequently, FPC proposed a preservation mitigation of 1:1 ratio by offering for preservation a 6-acre area of Reedy Creek Swamp near the Intercession City substation. FPC waived DER's 90 day statutory time clock in which it has to act on complete permit applications until October 1, 1990. The DER Central District Office issued a notice of permit denial regarding FPC's project on September 28, 1990. The maintenance plan described in paragraph 6, above, includes a departure from FPC's past practices. The plan and specifics of the 13-foot border areas were provided to DER during the hearing on December 3, 1991. Without objection by DER, the hearing proceeded on the application thus modified. Reedy Creek Swamp and the Project Context Reedy Creek Swamp is located in Orange, Osceola and Polk Counties. It is the only large mixed wetland forest system in Osceola County and is one of the largest systems in central Florida. It provides valuable forested wetland habitat for numerous plant and animal species. The proposed dredging and filling activity which is the subject of this application occurs in the South Reedy Creek basin. It is part of the Reedy Creek and its associated floodplains and uplands that drain south-southeast of Interstate-4. South Reedy Creek basin, as described in the instant proceeding, consists of over 92,000 acres of upland and wetland habitats. Approximately 31,448 acres of contiguous forested wetland are contained within that 92,000 acres. Based on the limited nature of the project's corridor, the six acre disturbance has been correctly characterized as de minimis. Since the turn of the century the South Reedy Creek basin has been the subject of extensive logging and silviculture impacts through either clearcutting or selective timbering which continues to this day. The basin is also the subject of an ongoing effort by the South Florida Water Management District for land aquisition and management. Approximately 7,000 acres of the basin have been bought or are under plans to purchase for protection. Commercial and environmental interests command the basin's resources. Clearing the Way FPC's clearing of the six acres of forested wetland was accomplished from March 12 through June 7, 1990. Clearing occurred during the processing of the dredge and fill application in order to take advantage of dry conditions and to facilitate bringing the electrical transmission line into service in accordance with FPC's established schedule. All vegetation in the wetland area was removed at ground or water level and the material was then either burned on site or removed to upland locations. Charles Duncan, FPC's chief inspector for transmission line construction, made regular spot investigations of all construction and assured that the hand clearing and low pressure rubber wheeled and tracked vehicles used by FPC did not result in significant soil disturbance. It is unrefuted that between June and November 1990, well after FPC's clearing was completed, considerable silvicultural activity occurred immediately adjacent to the corridor, both east and west. John Vogel, an expert in forestry and the effects of clearcutting, provided photographic evidence of those silvicultural entities' use of the corridor and identified the adjacent property owner as the party actually responsible for that activity. These facts, and DER employee Don Medellin's tacit admission that what he saw on his June 7, 1990, site inspection clearly could have been accomplished by parties other than FPC, leads to the specific finding that no FPC-initiated dredging and filling has occurred within the corridor. Dredging and filling will occur when the poles are placed. The evidence submitted by FPC, including rainfall and flow discharge information for the relevant time period, closely corroborate Mr. Duncan's eye witness accounts that clearing was conducted during a period when the wetland areas were extremely dry. Mr. Duncan further noted that the dry conditions precluded the burning of all of the collected and stockpiled debris beyond the week of June 7, 1990, and those conditions account for some of Mr. Medellin's observations of stockpiled material during his visit to the site on June 7, 1990. Considering the site conditions at the time of clearing and the absence of running water within Reedy Creek itself, there were effectively no water quality consequences to the creek from the clearing activity. Silt screens were constructed on the site on May 1, 1990, and according to Dr. Miles Smart, an expert in water chemistry and limnology, that precaution adequately safeguarded water quality within Reedy Creek during subsequent rain events. DER witness, Don Medellin, confirmed that the Department had no knowledge of any water quality violations having occurred during the FPC construction activity. The Public Interest Criteria Much, if not all, of the Department's opposition to the proposed project is based on the clearing of vegetation as opposed to pole placement and filling associated therewith. In this case the impacts of the clearing are already known. In the traditional dredge and fill case, the applicant provides evidence, testimony and test results predicting the impacts of the proposed construction activity, whereas in the instant case, the Applicant has the benefit of providing reasonable assurances by documenting the consequences of its acts. In the instant case, FPC provided a detailed analysis of biological and water quality ramifications from its clearing. DER presented several witnesses who contested the positive or neutral effects that the proposed transmission line corridor would have on wildlife, citing nest parasitism, predation, fragmentation, and reduction in patch size as examples of adverse impacts that the proposed line could impose on wildlife. DER witness, Dr. Francis Putz, testified that the project could cause unraveling of the forested wetland and sunscalding of newly exposed trees along the edge of the corridor. However, no DER witness presented any quantitative data or analyses that would indicate that any of the possible adverse consequences mentioned above were, in fact, occurring or reasonably likely to occur in Reedy Creek as a result of FPC's project. It is undisputed by either party that clearing of the proposed transmission line corridor resulted in a change to that specific six acre area from a forested wetland to a herbaceous/shrub wetland. Furthermore, it is undisputed that FPC's proposed maintenance practices will maintain that change over the expected 30-year operational life of the transmission line. However, different is not synonymous with adverse. The structural change to the wetland has not had, and will not have, any deleterious consequences to water quality within Reedy Creek. Dr. Miles Smart, the only expert in water chemistry and limnology to testify, presented testimony, based on samples of water quality in Reedy Creek and available historical water quality data, that water quality approximately a year and a half after initial clearing was no different than the ranges observed over the ten year period for which historical information was available. In most cases, water quality was the same or extremely close for the sampled parameters which included water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, turbidity, concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous, total kjeldahl nitrogen and orthophosphate nitrogen. FPC's proposed maintenance practices which include the use of EPA approved herbicides for use in control of target species, will pose no problem to water quality. A study of twenty-two transmission line rights of way in the State of New York found virtually no water quality problems as a result of maintenance of those transmission lines. It was uncontroverted that FPC has never experienced water quality violations as a result of its management practices, nor has it been the focus of any enforcement or noncompliance action with respect to any previous clearing or construction activity it has undertaken. The clearing created no impediment to flow or impounding. The continuing use of silt screens and hay bales by FPC during pole installation will reduce the likelihood of erosion or shoaling. Extensive ground cover currently present in the corridor and FPC's proposed preservation of this herbaceous/shrub vegetation will further minimize any possible shoaling and erosion. Vegetative surveys conducted approximately a year and a half after the initial clearing show that the corridor has revegetated with 85 percent mean herbaceous plant cover in the corridor. Species composition of vegetation is similar in the corridor and no new species have been introduced nor have any been eliminated as a result of the clearing activity. Based on primary productivity and decomposition rate studies, FPC's clearing activity and the vegetative change that has resulted predictably should increase net primary productivity threefold over what exists in the adjacent forest, primary productivity being simply biomass accumulated over a period of time. Several DER witnesses testified to the possible introduction of nuisance or invader species as a result of FPC's clearing activity and subsequent maintenance of the corridor. However, FPC's proposed maintenance practices will eliminate those target species which inhibit the growth of other species, resulting in a wetland community having similar shrub and herb strata to that of the adjacent forest. DER admitted that any proliferation of nuisance species can be controlled with proper management techniques and has required such control as mitigation for clearing associated with an electrical transmission line project by Florida Power and Light Company in Lee County. Left to natural processes, the cleared corridor would eventually return to a forested area similar in species composition to the adjacent forest within several years. This rapid regeneration comports with experiences in other transmission line projects and in the silviculture industry. Qualitative analysis of other utility corridors in the Central Florida region confirm this natural process of succession. One of those projects, the Tampa Palms Corridor Improvement Project, constructed in a large forested wetland similar to the Reedy Creek Swamp, revealed that in 25 years after clearing, trees had regenerated to heights of 10 to 50 feet with corresponding diameters at breast height ranging from 2.7 to 30.5 centimeters. John Vogel, an expert in forestry and the effects of clearcutting, provided unrefuted testimony and photographic evidence of a clear cut site in the South Reedy Creek basin where after a period of 8 years rapid revegetation and reforestation was occurring, resulting in a fully stocked pre-commercial stand of timber. Several DER witnesses indicated that FPC's manner of cutting trees at ground or water height could have adverse effects on the ability of tree species to regenerate. However, this was refuted by the evidence of tree coppicing ( sprouting within the cut-off stumps) within the corridor with some canopy species having coppices over six feet tall in the 18 month period since FPC's initial clearing. DER employee, Donald Medellin, indicated at hearing that the clearing and proposed maintenance activity of FPC may impact a limited number of plant species listed as threatened. The Applicant's onsite analysis established that Tillandsia, a species listed in Chapter 581, Florida Statutes, as endangered, does exist in the adjacent forest in large numbers. No species referenced by Mr. Medellin appear on any federal endangered or threatened plant species list. Certain referenced plants appear on various state lists; however, none of these lists preclude the clearing of such vegetation with permission of the landowner. FPC's proposed maintenance activities for this project would not threaten the continuing existence of any of those species. The loss of some individual plants as a result of FPC's initial clearing was inconsequential, and continued maintenance of the corridor will not impact the species' continuing existence in the area. The change from forested to herbaceous wetland was demonstrated to have had no adverse effect on the conservation of fish and wildlife in the South Reedy Creek basin. An extensive quantitative analysis undertaken by J. Steven Godley established that aquatic organisms (i.e., fish, aquatic amphibians, and reptiles), invertebrates, mammals, and birds have not been negatively impacted by FPC's initial clearing of the transmission line corridor. It was uncontroverted that the project has occasioned a twofold increase in the number of aquatic organisms in the corridor as compared to the adjacent forest. Even though wildlife surveys conducted over 1,000 manhours revealed no measurable impact to any species of wildlife, Mr. Godley constructed a theoretical listing of several species of vertebrates indigenous to the Reedy Creek Swamp system which were likely to use the swamp system in an average year or at least a part of their life cycle, in order to assess the possible impact of the corridor on those species. Mr. Godley's unrefuted analysis revealed that the vast majority of all species of the various groups (fish, amphibian, reptiles, mammals, birds) are expected to be either positively affected or not affected at all by FPC's proposed project. DER witness, Dr. Herbert Kale, testified that some bird species such as red-eyed vireos, warblers, woodpeckers and thrushes could possibly be impacted due to the loss of forested canopy since they are cavity nesters, and because of nest parasitism by the brownheaded cowbird. Dr. Kale readily admitted, however, that the transmission line swath was small and was not fatal to any of those interior forest bird species. Moreover, his testimony regarding the nest parasitism was inherently contradictory, since the cowbirds breed in winter during a period when the other species are actually in Central and South America. The wetland change occasioned by FPC's project will not adversely affect endangered or threatened wildlife species. The only reptile likely to occur in the Reedy Creek Swamp that is either threatened, endangered or a species of special concern is the indigo snake, which will likely be positively impacted by the corridor, as it feeds on aquatic organisms in the swamp. No listed mammals will be impacted by the corridor. Three species of wading birds, the wood stork, little blue heron and snowy egret, will be positively affected by the transmission line corridor as they, too, will be provided excellent feeding habitat. DER's witness, Dr. Kale, agreed that the change will provide additional habitat for marsh wading birds. The only other possible endangered species that may occur in the swamp is the bald eagle. Since bald eagles prefer large water bodies, they are unlikely to occur. They would benefit, however, from the enhanced feeding habitat. Existing literature regarding the ecological impacts of clearcutting and electrical transmission line corridors on wildlife is consistent with the quantitative evidence submitted by FPC. Existing scientific literature generally reflects that transmission line rights of way cause edge effect, defined as a transition between two or more diverse communities. This edge causes an increase in species number and diversity for wildlife in the corridors, as compared to the adjacent forest. This is particularly true of bird species. For small mammals there is either a nonsignificant difference in species numbers in the corridor as compared to the adjacent forest, or there is a larger small mammal diversity within the corridor as opposed to the adjacent forest. The same applies for larger mammals and game species. The applicant's witnesses touted edge effect as essentially positive, while DER's witnesses described the phenomenon as a negative impact, since any new species are already abundant in other habitats. No finding is made generally on this issue, but rather in this case it is concluded that edge effect is not so significant as to constitute a negative consequence of the project. Based on the weight of empirical evidence and opinion testimony presented, wildlife species residing in the South Reedy Creek basin have been and will continue to be either positively affected or not affected at all by FPC's proposed project. Moreover, the overall productivity of the wetland from the standpoint of vegetation and wildlife, when balanced across all plant and animal species, has not and will not be negatively affected. Although the opportunities for recreational activities are limited in South Reedy Creek basin due to the inaccessibility of the site, those activities such as hunting, fishing, and bird watching are unchanged or have improved as a result of the small localized change to a herbaceous/shrub wetland. The need for the electrical transmission line was unrefuted. FPC must meet minimum service standards in its provision of electric power as set out by the PSC. In order to meet these service standards, FPC decided, through its internal system planning and modeling, that a new 69 kV electrical transmission line was required between its Intercession City and Poinciana substations to provide a more reliable source of power to the towns of Davenport and Haines City as well as the Parker-Poinciana 55,000 unit residential development, as these areas have experienced problems with low voltage. The demonstrated need for this facility and the public benefit which DER has admitted it will provide, when balanced with minimal changes to the forested wetland system, lead to the finding that this project is not contrary to the public interest. Cumulative Impacts DER failed to present any evidence disputing the hydrologic and biologic validity of the boundaries of the South Reedy Creek basin or the location of existing and proposed electrical transmission lines in that system. The only other projects suggested by DER for cumulative impact analysis were several projects consisting of construction of berms, roads and pipelines, as well as proposed developments of regional impact (DRI's). However, these projects were not shown to be similar in construction or amount of impact to FPC's proposed electrical transmission line, except for their linear nature. Unlike this project, roads, berms, pipelines and residential developments remove wetlands. It was not established that all the project applications considered by DER for cumulative impacts were within the South Reedy Creek basin. Instead, several DER witnesses alluded to the loss of forested wetlands allegedly occurring throughout the state. The evidence was anecdotal and unreliable. DER cited an analysis showing a three percent decline in forested wetlands, but the study combined both South Carolina and Florida acreages. Of the existing and proposed transmission lines within a 10 year planning horizon, very few (only three) will directly cross any portion of the South Reedy Creek basin. Those proposed electrical transmission lines will be co-located along existing rights of way and will have little, if any, impact on the forested component of the South Reedy Creek basin. It was undisputed that as a general proposition, the construction and operation of electrical transmission lines vital to the provision of electrical service does not stimulate subsequent development in an area but, in fact, follows development where electrical services are projected to be needed. Logging has occurred extensively in this area in the past and there is no evidence that the 60 foot corridor has induced additional logging activity, as asserted by DER. Consideration of Alternative Routes and Methods Having identified the need for a new transmission line, FPC conducted an intensive route selection analysis taking into account environmental, property (real estate), economic, and construction considerations. In this case, FPC considered two routes to address the electrical needs of this area: the recommended route, which is the subject of this proceeding, and an alternate route to the east and along an existing roadway. The alternate route would still have crossed Reedy Creek and its contiguous wetlands at some point in order to connect to the Poinciana substation. Both of the proposed corridor routes are within FPC's service territory. A consideration in choosing the recommended route was its proximity to existing and proposed substations. The alternate route would have necessitated more vegetative clearing in the future, as its location was not near proposed substations in this area. Moreover, the recommended route was aligned through the narrowest portion of the South Reedy Creek basin through what was an old tram railbed used by the logging industry. Major property owners in the area of the proposed line expressed their preference for the recommended route. The landowner for most of the proposed corridor south of the Reedy Creek crossing granted easements at no cost to FPC. FPC fully participated in the give and take of the permit application process for this project with DER. It was unrefuted that FPC employee, W. Jeffrey Pardue, met with a DER employee prior to submittal of the application during which meeting the two routes were discussed. The only concern about the project expressed by DER at that meeting was construction of access roads. In response to this concern, and prior to application submittal, FPC's transmission line was redesigned to consist of only wooden pole structures requiring shorter span construction and allowing less right-of-way clearing, since the transmission line wires would not move as much due to wind or other weather conditions. Wood pole construction will also allow for the use of low pressure, high flotation, equipment for construction and maintenance of the transmission line, thereby obviating the need for access roads. Mitigation: The policy applied In order to appease DER's demand for mitigation, FPC entered into negotiations with DER and offered the preservation of six acres of existing wetlands located east of its Intercession City substation adjacent to State Road 17/92, an area vegetatively similar to the area affected. Mitigation is the reduction or elimination of actual or anticipated adverse effects caused by a wetland project. Mitigation, as evolved in DER's permitting processes, can be the creation of new wetlands to replace those destroyed, the enhancement of an existing wetland, or preservation of an existing wetland other than that impacted by the project. Because preservation as a mitigation measure does not replace lost wetlands, DER has consistently required a preservation ratio of more than 1:1, most often 10:1, and sometimes substantially more than 10:1. The requirement is based on a case by case analysis of the quality of the wetland impacted, the extent of the impact and the quality of the wetland offered for preservation by the applicant. Clearing, without more, is not considered a dredge and fill activity and therefore has not, alone, required a DER permit. Clearing has not, therefore, been the subject of mitigation requirements in the past. Until the recent past, DER has not applied its mitigation policy to clearing associated with construction and maintenance of electrical transmission lines. Most of those lines have been placed along roadways and other existing corridors with little additional impact to jurisdictional areas. DER has required mitigation for other linear configured projects such as pipelines and the unique "Maglev" project, a high speed elevated train proposed to be constructed from the Orlando Airport to a tourist center in Orange County. DER is presently requiring power companies in three power plant or transmission line siting cases to address the secondary impact of clearing. Until the review of impacts is complete, the DER staff cannot predict what and how much mitigation will be required in those cases. Prior to the instant case, DER Chief of the Bureau of Wetland Resource Management, Janet Llewellyn, could identify only one instance of mitigation for clearing associated with an electrical transmission line: the Florida Power and Light Company line in Lee County addressed in paragraph 21, above. The "mitigation" required in that case is already proposed in FPC's maintenance plan. DER in this case has adequately justified its policy of considering secondary impacts of clearing related to the construction and maintenance of electrical transmission lines. Those impacts are legitimately assessed when the need for mitigation is being considered. The nature and extent of secondary impacts from clearing are properly part of the discourse and review of the nature and extent to which mitigation will be required. The need for mitigation, however, is not reached when no adverse impacts are found. Here, the applicant has successfully demonstrated by the substantial weight of evidence that neither the clearing already completed, (albeit precipitately) nor the planned pole and line construction and future right of way maintenance will violate water quality standards or otherwise offend the public interest criteria of Section 403.918, F.S. The application of DER's mitigation policy is unnecessary in this case.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby RECOMMENDED: That the agency enter its final order granting the application for permit #49-173789-4. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 19th day of February, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of February, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the parties. Petitioner's Proposed Findings Adopted in paragraph 1. Adopted in paragraph 2. Adopted in paragraph 3. Adopted in paragraph 4. Adopted in paragraph 5. Adopted in paragraph 6. Adopted in paragraph 7. Adopted in paragraph 11. Adopted in paragraph 12. Adopted in paragraph 13. Adopted in paragraph 9 and paragraph 10. Adopted in paragraph 14. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 15. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 16. Adopted in paragraph 17. Adopted in paragraph 18. Adopted in paragraph 19. Adopted in substance in paragraph 20. Adopted in substance in paragraph 21. Adopted in substance in paragraph 22. Adopted in substance in paragraph 23. Adopted in substance in paragraph 24. Adopted in substance in paragraph 25. Adopted in substance in paragraph 26. Adopted in substance in paragraph 27. Adopted in paragraph 28. Adopted in paragraph 29. Adopted in paragraph 30. Adopted in paragraph 31. Adopted in paragraph 32. Adopted in paragraph 33. Adopted in part in paragraph 34, except for the proposed finding that forested wetlands are increasing, which finding is not supported by reliable, nonhearsay evidence. Adopted in paragraph 35. Adopted in paragraph 36. Adopted in paragraph 37. Adopted in paragraph 38. Adopted in paragraph 39. Rejected, except for the conclusory finding that mitigation is not necessary here because of no finding of adverse impacts. See paragraph 44. The proposed findings related to the error of the policy generally are rejected as contrary to the evidence. Respondent's Proposed Findings Adopted in paragraph 7. 2.-3. Adopted in paragraph 4. 4.-5. Adopted in part in paragraph 7. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the evidence (as to any implication that dredging and filling was done by the applicant); otherwise adopted by implication in paragraph 11. Adopted in substance in paragraph 11. 9.-10. Adopted in substance in paragraph 7. Adopted in substance in paragraph 39. Adopted in substance in paragraph 7. Adopted in substance in paragraph 4. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 6 and 7. Adopted in substance in paragraph 5. Adopted in substance in paragraph 6. Adopted in substance in paragraph 5 and conclusions of law #3. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. The clearing conducted by FPC did not constitute dredge and fill activity. 19.-22. Adopted in substance in paragraph 11. 23.-24. The conclusion that logging activity is a secondary impact of the FPC is rejected as wholly unsubstantiated by competent evidence. Adopted in paragraph 8. Adopted in part in paragraph 8, otherwise rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in paragraph 24. Adopted in paragraph 10. Adopted in paragraph 16. Rejected as unsupported by competent, credible evidence. 31(a). Rejected as contrary to more substantial evidence and, as to recreation mitigation, unnecessary. 32.-33. Rejected in substance as unsubstantiated by the weight of evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. 36.-38. Rejected as unnecessary. FPC will remove the nuisance species as part of its maintenance plan. 39.-47. Rejected as contrary to the greater weight of evidence. 48.-50. Rejected as unsubstantiated by competent evidence. 51.-52. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Adopted in paragraph 17. Rejected as unnecessary. The construction activity could have, but did not cause water quality violations. See paragraph 13. 55.-58. Rejected as unnecessary. 59. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. The logging activity was occurring long before and during the relevant period and was not caused by the FPC project. 60.-76. Rejected as irrelevant or contrary to the weight of evidence. Adopted in paragraph 32. Adopted in paragraph 36. 80.-87. Rejected as irrelevant. 88. Adopted in part in paragraph 42. That mitigation is required is rejected as contrary to the evidence. 89.-90. Adopted in paragraph 39. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in part in paragraph 42, otherwise rejected as an enforcement issue and irrelevant here. Adopted in paragraph 40. Adopted in substance in paragraph 40. 95.-106. Rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank E. Matthews, Esquire Michael P. Petrovich, Esquire Hopping, Boyd, Green & Sams O. Box 6526 Tallahassee, FL 32314 Douglas MacLaughlin, Esquire Office of the General Counsel Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.68267.061380.06403.0616.01
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 28, 1996 Number: 96-002549RU Latest Update: Nov. 14, 1996

The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether the application form for authority to register as a money transmitter used by the Respondent and other alleged statements asserted by the Petitioner violates Section 120.535(1), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is an attorney, who represents clients who seek to engage in the business of funds transmitter, payment instrument issuer, foreign currency exchanger or check casher. The Petitioner is the attorney who represents such clients, rather than being one who seeks to become registered as a funds transmitter, etc. The clients of the Petitioner, who seek registration, are not parties to the Amended Petition. The Department is an agency of the State of Florida charged with the regulation of the money-transmitting industry, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 560.102 and 560.105, Florida Statutes. The provisions of Chapter 560, Florida Statutes, known as the "Money Transmitters Code", took effect on July 1, 1994. Section 560.204, Florida Statutes, provides, in part: No person shall engage for consideration, nor in any manner advertise that they engage, in the selling or issuing of payment instru- ments or in the activity of a funds trans- mitter, without first obtaining registration under the provisions of this part. * * * Section 560.303, Florida Statutes, provides, in part: No person shall engage in, or in any manner advertise engagement in, the business of cashing payment instruments or the exchanging of foreign currency without first registering under the provisions of this part. * * * On or about May 28, 1996, the Petitioner filed his Petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings alleging that certain "statements" of the Department violated Section 120.535, Florida Statutes. On June 12, 1996, the Department submitted for publication, in the June 28, 1996 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the following rule: 3C-560.122 Application Procedure for Registration as a Funds Transmitter, Payment Instrument Issuer, Foreign Currency Exchanger, or Check Casher. Each person who seeks to obtain registration as a money transmitter, payment instrument issuer, foreign currency exchanger, or check casher, shall apply to the Depart- ment by submitting the following: a completed Application for Authority to Register as a Money Transmitter, Form DBF-C-94, effective , which is hereby incorporated by reference and avail- able by mail from the Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Banking, Room LL-22, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350; and a non-refundable application fee of $500 in the case of a funds transmitter or payment instrument issuer registration, or a non-refundable application fee of $250 in the case of a foreign currency exchanger or check casher. Request for Additional Information. Any request for additional information will be made by the Department within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application by the Department. The additional information must be received by the Department within forty- five (45) days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to the request within forty-five (45) days from the date of request shall be construed by the Department as grounds for denial for failure to complete the application, and the application shall be denied pursuant to s. 120.60(2), F.S. Amendment of Application. (a) An applicant may amend the application as to those factors generally within the control or selection of the applicant once, as a matter of course, at any time within thirty (30) days from the Department's receipt for filing. Otherwise, the appli- cation may be amended only with prior written permission from the Department. Requests to make changes which are material to the appli- cation or to the Department's evaluation of the application filed at any time after the application has been received may be deemed by the Department to be grounds for denial, and a new application, accompanied by the appropriate filing fee, may be required. Withdrawal of Application. An appli- cant may request withdrawal of an application prior to a determination of the application being made by the Department by submitting a written request that the application be withdrawn. Refunds. If the application is with- drawn or denied, the application fee is non- refundable. Upon approval of an application, a registration will be sent by the Department to the applicant's mailing address as indicated on the application. Specific Authority 560.105(3), 120.53(1)(b) FS. Law Implemented 560.204, 560.205, 560.206, 560.303, 560.306 FS. History - New . On July 29, 1996, the Department filed the above rule and Application form for adoption with the Department for State and it took effect on August 18, 1996. The Department, accordingly, has used the rule-making procedure expeditiously and in good faith to adopt a rule which addresses the statements with which the Petitioner is concerned. The Petitioner has asserted in his Amended Petition that he is "substantially affected by the statement as [he has] clients who are threatened with criminal prosecution pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1960 for not having a license required by Chapter 560." The Petitioner additionally claims that "as legal counsel to these clients, [he is] unable to provide competent legal advice regarding the application of Chapter 560." The Petitioner, however, has provided no evidence that he, as opposed to his unidentified clients, will suffer any injury as a result of the alleged statement or rule. The "immediate" injury allegedly amounts to the threat of criminal prosecution of the Petitioner's unidentified clients under 18 U.S.C. Section 1960 for not having a license required by the above-referenced Florida Statutes and not by the alleged generally-applicable statement or "rule". The Petitioner has not presented any evidence that any alleged injury on the part of either his unidentified clients or himself is within the zone of interest protected by Chapter 560, Florida Statutes. The zone of interest, which could be discerned from that statute's provisions, does not provide for protection of a lawyer's ability to provide competent legal advice to clients concerning such a statute's applicability to their interests. If a statute is unclear or policies or rules practiced or promulgated in furtherance of that statutory charge by an agency are unclear, a lawyer, in advising and litigating on behalf of his clients, has recourse to the courts or to the administrative adjudicatory process. However, it is their interests he would seek to protect in such situations and not his own as a lawyer. The Petitioner, the attorney for unidentified clients allegedly affected, has not, in his Amended Petition, identified those clients, as parties or otherwise, nor the immediate injury they will allegedly suffer nor asserted or established with proof how they are "substantially affected". It is necessary that that be done to enable such clients to bring this challenge as petitioners in their own right. In any event, the Petitioner, as counsel for those clients, has no standing since he is not a substantially-affected person who is in danger of suffering an "immediate injury" in his own right, which would arise within the ambit of the "zone of interest" protected by Chapter 560, Florida Statutes. The Petitioner is simply not the proper "substantially-affected person" to bring this challenge.

USC (1) 18 U.S.C 1960 Florida Laws (7) 120.54120.57120.60120.68560.105560.204560.303
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001938 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 1991

Findings Of Fact The proposed transmission line corridor is for the purpose of locating two 500 kV transmission lines scheduled to be placed in service in 1985. These lines will be part of a transmission expansion plan to provide a 500 kV transmission network along the Florida east coast from Georgia to southeast Florida. This transmission network will allow the import of coal-generated electricity from the Southern Company in Georgia and transfers of coal-generated electricity from future generating facilities located in Duval County and Putnam County. This transmission corridor is referred to as the Duval-Poinsett Transmission Corridor. The northern terminus of the corridor is to be located in Duval County and the southern terminus of the corridor is to be located in Orange County. The length of the corridor is approximately 175 miles. Within the corridor there will be placed a 330 foot wide right-of-way for two 500 kV transmission lines constructed upon tubular steel H-frame structures with an approximate span between structures of 1,320 feet. Although the width of the right-of-way would normally not exceed 330 feet, that width could extend to 380 feet where angle structures in the line are required. Similarly, in some places the right-of-way may be narrower than 330 feet. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 403.537, Florida Statutes (1981), the Florida Public Service Commission, by order dated June 29, 1981, concluded that: The two proposed Duval-Poinsett 500 kV transmission lines will enhance electric system reliability and integrity. The two proposed Duval-Poinsett 500 kV transmission lines will improve the availability of low-cost electric energy within the State of Florida. The Duval Substation and the Poinsett Substation are appropriate starting and ending points for the proposed line. The Public Service Commission then determined that the proposed transmission line is needed. Notice of the final certification hearing as scheduled for November 23, 1981, was published in the Florida Administrative Weekly, Volume 7, No. 42, October 16, 1981; The Daytona Beach Morning Journal, on September 24, 1981; The Florida Times Union, on September 23, 1981; The Sentinel Star, on September 23, 1981; and The Palatka Daily News, on September 24, 1981. Pursuant to motion, the final hearing as scheduled for November 23, 1981, was subsequently continued to January 11, 1982. Pursuant to that continuance, notice of the final certification hearing as continued was published in the Florida Administrative Weekly, Volume 7, No. 51, December 18, 1981; The Daytona Beach Sunday News Journal, on November 22, 1981; The Florida Times Union, on November 21, 1981; The Palatka Daily News, on November 20, 1981; and The Sentinel Star, on November 12, 1981. All parties to this proceeding had actual notice of the proceeding. For the purposes of this Recommended Order the corridor for which FP&L seeks certification will be broken into six segments as follows: the Duval-to- Rice Segment; the Palatka Area Segment (Rice Substation to Putnam-Flagler County line); the Flagler County Segment; the Volusia County Segment; the Seminole County Segment; and the Orange County Segment. In addition, a corridor segment from Interstate IV in Volusia County, south through Brevard County, and west to the Poinsett Substation in Orange County, was proposed by certain parties in this proceeding and will be referred to herein as the "Geneva Alternate Corridor." The corridor as proposed is approximately one mile wide except that, in some places, the applicant has proposed, in agreement with certain parties, that the width be less than one mile. During the progress of this proceeding, both prior to and during final hearing, in the process of litigating the disputes between the parties, certain changes to the location of the corridor as set forth in the application have been proposed by parties and accepted by the applicant. Thus, the alignment of the corridor now specifically sought by the applicant differs from that originally proposed in the application. The corridor as now proposed and recommended by the applicant is set forth in Composite Attachments II and III to this Recommended Order. The six segments listed above and depicted by Composite Attachments II and III are generally described as follows: Duval to Rice Segment - that part of the corridor as proposed from the Duval Substation through Duval, Clay and Putnam Counties to the Rice Substation. Palatka Area Segment - a corridor proceeding southwest from the Rice Substation, in a southerly direction to the west of the City of Palatka and in an easterly direction south of Palatka, to the Flagler County line. Flagler County Segment - that part of the proposed corridor alignment through the central portion of Flagler County. Volusia County Segment - that part of the proposed corridor through the central region of Volusia County crossing the Volusia-Seminole County line west of Lake Ashby. Seminole County Segment - that part of the proposed corridor through the eastern region of Seminole County. Orange County Segment - that part of the proposed corridor through the eastern region of Orange County to the termination at the Poinsett Substation. There are no unique physical features within the proposed corridor that would reasonably preclude from an engineering point of view the location of a transmission line right-of-way and the construction of two 500 kV transmission lines with associated access/maintenance roads. Placement of two 500 kV transmission lines within the corridor as proposed does not conflict with any local government comprehensive plan. A right of way can be located within the corridor as proposed without the displacement of any existing home. However, the possibility does exist that homes or other structures could be built after the final certification hearing in this cause in such a manner as to necessarily subject it to displacement in the location of a right of way. Similarly, it is possible that negotiations with property owners pertinent to the ultimate location of the right of way could result in the removal of a home for economic, environmental or other land use reasons. Taken as a whole, the impact of the proposed corridor on property values adjacent to or in the vicinity of the right-of-way will be minimal. Where the highest and best use of land is agriculture, there will be almost no impact on property values because almost none of the land will be withdrawn from its agricultural use. For land whose highest and best use is timber production, the right-of-way with its transmission lines will not Significantly interfere with such production and can serve as a firebreak and all-weather access. Thus, it is possible that the value of the entire timber tract which becomes subject to a transmission line right-of-way would not be significantly diminished. Semi-rural lands with development potential which have not been subdivided will be very slightly impacted with regard to land value because the development of property within an existing right-of-way can take into account such a right-of- way and significantly negate its impact on land value. There will be an impact on the land value of suburban homesites one to ten acres in size. This impact would typically be minimal except in a situation where the remaining property in a parcel after placement of the right-of-way is no longer suited for a homesite. It is reasonable to assume that in placing a transmission line right-of-way 175 miles in length, it would not be reasonably possible to avoid all such suburban homesites. The corridor as proposed in this proceeding successfully keeps such contact with suburban homesites to a minimum. The most significant diminution in property values from placement of a transmission line right-of-way occurs in high-valued urban areas. No such areas are included within the corridor as proposed. A 500 kV transmission line is an extra high voltage line. The highest electrical field strength on the right-of-way of the proposed 500 kV transmission lines measured one meter above the ground will be approximately ten kilovolts per meter and the field strength will diminish with distance from the line. The maximum magnetic field associated with the proposed transmission line under normal loading conditions will be approximately 0.4 gauss. Under emergency loading conditions, the maximum magnetic-field could be as high as 0.8 gauss. Testimony and evidence establishes that the electric and magnetic field forces encountered in the vicinity of the transmission line at ground level will have essentially no biological effect and will be no stronger than similar forces encountered in the normal course of modern daily life. The minimum clearance of the conductors will be 35 feet and in all cases will conform to the criteria contained in the applicable National Electric Safety Code. These criteria reasonably eliminate the possibility of harmful shocks resulting from electric field induction. If perceptible electric shocks are encountered, they can be eliminated by grounding the object offering the shocks. During fair weather, the audible noise at the edge of the right-of-way produced by the transmission lines will be at or less than ambient levels. The maximum foul weather ambient noise level in Florida is approximately 52dB(A), and the average level of foul weather ambient noise is approximately 42dB(A). Under foul weather conditions the maximum audible noise level produced by the proposed transmission lines at the edge of the right-of-way will be approximately 50.6dB(A) and the average audible noise will be approximately 47dB(A). This is a low noise level. This noise level will diminish with distance from the line. During worst foul weather conditions, the audible noise of the proposed transmission linens might be by someone within a home at the immediate edge of the right-of-way with the windows open. With the windows closed, the attenuation through the structure should be sufficient to reduce the audible noise level of the transmission lines below that of the ambient level within the home. In fair weather, inside a home at the immediate edge of the right-of-way the transmission lines will not be audible, even with the windows open. No electromagnetic interference from the proposed transmission lines will occur for FM radio and two-way communication facilities using frequency modulated inter-communication systems. Under fair weather conditions, there should be little or no interference with Type A stations (as defined by the Federal Communications Commission) at the edge of the right-of-way. Under foul weather conditions, a receiver more than 150 feet from the edge of the right-of- way receiving a Type A station will not experience interference from the proposed transmission lines. However, within 150 feet from the edge of the right-of-way, such a station could experience interference from the proposed transmission lines. Under fair weather conditions, there should be no interference of the Type B stations as defined by the Federal Communications Commission, at receivers more than fifty feet from the edge of the right-of-way. Under foul weather conditions, a Type B station could potentially receive interference from the proposed transmission lines up to 650 feet from the edge of the right-of-way. There should be no significant electromagnetic interference with the audio portion of television signals from the proposed transmission lines. No interference is expected beyond the edge of the right-of-way to the video portion of the signals for Grade A television stations as defined by the Federal Communications Commission. There is a potential for interference with minimum Grade B stations during the worst foul weather conditions out to distances of 200 to 400 feet from the edge of the right-of-way in Channels 2 through 6. Otherwise, it is not expected that any electromagnetic interference with the video portion of the signals for Grade B stations in Channels 7 through 53 would occur outside the right-of-way. The transmission lines will not create electromagnetic interference with radio communications or radio navigation systems required in the operation of the Daytona Beach Regional Airport. No harmful radio interference is expected from the proposed transmission lines at the Volusia County Civil Defense Communication Center. Physical shielding of the transmission lines could potentially shield out the radio signals from the station, but it is extremely unlikely that such interference would occur. With the exception of those stations located immediately adjacent to or underneath the transmission lines, there should be no impact on Citizen's Band radios. The range of the Southern Bald Eagle, which is on the Federal Endangered Species List and the State Threatened Species List, extends throughout the area of the proposed corridor. A reasonable guideline is that development should not occur within 1500 feet of an active eagle's nest after a site specific determination has been made that the proposed development will not impact the nesting eagle. Only one Southern Bald Eagle's nest has been identified within the proposed corridor. It is on the extreme northern boundary of the corridor south of Palatka. Considering the location of that nest, there is sufficient flexibility within the proposed corridor to place the actual transmission lines at least 1500 feet from the nest. There are two other endangered or threatened species to which special attention should be paid with regard to the construction of a transmission line and associated facilities. These are the Red Cockaded Woodpecker and the Scrub Jay. The range of the Red Cockaded Woodpecker extends throughout the proposed corridor. No known locations of Red Cockaded Woodpeckers occur within the proposed corridor. Such woodpeckers are likely to occur where there are mature pine trees over 45 years of age. Such trees may occur within the proposed corridor. Red Cockaded Woodpeckers excavate cavities within such trees wherein which they nest. A colony is a grouping of such cavity trees occupied by a single clan of of Red cockaded Woodpeckers. Colony areas typically range from 5 to 30 acres and are generally round or oval in configuration. To avoid any negative effects upon a Red Cockaded Woodpecker clan, the transmission line should go around the colony. A site-specific evaluation could indicate that less stringent mitigative measures would be satisfactory to avoid adverse impact on a particular woodpecker clan. The range of the Florida Scrub Jay encompasses several areas within the proposed corridor. The Scrub Jay is typically found in scrub oak, myrtle oak, and live oak less than 25 feet tall. Construction and maintenance of the proposed transmission lines will not significantly affect the Florida Scrub Jay nor the Scrub Jay habitat, because substantially less than all the scrub jay habitat located within the corridor will ultimately be cleared within the proposed right-of-way. Existing low-growing vegetational species will be allowed to remain on the right-of-way to a significant degree with the exception of the access/maintenance road area and a small working area around the structures. It is possible that the construction of the proposed transmission lines with their associated access/maintenance roads could result in violations of water quality standards. The evidence indicates that such violations do not normally occur however. In order to mitigate the possibility of such a violation, the applicant has proposed as a condition of certification to which condition the Department of Environmental Regulation has agreed, that prior to construction in any area over which DER has dredge and fill jurisdiction as defined in Chapter 17-4, Florida Administrative Code, the applicant will submit detailed site specific information to DER as required in the Dredge/Fill Joint Application, Department of Army/Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for Activities in Waters of the State. The provision of this information is sufficient to allow the identification of potential water quality violations before such violations actually occur and to thus avoid any actual water quality violations. Because of the nature of the construction of transmission lines of the type proposed in this application and because of the mitigative measures proposed by the applicant, no significant adverse impact on wetlands crossed by the proposed transmission lines is expected. The removal of vegetative canopy over a wetland which can result in a possible increase in a solar impact on the organisms living within the wetland will be Substantially mitigated because all brush and vegetation less than fifteen feet tall will be allowed to remain except for fast-growing species which will be cut if over five feet tall. Root mats will be left intact in wetland areas thus avoiding possible damage to trees. The impoundment or draining of water in a wetland can occur if the access/maintenance roads are not properly constructed and culverted. As proposed in this application, the placement of access/maintenance roads in wetland areas will be constructed so as not to significantly affect the surface regime of the wetlands within the proposed corridor. There will be no significant adverse impact to aquifer recharge capabilities resulting from the construction of the proposed transmission lines. With the exception of the Palatka Area Segment, the Department of Environmental Regulation has stipulated and agreed that the corridor as presently proposed meets the requirements for certification set forth in Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (1981). Residential development in the Duval-Rice Segment can be essentially avoided. That segment has no unique agricultural land nor any known archaeological sites. In the southern portion of the Duval-to-Rice Segment is the Etonia Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, a privately owned property designated a sanctuary by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. There is adequate land within the proposed corridor for the placement of a right-of-way outside the boundaries of the sanctuary. There are no major water bodies located within the Duval-to-Rice Segment. The Falling Branch Ravine area can be avoided in the placement of the right-of-way. The Palatka Area Segment is opposed by the Department of Environmental Regulation and the City of Palatka. Putnam County argues in favor of the Palatka Area Segment as proposed. That segment as proposed would place the right-of-way for the transmission lines through a stretch of the St. Johns River Swamp. This is a riverine hardwood swamp of environmental value. There has been no showing that this particular riverine hardwood swamp is of any more significant value than any other similar swamp or wetland area traversed by other segments of the proposed corridor. The Palatka Area Segment of the corridor as proposed by the applicant would require a river crossing of the St. Johns approximately one-half mile wide entailing two tower locations in the water. There are two known archaeological sites in this segment of the proposed corridor which are avoidable by the right-of way. Timbering activities are currently occurring in the riverine hardwood swamp south of the City of Palatka in the vicinity of the proposed corridor. A 330 foot right-of-way within the proposed corridor south of the City of Palatka would encompass approximately 120 to 125 acres of the riverine hardwood swamp. That is less than three percent of the total riverine hardwood swamp in that location. Actually less than 100 to 125 acres of the swamp will be directly impacted by the construction of a proposed transmission line because all of the right-of-way will not be cleared in the construction of a transmission line. No evidence was presented which would establish the significance of the impact on the St. Johns River or the St. Johns River Swamp of the construction of the proposed transmission lines and a right-of-way through the proposed corridor. The City of Palatka proposes to site a sewage treatment plant within the proposed corridor outside of the Palatka city limits. This plant would require approximately ten to twenty acres. Necessary federal and state approval has not been received by the City. No evidence was presented from which it could be concluded that the proposed transmission lines would interfere in any manner with the plans of the City of Palatka for the siting of its sewage treatment plant. The Palatka Area Segment as proposed would have little impact on existing residential areas and would not require the displacement of any homes. The Department of Environmental Regulation has argued in favor of an alternative to the Palatka Area Segment as proposed which would entail a river crossing of the St. Johns north of the City of Palatka rather than south of the City. This alternative segment proposed by the Department of Environmental Regulation as an alternative would transit riverine hardwood swamp and parallel the drainage of Rice Creek. It would require a crossing of the St. Johns River one and one-half miles wide and potentially require as many as fourteen tower locations in the river proper. It would require the displacement of at least one home on the east bank of the St. Johns River and would result in the surrounding of several existing homes with transmission lines. The alternate segment as proposed by DER contains unique farmland to the east of the St. Johns River. There is one known archaeological site in the alternate segment proposed by DER. The alternate proposed by DER is approximately 6.15 miles shorter than the Palatka Area Segment proposed by the applicant and the cost of placing the proposed transmission lines within a right-of-way in the corridor proposed by DER is approximately 2.24 million dollars less than in the Palatka Area Segment proposed by the applicant. No party to this proceeding presented any evidence for the purpose of showing that the Flagler County Segment was not suitable for certification in accordance with Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (1981). One party to this proceeding, The Container Corporation, chose not to address the factual issues in this proceeding, but did object to the adequacy of notice as to the corridor segment that crossed its property in Flagler County. The Flagler County Segment crosses the Haw Creek drainage at the narrowest point possible. One of the large wetland areas traversed by the Flagler County Segment has already been subjected to significant drainage practices north of State Road 205 and the transmission lines would not be expected to significantly accelerate that impact. The Flagler County Segment contains two cemeteries which can be avoided in the placement of the right-of-way. There are three unavoidable water crossings in the Flagler County Segment and approximately ten miles of abandoned railroad-bed which, if paralleled, could provide access to the proposed transmission lines. The Flagler County Segment traverses a relatively small amount of planted land and contains fewer homes than any proposed alternative. The Department of Environmental Regulation, the Department of Veteran and Community Affairs, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission have recommended certification of the Flagler County Segment as proposed by the applicant. The Volusia County Segment of the corridor is opposed by the Geneva Citizen's Association, the owners of Seminole County, Inc. and Seminole County, which parties support an alternate corridor proceeding from I-4 in Volusia County south through Brevard County and west to the Poinsett Substation in Orange County. The Volusia County Segment contains fewer wetland acres than any of the other possible corridors discussed herein. Further, those wetlands are dominated by cypress wetlands rather than hardwood swamp wetlands which would dominate in other possible corridors. The Volusia County Segment closely follows ridgelines thus facilitating a right-of-way with a minimum of wetland crossings. The segment contains more planted pines than the other possible alternatives discussed. Planted pines are not a particularly productive wildlife habitat. There is essentially no development in the Volusia County Segment of the proposed corridor. There is a field of unique agriculture land in the Volusia County Segment which would not be spanable by the transmission line. The Volusia County Segment intrudes upon the Volusia Water Recharge Area, which is an environmentally endangered land, by about one-third of a mile. No evidence was presented to show that the placement of a transmission line right- of-way and the construction of a transmission line as proposed would have any impact upon such a recharge area. There is one unavoidable stream crossing in the Volusia County Segment. The Seminole County Segment is opposed by Seminole County, Geneva Citizen's Association, and the Owners of Seminole County, Inc., in the same manner as they opposed the Volusia County Segment. There are no known archaeological sites within the Seminole County Segment of the proposed corridor, nor are there any unique agricultural lands within the Seminole County Segment. There is existing development in the Seminole County Segment in the area east of the community of Geneva in Seminole County. It is possible to place a 330 foot right-of-way through the Seminole County Segment of the proposed corridor without displacing any homes. Properties in the Geneva area of Seminole County which are suitable for sale as five-acre tracts are worth approximately $6,000 per acre. No evidence was presented from which it could be found as a matter of fact that any change in the value of those properties would occur from the construction of the proposed transmission lines. Geneva is a small rural community. In 1980 the census figures for the Geneva-Chuluota area exceeded 3,800. The Seminole County Segment of the proposed corridor encompasses only a small part of that area for which the 1980 population census exceeded 3,800. The population density for the area is very light. Although part of the area within the Seminole County Segment is a recharge area for the aquifer, no evidence has been presented from which it could be found that construction of a transmission line will negatively impact such a recharge area. The predominant zoning category of Seminole County within the Seminole County Segment of the proposed corridor is A-1 Agricultural. There are no unique agricultural lands within the Orange County Segment of the proposed corridor. The segment does contain wetland areas, but not in significantly greater or lesser amounts than in any other corridor that might be chosen. The Orange County Segment as proposed encompasses minimal development and has fewer stream crossings than any alternative considered in this proceeding. The Department of Environmental Regulation, the Department of Veteran and Community Affairs, the Department of Natural Resources, the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, the St. Johns River Water Management District and Orange County have stipulated and recommended that the Orange County Segment of the proposed corridor meets the requirements for certification pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (1981). There was raised in this proceeding another alternate segment referred to as the Geneva Alternate Segment which begins in Volusia County south of Interstate 4 proceeding to the east of Lake Ashby, south through Brevard County, and then west to the Poinsett Substation in Orange County. Proponents of this alternate segment are the Geneva Citizen's Association, the Owners of Seminole County, Inc., and Seminole County. One of the primary purposes of this alternate was to avoid placing the corridor in the Geneva Area in Seminole County. The applicant has not adopted this alternate as part of its request for certification of a corridor. The Department of Environmental Regulation, the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and Brevard County oppose the Geneva Alternate Segment. The Geneva Alternate Segment does not have as much residential development as the Volusia County Segment, Seminole County Segment and Orange County Segment combined. The Geneva Alternate Segment traverses approximately one and one-half miles of the St. Johns National Wildlife Refuge and approximately one and one-half miles of the Tosohatchee State Preserve and approximately ten to twelve miles of the Farmton Wildlife Management Area. The construction of a transmission line is not consonant with the purposes of a national wildlife refuge or a state preserve. Construction of a transmission line is not necessarily inconsistent with the purposes of a wildlife management area. There are sixteen unavoidable water crossings in the Geneva Alternate Segment. There are eight unavoidable water crossings in the corridor as proposed by the applicant for which the Geneva Alternate Segment is a replacement. There are approximately seventeen miles of unavoidable wetlands in the Geneva Alternate with eleven to twelve miles of these being continuous. In the corridor proposed by the applicant south of Interstate 4, there are approximately one and one-half miles of unavoidable wetlands which are numerous and scattered. The corridor south of Interstate 4 as proposed by the applicant is approximately 2.96 miles shorter than the Geneva Alternate Segment. It will cost approximately 4.7 million dollars less to construct the proposed transmission lines within the corridor south of Interstate 4 as proposed by the applicant than it would cost to construct the same lines in the Geneva Alternate. The Geneva Alternate Segment parallels exfsting transmission lines for all but approximately eight miles of its length. The applicant notified all counties and municipalities through which the proposed corridor passes that a variance or special exception from local ordinances which would be applicable to location, construction and maintenance activities within the right-of-way would be sought in this proceeding pursuant to Rule 17-17.64(2)(e), Florida Administrative Code. The applicant and the Department of Environmental Regulation jointly propose certain conditions of certification which are attached hereto as Attachment I. Except as otherwise noted in the Findings of Fact herein, the testimony and evidence in this cause establishes that the proposed transmission lines, if constructed along a right-of-way in the corridor as finally proposed by the applicant and depicted in Attachments II and III hereto, pursuant to the Conditions of Certification proposed jointly by the applicant and DER, would have no significant adverse effect on the environment, public health, safety or welfare. In general, neither would the Geneva Alternate Segment, as proposed, have any significant adverse effect on the environment, public health, safety or welfare with certain exceptions. By traversing the St. Johns National Wildlife Refuge and the Tosohatchee State Preserve, the Geneva Alternate Segment creates a conflict with environmental land use not found in the corridor as proposed by the applicant.

Recommendation Having considered all matters of fact and law presented in this proceeding and being otherwise fully apprised, and based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED: That certification, pursuant to the Transmission Line Siting Act, Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (1981), be GRANTED to the Florida Power and Light Company for the location of the transmission line corridor, the construction of the transmission lines, and the maintenance of the transmission lines and right- of-way as proposed in the application and specifically delineated in Attachment III hereto. That such certification be made subject to the Conditions of Certification attached hereto as Attachment I and that, pursuant to the requirements of Section 403.531(3), Florida Statutes (1981), that Florida Power and Light Company shall be required to seek any necessary interests in State lands, the title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, from the Board, prior to engaging in any activity on or affecting such lands. ENTERED this 31st day of August, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHRIS H. BENTLEY, Director Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of August, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Carlos Alvarez and Carolyn S. Raepple, Esquires 420 Lewis State Bank Building Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ronald E. Clark, Esquire Putnam County Attorney Post Office Drawer V Palatka, Florida 32077 Tom Cloud and Kaye Collie, Esquires Orange County Legal Department 201 East Pine Street Orlando, Florida 32801 George Kenneth Gilleland, II Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission First Floor - Farris Bryant Bullding 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Louis Hubener and John C. Bottcher, Esquires Department of Environmental Regulation 638 Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dawson Alexander McQuaig, Sr., General Counsel City of Jacksonville, City Hall - 13th Floor Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Paul Sexton, Esquire Public Service Commission Legal Department Fletcher Building 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Warren O. Tiller and Daniel Vaughen, Esquires Volusia County Legal Department Post Office Box 429 DeLand, Florida 32720 Robert A. Chastain, Esquire General Counsel Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 531 Mayo Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Nikki Clayton, Esquire Seminole County Legal Department Seminole County Courthouse North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Toby P. Brigham, Esquire Brigham Reynolds Byrne Muir and Gaylord The Reinhold Corporation 203 Southwest 13th Street Miami, Florida 33130 Frank Bird Gummey, III and Reginald E. Moore, Esquires City of Daytona Beach Post Office Box 551 Daytona Beach, Florida 32015 Laurence Keesey, Esquire Department of Veteran and Community Affairs 2nd Floor - Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Hubert D. Pellicer, Administrative Assistant to Flagler County Commissioners Post Office Box 936 Bunnell, Florida 32310 Eugene Frazier Shaw, Esquire Clay County Attorney Post Office Box 838 Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 Ernest Lee Worsham, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32077 John W. Williams, Esquire Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Room 1003C Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Noah C. McKinnon, Jr., Esquire Flagler County Attorney Post Office Drawer 9670 Daytona Beach, Florida 32020 William A. Leffler, III, Esquire Cypress Isles Homeowners Post Office Box 2298 Sanford, Florida 32771 Abbot M. Herring and Thomas Speer, Esquires Geneva Citizens Associations and Owners of Seminole County, Inc. 201 West First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 Roger A. Kelly Fishback Davis Dominick and Bennet 170 East Washington Street Orlando, Florida 32801 (Attorneys for Hogan and Thompson) Robert M. Rhodes, Terry E. Lewis and James C. Hauser, Esquires Messer Rhodes and Vickers 701 Lewis State Bank Building Post Office Box 1876 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 (Attorneys for Dimension Investment Corp) Frederick W. Leonhardt, Esquire 100 Seabreeze Boulevard-Suite 130 Post Office Box 2134 Daytona Beach, Florida 32015 (Attorney for Sun Country, Rima Ridge, Lone Pine and George Anderson, et al.) Florence T. Robbins, Esquire Greenberg Traurig Askew Hoffman Lipoff Quentel and Wolff, P.A. Brickell Concourse 1401 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 (Attorney for Mario Gluck, Trustee)

Florida Laws (5) 403.52403.526403.531403.536403.537
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Mar. 02, 2000 Number: 00-000999 Latest Update: Aug. 30, 2000

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the decision of the City of Clearwater Community Development Board (the "Board") to deny the application of Petitioner for flexible development approval to erect a telecommunications tower should be upheld pursuant to the City of Clearwater Land Development Code (the "Code"). (All section references are to the Code adopted on January 21, 1999, unless otherwise stated).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a Florida corporation engaged in the business of building telecommunication towers for co-location of antennae to send and receive cellular telephone signals. Proper location of telecommunication towers is essential to efficient and effective cellular telephone communications. There must be an available tower to pick up the signal as a user moves from a distant tower to the available tower. Without an available tower, the user would lose signal. It is undisputed that three telephone carriers, identified in the record as GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo, need an available tower in the vicinity of Clearwater High School (the "high school"). Another telephone carrier, identified in the record as AT&T, shares an existing tower at the high school with the Pinellas County School Board (the "school board"). No reasonable use can be made by GTE, Nextel, or PrimeCo of the existing tower at the high school without modification to the tower. The existing tower is not adequate in height and structural capacity to meet the requirements of GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo. The school board and AT&T repeatedly rejected efforts by GTE, Nextel, and Petitioner to discuss the possibilities of modification of the existing tower to accommodate co-location. In 1996, AT&T advised GTE that the school board was not interested in co-location activity. The school board repeated that position in a separate meeting with GTE. GTE and PrimeCo searched for over two years for an alternative structure, tower, or location that would provide reasonable use for their technical requirements. In 1997, GTE requested a permit from Respondent to build a new tower approximately two blocks from the existing tower at the high school. Respondent contacted the superintendent of the school board to encourage co-location. Respondent did not issue a permit to GTE for a new tower. Early in 1998, GTE and PrimeCo approached Petitioner to locate a site for construction of a new tower in the vicinity of the high school. Over the next eight months, Petitioner searched for a suitable site for building a new tower. Petitioner found a site surrounded by commercial property and bordered by mature trees which are 20 to 40 feet tall. On October 13, 1998, Petitioner optioned the portion of the property on which Petitioner intended to build the tower, and Petitioner now owns the property. On May 17, 1999, Petitioner filed its application for site plan approval. The application proposed the construction of a 160-foot wireless communications tower for co-location by GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo (the "proposed tower"). Petitioner sent a notice of the proposed tower to Mr. Kevin Becker at AT&T. The staff for the Board conducted a technical review of the application. The staff recommended approval of the application subject to certain conditions. Petitioner complied with each of those conditions. The staff also recommended approval by the Development Review Committee (the "DRC"). The DRC must review each application before it is submitted to the Board. The staff report to the DRC stated that the existing tower at the high school was the only other tower in the area and was in poor condition. The report found that the tower cannot structurally hold more weight and cannot accept more antennae. Before the Board reviewed the application, Nextel again contacted Mr. Becker at AT&T to discuss modification of the existing tower for co-location of Nextel's antenna. Mr. Becker responded for AT&T with a terse e-mail that stated, "This is the THIRD TIME I have told Nextel that . . . tower is not available for anyone." The Board conducted five hearings to review the application by Petitioner. The hearings spanned six months. The Board conducted the first hearing on July 20, 1999, a second hearing on October 5, 1999, a third hearing on November 16, 1999, a fourth hearing on December 14, 1999, and the last hearing on January 25, 2000. The Board did not follow the staff recommendation at the first hearing. After hearing testimony and receiving other evidence, the Board continued the first hearing, in relevant part, to "allow the City to do whatever it may want to do in terms of addressing that issue." The Board directed Petitioner to contact the school board concerning the condition of the tower and directed the City Planning Director to also contact the school board. After the July hearing, Petitioner contacted the school board concerning the existing tower. Neither the school board nor AT&T had any plans for modification of the existing tower at the high school. The City Planner conducted an independent inquiry and determined that there is not much of a desire on the part of the school board or AT&T to "create other opportunities at this time." Petitioner and the City Planner reported their findings to the Board at the second hearing conducted on October 5, 1999. No one from the school board or AT&T appeared at the hearing. Petitioner presented an engineering study concerning the inadequacy of the existing tower at the high school. One Board member asked whether a new tower could be constructed at the high school to replace the existing tower. Petitioner and the Board's attorney stated that the Code encourages the use of existing towers rather than new towers. The Board continued the hearing over objection from Petitioner so that City representatives could contact school board representatives at a higher level and also allow consideration of a new tower at the high school. After the October hearing, the City Manager contacted the superintendent of schools to discuss the tower at the high school. On November 10, 1999, the superintendent stated that he would meet with city representatives only if AT&T representatives were also present. The superintendent eventually met with the City Manager without the presence of an AT&T representative. The superintendent indicated a willingness to consider modification of the existing tower but no agreement was reached due to the absence of AT&T participation. Another Board member prevailed on the superintendent four times to make a decision without success. The Board conducted the third hearing on November 16, 1999. Representatives from GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo testified at the hearing. Modification to the existing tower at the high school would accommodate one of the three companies but not the other two. The proposed tower is the only tower that would accommodate all three companies. The proposed tower is necessary to provide effective and efficient service to the customers of GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo. GTE has been at a competitive disadvantage since 1996. The Board voted to approve Petitioner's application. The Board conducted a fourth hearing on December 14, 1999. At that hearing, the Board voted to reconsider Petitioner's application on the ground that the Board had received timely requests for reconsideration from an interested party. The Board determined that Petitioner had misrepresented the position of the school board and AT&T concerning their willingness to modify the existing tower at the high school. The catalyst for the Board's reconsideration was a letter from Mr. Becker, dated September 16, 1999, stating that AT&T was willing to consider co-location. Mr. Becker sent a copy of the letter to the Board the day after the Board approved Petitioner's application. The letter stated that AT&T was very interested in considering co-location with other carriers but that the existing tower at the high school was inadequate for the purpose. The letter represented that AT&T would be willing to discuss replacement of the tower with other carriers. Petitioner had never seen the letter prior to the Board's approval and had no knowledge of the change in position by AT&T. The Board conducted a final hearing of Petitioner's application on January 25, 2000. The Board considered the letter from Mr. Becker and a letter from legal counsel for AT&T. Both letters stated that the existing tower does not have the structural capacity to add additional wireless antennae. A staff member for the Board again concluded that the term "existing" meant a tower in existence at that time. Respondent's expert confirmed that the existing tower, without reconstruction, was not a reasonable alternative to the tower proposed by Petitioner. Mr. Becker testified that AT&T was not proposing to modify the existing tower to accommodate the proposed antennae needed by GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo and that the existing tower was beyond reinforcement to accommodate additional loading. The Board denied Petitioner's application. The Board found that the existing tower "can be modified to accommodate carriers and thus reasonable use may be made of the existing tower." The evidence does not support a finding that the existing tower can be modified to accommodate GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo. To do so, the existing tower would need to be replaced rather than modified. Reasonable use of the existing tower cannot be accomplished by modification. Replacement of the existing tower with a new tower would not provide reasonable use of the "existing" tower. As a threshold matter, an interference study would be necessary before a determination could be made that the replacement tower would accommodate all of the carriers. PrimeCo cannot commit to the replacement tower until the interference study is completed. In addition, there are other problems. AT&T proposes to place seven carriers on the replacement tower. That configuration would not provide adequate coverage to each carrier. A second tower would be required in the "short term." AT&T's proposed location of each antenna on the replacement tower would reduce the amount of coverage that is available to each carrier on the tower proposed by Petitioner. Petitioner's proposal locates GTE at 155 feet to accommodate GTE's technical needs. AT&T would locate GTE no higher than 120 feet thereby substantially reducing the area served by GTE. If GTE is located at 120 feet, GTE would need to construct another tower a mile away in order to obtain the coverage achieved at 155 feet in Petitioner's proposal. The replacement tower proposed by AT&T imposes additional limitations on AT&T's competitors. It requires GTE to reduce the size of its antenna to four feet from the eight-foot antenna in Petitioner's application. AT&T imposes a similar reduction on Nextel and requires Nextel to agree to a "compromising antenna" to co-locate on the replacement tower. The continuances ordered by the Board delayed construction of the tower proposed by Petitioner. If Petitioner had received approval of the application in July 1999, Petitioner could have had its proposed tower in service by January 2000. The delay has placed GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo at a competitive disadvantage. As of the date of the administrative hearing, AT&T had not begun construction of the replacement tower. The school board has the right to approve any co-location agreements for the replacement tower proposed by AT&T. AT&T has not submitted any co-location agreements for school board approval. Board policy considers the timeliness of a replacement tower as one factor in determining whether the replacement tower is "feasible" or a "reasonable alternative" within the meaning of Section 3-2.001D.1. A replacement tower that would require more than one year to construct is neither feasible nor a reasonable alternative. Neither the Board nor its staff enunciates any intelligible standards for adopting a one-year time limit or for applying a one-year time limit, including any standard for identifying the starting point of the one-year limit. For example, Petitioner first applied for approval on May 17, 1999. The Board began the one-year period for determining feasibility of the AT&T replacement tower on September 10, 1999. Respondent failed to explicate why it started the one-year period on September 10, 1999, rather than the date of application. The limitations imposed by AT&T for co-location on the replacement tower and the continuances imposed by the Board, individually and severally, comprise a "legitimate limiting factor" within the meaning of Section 3-2001D.1.g. The limitations and continuances have the effect of placing GTE, Nextel, and PrimeCo at a competitive disadvantage and also have the effect of discriminating against the three companies in violation of Section 3-2001A.

Florida Laws (1) 120.68
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001411TL Latest Update: Jan. 29, 1986

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: Procedural Matters After holding noticed public hearings on March 19 and June 12, 1984, the Florida Public Service Commission, by Order Number 13676 issued on September 13, 1984, determined that there was a need for the Florida Power Corporation Lake Tarpon-Kathleen 500 kV transmission line which is the subject of this certification proceeding. Specifically, the Public Service Commission concluded that the construction and operation of the line would enhance electric system reliability and integrity and would improve the availability of low-cost electric energy within the State. It was further concluded that the Lake Tarpon substation in Pinellas County and the Kathleen substation in Polk County were appropriate starting and ending points for the proposed 500 kV transmission line. The Commission found that the proposed line would complete a 500 kV loop or grid out of the Crystal River plant, maintain system continuity to all 500 kV Substations and avoid customer blackouts. Thereafter, on April 29, 1985, Florida Power Corporation filed with the Department of Environmental Regulation its application for site certification of either of two proposed corridors for the 500 kV transmission line to be located between the Lake Tarpon and Kathleen substations. The Department of Environmental Regulation properly provided notice of the application to the statutory parties including the appropriate State agencies, the local water management district, the regional planning councils and each local government within the proposed corridors. Newspaper notice of the Florida Power Corporation application was also published Notices and reminder notices of the certification hearing were published in newspapers of general circulation within counties to be crossed by the proposed transmission line corridors. While one notice of the certification hearing was published 76 days, rather than the Statutorily required 80 days prior to the hearing, no statutory party or other Substantially interested party was prejudiced thereby. With the exception of Anne L. Thomas and Florida Satellite Network, Inc., the statutory agencies, listed parties and substantially interested persons included within the Appearances portion herein timely filed their notices of intent to be a party or their petitions to intervene. Ms. Thomas and Florida Satellite Network, Inc. were granted leave to intervene on a limited basis during the course of the certification hearing. No party proposed an alternate transmission line corridor route for consideration on or before the 50th day prior to the certification hearing. Efforts to present evidence during the certification hearing relating to an alternate corridor and/or to continue the hearing for that purpose were denied. Proposed Corridors In its application for certification, Florida Power Corporation proposes a primary corridor and an alternative secondary corridor. Both corridors originate at the Lake Tarpon substation located in Pinellas County just west of the Hillsborough-Pinellas County line and terminate at the Kathleen substation, located north of U.S. Highway 98 in Polk County. The primary corridor is approximately 44 miles in length and the secondary corridor is approximately 47 miles in length. The most westerly 5.5. miles and the most easterly 25 miles of both corridors are identical. The divergent primary segment is 13.5 miles in length while the divergent secondary segment is 16.5 miles in length. The westerly combined segments of both the primary and secondary corridors run east for a distance of 5.5 miles from the Lake Tarpon Substation to a point just east of the intersection of Gunn Highway and Mobley Road in Hillsborough County. This 5.5. mile stretch encompasses an existing Florida Power Corporation double-circuit 115 kV transmission line corridor, known as the Higgins-Fort Meade Line, and its associated 100 foot existing right-of-way. From the point where the proposed primary and secondary corridors diverge, the primary corridor continues to run east, northeast for a 13.5 mile long stretch in northern Hillsborough County until it meets up again with the easterly combined segments of both corridors. The initial 9.7 miles of this divergent primary segment is 190 feet wide and follows the continuation of the existing cleared and improved Higgins-Fort Meade line and its associated 100 foot right-of-way until it reaches Interstate 275. At I-275, the primary corridor angles northerly, widens to about 1500 feet and parallels the I-275 right-of-way for a distance of approximately 3.8 miles through Cypress Creek until it reaches the I-275/75 interchange at the Pasco Hillsborough County line. There the 13.5 mile divergent primary corridor merges with the 16.5 mile divergent secondary corridor and continues east to form the easterly combined segment. The divergent secondary corridor, leaving the primary after the first 5.5 miles, turns north and makes some thirteen subsequent turns, heading generally north and then east. Its many turns are the result of an attempt to avoid existing developments and homesites. The divergent segment of the proposed 16.5 mile long secondary corridor is located in both northern Hillsborough and Southern Pasco Counties. It varies in width, going up to 5,000 feet, and the exact location of the right-of-way has not yet been determined. The easterly combined Segment of both proposed corridors is generally 1,500 feet wide. This segment, 25 miles long, begins at the I-275/75 intersection and runs east along the Pasco Hillsborough County line to just east of the Hillsborough River where it jogs to the south to avoid homes in Crystal Springs, and it then proceeds northeasterly to the Pasco-Polk County line. The corridor then angles northeasterly through Polk County, crosses a cypress Swamp known as Fox Branch, and ultimately terminates at the Kathleen Substation. Proposed Design, Construction and Maintenance Florida Power Corporation proposes to utilize a 190-foot wide right-of-way in all areas except for that portion of the divergent primary corridor which will be located within the existing 100-foot wide right-of-way associated with the Higgins- Fort Meade transmission line. Florida Power Corporation intends to replace the Higgins-Fort Meade line with the new Lake Tarpon- Kathleen line in this area, and use of only the 100-foot wide right-of-way is necessitated by residential development which has occurred on both sides of the right-of-way if a wider right-of-way were utilized in this area of the proposed primary corridor, numerous homes would have to be displaced. The 100-foot wide existing Higgins-Fort Meade rights-of- way will remain cleared in its entirety. Except for danger trees and trees exceeding 25 feet in height which could fall on the lines, the 190-foot wide right-of-way will be cleared to a width of 150 feet, with 20 feet being left in a natural state on each side of the right-of-way to act as a buffer. At creek and river crossings, the 190-foot wide right-of-way will only be cleared for 100 feet. In this area, only vegetation that exceeds 25 feet in height will be removed. Tree stumps and root mats will be left intact to retain the integrity of wetland areas. Access roads and tower pads will be constructed within the right-of-way in wetland areas. The typical access road will be about 20 feet wide, with side slopes of two feet horizontal for every one foot vertical. Tower pads within wetland areas will be constructed to the same elevation as the access road leading to it and, depending upon the tower structure utilized, will be 130 feet wide by 113 to 155 feet long. Tower pads within the 100-foot wide rights-of-way will not exceed 100 feet so as not to extend beyond the right-of-way. The proposed tower designs for the transmission line in the 100-foot wide right-of-way will be one of two types. The first type is a single tubular steel pole with a delta-shaped conductor configuration extending from it and will be 120 to 135 feet high and about 60 feet wide. The second type consists of twin tubular steel poles with a vertical conductor configuration between them and will be 155 to 175 feet high and 32 feet wide. The maximum span between two single-pole structures is 900 feet and the maximum span between two twin-pole structures is 1,200 feet. The towers in the 190-foot wide right-of-way will be one of three types. The first type consists of a guyed vee lattice steel tangent structure, 100 to 125 feet high and approximately 64 feet wide at its widest point. It has very little depth, but is supported by guy wires that extend 60 to 75 feet to each side. The second type consists of a self-supported lattice steel tangent structure 100 to 125 feet high and approximately 64 feet wide at its widest point. It has a depth of 23 to 31 feet and requires no guy wires. The-third type is an H-frame tubular steel tangent structure 100 to 125 feet high and about 64 feet wide at its widest point. It has very little depth and requires no guy wires. The normal maximum span between all these types of towers is 1,200 feet, although it may be up to 1,500 feet in Special situations, such as river or road crossings. Once a tower type is Selected for each width of right-of-way, it will be used throughout the right-of-way of that width. The types of foundations utilized for the transmission line towers is dependent upon the type of tower design to be installed. For tubular steel structures, either a drilled pier foundation or a vibratory steel casing foundation will be used. For the self-Supporting lattice tower, a drilled pier concrete foundation will be used. For the guyed lattice tower, either a precast foundation or a drilled pier foundation will be used for the tower, and a drilled pier foundation called an auger cast pile will be used for the guys. The foundations will typically penetrate to a depth of up to 50 feet depending on the type of foundation used and the soil conditions at the tower locations. The conductors for the transmission line consist of three wires, Separated by spacers and attached to the towers by insulators. The conductor wires for the delta towers will be 34 to 100 feet high, depending upon the point in the span, and will be 1.89 inches in diameter. The conductor wires for the vertical towers will be 34 to 130 feet high, again depending on the point in the span, and will be 1.5 inches in diameter. The conductor wires for the guyed vee lattice, lattice, and H-Frame towers will be 34 to 80 feet high, again depending on the point in the span, and will be 1.3 to 1.4 inches in diameter. The minimum conductor- to-ground clearance at mid-span for all of the proposed towers will be 34 feet at maximum conductor temperature Ground wires will be used to intercept and ground lightning and will run along the tops of the towers and, for all tower types, will be .28 inches in diameter. The proposed transmission line will be designed to comply with good engineering practices, and the design codes, standards and industry guidelines contained in the National Electrical Safety Code; the American Welding Society Structural Welding Code for Steel; the American Institute of Steel Construction Code of Standard Practice; the American Concrete Institute Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete; the Southern Building Code; the American Institute of Steel Construction Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel or Buildings; the American Society of Civil Engineering Guides entitled, "Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers," "Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures," "Guidelines for Transmission Line Structural Loading"; and the American National Standards Institute Standard A58.1 entitled, "Loads for Buildings and Other Structures." The Lake Tarpon-Kathleen transmission line will be designed for five loading conditions: an extreme wind loading condition, maintenance loads, loads during construction, contingency loads, and code loads. The line is designed to withstand a reference wind speed of 100 miles per hour in flat, open country with no obstructions, and a reference wind speed of 130 miles per hour in forested and residential areas where obstructions on the ground baffle, or diminish, the wind speed. The highest reference wind speed recorded by an accepted weather station in Tampa during the past 30 years is 67 miles per hour, and the highest ever recorded is 84 miles per hour. A reference wind speed is a one-minute sustained wind speed that corresponds to the fastest mile of wind passing an anemometer ten meters above ground. Structures designed to withstand a given reference wind speed can withstand gusts of greater wind speed. While hurricane force winds along the Gulf Coast may exceed 130 miles per hour, the proposed corridors are located from 9 to 56 miles inland from the coast. The construction loading condition allows for the possible malfunction of equipment during the process of pulling the conductors through the blocks on the transmission line towers. In the unlikely event the conductors become hung up in the blocks, the construction loading condition allows the towers to withstand the induced longitudinal load. The maintenance load criterion ensures that the transmission line towers can withstand the weight of men with equipment climbing out on the structural components during maintenance operations The contingency load criterion allows for the shifting of vertical load in the unlikely event of breakage of a piece of conductor supporting hardware for an insulator. The code load criterion ensures that the transmission line will withstand the wind load set forth in the National Electrical Safety Code. Since the code load is less severe than the extreme wind loading condition for which this line has been designed, the code load was not controlling. In addition, standing water will not cause hydrostatic loads on the transmission line towers because they are free- draining. The towers will also withstand a very severe hydrodynamic force, in excess of 25-foot deep water moving two to three times the speed of the Mississippi River, and the towers will also withstand the uplift effects of buoyancy. Florida Power Corporation proposes to construct the transmission line in Seven stages, with the total construction process taking between 12 to 18 months. At any given location along the right-of-way, construction crews will be present at intermittent intervals for a total of two to three weeks. During the first surveying stage, survey crews of three to five individuals will establish tower locations and take soil borings at depths of 50 to 60 feet for foundation design purposes, survey and stake the right-of-way and survey and stake the requirement for clearing and access roads. This surveying stage will take approximately three months. In the second stage of construction, the right-of-way will be cleared and the necessary access roads will be constructed. In those portions of the corridor where the Higgins-Fort Meade line will be replaced with the new 500 kV line, this stage will include the removal of existing towers, conductors and foundations to approximately 1 to 2 feet below grade. Vegetation in the upland areas, where not already cleared, will be removed with heavy tracked machinery and the right-of-way will be dressed for future mowing. In wetland areas, vegetation will be removed either by hand or by the use of light tracked shearing machines, leaving the stumps and root mats except where they would interfere with tower locations. Wetland areas will not be demucked and cuttings will be either buried or burned in non- residential upland areas. Access roads in wetland areas will be constructed by hauling in fill and spreading it with heavy tracked machinery. Culverts under the roads will be installed to avoid interrupting surface water flow. The fill will be compacted as soon as it is hauled in to encourage revegetation and any other measures that may be necessary to prevent erosion will be undertaken. Fill will be obtained from adjacent upland areas, other upland areas or commercial fill suppliers, but not from wetlands or areas connected to wetlands. The actual locations and sizes of culverts to be used will be determined during post- certification design of the facility and will be reviewed by the agencies having jurisdiction over the access roads. Foundations for the transmission line towers will be installed during the third stage of construction and then, during the fourth stage, the materials needed to assemble the towers will be hauled to the appropriate site, and the towers will be assembled on the ground. The tower components will be bolted together and a locking device will be used on each bolt to prevent the nut from backing off. Each tower assembly takes approximately one day or less. In the fifth stage of construction, a large crane is brought to the tower site and the assembled towers are hoisted into position and installed upon their foundations. Florida Power Corporation can erect about one tower per hour or seven to eight towers per day. In the sixth stage of construction, the conductors and overhead ground wires are installed on the transmission line towers. Temporary wooden pole structures, called guard Structures, are installed at road and utility crossings to insure that conductors do not come in contact with those facilities during installation. Three to four miles of conductor and overhead ground wire are installed at a time. Machines are located at both ends of the Section where the conductors are being pulled, one set to pull the conductors and the other set to maintain tension on the conductors. The contractor will pull the conductors to a predetermined stage which is calculated by the design engineers. Also during this stage, spacers are installed between the three wires which make up each conductor to keep them from coming in contact with one another during high wind conditions. After a section of the conductors is installed, the pulling machines advance in a leapfrog fashion to pull in the next section of conductors. The Seventh and final stage of construction, cleanup of the right-of-way, actually occurs after each contractor completes a portion of the construction process. Cleanup of the right-of way includes removal of any orating materials used to haul materials to the site, grading of the right-of-way to remove any ruts resulting from construction, and reseeding or replanting disturbed areas of the These construction techniques are commonly used in the electric power industry. The construction process will be conducted entirely within the right-of-way unless special and prior arrangements are made with the adjoining property owners. After construction is completed, the right-of-way will be maintained by mowing with bushhog equipment in the upland areas and with light tracked shearing machines or by hand in wetland areas. This owing and/or clearing will occur about once every three to four years. Of course, owners of property along the right-of-way may mow and maintain the right-of-way if they desire to do so. Herbicides will not be used on the proposed transmission line right-of-way in wetlands, on public well fields or near residential areas. A study on the use of the herbicide Rodeo (trademark) on the Central Florida-Kathleen 500 kV transmission line right-of-way is currently being conducted. After the satisfactory completion of this study, Florida Power Corporation may seek a modification of the certification for the proposed transmission line to gain approval to use Rodeo (trademark) herbicide in wetlands. Twice a year, once by ground patrol and once by air, the transmission lines and towers, including hardware, will be inspected by maintenance crews. They will look for damaged insulators (particularly after the hunting season and the lightning storm season) frayed conductors, corroded metal and non- functioning culverts under access roads. Also, a climbing inspection is performed every eight years. Maintenance procedures can and will be conducted entirely within the right- of-way. Surrounding Areas-Primary Corridor The westerly segment of the primary corridor, identical to that of the secondary corridor, encompasses the existing Higgins-Fort Meade transmission line, a business park, areas of pine flatwoods, pasture lands, palmetto prairie, cypress swamp and citrus groves, a plant nursery, a lake and several ponds. The entire western combined segment crosses 7 lakes and 2 watercourses. The initial 9.7 miles of the divergent portion of the primary corridor follows the existing Higgins-Fort Meade line and abuts a number of suburban residential subdivisions, as well as occasional cypress swamps, ponds and citrus groves. The residential subdivisions include the densely populated Northdale, Country Place, Northlakes, Crenshaw Lakes, St. Charles, Crenshaw Acres, Live Oak, Hounds Run and Maple Hill developments. There are approximately 146 homes within 100 feet of the existing 100- foot right-of-way and 381 homes within 300 feet of that right-of- way. These homes and subdivisions were built subsequent to the early 1950's construction of the Higgins-Fort Meade transmission line. The portion of the divergent primary corridor which leaves the Higgins-Fort Meade line (for a distance of approximately 3.8 miles) and parallels I-275 encompasses an extensive area of Cypress Creek. The divergent section of the primary corridor crosses 14 lakes and 5 watercourses. The eastern segment of the primary corridor, identical to the eastern segment of the secondary corridor, traverses primarily rural areas, characterized by open pasture land, pine flatwoods and fresh water marsh, cypress and swamp. As the corridor moves into Polk County, it traverses an extensive wetland system known as Fox Branch. The Fox Branch system is the first tributary to the Hillsborough River, which provides drinking water to the Tampa Bay area. The eastern combined segment of both corridors contains 9 water courses, including the Hillsborough River, and 12 lakes. Surrounding Areas-Secondary Corridor The western and eastern portions of the secondary corridor are identical to that of the primary corridor and the Surrounding areas have previously been described in paragraphs 22 and 24. The 16.5 mile long segment of the secondary corridor which diverges from the primary corridor initially passes through areas of pasture land, citrus groves, cypress swamps and several single family residences, and is adjacent to scattered lakes. After the secondary corridor crosses Van Dyke Road, it is Surrounded by four major planned Single-family and multifamily residential developments, a single family residential compound and farm and a 1.5 million gallon per day waste water treatment plant, which are all currently at various stages of development and will be described in more detail below. The divergent secondary corridor continues to cross areas of cypress swamp, open pasture land and several single family residences and abuts numerous lakes, ponds and single family subdivisions, including Whisper Run, Lake Como Club, Country Close, Foxwood, Turtle Lakes and others, as well as a cemetery and a commercial nursery. Approximately 500 feet north of the secondary corridor along Dale Mabry highway is the Florida Satellite Network, Inc. cable system head end installation consisting of a 90 foot television antenna for local channel reception and two satellite dish antennas. This facility processes and retransmits signals via cable to some 1,500 cable customers in Land O' Lakes. The divergent segment of the secondary corridor contains some 33 lakes and two water courses. Due to the opening of the I-275 corridor, the extension of County Line Road and State Road 54, and the reduction in the amount of land devoted to citrus groves, the area encompassing the divergent secondary corridor is experiencing a boom of activity and rapidly increasing property values. The divergent secondary corridor traverses at least a portion of the newly planned subdivisions of Cypress Bend, Lake Carlton Arms, Villages of Ramblewood and Cheval, as well as the Van Dyke Road Wastewater Treatment Plant planned and designed to serve these new subdivisions. At the time Florida Power Corporation selected the proposed secondary corridor, it was unaware that these developments would occur or, at least, that they would progress so rapidly. This portion of the secondary corridor also encompasses the Maloney/Zambito family residential compound and farm, and traverses a 16-acre dedicated school site. The corridor includes the northern 750 feet of property owned by Live Oak Realty, which property is presently utilized as an operating cattle ranch. A siteplan has been developed for this property which includes dwelling units and a regional shopping center within the proposed corridor. The Cypress Bend development has recently commenced construction and includes 173 single family home sites, a club house, tennis courts, racquet ball courts, a pool, 77- acres of man-made lakes, and 424 acres of cypress wetlands, for a total of 965 acres. Most of the residential lots will have either a woodland view or a view of a lake. The main entrance is currently under construction and will connect to Van Dyke Road and Lutz Lake Fern Road. About 26 lots, the main entrance and portions of the cypress wetlands are located within the divergent secondary corridor. These cannot be relocated because of developmental, economic and environmental constraints. Expenditures to date by the developers of Cypress Bend include not only the cost of land, but $300,000 for road construction, $52,000 for a 12 inch water main, $118,000 for underground electric facilities and $250,000 for engineering and planning. The Lake Carlton Arms development is a residential rental apartment complex located on 477 acres and is currently under construction. It will have 1,912 units in 155 buildings, 4 clubhouses, and includes a 16 acre school site, a fire station, a 9 acre commercial site, open spaces, a number of man-made lakes, and 203 acres of wetlands and conservation areas. Construction of the lakes and site work is complete and construction of Phase I, consisting of 956 units on the south side of the development, is nearing completion. Construction of future phases will take place along the man-made lakes in the northern portion of the development. Expenditures to date total more than $24,000,000, over and above the cost of the land. The school, which will serve all of the Surrounding developments, 84 units in 7 buildings, and open spaces, as well as access for another 24 units in 2 buildings, will be located within the proposed secondary corridor. They cannot be relocated because of developmental constraints. If the right-of-way is ultimately located so as to avoid the Lake Carlton Arms development, it will then traverse the Villages of Ramblewood development. The Villages of Ramblewood is a single family residential subdivision located on 658 acres immediately to the north of the Lake Carlton Arms development and the Van Dyke Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is proposed for 908 single family lots with 230 acres of cypress wetlands and conservation areas. Construction of the roads and utilities is currently underway, and expenditures to date total more than $2,000,000 over and above the cost of the land. Two of the villages consisting of a number of lots are located within the divergent secondary corridor. They cannot be relocated due to environmental and developmental constraints. If the right-of-way is located so as to avoid them, it will necessarily be required to traverse the Lake Carlton Arms development and the Van Dyke Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Cheval development is located on 855 acres just northeast of the Lake Carlton Arms Development and to the east of the Villages of Ramblewood. It is a multi-use development, currently under construction, and will have 193 large single family home sites, 537 multi-family units, including patio and town homes, 88-acres of man-made lakes, tennis and equestrian villages, an 18-hole golf course, and a club house with tennis courts and a pool. It will also have a 57 acre equestrian center which will include stables, a grand prix jumping area, 2 polo fields, grandstands and parking facilities, and will be the focal point of the development. Phase 1 of the development is near completion, and expenditures to date total more than $16,000,000. Three large single family lots, the stables and about half of one polo field are located within the divergent secondary corridor. They cannot be relocated in a manner that will maintain the integrity of the overall development plan. The Van Dyke Road Wastewater Treatment Plant, located on 22 acres adjacent to the northwest corner of the Lake Carlton Arms development, is now nearing completion after a 3- year permitting and construction process. It is a 1.5 million gallon per day oxidation ditch-type wastewater treatment plant that can be expanded to a 2 million gallon per day capacity. It includes an operations building, 2 large oxidation ditches with 18 feet high concrete walls, other utility buildings, paving, roadways and storage ponds. Expenditures to date total bore than $3,000,000 and its total cost will be $4.5 million. Its operation is a condition precedent to the viability of surrounding developments. The entire plant is located within the divergent secondary corridor and it cannot be relocated. The right-of-way cannot traverse the plant site for safety reasons since the use of large cranes will be required to maintain and expand the plant. While the right-of-way could perhaps be located so as to avoid the plant site, it could not be done without traversing a portion of the Villages of Ramblewood development. The Maloney-Zambito family complex, located on 194 acres between the Cypress Bend and Lake Carlton Arms developments, is a family complex that includes a dairy, a thoroughbred horse farm, and several residences. A portion of the property has been divided into 3-acre lots which will be used as homesites for several family members. In addition to the residences that now exist on the property, the Maloney family is currently constructing a new home on one of the 3-acre lots. All of the property is located within the proposed secondary corridor. If the right-of-way is located so as to avoid the Cypress Bend development, it will likely result in the displacement of one or more residences on the Maloney Zambito property and will disrupt the family complex. Impacts of Proposed Corridors upon the Public-Land Use, Land Value and Other Considerations. Land Area Preempted. The primary corridor is 44 miles long and the secondary corridor is 47 miles long. Because Florida Power Corporation intends to utilize its existing 100- foot right- of-way along the Higgins-Fort Meade line if the primary corridor is certified, it will only need to acquire 28.8 miles of additional right-of-way to complete the primary corridor. The secondary corridor will require the preemption of sufficient land to locate a 190-foot right-of-way across some 41.5 miles. Joint Use of Land. The primary corridor will follow the existing Higgins-Fort Meade facility for a distance of 15.2 miles. Other linear facilities, including a draining ditch and an electrical distribution line, currently share this existing right- of-way. The primary corridor will also follow the I-275 right-of- way for approximately 3.8 miles and the County- Line right-of-way for about 2.5 miles. Thus, existing linear facilities are followed for 21.5 miles of the primary corridor's total 44 mile length. Joint uses of existing linear facilities are encouraged by state, regional and local comprehensive plans. The secondary corridor will only align itself with approximately 6.5 miles of existing linear facilities. Displacement of Residences. A greater number of occupied residential homesites presently exist adjacent to the proposed divergent segment of the primary corridor. Because the 100-foot right-of-way for the Higgins-Fort Meade transmission line was in existence prior to the construction and development of nearby homes, and because future development has been and is now precluded within that right-of-way, no displacement of homes will be required in the primary corridor. However, if a right-of-way wider than 100 feet is utilized in the dense residential areas along the existing line, numerous homes would have to be displaced. Location of the corridor in the divergent secondary segment could well result in the displacement of both existing residences and those currently under construction or development, as well as a wastewater treatment plant and commercial businesses. When the secondary corridor was initially chosen by Florida Power Corporation, the area contained relatively low density development and the potential of locating most of the right-of-way outside the boundaries of existing and known planned developments. However, that scenario has now changed and is continuing to change on a rapid basis. Since there is no existing right-of-way within the divergent secondary segment, it is reasonably probable that new homes will be placed within the secondary right-of-way, and thus require displacement if the secondary corridor is certified. Population projections indicate that the numbers of residents within the two corridors will be nearly equal in the future. Impacts on Existing and Future Developments. The area along the existing Higgins-Fort Meade line, at least within the divergent primary segment, is basically already fully developed, and future development will not be disrupted any more by the location of the primary corridor there than it is by the existing right-of-way for the Higgins-Fort Meade line. Almost all of the developments along the divergent primary segment were placed there after and were planned with reference to the Higgins-Fort Meade line and its 100-foot right-of-way. The area along I-275 is primarily a wetland area unsuitable for future development. While there is now no existing development along the easterly combined segments of both corridors, it is conceivable that there could be future development in that area. Because of the rapidly developing nature of the divergent secondary segment, the fact that there is no existing protected right-of-way and the large numbers of lakes and wetlands located within that area, it will be very difficult to locate a right-of- way within that secondary segment so as to avoid dividing properties, displacing homes or leaving properties with limited developable uplands. Future development could be severely disrupted by the placement of the secondary corridor in the 16.5 mile area which diverges from the primary corridor. Land Values. Testimony was offered concerning several studies on the impact of transmission lines upon property values. None of the studies were Site-specific to the Lake Tarpon-Kathleen transmission line and the literature on the subject is inconclusive as to the effect of transmission lines on adjacent property values. A study conducted in Hernando County concluded that, depending upon the type of property involved, there is a 24 percent to 44 percent loss in value of property located adjacent to a transmission line. The study from which such conclusions were drawn contains deficiencies in that, in some instances, only one sale was recorded, sales were not verified to assure they were the result of arm's length transactions, median values were used when there was only one or a small number of sales and the study was Site-specific to Hernando County. Land use impacts, and their effect upon land use values, have already occurred in the divergent primary section as a result of the existing Higgins-Fort Meade transmission line and I-275. The values of residential properties along the existing transmission line already reflect the location of such a line. Florida Power Corporation has no intention of removing that line or abandoning that right-of-way even if the proposed primary corridor were not certified. The potential adverse impact upon land values if property cannot be developed for residential use within the divergent secondary segment could be great. Planned developments would need to be reduced in size or scope, thus making the property less desirable and less valuable for purchase or development. Visual impacts. Along the 15.5 miles where the Higgins- Fort Meade line presently exists, there should be no significant new visual intrusion. Though the towers for the proposed line will be higher than those within the existing corridor, they will also be sleeker and less intrusive. The visual intrusion of lattice towers and other transmission facilities already exists in the immediate area of the westerly and divergent segments of the primary corridor. The visual intrusion in other areas will be mitigated by alignment of the line with the I-275 right-of-way and by the sparsely populated rural nature of the lands in the combined easterly segment of both corridors. Placement of the transmission line in the proposed divergent segment of the secondary corridor will result in a new visual intrusion for residents of existing and nearly completed subdivisions located therein. Because of the meandering design of the secondary corridor, the transmission lies could form a virtual semi-circle around some lakes and developments, thus creating a greater visual intrusion than a single set of lines or towers located in only one direction from the adjacent property. Noise. The transmission line, no matter where it is located, will generate some noise as a result of a process called corona, and also, to a lesser extent, as a result of wind and insulator scintillations. Corona occurs when a foreign substance like water gets on the conductor wires and causes the level of the electrical field to exceed the electrical strength of air. This causes a burst of energy that heats and applies force to the air and moves air molecules around as sound waves. Under normal fair weather conditions, which occur in this area 90 percent of the time, the noise levels produced by corona will be less than ambient and unmeasurable. During rainy weather, which occurs about 10 percent of the time, the median noise level will be 40.7 to 42.3 dBa at the edge of the right-of-way, with diminishing levels thereafter. Under certain unique conditions, the noise level could rise an additional 3 or 4 dBa, but never as much as an additional 7.5 dBa. To put this in perspective, under normal conditions, the noise level will be more quiet than a rural nighttime ambience, but during rainy weather, the noise level will be roughly equal to a quiet urban nighttime level. Direct comparison is difficult because different noises have different annoyance levels. Some studies have indicated that noise produced by the corona process is more annoying than other types of noises because of its crackling and popping and conclude that a penalty of somewhere around 5 dB should be added to corona noise for comparison purposes. If the penalty were added, the noise level would be roughly 44 to 48 dBa on median, which is much like a quiet urban daytime noise level. The noise levels expected will be Substantially below the maximum level permitted under Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas Counties' noise ordinances, with or without the penalty. Studies of other transmission lines indicate that noise levels of less than 52.5 dB receive little or no complaints. Radio and Television Interference. The bursts of energy that occur during the corona process can, under certain circumstances, cause interference with radio and television reception. Because F.M. radio transmission uses a frequency modulation which is immune to amplitude noise, the proposed transmission line will have no effect on F.M. radio reception. A.M. radio does use an amplitude modulation which can be susceptible to transmission line noises. However, during fair weather conditions the proposed transmission line will not interfere with A.M. stations which meet FCC Type A signal service, which include those stations providing strong enough signals that they would be free of naturally occurring atmospheric interference 90 percent of the time. During foul weather, there may be some interference with some Type A stations at the edge of the right- of-way. However, such interference during stormy weather could occur even in the absence of the transmission line and the interfering effect of the line will not be substantially different than other atmospheric interferences. Television transmission uses frequency modulation for sound and amplitude modulation for the video or picture. Thus, the picture can receive interference from transmission lines in the form of a band of snow or ghosting on the screen. However, under fair weather conditions, the Lake Tarpon-Kathleen transmission line will cause no interference with television stations servicing the area. During foul weather, there could be some minimal interference with only Channel 3, and only in the worst case situation where the transmission line is operating at its maximum voltage and the receiving antenna is located immediately adjacent to the edge of the right-of-way or is oriented in a direction such that it receives the maximum amount of transmission line noise. Such worst case conditions are unlikely to occur and, if they do, Florida Power Corporation has agreed to correct interference problems arising therefrom. Microwave receivers, such as satellite dishes, experience no interference from corona. If a receiving station is located near a transmission line and utilizes a high gain antenna with large amplifiers to pick up weak stations, there is some potential for interference. Florida Satellite Network, Inc. does operate a standard television reception antenna atop a 90 foot high radio tower in order receive 9 local television signals. The tower is located approximately 500 feet north of the northern boundary of the secondary corridor. The evidence was insufficient to establish whether or not the proposed transmission line, if placed in the secondary corridor, would create interference during foul weather conditions. As noted above, Florida Power Corporation agrees to investigate and correct all valid complaints of radio and television interference caused by its transmission lines. Human Health and Safety Lightning Strikes. Lightning, an electrical discharge that begins in the clouds and progresses to the ground, is generally attracted and diverted to the tallest object. Transmission line towers are often the tallest structure in an area and they are often struck by lightning. Since the large surges in voltage in current caused by lightning can damage transmission line equipment, power companies attempt to protect their investments by placing static wires, or overhead ground wires, above the conductors to interrupt the lightning and route it through the tower structure to an extensive grounding system at the base of the structure. This process creates no significant risk to people or residents adjacent to the right-of-way and, in fact, may attract and ground lightning strikes that would otherwise strike elsewhere in the area. Electric Shock. Electric shock is the sensation a person feels when current passes through the body. It can range from a very low perception to a startled reaction and, at high levels, it can be fatal. Electric and magnetic fields associated with transmission lines can cause electric currents to be induced in objects. If one touches a conductive object within or adjacent to the transmission line right-of-way, a small amount of current could flow from the object through his body to the ground. Whether this produces an electric shock depends on the magnitude of the current. Common thresholds are one milliamp for steady state preception, two milliamps for startled reaction, and 4.5 Quo 9 milliamps for safe let-go levels, the threshold being dependent on body limb size and weight. Florida Power Corporation proposes to construct and operate this transmission line to comply with and exceed the National Electrical Safety Code, 1984 Edition (NESC). The NESC requires that induced currents be less than 5 milliamps. This line will produce maximum induced current in the largest objects found within pedestrian access areas of about 2.87 milliamps during normal load conditions; and of about 3.49 milliamps during emergency load conditions. Emergency load conditions occur very infrequently (once a year) and last no more than 3 to 4 hours. The line will produce maximum induced currents in the largest objects found in residential and secondary streets of about 4.10 during either normal or emergency load conditions and will produce maximum induced currents in the largest objects found on major highways of about 4.29 during either normal or emergency load conditions. It will produce progressively lower induced currents the further the distance from the line. There could conceivably be some higher induced currents in fences within the right-of-way or large metal buildings located adjacent to the right-of-way, but Florida Power Corporation routinely grounds such objects. Surveys of utilities operating 500 to 765 kV lines demonstrate that there have been no reports of injury from and very few complaints concerning electric shocks. While perceptible shocks could occur, they will be brief and result in no physiological harm. It is estimated that Florida Power Corporation will receive one complaint based on perceptible, but not harmful, electrical shock for every 35 years of operation of this line. Shock problems can arise for honey bee hives located in or near the right-of-way due to the electrical characteristics present in the bee hive and the bees when they are located within an electrical field. The problem can be eliminated by placing over the hive a grounded screening device, such as chicken wire or a metal plate. Florida Power Corporation has agreed to inform affected beekeepers of this problem and the solution thereto Spark Discharge. When induced current becomes trapped and builds up in objects that are well insulted from the ground, a grounded object coming in contact with it can create a spark, such as that which occurs when a person walks on carpet and then touches a door knob. While these sparks may create a nuisance, they do not cause physiological harm. There is some concern that a spark discharge could contain sufficient energy to ignite gasoline vapors when there exists an optimum mixture of vapor and air. Scientists have produced such a result under contrived conditions, but there is no evidence that this has occurred in practice. There is little likelihood of such an incident occurring because of the number of things which would have to occur simultaneously in order to create the necessary conditions. Falling Conductors. In the unlikely event that a subconductor breaks and falls to the ground, it will establish a spark, known as a fault. The increase in current will be detected by relays at both ends of the line and circuit breakers will immediately de-energize the line and disconnect that line from the rest of the substation. The total time between a conductor approaching the ground and establishing a fault condition to the time that the system is turned off will be about 60 thousandths of a second. Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields. When energized with electricity, transmission lines produce both electric and magnetic fields. On an electromagnetic spectrum, telephone and power lines would be at the bottom with respect to intensity, followed by television and radio waves, microwaves, infra red, ultra violent, x-rays and gamma rays. Whether or not low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) associated with transmission lines and other sources of electrical energy may interact with humans, animals and plants to cause harmful biological effects has been the subject of inquiry debate within the scientific community for a number of years. The record of this proceeding contains the testimony of experts and documentary evidence concerning the biological effects of EMF, as well as the statements from members of the public expressing apprehension and fear about the health hazards associated with transmission line EMFs. For the Lake Tarpon-Kathleen transmission line, the maximum (which occurs for only a few hours a day) electric fields within the right-of-way during normal load periods will be between 6.79 and 7.37 kilovolts per meter depending upon the tower configuration utilized and the width of the right-of-way. During emergency load conditions (which occur only once a year for three or four hours) the electric fields will range between 8.07 and 8.84 kilovolts per meter. At the edge of the rights-of- way, the maximum electric field strengths are 1.90 (190-foot right-of-way), 3.43 (100-foot right-of-way, delta configuration) and 1.56 (100- foot right-of-way, vertical configuration) for normal loads and 1.85, 3.52 and 1.41, respectively, for emergency loads. The maximum magnetic fields within the right-of-way during normal loads will range between 96.0 milligaus (190-foot right-of-way) and 67.0 milligaus (100-foot right-of-way). During emergency loads, these same figures range between 709 and 470 milligaus. At the edge of the rights-of-way, the range of maximum magnetic fields during normal loads are 24.0 (190-foot right-of-way) and 37.0 (100-foot right-of-way), and during emergency loads 154 and 242 milligaus. While electric fields can be shielded by physical objects, such as trees and houses, magnetic fields cannot be shielded unless the physical objects have strong magnetic properties. The field values listed above are maximum theoretical values and would be affected by variations in current flows and shielding by other objects. Also, the fields could be slightly higher along portions of the divergent secondary corridor because the numerous angles and turns could result in a convergence of fields from more than one direction. Dr. Andrew Marino, a bio-physicist, is of the opinion that electric fields are stressors of biological organism's which contribute to the incidence of all types of diseases. He concludes that the electric field at the edge of a right-of-way should be no greater than 50 volts per meter, thus necessitating a right of way width in this case of 400 feet on each side of the centerline or a total width of 800 feet. Dr. John Norgard, an electrical engineer, felt that the electric field at the edge of the right-of-way should be no greater than 434 volts per meter, thus necessitating a minimum right of way width for this line of 330 feet. Though not qualified as an expert in the health effects of EMF, Karen Anthony, DER's transmission line siting coordinator, had no real concerns regarding the health effects of electric fields associated with transmission lines. However, she perceives a need for caution with respect to magnetic fields and adverse health effects and would prefer a right-of-way width of 190 feet so as to reduce the edge of right-of-way magnetic field strength by 13 milligaus during normal load conditions and by from 75 to 88 milligaus during emergency loads. This preference for a 190-foot right-of-way is not contained in a DER existing or proposed rule and no standard for magnetic fields or other evidence of known adverse health effects from magnetic fields was offered during the course of this proceeding. Dr. Morton Miller, a research biologist, concludes from his own experiments and a review of the Scientific research that, in spite of numerous attempts to do so, no deleterious biological effects have been found from the interaction of EMFs and biological organisms. Dr. Jerry C. Griffin, a medical doctor, does not believe that there are any demonstrated or accessible adverse health effects from EMF exposure to the fields expected from this transmission line. While there is a potential risk to wearers of one type of cardiac pacemaker, this same risk exists from exposure to the EMF's associated with common household appliances. Dr. H. B. Graves, a research biologist, does not believe that exposure to the electric and magnetic fields associated with this transmission line will cause adverse health effects in plants, animals or persons. Dr. Graves was also chairman of the Florida Electric and Magnetic Fields Science Advisory Commission which authored a report published in March of 1985, entitled "Biological Effects of 60-Hz Power Transmission Lines." The study had the participation of DER and the United States Department of Energy and was funded by the Florida Power Coordinating Group. It was the conclusion of this report that it is unlikely that human exposure to 60Hz EMFs from high voltage transmission lines presents a public health problem. Other reputable scientific groups have reached the same conclusion. The Florida Commission did concede that ambiguities in currently available scientific knowledge do exist and thus it can not be concluded with absolute certainty that there is no chance that a public health problem exists. New scientific developments should continue to be monitored. An analysis of the totality of the evidence presented in this proceeding on the EMF issue results in the finding that this transmission line will not cause or lead to adverse biological effects. Impacts of Proposed Corridors upon the Environment Water Resources, Vegetation and Wildlife. Water Resources. The primary and secondary corridors traverse or contain a variety of surface water resources. These water resources are characteristic of the central Florida area and include natural and manmade ponds and lakes, flowing streams, rivers, cypress swamps, mixed hardwood swamps, freshwater marshes and other kinds of wetlands, including areas which are only seasonally inundated. The largest wetland areas crossed are those associated with Cypress Creek near I-275 and with Fox Branch, a tributary to the Hillsborough River. The major receiving waters for these lakes and watercourses are (from west to east) Double Branch, Rocky Creek, Hillsborough River, Cypress Creek and South Branch. All lakes and watercourses crossed by the proposed corridors are designated as Class III waters by Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. There are no Outstanding Florida Waters within the proposed corridors. There are three public drinking water supply well fields located near the divergent secondary corridor. There are no springs in either corridor. The proposed primary corridor contains a fewer number of waterbodies than the proposed secondary corridor, and many of the water bodies within the primary corridor are already within the existing Higgins-Fort Meade right-of-way. Florida Power Corporation has committed to utilize a number of construction, operation and maintenance techniques in wetlands to avoid any potential adverse hydrologic and water quality effects. For example, in wetlands clean fill will be used, no stump removal or demucking will occur, felled timbers will be placed beneath roads to bear traffic and minimize soil compaction, roads will be constructed to a height of only one foot above water level to allow for surface flow and culverts will be installed to maintain sheet flow. Roadways will be rapidly revegetated to provide stability. Because of the low flow velocities in affected wetland areas, the effects of increased turbidity during construction should be minimal and temporary. The construction and maintenance of the transmission line will have no measurable effect upon groundwater. Since all borings and drill holes will be grouted, there will be no disturbance of the separation between the surficial and the Floridan aquifers and groundwater flow will not be impeded by soil removal. Because it is impractical to delineate site-specific designs for activities within wetlands during the corridor certification process, Florida Power Corporation has agreed to a post-certification review process for approval of site-specific dredge and fill activities. Compliance with the stipulated conditions of certification as set forth in Appendix A will provide DER and SWFID with reasonable assurances that water quality standards will be complied with. The Fox Branch System. As noted, Fox Branch is a tributary of the Hillsborough River and is comprised of some 2,450 acres of forested wetland. It drains the northwest flow of the Lakeland Ridge, an urbanized area of relatively high elevation located north of the City of Lakeland. The proposed corridor crosses the Fox Branch system at its widest point and the right- of-way could not be located to avoid the wetlands. While the 1,500-foot wide corridor includes a total of about 135 acres of wetlands associated with Fox Branch, only about 15.86 acres would be included within the cleared 150-foot wide right-of-way. Only 0.65 percent of the total wetlands will be cleared and only about 2.2 acres or 0.09 percent of the total wetlands will be filled for access roads. The conditions of certification attached as Appendix A require post-certification review by the appropriate agencies of all jurisdictional dredge and fill activities. The proposed construction techniques, conditions of certification and post-certification review of construction across Fox Branch are adequate to protect the water resources of that area. Vegetation. In areas outside the existing Higgins-Fort Meade right-of-way, the proposed 500 kV transmission line will result in some loss and disturbance of plant life. The vegetation communities which occur in both corridors are typical to those found in similar areas throughout central Florida. No unique or endangered species of plant life have been observed in either corridor. While canopy and tall wood vegetation will be cleared along the proposed rights-of-way, plant communities will not be totally destroyed. Rather, the clearing and maintenance will force a shift from the existing successional stages of vegetation to an earlier successional stage. The divergent secondary segment of the corridor contains a greater number of unaltered and undisturbed wetlands, but the divergent primary segment includes the more extensive, mature and diverse vegetation community associated with Cypress Creek, though this waterbody has been previously disturbed by I-275. If proper construction and maintenance techniques are followed, as proposed and as set forth in the conditions of certification, any adverse impacts upon vegetation communities should be minimized. Wildlife. Since both proposed corridors contain many areas of swamp, marsh, lakes, ponds, streams and forested wetlands, there are numerous species of wildlife which inhabit these areas. Both corridors contain similar habitat types and the value of any particular area for supporting wildlife habitat is primarily determined by the size of the area and the degree to which the area is developed or otherwise disturbed. There are no particularly unique habitats located within the divergent segment of the primary corridor and there are no known endangered or threatened wildlife species residing therein. Because the divergent secondary corridor is longer and more undeveloped at this point in time, it contains a larger amount and greater diversity of undisturbed wildlife habitat than does the divergent primary segment. Also there are two endangered or threatened species which actually reside within or adjacent to the divergent secondary corridor. These are the Southern Bald Eagle and the Florida Sandhill Crane. There are two apparently active bald eagle nests located south of the southern edge of the secondary corridor. One is approximately 1,000 to 1,100 feet south and the other is approximately 1,500 to 1,600 feet south of the edge of the corridor. While the corridor in this area does not cross any open water, there are lakes and ponds to the north of the corridor in which the eagles may feed, and the corridor lies between the nests and these lakes and ponds. The potential for injury to the eagles from collision with the transmission line is slight due to the visual acuity of an eagle and the fact that only about 0.07 percent of the bird population in general dies as a result of collision with power lines. There are no federal or state laws prohibiting a transmission line within a certain distance of an eagle's nest, though the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service does have a guideline indicating that activities within 1,500 feet of an eagle's nest should be reviewed to minimize effects. Florida Power Corporation has agreed to a condition of certification which calls for such a review and has agreed to consult with the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission regarding the type and timing of construction activities should the right-of-way be located within 1,500 feet of a bald eagle's nest. Active eagles' nests do presently exist near other transmission lines in Florida. Though difficult to distinguish from the migratory, unthreatened Greater Sandhill Crane, the non-migratory, threatened Florida Sandhill Crane has been sighted within or near the divergent segment of the secondary corridor. While there is a potential for a disturbance of this threatened species from the construction and existence of a transmission line, there was insufficient evidence to establish that the secondary corridor contains critical habitat features or that the Florida Sandhill Crane actually nests within or near the proposed corridor. As noted above, collisions with transmission lines have had no significant effect upon other bird populations. Nonprocedural Requirements of Agencies. If the conditions of certification attached hereto as Appendix A are imposed and met, the location, construction and maintenance of the transmission line will comply with the non- procedural requirements of state, regional and local governmental agencies. Variances or exceptions from local zoning ordinances may be required in some instances, and Florida Power Corporation provided notice in its application of those specific regulations from which variances, exceptions or exemptions may be required. However, insufficient evidence was adduced during the certification hearing to permit a factual finding as to the actual types of zoning variances or exceptions which may be required. The exact location of the rights-of-way and the placement of structures within-the rights-of-way will be determinative of the need for local zoning variances or exceptions. Comprehensive Plan Considerations. Transmission lines are generally compatible with the various types of land uses which will be traversed by both the primary and secondary corridors. However, the primary corridor is much more consistent with the various local comprehensive plans than is the proposed secondary corridor. This is primarily due to the fact that the primary corridor, both in its westerly segment and in its divergent segment, follows existing rights-of way, including the Higgins-Fort Meade transmission line and I-275, thereby coordinating linear facilities and minimizing conflicting land uses. Placement of the 500 kV line and towers within the right-of-way for the existing Higgins-Fort Meade line will present only incrementally greater land use impacts as opposed to completely new impacts, both aesthetic and environmental, were the line to be located within the divergent secondary segment. Both the Pasco County and the Hillsborough County comprehensive plans encourage harmonious surrounding land uses, the preservation of viable neighborhoods and the promotion of joint uses of land. Location of the line in the primary corridor, because of the prior existence of the Higgins-Fort Meade line, will be consistent with the objectives contained within the Hillsborough County comprehensive plan, known as the Horizon 2000 Plan. The Hillsborough County plan does contain a policy of protecting residential areas from encroachment by undesireable and incompatible uses and the permission of only those activities which directly serve the residential area affected. The proposed 500 kV line will not service the residents in the primary corridor. However, since the residential areas existing along the Higgins-Fort Meade right-of-way developed subsequent and in spite of the existence of that right-of-way, it is found that the location of the new line within the proposed divergent primary corridor does not constitute the encroachment of an undesirable or incompatible use. Likewise, it is found that the proposed 500 kV line and associated facilities will not constitute a "blighting influence" within the prohibition of Hillsborough County's Policy Construction and maintenance of the proposed transmission line as planned and in accordance with the conditions of certification will not be inconsistent with either the Polk County Comprehensive Plan or the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council's growth policy. As noted above, proper construction and maintenance will not adversely affect the flow regime, the recharge capabilities or the filtering capabilities of the Fox Branch wetland system. Cost Considerations. Florida Power Corporation estimated the costs of the location and construction of the Lake Tarpon-Kathleen transmission line in both the proposed primary and secondary corridors. The estimated costs include costs for right-of-way acquisition, right- of-way preparation, road construction, tower construction, angles and other structures and conductors. The estimated costs include a 19 percent markup for indirect costs. The estimated costs do not include the acquisition of improvements that may be within the rights-of-way, severance damages to adjoining lands or the costs of acquiring the land through eminent domain proceedings. These latter costs were not included because they vary from parcel to parcel and are difficult to estimate. They will, however, clearly be incurred and will be substantial. Florida Power Corporation estimates that the cost of locating and constructing the line in the primary corridor will range between $24,386,000 and $32,994,000 if the delta towers are used, and between $24,071,000 and $32,568,000 if the vertical towers are used. The estimated costs for the secondary corridor are between $26,459,000 and $35,800,000. The prime difference in costs between the two corridors are the costs associated with the acquisition of the rights-of-way. The evidence establishes that the estimated costs for right-of-way acquisition within the divergent segment of the secondary corridor are greatly understated. This is due to the noninclusion of costs associated with eminent domain proceedings and costs for severance damages. Since some 12.7 miles more right-of-way must be acquired in the secondary corridor, the amount of these costs will greatly increase the overall secondary corridor costs estimated. Also, the trend toward more development in the secondary corridor will increase land values with the passage of time. In addition, the estimated cost for the primary corridor did not include a credit for the salvage value of the components of the Higgins-Fort Meade line which will be dismantled. In any event, the cost of the project will be at least $2 million to $3 million less if the primary corridor rather than the secondary corridor is utilized, and the differential in costs in favor of the primary corridor is most likely much greater. The issue of whether Florida Power Corporation has either abandoned or overburdened its existing Fort Meade-Higgins right-of-way in the 9.7 mile long divergent segment of the primary corridor has been fully briefed and the easement documents were received into evidence. Obviously, if the 100-foot right-of-way cannot be utilized without acquiring new easements or enlarging and enhancing existing easements, the cost of the primary corridor will be greatly in excess of that estimated by Florida Power Corporation. Florida Power Corporation did include some costs in its estimate for the acquisition of additional easement rights within the divergent primary segment. The Higgins-Fort Meade transmission line right-of-way was established in 1951. Florida Power Corporation acquired a number of express easements by grant, almost all of which allow Florida Power Corporation to improve, repair and rebuild the lines and increase the number of lines and voltage. The rights to the right-of-way continue as long as Florida Power Corporation uses them or until use is abandoned. In those few instances where there is no express easement, Florida Power Corporation has acquired prescriptive rights to the easement. In October or November of 1984, Florida Power Corporation de-energized the Higgins-Fort Meade double-circuit 115 kV transmission line. No lines or structures have been removed. At all times, it has been Florida Power Corporation's intent to either use the existing right-of-way easements for an upgraded transmission line or to sell the easements to another power company. Florida Power Corporation has never intended to abandon its 100-foot right-of-way within the primary corridor and did not do so by de-energizing the line in late 1984. There was insufficient evidence adduced to conclude that the replacement of the existing line with a 500 kV line would overburden existing easements to the extent that additional compensation would be required. Preference of Florida Power Corporation. Primarily because of the rapidly developing nature of the area surrounding the proposed secondary corridor, the consequences of that factor upon land use and cost considerations, and the prior existence of the Higgins-Fort Meade rights-of-way, Florida Power Corporation prefers that all segments of the proposed primary corridor be certified for the location of the Lake Tarpon-Kathleen 500 kV transmission line.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Siting Board, grant certification for the location of the primary corridor and the construction and maintenance of the transmission line within that corridor as proposed in the application and in accordance with the conditions of certification attached hereto as Appendix A. It is also RECOMMENDED that, as a further condition of certification, Florida Power Corporation be required to seek any necessary interest in state lands, the title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, from that Board prior to engaging in any activity on or affecting that land, pursuant to Section 403.531(3), Florida Statutes, (1983). Respectfully submitted and entered this 29th day of January, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of January, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Bob Graham Governor State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Doyle Connor Commissioner of Agriculture The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable George Firestone Secretary of State The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Jim Smith Attorney General The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Ralph Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Bill Gunter State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Carlos Alvarez, Esquire Carolyn S. Raepple, Esquire Richard S. Brightman, Esquire Hopping Boyd Green & Sams Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, Florida 32314 H. A. Evertz, III, Esquire Florida Power Corporation Post Office Box 14042 St. Petersburg, Florida 33733 John Bottcher, Esquire Douglas MacLaughlin, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 C. Laurence Keesey, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ralph Artigliere, Esquire Central Florida Regional Planning Council Lane, Trohn, Clarke, Bertrand & Williams, P.A. Post Office Drawer J Lakeland, Florida 33802 J. Edward Curren, Esquire Ms. Patricia Dorris Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 33512 Frederick B. Karl, Esquire Karl, McConnaughhay, Roland & Maida Post Office Drawer 229 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Elizabeth L. Eddy, Esquire Carolyn J. House, Esquire Hillsborough County Post Office Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601 David Smolker, Esquire Pasco County 4025 Moon Lake Road New Port Richey, Florida 33552 Dorothy Trogolo, Esquire Assistant County Attorney 7530 Little Road New Port Richey, Florida 33553 Mark F. Carpanini, Esquire Polk County Post Office Box 60 Bartow, Florida 33830 Ronald E. Cotterill, Esquire Cotterill, Gonzalez & Fisher 126 Flagship Drive Lutz, Florida 33549 Alton B. Parker, Esquire Steve Reynolds, Esquire MacFarlane, Ferguson, Allison & Kelly Post Office Box 1531 Tampa, Florida 33601 William M. Register, Jr., Esquire Register and Park 625 Twiggs Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Mr. Gerald Rabin 2708 East Stone Terrace Lakeland, Florida 33803 Ms. Debra A. Worley Big Lake Como Lake Association Post Office Box 488 Lutz, Florida 33549 Michelle Russell, Esquire Gerald A. Figurski, Esquire Martin & Figurski Post Office Box 786 New Port Richey, Florida 33552 Joseph A. McGlothlin, Esquire Enola R. Brown, Esquire Lawson, McWhirter, Grandoff & Reeves Post Office Box 3350 Tampa, Florida 33601 Mr. Donald W. Rairigh Paradise Lakes Condominium Homeowners Association Post Office Box 750 Land O' Lakes, Florida 33539 Timothy G. Hayes, Esquire Cotterill, Gonzalez & Fisher 126 Flagship Drive Lutz, Florida 33549 James V. Lau, Esquire Mary A. Lau, Esquire Lau, Lane, Piper & Asti, P.A. Post Office Box 838 Tampa, Florida 33601-0838 Margaret J. Bowles, Esquire Taub & Williams Post Office Box 3430 Tampa, Florida 33601 Robert S. Wise, Esquire 304 Northwood Drive Lutz, Florida 33549 John E. Lund, Esquire Cicero, Lund & Williams, P.A. 707 Franklin Street Mall Tampa, Florida 33602 John Radey, Esquire Aurell, Fons, Radey & Hinkle Post Office Drawer 11307 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Lynn H. Townsend, Esquire Holland & Knight Post Office Box 1288 Tampa, Florida 33601 Ms. Anne Thomas 3416 Almeria Avenue Tampa, Florida 33629 Charles R. McCoy, Esquire Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. Suite 1003 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Dan R. Stengle, Esquire Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission 620 S. Meridian Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Philip S. Bennett, Esquire Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Bldg. MS 58, Room 562 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 J. Roger Howe, Esquire Public Service Commission Fletcher Building 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Van B. Cook, Esquire Pinellas County 315 Court Street Clearwater, Florida 33516 Bennett L. Rabin, Esquire Harold H. Goldman, P.A. 10020 South Federal Highway Port St. Lucie, Florida 33549 Mr. Will James Shephard 14037 N. Dale Mabry Highway Tampa, Florida 33618 Ms. Nancie Poole 17 Eagle Lane Lutz, Florida 33549 Mr. John E. Greenslade 2901 Barcelona Street Tampa, Florida 33629 Lucius M. Dyal, Jr., Esquire Shackelford, Farrior, Stallings & Evans Post Office Box 3324 Tampa, Florida 33601 S. Cary Gaylord, Esquire Brigham, Moore, Gaylord, Schuster & Sachs 501 E. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33602

Florida Laws (9) 403.521403.523403.527403.528403.529403.531403.5377.378.07
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Aug. 28, 1992 Number: 92-005308EPP Latest Update: Nov. 29, 2001

The Issue In this proceeding, Florida Power Corporation (FPC) seeks approval to construct and operate 470 MW of natural gas-fired advanced design combined cycle (NGCC) generating capacity at its proposed Polk County Site. Additionally, FPC seeks a determination that the Polk County Site has the environmental resources necessary to support an ultimate capacity of 3,000 MW of combined cycle generating capacity fueled by a combination of natural gas, coal-derived gas and distillate fuel oil. Such an ultimate site capacity certification may be granted pursuant to Section 403.517, Florida Statutes and Rule 17-17.231, Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact Project Site and Vicinity FPC's proposed Polk County Site is located on approximately 8,200 acres in southwest Polk County, Florida, in an area dominated by phosphate mining activities. The Polk County Site is approximately 40 miles east of Tampa, 3 miles south of Bartow and 3.5 miles northwest of Fort Meade. Homeland, the nearest unincorporated community, lies about one mile to the northeast of the site boundary. The Polk County Site is bounded on the north by County Road (CR) 640 and along the southeast and south by a U.S. Agri-Chemical Corporation (USAC) mine. CR 555 runs north-south through the site. The Polk County Site is comprised of land in four different phases of mining activity: mine pits, clay settling ponds associated with phosphate mining, land which has been mined and reclaimed, and land which has yet to be mined. Approximately one-half of the Polk County Site is subject to mandatory reclamation. Land uses adjacent to the Polk County Site consist almost entirely of phosphate mining activities. One mobile home is located at the intersection of CR 640 and CR 555 approximately 2 miles from the proposed location of the principal generating facilities. General Project Description The initial generating capacity at the Polk County Site will be NGCC units. Under what has been designated as the Case A' scenario, ultimate site development will consist of 1,000 MW of NGCC and 2,000 MW of CGCC generating capacity, for a total of 3,000 MW. Under the alternative Case C scenario, the ultimate site capacity would consist of 3,000 MW of all NGCC capacity. The Case C scenario was initially developed as the worst case scenario for the socioeconomic impact analysis (i.e., the one that would produce the least amount of economic benefit.) The combined cycle units which initially burn natural gas can be modified to burn coal gas if necessary to meet changes in fuel supply or pricing. However, under the proposed ultimate site capacity, CGCC generating capacity will be limited to a maximum of 2,000 MW out of the total of 3,000 MW. At ultimate buildout the major facilities at the Polk County Site will include the plant island, cooling pond, solid waste disposal areas, and brine pond. The plant island will be located on mining parcels SA-11, SA-13 and the northerly portion of SA-12. The plant island ultimately will contain the combined cycle power block, oil storage tanks, water and sewage treatment facilities, coal gasification facilities, coal pile and rail loop, and coal handling facilities. The cooling pond at ultimate buildout will be located in mining parcels N-16, N-15 and N-11B, with a channel through N-11C. Mining parcels N-11C, P-3, Phosphoria, Triangle Lakes and P-2, if not used as a solid waste disposal area, will be used as water crop areas to collect rainfall for supplying the cooling pond. The brine pond will receive wastewater reject from the reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment system and will be located on mining parcel SA-9. Two solid waste disposal areas (SWDA) are planned for ultimate development of the Polk County Site. The SWDAs will be mining parcel SA-8 initially and mining parcel P-2 in later phases, if necessary. Coal gasification slag will be the predominant solid waste to be disposed of in the SWDAs. Other areas included within the Polk County Site are mine parcels N- 11A, N-13, N-9B, Tiger Bay East, Tiger Bay, the northerly 80 acres of N-9, SA-10 and the southerly 225 acres of SA-12. Along with providing a buffer for the Polk County Site facilities, these parcels also will provide drainage to Camp Branch and McCullough Creek. Linear facilities associated with the initial 470 MW of generating capacity at the Polk County Site will include a 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line upgrade, a reclaimed water pipeline, and a backup natural gas pipeline. Site Selection A comprehensive process was used to select the Polk County Site. The goal of that process was to identify a site which could accommodate 3,000 MW of generating capacity and offer characteristics including: (1) multi-unit and clean coal capability; (2) technology and fuel flexibility; (3) cost effectiveness; (4) compatibility with FPC's commitment to environmental protection; (5) ability to comply with all government regulations; and (6) consistency with state land use objectives. The site selection process included the entire State of Florida. Participants in the site selection process included a variety of FPC departments, environmental and engineering consultants, and an eight-member Environmental Advisory Group (EAG) composed of environmental, educational, and community leaders. In October, 1990, with the concurrence of the EAG, the Polk County Site was selected. The ultimate basis for the selection of the Polk County Site was the disturbed nature of the site as a result of extensive phosphate mining activities. The Polk County Site also is compatible with FPC's load center and transmission line network, and is accessible to rail and highway transportation systems. PSC Need Determination On February 25, 1992, the PSC issued Order No. 25805 determining the need for the first 470 MW of generating capacity at the Polk County Site. The PSC concluded in its order that the first two combined cycle units (470 MW) at the Polk County Site will contribute to FPC's electric system reliability and integrity. It also concluded that the first two units would enable FPC to meet winter reserve margin criteria and to withstand an outage of its largest unit at the time of system peak demand. The PSC stated that it was important for FPC to secure a site to meet future needs and that the first two units would contribute toward this goal. Basis for Ultimate Site Capacity The Site Certification Application (SCA), including the Sufficiency Responses, addressed the impacts associated with 3,000 to 3,200 MW of generating capacity under several scenarios. FPC eliminated or modified several of the scenarios by filing a Notice of Limitations which addressed the capacity and environmental effects of 1,000 MW of NGCC and 2,000 MW of CGCC generating capacity at the Polk County Site. Throughout the SCA, Sufficiency Responses and Notice of Limitations, the capacity constraints and environmental effects were analyzed under a worst case scenario, i.e., the maximum environmental effects that could be expected at ultimate site capacity. An ultimate site capacity determination will significantly reduce the time and expense associated with processing supplemental applications for future units at the Polk County Site under the expedited statutory procedures of the Power Plant Siting Act. This will allow FPC to respond more quickly to changes in growth and demand. An ultimate site capacity determination also provides FPC the assurance that the Polk County Site has the land, air and water resources to support future coal gas-fired generating capacity. Project Schedule and Costs Construction of the initial 470 MW of NGCC generating capacity is scheduled to begin in 1994. These units will go into operation in 1998 and 1999. Based on current load forecasts, it is expected that approximately one 250 MW unit will be added every other year to the Polk County Site. Under this schedule, ultimate site development of 3,000 MW would occur about 2018. Capital investment for the Polk County Site is expected to be approximately $3.4 billion for the 1,000 MW NGCC/2000 MW CGCC Case A' scenario and approximately $1.7 billion for the all NGCC Case C scenario. Project Design Generating units for the Polk County Site will be advanced design combined cycle units firing natural gas and/or coal gas, with low sulfur fuel oil as backup. Each combined cycle unit will consist of one or two combustion turbines (CT), a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) for each CT and one or two steam turbines (ST). The first 470 MW of generating capacity will consist of two CTs firing natural gas, two HRSGs and one or two STs. At ultimate site capacity, the Polk County Site will consist of 12 CTs, 12 HRSGs, and 6 to 12 STs. A combined cycle unit is a generating system that consists of two sequential generating stages. In the first stage, the natural gas, coal gas or fuel oil is burned to operate the CT. Hot exhaust gas from the CT is passed through the HRSG to produce steam to operate the ST. The CT and steam from the HRSG can be arranged to drive individual generators or a single generator. In later phases of the Polk County Site, up to 2,000 MW of combined cycle generation may be fired on coal gas. The combined cycle units that were initially constructed to operate on natural gas can be modified to operate on coal gas. Under the Case A' scenario, two coal gasification plants would be built to produce coal gas for the combined cycle units. Associated with the coal gasification phase of the project will be the expansion of the plant island to accommodate the storage and handling of coal. Coal will be transported onsite by railroad. A rail loop for coal trains will be constructed on the plant island. It will be sized to accommodate a 100-car coal train. The coal storage area and limestone stockout will be located within the coal loop. Limestone is used in the coal gasification process as a fluxing agent to improve the viscosity of the coal slag, a by-product of the coal gasification process. The coal storage area, including the coal piles and emergency coal stockout system, will be lined with an impervious liner, and runoff from the coal storage area will be recycled to the coal gasification plants. The cooling pond for the Polk County Site will be located north and east of the plant island. Water from the cooling pond will be used for producing steam and condenser cooling. The cooling pond will be constructed initially in mining parcel N-16 and then in parcels N-15 and N-11B for later phases. These areas are mined-out pits which are surrounded by earthen dams. These dams will be upgraded where required to provide stability equivalent to the requirements of Chapter 17-672, Florida Administrative Code, for phosphate dams. Soil and Foundation Stability To evaluate the existing soil conditions at the Polk County Site, more than 165 test borings were made. The plant island is an existing mine pit which has been partially filled with sand tailings from phosphate mining operations. Underlying the sand is the Hawthorn formation which is often used as the base for deep load bearing foundations. Foundations for the heavier loads of power plant facilities will require pile foundations or similar types of deep foundations that will extend into the Hawthorn formation. The potential for sinkhole development at the Polk County Site was investigated by reviewing historic sinkhole records, aerial photographs, well drillers' logs, and by drilling three deep borings at the site. The investigation demonstrated that the potential for sinkhole development at the Polk County Site is low and acceptable for this type of construction. Construction Activities Construction of the Polk County Site will be phased over an approximately 25-year period beginning in 1994. The development of the Polk County Site is expected to take place in seven phases. Changes in the scope or sequence of the individual phases may occur depending on capacity needs over time. During Phase I, the initial earthwork and dewatering activities required for the construction of the plant island and cooling pond will take place. The initial cooling pond and plant island area will be dewatered and fill will be placed in SA-11 and SA-13 for the initial power plant construction. Water from the dewatering activities will be conserved by storage in mining parcels SA-8, SA-9, SA-10, N-15 and the northerly part of SA-12, except for quantities used in IMC's recirculation system. Clay consolidation will commence for other parcels, such as N-11A, N-11B, N-11C, N-13 and N-9B. Phosphate mining and related operations will still function in parcels P-2, P-3, Phosphoria, Triangle Lakes, and N-9. The initial vertical power plant construction for the first 470 MW of generating capacity will take place in Phase II. Water stored in Phase I, along with reclaimed water from the City of Bartow, will be used to fill the cooling pond in parcel N-16. Any excess reclaimed water from the City of Bartow, if necessary, will be stored in the eastern portion of N-16. Mining parcels SA-10, the southerly part of SA-12, and a portion of the offsite Estech Silver City plant site will be configured for drainage enhancement to McCullough Creek. Mining parcel SA-8 will be prepared to receive solid waste and parcel SA-9 will be prepared to receive wastewater from the RO system and neutralization basin. Wildlife habitat creation and enhancement will begin in parcels N-9B and N-13. Phase III of the Polk County Site represents the operation of the power plant from 235 MW to 1,500 MW, currently projected as NGCC capacity. The plant island, which will contain the generating units, will be located on mining parcels SA-11 and SA-13. The cooling pond will be located in N-16 and will receive reclaimed water from the City of Bartow and water crop from mining parcels P-3, Phosphoria, P-2, Triangle Lakes, N-15, N-11B, N-11C, the northerly end of SA-12 and the east end of N-16. Phase IV will encompass the development of the Polk County Site from 1,500 MW to 2,000 MW, currently projected as NGCC capacity. In conjunction with the additional generating units onsite, the cooling pond in N-16 will be enlarged to 1,219 acres. Other portions of the Polk County Site would remain the same as in Phase III. During Phase V, coal gasification is projected to be introduced to the Polk County Site. Generating capacity will be increased to 2,250 MW of which 1,000 MW are projected to be NGCC and the remaining 1,250 MW will be CGCC. To accommodate the coal gasification facilities, the northerly portion of SA-12 would be filled. The balance of the site would remain as described in Phase IV. During Phase VI, the generating capacity at the Polk County Site is projected to increase from 2,250 MW to 3,000 MW. This generating capacity will be a combination of 1,000 MW on NGCC and 2,000 MW on CGCC. During this phase, the cooling pond will be enlarged to 2,260 acres and will include parcels N-16, N-15 and N-11B, and a channel through N-11C. Earthwork will be required in N-15 and N-11B to repair and improve dams, and add slope protection on the dam inner faces and seeding on the exterior faces. Phase VII will be the final phase of the Polk County Site. During this phase, if the solid waste disposal area in mining parcel SA-8 were to become full it would be closed and mining parcel P-2 would be prepared to receive solid waste from the power plant operations. Parcels P-3 and Phosphoria will be available for mitigation, if necessary, as a result of activities in parcel P-2. This phase might not occur if coal slag is successfully recycled. Fuel Supply Fuel for the initial 470 MW of combined cycle generation will consist primarily of natural gas, with light distillate fuel oil as backup. Natural gas will be delivered by pipeline to the Polk County Site at a rate of 3.75 million cubic feet per hour. FPC currently plans to receive natural gas from the proposed Sunshine Pipeline for which certification is being sought in a separate proceeding. The Application for the Sunshine Pipeline was filed with DEP in August 1993. The other source for natural gas will be the backup natural gas pipeline which is being certified in this proceeding as an associated linear facility. Fuel oil will be delivered to the site by tanker truck, and enough fuel oil will be stored onsite for three days of operation for each combined cycle unit. At ultimate development, three 4-million gallon oil tanks will be located on the Polk County Site. All fuel handling and storage facilities, including unloading areas, pump areas, piping system, storage tanks, and tank containment areas will meet the requirements of DEP Chapter 17-762, Florida Administrative Code, and applicable National Fire Prevention Association Codes. At ultimate site development, the combined cycle units would use both natural gas and coal gas as primary fuels, and fuel oil as a backup fuel. As with the initial phase of operation, natural gas will be supplied by pipeline. At 1,000 MW of NGCC capacity, six to eight million cubic feet per hour of natural gas will be required. Coal for the coal gasification units will be delivered by railroad. For 2,000 MW of CGCC generating capacity, approximately 15,000 to 20,000 tons of coal a day will be required. Linear Facilities The initial 470 MW of NGCC generation includes three associated linear facilities: a 230-kV transmission line upgrade, a reclaimed water pipeline, and a backup natural gas pipeline. 230-kV Transmission Line The 230-kV transmission line will be routed from the existing FPC Barcola Substation within the Polk County Site to the FPC Ft. Meade Substation adjacent to CR 630. The transmission line corridor is approximately 1,000 feet wide within the Polk County Site boundary and narrows to 500 feet as the corridor leaves the site. The transmission line corridor follows several linear facilities including an existing transmission line right-of-way, CR 555 and CR 630. Land uses along the corridor are primarily phosphate mining, agricultural and industrial. Wetlands within the transmission line corridor are minimal and are associated primarily with roadside ditches. Where the transmission line crosses McCullough Creek, the creek will be spanned. The 230-kV transmission line will be constructed using single shaft tubular steel poles with a double circuit configuration for two 230-kV circuits. The transmission line structures will range in height from 110 feet to 145 feet. The conductor for the transmission line is a 1590 ACSR conductor that is approximately 1.54 inches in diameter. Conductor span lengths between structures will range from 500 to 900 feet. The transmission line will be constructed in six phases. During the first phase, the right-of-way will be cleared. Clearing in upland areas will be done using mowers and other power equipment. Clearing in wetlands, if necessary, will be accomplished by restrictive clearing techniques. After the right-of-way has been cleared, existing structures which will be replaced with new transmission line structures will be removed by unbolting them from their foundations and removing the structures with a crane. Foundations for new transmission line structures will be vibrated into the ground using a vibratory hammer or placed into an augured hole and backfilled. After the foundations are in place, new structures will be assembled on the foundations using a crane. Insulation and pole hardware will be mounted on the structures after erection. In the fifth phase of construction, conductors will be placed on a structure by pulling the conductors through a stringing block attached to the structure. During the final phase of construction, the structures will be grounded and any construction debris will be removed from the right-of-way. The construction of the 230-kV transmission line is estimated to require approximately 17 weeks. Construction of the transmission line will meet or exceed standards of the National Electrical Safety Code; FPC transmission design standards; Chapter 17- 814, Florida Administrative Code; and the Florida Department of Transportation Utility Accommodation Guide, where applicable. Electric and magnetic fields from the 230-kV transmission line will comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 17-814, Florida Administrative Code. Audible noise from the transmission line should occur only during rainy weather and will not exceed 39.1 dBA at the edge of the right-of-way. Since the transmission line is not located near many residences, interference to television and AM radio reception should be minimal. If interference does occur, it can be identified easily and corrected on an individual basis. Backup Natural Gas Pipeline The backup natural gas pipeline will originate at the Florida Gas Transmission pipeline in Hillsborough County at CR 39. The backup pipeline corridor runs generally east for 18 miles until it enters the Polk County Site at the western boundary of the plant island. The pipeline corridor is 1,000 feet wide and it generally follows linear facilities such as Jameson Road, a Tampa Electric Company transmission line, the CSX Railroad, Durrance Road, and Agricola Road. Several subalternate corridors are proposed in Polk County where the backup natural gas pipeline crosses phosphate mining land. The subalternate corridors, all of which are proposed for certification, are necessary to maintain flexibility in routing the backup natural gas pipeline around active mining operations. The uses of land crossed by the backup natural gas pipeline corridor consist primarily of phosphate mining and some agriculture. There are only two areas of residential land use along the corridor, one along Jameson Road in Hillsborough County, and the other near Bradley Junction along Old Highway 37 in Polk County. Ecological areas crossed by the natural gas pipeline corridor include a portion of Hookers Prairie in Polk County, some isolated wetlands associated with phosphate mining activities, and the South Prong Alafia River near CR 39 in Hillsborough County. The backup natural gas pipeline will consist of a metering facility, a scraper trap for pipeline cleaning, a maximum 30-inch buried pipeline made of high strength steel, a pressure regulating station, a cathodic protection system for corrosion control, and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to monitor and operate the pipeline. The pipe to be used for the natural gas pipeline will be manufactured in accordance with standards specified in 49 CFR 192 and the industrial standards referenced therein. Pipe thickness will vary depending on the population of the area crossed. External corrosion control for the pipe will be provided by an external coating around the pipe and a cathodic protection system designed to prevent electrochemical corrosion of the pipe. Pipeline sections will be hydrostatically tested before leaving the factory to 125 percent of the design pressure. Activities associated with the construction of the backup natural gas pipeline will include survey and staking of the right-of-way, right-of-way preparation, stringing of the pipe, bending, lineup welding and nondestructive testing, ditching, lowering in of pipeline sections, backfilling, tying in pipeline sections, testing and right-of-way restoration. Construction of the pipeline will take place typically within a 75 foot-wide right-of-way. A wider right-of-way may be required where specialized construction activities, such as jack and bore methods, are used. After construction, the natural gas pipeline will have a permanent 50-foot right-of-way. Where the pipeline crosses federal and state highways or water courses, directional drilling or jack and bore construction methods will be used to minimize disturbance. Where the pipeline crosses the South Prong Alafia River, directional drilling will be used to locate the pipeline underneath the river bed. Pipeline welding will be done by highly skilled personnel who have been qualified in accordance with 49 CFR 192. Pipeline welds will be visually inspected and a percentage of the welds will be x-rayed for analysis. Once the pipeline is constructed, buried and tie-in welds completed, the pipeline will be hydrostatically tested. Hydrostatic testing will use water with a minimum test pressure of 125 percent of maximum operating pressure. Water for hydrostatic testing will be pumped from and returned to the Polk County Site cooling pond. Construction of the pipeline will comply with Title 49 CFR Part 192, Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipelines: Minimum Federal Safety Standards; Chapter 25-12, Florida Administrative Code; Safety of Gas Transportation by Pipeline; and the FDOT Utility Accommodation Guide. After construction of the backup natural gas pipeline, the right-of- way will be restored and a 50-foot-wide permanent right-of-way will be maintained. Line markers will be located along the pipeline at regular intervals and warning signs will be posted where the pipeline crosses roads, railroads, or stream crossings. The estimated cost for the pipeline construction is $611,100 per mile, or $11.2 million for the 18.2 mile pipeline route. Reclaimed Water Pipeline The reclaimed water pipeline will run from the City of Bartow to the cooling pond near the eastern side of the Polk County Site. The reclaimed water pipeline corridor follows the CSX Railroad and U.S. Highway 17/98 south from the southerly Bartow city limit turning west toward the Polk County Site just south of Homeland. Land uses along the corridor include phosphate mining, commercial sites, rural residences and recreation. The corridor does not cross any environmentally sensitive habitats. The reclaimed water pipeline consists of a buried pipe, 24 to 36 inches in diameter, butterfly valves about every mile along the pipeline, and a flow meter. Pumping of reclaimed water will be provided by the Bartow Sewage Treatment Plant. Construction of the reclaimed water pipeline is similar to that of the natural gas pipeline and includes the following activities: survey and staking of the right-of-way, right-of-way preparation, ditching or trenching construction, stringing of the pipe and pipe installation, back filling, hydrostatic testing, and right-of-way restoration. Where the pipeline crosses state or federal highways or railroads, the pipe will be installed by using jack and bore construction. Construction of the reclaimed water pipeline is estimated to cost $500,000 per mile or $5,000,000 for the total length of the pipeline. Construction of the reclaimed water pipeline will comply with the standards in Chapter 17-610, Florida Administrative Code, the Florida Department of Transportation Utility Accommodation Guide, and the EPA Guidelines for Water Reuse Manual. The pipeline will be hydrostatically tested prior to operation. Corrosion control of the pipeline will depend on the material used for the pipeline and the soil conditions. If a polyethylene or a polyvinylchloride material is used, no corrosion control will be necessary. If ductile iron is used, the soil will be tested for corrosive properties and, if necessary, the pipeline will be protected from corrosion with a poly wrap material. Solid Waste Disposal Various types of solid waste will be generated by the operation of the Polk County Site. Depending upon the type of solid waste, disposal may be made in the onsite solid waste disposal areas or it may be disposed of offsite. Waste inlet air filters from the combustion turbines and general waste, such as office waste, yard waste and circulating water system screenings, will be recycled or disposed of offsite at the Polk County North Central Landfill. Solid waste from the well water pretreatment and blowdown pretreatment will be disposed of onsite in the solid waste disposal area to be constructed in mining parcel SA-8. Sulfur, a by-product of coal gasification, will be of marketable grade and will be stored in a molten state onsite and delivered to buyers by rail car or tanker truck. Slag, a by-product of coal gasification, will be the largest volume of solid waste generated at the Polk County Site. Slag is potentially marketable and FPC will make efforts to recycle this by-product as construction aggregate. If slag is not marketable, it will be disposed of in the onsite solid waste disposal areas initially in mining parcel SA-8 and later, if necessary, in parcel P-2. Low volume spent acidic and basic solutions produced in the regeneration of demineralizer resin bed ion exchanges during operation of the facility will be treated in an elementary neutralization unit to render them non-hazardous. Other potentially hazardous waste will be tested and if determined hazardous will be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws. Onsite disposal of slag, and well water and blowdown pretreatment solids will be made in the solid waste disposal areas to be constructed in parcels SA-8 and later, if necessary, P-2. These parcels are clay lined impoundments that have clays generally 20 to 40 feet thick. Prior to disposal of any solid waste in a clay settling area, that area will be drained and the clays consolidated. The clays will be probed and if the clay thickness is less than 10 feet it will be refurbished or patched with a synthetic liner. Additionally, a geotextile net will be installed to provide tensile strength to the upper layer of clay. Perimeter leachate collection piping will be installed. Leachate in the interior of the solid waste disposal areas will be monitored and collected by the use of well points to maintain the leachate head at no greater than 4 feet. The solid waste disposal area in parcel SA-8 will be closed by installing a two-foot thick soil cover which will be seeded and graded to provide water crop to parcel N-16. At closure, the leachate level will be pumped down to minimize the residual leachate head. The clay which lines the base of the solid waste disposal areas decreases in permeability as it consolidates and the solids content of the clay increases. In the first 20 to 50 years of consolidation, the hydraulic gradient of the clay is reversed and water will drain upward. Analysis of the clay shows that it would take 60 to 100 years for leachate to seep through the clay liner. After closure and capping of the solid waste disposal area occurs and the leachate residual head is pumped out, leachate is not expected to break through the liner. Based on the design of the solid waste disposal areas and the analysis of the clay, the solid waste disposal areas in parcels SA-8, and later P-2, should provide equivalent or superior protection to that of a Class I landfill under Chapter 17-7.01, Florida Administrative Code. Industrial Wastewater The Polk County Site is designed to be a zero discharge facility. There will be no offsite surface water discharge of contaminated stormwater or cooling pond blowdown. Cooling pond blowdown will be treated first by a lime/soda ash softening pretreatment system. A portion of the softened effluent will be routed to the cooling pond and a portion will be treated further by reverse osmosis (RO). High quality water from the RO system will be reused in the power plant as process water. The reject wastewater from the RO system will be sent to the brine pond for evaporation. In later stages of the Polk County Site operation, the RO reject wastewater will be concentrated prior to disposal in the brine pond. The brine pond will be constructed in parcel SA-9, a waste clay settling pond. Parcel SA-9 has thick waste clay deposits which will act as a liner. A synthetic liner will be placed along the interior perimeter of the brine pond out to a point where the clay is at least 10 feet thick. The synthetic liner will prevent seepage of the brine through the embankment of the brine pond and will provide added protection near the perimeter of the brine pond where the clay liner is thinner. Groundwater Impacts/Zone of Discharge The brine pond and solid waste disposal areas will be located in waste clay settling ponds with thick clay liners. They will be constructed to minimize, if not eliminate, seepage of brine and leachate to groundwater. If brine or leachate should seep through the clay liner, dispersion and dilution will reduce chemical concentrations so that neither primary nor secondary groundwater quality standards will be exceeded at the boundary of the zone of discharge. A zone of discharge has been established for the solid waste disposal area in parcel SA-8, the brine pond in parcel SA-9, and the cooling pond in parcels N-11B, N-15 and N-16. The zone of discharge will extend horizontally 100 feet out from the outside toe of the earthen dam along a consolidated boundary surrounding these facilities and vertically downward to the top of the Tampa member of the Hawthorn Group. A groundwater monitoring plan will be implemented to monitor compliance with groundwater standards at the boundary of the zone of discharge. Surficial Hydrology and Water Quality Impacts The Polk County Site is located along the divide between the Peace River Drainage Basin and the Alafia River Drainage Basin. Water bodies near the site include McCullough Creek, Camp Branch, Six Mile Creek, Barber Branch, and South Prong Alafia River. Mining has disrupted or eliminated natural drainage patterns from the Polk County Site to these water bodies. Currently the only drainage from the Polk County Site to these water bodies is through federally permitted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) outfalls to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch. To assess the impact to the surficial hydrology of the Polk County Site and surrounding water bodies, the baseline condition was assumed to be the surficial hydrology which would be present under current mandatory reclamation plans for the mining parcels onsite and offsite. The baseline for non-mandatory parcels was assumed to be the minimum reclamation standards under the DEP/Bureau of Mine Reclamation (BOMR) (formerly within the Department of Natural Resources) Old Lands Program and the baseline for non-mandatory offsite parcels was considered to be the existing condition. The one water body onsite for which the baseline condition presently exists is Tiger Bay, which has been reclaimed and released. The baseline condition for the Polk County Site ultimately would include elimination of seepage from N-16 to Tiger Bay and removal of the NPDES outfall weir from Tiger Bay to Camp Branch. These conditions will result in a lowering of the water table in Tiger Bay and the drying out of wetlands in that area. Under current reclamation plans, water bodies also will be created in parcels SA-12 and SA-11. Other than the reclaimed Tiger Bay and Tiger Bay East, DEP, Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and Polk County have not claimed jurisdiction over any of the water bodies onsite within areas in which phosphate mining activities have been or will be conducted. The major construction activities which may impact offsite surface water bodies are the dewatering activities associated with the initial phase of construction. During this period, parcels SA-11, SA-13 and N-16 will be dewatered to allow earth-moving activities to take place. Dewatering effluent will be stored onsite, reused in IMC's recirculation system, or discharged in the event of above-average rainfall. After the earthwork is complete, the water will be returned to N-16. Based on this construction scenario, no adverse impact to offsite surface water bodies is expected from the construction activities associated with the Polk County Site. The Polk County Site has been designed to function as a "zero discharge" facility. No surface water will be withdrawn from or discharged to any offsite surface water body as a result of plant operations. Certain non- industrial areas within the Polk County Site will be designed, however, to provide offsite drainage to enhance flows to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch. Flow to McCullough Creek will be enhanced by drainage from parcel SA-10, an offsite portion of the Estech Silver City Plant Site, and the southerly portion of parcel SA-12. Drainage from parcels N-11A, N-13, N-9B, Tiger Bay East and Tiger Bay will enhance flows to Camp Branch. Additionally, FPC has agreed to explore the possibility of restoring drainage to Six Mile Creek if onsite water cropping produces more water than FPC needs for power plant operations and if such drainage can be accomplished without additional permits. The net effect of the drainage enhancement plans will be to equal or improve flows to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch over the baseline condition for the site. There are several types of surface water systems to be developed on the Polk County Site. Surface water runoff from the plant island, other than that from the coal and limestone storage areas, will be routed to the site runoff pond and then used in the cooling pond as makeup water. Surface water runoff from the coal and limestone storage areas, as well as runoff from the active solid waste disposal area, will be routed to a lined recycle basin and will be used as process makeup water for the coal gasification plant. Surface water runoff from mining parcels N-11C, Triangle Lakes, N-11B and N-15 prior to its use as part of the cooling pond, P-3, Phosphoria, P-2 prior to its use as a solid waste disposal area, and SA-8 after it has been closed as a solid waste disposal area, will be directed to the cooling pond as makeup water. All of the surface water management systems will meet the requirements of the SWFWMD Management and Storage of Surface Water rules. Subsurface Hydrology and Impacts from Water Withdrawal The Polk County Site will use a cooling pond for process water and for cooling water for the combined cycle units and the coal gasification facilities. For the initial 940 MW of generating capacity, makeup water for the cooling pond will come from onsite water cropping and reclaimed water from the City of Bartow. FPC has negotiated an agreement with the City of Bartow for 3.5 or more million gallons per day (mgd) of reclaimed water from its wastewater treatment facility. At ultimate site capacity, the Polk County Site will require up to 23.6 mgd from a combination of offsite sources and groundwater for the operation of the power plant. FPC has agreed with the SWFWMD to obtain at least 6.1 mgd from reclaimed water and other offsite non-potable water sources, including the City of Bartow, for use as makeup water for the cooling pond. The additional 17.5 mgd of water may be withdrawn from the Upper Floridan Aquifer if additional sources of reclaimed water are not available. FPC has identified substantial amounts of reclaimed water that may be available. A limited quantity of potable water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer will be needed to supply drinking water and other potable water needs for power plant employees. Well water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer will be treated, filtered and chlorinated in an onsite potable water treatment system prior to consumption. At ultimate site development, potable water consumption is estimated to average 19,000 gallons per day, with a peak consumption of 36,000 gallons per day. As an alternative, FPC may connect with the City of Bartow or the City of Fort Meade potable water system. The subsurface hydrology of the Polk County Site consists of three aquifer systems. The uppermost system is the surficial aquifer which is located in the upper 20 to 30 feet of soil. Due to mining operations, the surficial aquifer has been removed from the site except beneath highway rights-of-way and portions of some dams. Below the surficial aquifer lies the intermediate aquifer which is comprised of an upper confining layer approximately 120 feet thick, a middle water bearing unit about 60 feet thick, and a lower confining unit about 80 to 100 feet thick. This aquifer system provides potable water to some small quantity users in the area. Below the intermediate aquifer is the Floridan Aquifer, which consists of the Upper Floridan Aquifer, a discontinuous intermediate confining unit, and the Lower Floridan Aquifer. The Upper Floridan Aquifer provides a larger source of potable water for the area. The Lower Floridan Aquifer is characterized by poorer quality water and has not been used generally for water supply. The principal impact to groundwater from construction of the Polk County Site will be from the dewatering activities in parcels N-16, SA-11 and SA-13. This impact, if not mitigated, could result in the lowering of groundwater levels in the surficial aquifer in adjacent wetlands. During construction, recharge trenches will be constructed in certain locations near wetlands. Modeling analysis demonstrates that the recharge trenches will adequately mitigate any offsite groundwater impacts that otherwise would be caused by construction dewatering. The principal groundwater impact from the operation of the Polk County Site will be the withdrawal of water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer for process water and cooling pond makeup. Water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer is the lowest quality of groundwater that can be used for the Polk County Site while maintaining the cooling pond as a zero discharge facility. The withdrawal of 17.5 mgd from the Upper Floridan Aquifer at ultimate site development will not adversely impact offsite legal users of groundwater and will comply with the SWFWMD consumptive use criteria for groundwater withdrawal. Ecological Resources The baseline for the ecological resources at the Polk County Site was established as the site condition that would exist following (i) mandatory reclamation under reclamation plans approved by the DEP/BOMR, and (ii) non- mandatory reclamation normally carried out by the mining companies. In the cases of Tiger Bay, which has been reclaimed and released by DEP/BOMR, and Tiger Bay East, which has revegetated naturally without reclamation, the ecological baseline was represented by the current condition of these parcels. This baseline methodology was proposed by FPC in a Plan of Study which was accepted by DEP in a Binding Written Agreement. The predominant land cover that would occur under the baseline condition at the Polk County Site would be agriculture. Approximately 70 percent of the Polk County Site, or approximately 5,678 acres, would be developed as crop land, citrus or pasture. The remaining 30 percent of the site would be reclaimed as non-agricultural uplands, wetlands and open water bodies. Tiger Bay already has been reclaimed and released by DEP/BOMR and Tiger Bay East has revegetated naturally. These two parcels represent one-fourth (524 acres) of the natural habitat under the ecological baseline condition. The quality of the baseline land cover and vegetation was established by surveying several onsite and offsite areas which have been reclaimed and released. Baseline aquatic resources at the Polk County Site consist of Tiger Bay and the aquatic resources which would have been developed under existing reclamation plans. This baseline would include open water bodies and forested wetlands in parcels SA- 11 and SA-12, and forested and herbaceous wetlands in parcel N-16. Both Estech and IMC have exceeded their mine-wide wetlands mitigation obligations even without those wetlands. The quality of the baseline open water bodies on the Polk County Site was evaluated by surveying parcel N- 16, which currently consists of open water habitat. The quality of wetlands was determined by surveying Tiger Bay, which contains wetlands that have been reclaimed and released. The baseline aquatic resources were found to have significant fluctuations of dissolved oxygen, and were characterized by encroachment of cattail, water hyacinth and other nuisance species. All of the aquatic areas sampled as representative of baseline conditions showed significant eutrophication. No DEP or SWFWMD jurisdictional wetlands currently exist onsite, within areas in which phosphate mining activities have been or will be conducted, except in the reclaimed Tiger Bay and Tiger Bay East. Baseline evaluation of threatened and endangered species, and species of special concern (listed species) was conducted by collecting information regarding regional habitat descriptions; plant species lists and ecological reports for the area; lists and ecological reports of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians common to the area; species checklists; reports of sightings or abundance estimates; interspecific relationships and food chains of important species; location of rare, threatened or endangered species or critical habitat for these species in the region; and occurrence of potential preexisting stresses. Information from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory and approved mine reclamation plans was reviewed. Visits were made to nearby reclaimed sites by land and low-flying helicopters. No listed plant species were found at the site or offsite study areas. Existing reclamation plans, and consequently the ecological baseline condition, do not require the planting of such species. Listed animal species which were observed at the Polk County Site and are expected under the baseline conditions include the American alligator, woodstork, southeastern kestrel, osprey, little blue heron, snowy egret and tricolored heron. The baseline conditions would provide suitable feeding habitat for these species, but only limited areas of suitable nesting habitat. Both the current condition of the site and baseline condition provide feeding habitat for the American bald eagle, however, the nesting potential for this species will be greater after the implementation of the baseline condition. Impacts to the baseline ecological resources from the construction and operation of the Polk County Site will be more than compensated by habitat creation and enhancement programs proposed by FPC. The primary impacts to the baseline ecological resources will occur when power plant facilities, such as the plant island, cooling pond, brine pond and solid waste disposal area are constructed, eliminating these parcels from the baseline ecological resources. Without development of the Polk County Site, these parcels would represent approximately 2,268 acres of viable lakes and upland and wetland habitats. FPC has proposed a total of 3,713 acres of viable wildlife habitat as part of the ultimate development of the Polk County Site. Accordingly, the available wildlife habitat after construction of the Polk County Site represents a net increase of 1,445 acres over the baseline ecological resource conditions. This increase in habitat, particularly in the buffer area, will be a net benefit for protected species. In providing more wildlife habitat than baseline conditions, FPC has agreed to certain enhancement activities that will specifically offset any impact to baseline ecological resources. These enhancement programs include habitat and wetland creation in parcels N-9B and N-13; habitat creation and offsite drainage enhancement in parcel SA-10; implementation of a wildlife habitat management plan and exotic vegetation control in parcels SA-10, N-9B and N-13; drainage enhancement to McCullough Creek and Camp Branch; and funding the acquisition of a 425 acre offsite area to serve as part of a wildlife corridor. Air Pollution Control Polk County has been designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and DEP as an attainment area for all six criteria air pollutants. Federal and state Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations provide that the project will be subject to "new source review." This review generally requires that the project comply with all applicable state and federal emission limiting standards, including New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), and that Best Available Control Technology (BACT) be applied to control emissions of PSD pollutants emitted in excess of applicable PSD significant emission rates. The project will limit emission rates to levels far below NSPS requirements. For the initial 470 MW phase of the Project, BACT must be applied for the following pollutants: sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulates (PM and PM10), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), beryllium, inorganic arsenic, and benzene. For the ultimate site capacity, BACT is required for each of these pollutants, and sulfuric acid mist (H2SO4), mercury, and lead as well. BACT is defined in DEP Rule 17-212.200(16), Florida Administrative Code, as: An emission limitation, including a visible emission standard, based on the maximum degree of reduction of each pollutant emitted which the Department, on a case-by-case basis, taking into account energy, environmental and economic impacts, and other costs, determines is achievable through application of production processes and available methods, systems and techniques (including fuel cleaning or treatment or innovative fuel combustion techniques) for control of each such pollutant. The primary purpose of a BACT analysis is to minimize the allowable increases in air pollutants and thereby increase the potential for future economic growth without significantly degrading air quality. Such an analysis is intended to insure that the air emissions control systems for the project reflect the latest control technologies used in a particular industry and is to take into consideration existing and future air quality in the vicinity of the project. The BACT analysis for the project therefore evaluated technical, economic, and environmental considerations of available control technologies and examined BACT determinations for other similar facilities across the United States. For the first 470 MW of NGCC units, BACT for SO2 emissions from the CTs is the use of natural gas as the primary fuel and the use of low sulfur oil for a limited number of hours per year. For the first 470 MW of NGCC units, BACT for CO, VOCs, PM, beryllium, arsenic, and benzene emissions from the CTs is efficient design and operation of the CTs, the inherent quality of natural gas (the primary fuel), and a limitation on the annual use of fuel oil. For the first 470 MW of combined cycle units, BACT for NOx emissions from the CTs is the use of advanced dry low NOx combustors capable of achieving emissions of 12 parts per million by volume dry (ppmvd) at 15 percent oxygen when burning natural gas, water/steam injection to achieve 42 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen when burning fuel oil, and limited annual fuel oil use. For the first 470 MW of NGCC units, the DEP staff initially proposed BACT for NOx emissions from the CTs as 9 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen when burning natural gas, using dry low NOx combustor technology. However, after careful consideration, it was determined that, because of the lack of proven technology to achieve such emission rate, it would be more appropriate to establish BACT at 73 lb/hour/CT (24-hour average, based on 12 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen and 59o F) using dry low NOx combustor technology and to require FPC to make every practicable effort to achieve the lowest possible NOx emission rate with those CTs when firing natural gas. FPC also is required to conduct an engineering study to determine the lowest emission rate consistently achievable with a reasonable operating margin taking into account long-term performance expectations and assuming good operating and maintenance practices. Based on the results of that study, DEP may adjust the NOx emission limit downward, but not lower than 55 lb/hour/CT (24-hour average, based on 9 ppmvd at 15 percent oxygen and 59o F.). For the 99 MBtu/hour auxiliary boiler that is part of the initial phase of the project, BACT for NOx emissions is low NOx burners, limited annual fuel oil use, and limited hours of annual operation. BACT for NOx emissions from the 1300 kW diesel generator is combustion timing retardation with limited hours of annual operation. For the 99 MBtu/hour auxiliary boiler and the diesel generator as part of the initial phase of the project, BACT for CO, VOC, SO2, PM, benzene, beryllium, and arsenic emissions consists of good combustion controls, the inherent quality of the fuels burned, the use of low-sulfur fuel oil, and limited hours of operation. For the fuel oil storage tank as part of the initial phase of the project, BACT is submerged filling of the tank. For the coal gasification and other facilities to be built during later phases of the project, a preliminary BACT review was undertaken by FPC to support the demonstration that the Polk County Site has the ultimate capacity and resources available to support the full phased project. Air Quality Impact Analysis Air emissions from the project also must comply with Ambient Air Quality Standards for six criteria pollutants and Prevention of Significant Deterioration increments for three pollutants. Polk County and the contiguous counties are classified as Class II areas for PSD purposes; the nearest Class I area is the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area, located approximately 120 km. from the Site. An air quality analysis, undertaken in accordance with monitoring and computer modeling procedures approved in advance by EPA and DEP, demonstrated that the project at ultimate capacity utilizing worst-case assumptions will comply with all state and federal ambient air quality standards as well as PSD Class I and II increments. For nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, air quality modeling was based on conservative assumptions, including background concentrations based upon the highest long- term and second highest short-term measured values (established through an onsite one-year air quality monitoring program and regional data), existing major sources at their maximum emissions, the estimated maximum emissions from certain other proposed projects, and the impacts of the proposed FPC project at ultimate site capacity. For other pollutants, detailed analyses were not performed because offsite impacts were predicted to be insignificant. Impacts of the project's estimated emissions of certain hazardous air pollutants (antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, benzene, boron, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, formaldehyde, magnesium, manganese, nickel, selenium, vanadium, and zinc) at ultimate capacity were compared to the DEP draft no-threat levels under DEP's draft "Air Toxics Permitting Strategy." All pollutants except arsenic were projected to be below the corresponding draft no- threat level. Because of the conservatism of DEP's draft no-threat levels, it was concluded that arsenic impacts would not pose a significant health risk to the population in the surrounding area. Impacts on vegetation, soils, and wildlife in both the site area and the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area, the nearest PSD Class I area, will be minimal. Visibility in the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area will not be impaired significantly by the project's emissions. Air quality impacts from commercial, industrial, and residential growth induced by the project are expected to be small and well-distributed throughout the area. Impacts from the initial phase of the Project (470 MW) will comply with all State and federal ambient air quality standards as well as PSD Class I and II increments. The impacts from the initial phase of the Project are also well below the draft no-threat levels. The initial phase of the Project will not significantly impair visibility in the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area, and the impact on vegetation, soils, and wildlife in both the site area and the vicinity of the Chassahowitzka National Wilderness Area will be minimal. The air quality impacts due to commercial, industrial, and residential growth from the initial phase of the Project will be small, and are not expected to impact air quality. Land Use Planning/Socioeconomic Impacts of Construction and Operation The proposed site is an appropriate location for the Polk County Site project. The Polk County Site has adequate access to highway and rail networks, including CR 555, a major collector road, and the CSX railroad. The Polk County Site is located away from major residential areas in a location already heavily disturbed by mining activity. The site is located in reasonable proximity to major metropolitan areas that can supply an adequate work force for construction. Development of the Polk County Site in a mined-out phosphate area is a beneficial use of land and will provide an economic benefit for Polk County. The Polk County Site also is close to existing facilities, such as existing transmission line corridors and reclaimed water facilities, which will benefit the operation of the site while minimizing the impact of the project. The linear facilities associated with the Polk County Site are sited in appropriate locations. The 230-kV transmission line upgrade, reclaimed water pipeline and backup natural gas pipeline corridors: (i) are located adjacent to other linear facilities, such as existing roads and transmission lines, (ii) avoid major residential areas, and (iii) minimally disrupt existing land uses. The Polk County Site is compatible with the State Comprehensive Plan, the CFRPC Regional Policy Plan, and will meet the requirements of the Polk County Conditional Use Permit. The portion of the backup natural gas pipeline located in Hillsborough County is consistent with the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan and the policies of the TBRPC Regional Policy Plan. Construction of the Polk County Site will occur over an approximately 25-year period beginning in 1994. If the Polk County Site is developed only for NGCC capacity, construction employment will average 153 jobs per year with a peak employment of 350. The average annual payroll for construction of the Polk County Site on all NGCC is expected to be $7.1 million per year. If 1,000 MW of NGCC and 2,000 MW of CGCC units are built at the Polk County Site, peak construction employment will be 1,000 with an average annual construction employment of 315 over the approximate 25-year period. Average annual payroll under this scenario would be $14.6 million per year. Indirect jobs created as a result of buildout of the Polk County Site will average 231 jobs for all NGCC and 477 jobs if 2,000 MW of CGCC is added to the Polk County Site. After completion of the construction of the Polk County Site at ultimate capacity, 110 permanent direct jobs will be created if the site uses all NGCC and 410 jobs will be created if coal gasification is added to the Polk County Site. The operation of the Polk County Site will have a multiplier effect on the Polk County economy. The all NGCC scenario will create 272 indirect jobs and the Case A' scenario with CGCC will create 1,013 indirect jobs. After buildout, property taxes generated by the Polk County Site are estimated to be $24.3 million per year for the all NGCC scenario and $37.4 million per year if CGCC capacity is constructed at the site. Noise Impacts The ambient noise, or baseline noise condition at the Polk County Site was measured in five locations. These measurements show that the baseline noise condition for the site ranges between 30 dBA and 65 dBA at the nearest residential location. The higher noise levels are caused by truck traffic associated with the phosphate mining industry. Noise impacts from construction will be loudest during initial site preparation and steel erection stages. Earth moving equipment will produce noise levels of 45 to 50 dBA at the nearest residence in Homeland. During final phases of construction, steam blowout activity to clean steam lines will produce short duration noise levels of 69 dBA at the nearest residence. This activity will take place only during daylight hours. Noise levels from the operation of the Polk County Site were calculated using a computer program specifically designed for assessing noise impacts associated with power plant operation. The highest predicted continuous noise level will be 41 dBA at several houses 2.9 miles south of the site and 47 dBA at the nearest church. Noise impacts from fuel delivery trucks and coal trains will not significantly increase the noise levels over existing conditions. The continuous noise level from the operation of the Polk County Site at the nearest residence or church will be below the 55 dBA level recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Traffic Traffic analyses were made for impacts to highway traffic which will result from the construction and operation of the Polk County Site. These analyses included impacts at rail crossings caused by the delivery of coal to the Polk County Site under the Case A' scenario. A highway traffic analysis was made to determine if the existing roadway network in the vicinity of the Polk County Site would operate at acceptable levels of service based upon increased volumes of traffic associated with the construction and operation employment at the Polk County Site. Methodologies for evaluating traffic impact complied with Polk County, FDOT and CFRPC criteria. County roads were evaluated using Polk County criteria and state roads were evaluated using both Polk County and FDOT criteria. Traffic volumes were evaluated for peak construction traffic in 2010 and full plant operations, estimated in 2018. The traffic evaluation included analysis of existing traffic conditions, increased traffic volume associated with growth in the area not associated with the Polk County Site, and increased traffic associated with construction and operation employment at the Polk County Site. During peak construction employment under the Case A' scenario, 1,000 employees are expected at the Polk County Site. Under this scenario, the expected trip generation of the Polk County Site is expected to be 1,792 trips per day, with a morning peak of 717 trips and an afternoon peak of 717 trips. Based on this analysis, all roadways are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service with currently planned improvements to the roadways. Intersection levels of service were found acceptable for 7 out of 11 intersections. FPC has recommended improvements to four intersections at U.S. 98 and SR 60A, SR 60 and CR 555, SR 37 and CR 640, and CR 555 and CR 640 at specified traffic levels. Peak operation employment under the Case A' scenario is expected to be 410 employees in 2018. Based upon this employment figure, the expected trip generation of the Polk County Site is 964 trips per day with a morning peak of 195 trips and an afternoon peak of 154 trips. At peak operation employment, all roadways evaluated were found to operate at acceptable levels of service. All intersections, except the intersection at SR 60 and CR 555, were found to operate at acceptable levels. FPC has recommended a protected/permissive westbound left turn lane at this intersection. With FPC's recommended improvements, which have been incorporated as conditions of certification, and those improvements currently planned by FDOT, the existing roadway network will meet Polk County and FDOT approved levels of service at peak employment during the construction and operation of the Polk County Site to its ultimate capacity. In addition to the highway traffic impact analysis, FPC evaluated the impact on rail/highway crossings from the transportation of coal by rail under the Case A' scenario. It was assumed that all coal for the Polk County Site will be delivered by rail over existing CSX transportation lines. It is expected that at full operation two 90-car trains per day will be required for the delivery of coal, resulting in four train trips per day. It was also assumed that trains will travel at speeds averaging 35 to 45 miles per hour. Evaluation of the impacts at rail crossings found an increase of .5 second per vehicle per day at urban rail crossings and .3 second per vehicle per day at rural rail crossings. Based on the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual, the total delay at rail crossing intersections caused by the increased train traffic to and from the Polk County Site will not cause a significant delay and the rail crossing intersections will maintain level of service A. Archaeological and Historic Sites The Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, has stated that because of the location of the Polk County Site, it is unlikely that any significant archaeological or historical sites will be affected. Mandatory Reclamation of Mining Parcels The Polk County Site is comprised of phosphate mining parcels, portions of which are subject to mandatory reclamation under the jurisdiction of DEP/BOMR. The mandatory mining parcels are currently owned by Estech, IMC, and USAC. FPC has entered into stipulations with each mining company agreeing to reclamation of the mandatory mining parcels in accordance with the conditions of certification proposed by DEP/BOMR. In those conditions, DEP has proposed to incorporate the reclamation conceptual plan modifications included in Appendix 10.9 of the SCA into the certification proceeding for the Polk County Site and has redesignated those conceptual plan modifications as EST-SC-CPH and IMC-NP- FPC. The portions of the site which will be developed by FPC will be released from mandatory reclamation requirements when FPC purchases the Polk County Site. Variances FPC has requested variances from certain reclamation standards set forth in Rule 16C-16.0051, Florida Administrative Code, which will be necessary until the affected mining parcels on the Polk County Site are released from reclamation. FPC has requested a variance from Rule 16C-16.0051(5)(a), which requires artificial water bodies to have an annual zone of fluctuation, and Rule 16C-16.0051(5)(b), which requires submerged vegetation and fish bedding in artificially-created water bodies. The criteria in these rules are inappropriate for a cooling pond, because it is an industrial wastewater treatment facility which cannot be efficiently or safely operated with fluctuating water levels and aquatic vegetation zones. With regard to the construction of dams for the cooling pond, brine pond and solid waste disposal areas, FPC will need a variance from Rule 16C-16.0051(2)(a), which requires a 4:1 slope for dam embankments and Rule 16C-16.0051(9)(b) and (c), which requires vegetation of upland areas, which may include dam embankments. Dams for the cooling pond, brine pond and solid waste disposal areas will have steeper slopes and the interiors of the dams will be concrete blanket revetments, synthetic liners or solid waste consistent with the industrial purposes for which these facilities have been constructed. Access to these areas will be controlled to prevent any potential safety hazard. Finally, FPC will need a variance from Rule 16C-16.0051(11)(b)(4), which requires reclamation to be completed within two years after mining operations are completed. Construction of the Polk County Site requires extensive dewatering and earthwork which cannot be completed within this timeframe. Applications for variances from mining reclamation criteria were included in Appendix 10.9 of the SCA and have been incorporated into the certification proceeding for the Polk County Site. DEP has redesignated these variance applications as EST-SC-FPC-V and IMC-NP-FPC-V. These variances are appropriate and should be granted. Agency Positions and Stipulations The Department of Environmental Protection, Southwest Florida Water Management District, and Polk County have recommended certification for the construction and operation of the initial 470 MW of natural gas combined cycle generating capacity and have recommended the determination that the Polk County Site has the ultimate capacity for 3,000 MW of natural gas and coal gas combined cycle generating capacity, subject to appropriate conditions of certification. No other state, regional or local agency that is a party to the certification proceeding has recommended denial of the certification for the construction of the initial 470 MW of generating capacity or determination of ultimate site capacity. Several agencies which expressed initial concern regarding certification of the Polk County Site have resolved those concerns with FPC and have entered into stipulations with FPC as discussed below. The Florida Department of Transportation, the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, and the Department of Community Affairs have entered into stipulations with FPC recommending certification of the Polk County Site and a determination that the Polk County Site has the ultimate site capacity to support 3,000 MW of NGCC and CGCC generating capacity subject to proposed conditions of certification. Hillsborough County, the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County, and the Tampa Port Authority have entered into a stipulation and agreement with FPC recommending certification of the backup natural gas pipeline corridor subject to proposed conditions of certification. FPC and the agency parties have agreed on a set of conditions of certification for the Polk County Site. Those conditions are attached as Appendix A to this Recommended Order.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Florida Power Corporation be granted certification pursuant to Chapter 403, Part II, Florida Statutes, for the location, construction and operation of 470 MW of combined cycle generating capacity as proposed in the Site Certification Application and in accordance with the attached Conditions of Certification. Florida Power Corporation's Polk County Site be certified for an ultimate site capacity of 3,000 MW fueled by coal gas, natural gas, and fuel oil subject to supplemental application review pursuant to 403.517, Florida Statutes, and Rule 17-17.231, Florida Administrative Code, and the attached Conditions of Certification. A zone of discharge be granted in accordance with the attached Conditions of Certification. The conceptual plan modifications (EST-SC-CPH and IMC-NP-FPC) for the mandatory phosphate mining reclamation plans be granted subject to the attached Conditions of Certification. The variances from reclamation standards (EST-SC-FPC-V and IMC-NP-FPC- V) as described herein be granted subject to the attached Conditions of Certification. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of December, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of December, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-5308EPP RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION * * NOTE: 114 page Recommended Conditions of Certification plus attachments is available for review in the Division's Clerk's Office. COPIES FURNISHED: Gary P. Sams Richard W. Moore Attorneys at Law Hopping Boyd Green & Sams Post Office Box 6526 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6526 Representing Applicant Pamela I. Smith Corporate Counsel Florida Power Corporation Post Office Box 14042 St. Petersburg, Florida 33733-4042 Richard Donelan Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road, Room 654 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Representing DER Hamilton S. Oven, Jr. Office of Siting Coordination Division of Air Resources Mgmt. Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Lucky T. Osho Karen Brodeen Assistant General Counsels Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Representing DCA Michael Palecki, Chief Bureau of Electric & Gas Florida Public Service Commission 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0850 Representing PSC M. B. Adelson, Assistant General Counsel Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Representing DNR Carolyn S. Holifield, Chief Chief, Administrative Law Section Department of Transportation 605 Suwanee Street, Mail Station 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458 Representing DOT Doug Leonard, Executive Director Ralph Artigliere, Attorney at Law Central Florida Regional Planning Council 409 East Davidson Street Bartow, Florida 33830 Representing CFRPC Julia Greene, Executive Director Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council 9455 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 Representing Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council John J. Dingfelder Assistant County Attorney Hillsborough County Post Office Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601-1110 Representing Hillsborough County Mark Carpanini Attorney at Law Office of County Attorney Post Office Box 60 Bartow, Florida 33830-0060 Representing Polk County Martin D. Hernandez Richard Tschantz Assistant General Counsels Southwest Florida Water Management District 2370 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899 Representing SWFWMD James Antista, General Counsel Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Bryant Building 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 Representing GFWFC Sara M. Fotopulos Chief Counsel Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County 1900 Ninth Avenue Tampa, Florida 33605 Representing EPCHC Joseph L. Valenti, Director Tampa Port Authority Post Office Box 2192 Tampa, Florida 33601 Representing Tampa Port Authority Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund Don E. Duden, Acting Executive Director Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Representing the Trustees Honorable Lawton Chiles Governor State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Honorable Robert A. Butterworth Attorney General State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Honorable Bob Crawford Commissioner of Agriculture State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0810 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Honorable Jim Smith Secretary of State State of Florida The Capitol, PL-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Honorable Tom Gallagher Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Honorable Gerald A. Lewis Comptroller State of Florida The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

USC (1) 49 CFR 192 Florida Laws (3) 403.508403.517403.519
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 18, 2005 Number: 05-002982 Latest Update: Nov. 02, 2005

The Issue The issue is whether Palm Beach County's application for a permit to construct a domestic wastewater collection/transmission system in Palm Beach County should be approved.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Parties The County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida and is the permittee in this matter. The County Water Utilities Department currently serves approximately 425,000 persons, making it the largest utility provider in Palm Beach County and the third largest in the State of Florida. ITID is an independent water control special district created by special act of the legislature in 1957 and whose boundaries lie within the County. Portions of the transmission line to be constructed by the County will cross easements and roads, and pass under canals, owned by ITID. Petitioners Joseph Acqualotta, Michael D'Ordine, Ann Hawkins, and Lisa Lander all live in areas in close proximity to the proposed transmission line. Lander lives adjacent to the proposed route of the line along 40th Street North, while Acqualotta, D'Ordine, and Hawkins live adjacent to the proposed route along 140th Avenue North. Acqualotta, Hawkins (but not D'Ordine, who resides with Hawkins), and Lander own the property where they reside. Petitioners Troy and Tracey Lee (Case No. 05-2979), Lisa Gabler (Case No. 05- 2980), and Anthony and Veronica Daly (Case No. 05-2982) did not appear at the final hearing. The Department is an agency of the State of Florida authorized to administer the provisions of Part I of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and is the state agency charged with the responsibility of issuing domestic wastewater collection/ transmission permits under Section 403.087, Florida Statutes (2004).1 Background On December 15, 2004, the County filed its application with the Department for an individual permit to construct a domestic wastewater collection/transmission system (Transmission Line). The Transmission Line is one element of the County's Northern Region Utilities Improvement Project (Project) and will be approximately 41,050 feet long and comprised of approximately 32,350 linear feet of 20-inch force main and 18,700 linear feet of 30-inch force main (or nearly ten miles in length). A primary purpose of the Project is to provide water and wastewater service to the Village, a 1,900 acre parcel located in the unincorporated part of the County several miles west of the Florida Turnpike, south of State Road 710, and north of the Villages of Wellington and Royal Palm Beach. The Village will be the home of the Scripps Project and Campus. The Transmission Line will run from the southeastern corner of the Village south to Northlake Boulevard, then east to 140th Avenue North, then south along that roadway to 40th Street North, where it turns east until it interconnects with existing facilities. The wastewater will be collected in a regional pump station on the Scripps Project site, where it will be pumped through the Transmission Line to the East Central Plant, which will be the primary treatment facility. The East Central Plant is owned and operated by the City of West Palm Beach (City), but the County owns between forty and forty-five percent of the treatment capacity. Because the wastewater system is interconnected, the wastewater could also be treated at the County's Southern Regional Plant. Ultimately, the flow from the Scripps Project will be one or two million gallons per day. The Transmission Line is the only way that wastewater can be handled at the Scripps Project. A preliminary analysis by the Department and the South Florida Water Management District determined that on-site treatment was not feasible because of the environmentally sensitive nature of the area. The Scripps Project will include residential units, commercial entities, and institutional uses, such as medical clinics. Besides serving these customers, the Transmission Line will also serve other customers in the area. The County has already signed agreements with the Beeline Community Development District (which lies a few miles northwest of the Village) and the Village of Royal Palm Beach (which lies several miles south-southeast of the Village). At the time of the hearing, the County anticipated that it would also sign an agreement with Seacoast Utility Authority (whose service area is located just southeast of the Village) to transport wastewater through the Transmission Line. All of the treatment facilities have sufficient existing capacity to treat the estimated amount of domestic wastewater that will be generated by the Scripps Project and the other users that will discharge to the Line. The County commenced construction of the Transmission Line in May 2005 when the Department issued the Permit. On August 2, 2005, the County published the Department's Notice to issue the Permit, and once the Petitions were filed, the County stopped construction pending the outcome of this hearing. Approximately seventy percent of the Transmission Line is now completed. The Permit does not allow the Transmission Line to be used until it is pressure tested and certified complete. Upon completion, the County must receive an Approval to Place a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System into Operation from the Department. Such approval is given only after the County has given reasonable assurance that adequate transmission, treatment, and disposal is available in accordance with Department standards. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-604.700. On August 15, 2005, Petitions challenging the issuance of the Permit were filed by ITID and the individual Petitioners. ITID contends that the Transmission Line will convey not only domestic wastewater, but also industrial waste; that the County did not comply with all applicable technical standards and criteria required under the Department's rules; that the Project will be located on ITID's right-of-way, on which the County has no right to occupy; that the Project will be located within seventy-five feet from private drinking wells and does not provide an equivalent level of reliability and public health protection; and that the pipe material and pressure design is inappropriate for the Transmission Line's requirements. The individual Petitioners (who filed identical Petitions) are mainly concerned about the location of the Transmission Line in relation to their private drinking wells and property, the possibility of the pipe bursting or leaking once it becomes operational, and the restoration of their property to its original condition after construction is completed. As to the property claims by all Petitioners, the County plans to place the Transmission Line in property that it either owns or has an easement, in property that it is in the process of condemning, or in a public right of way. While the County acknowledges that it has already placed, and intends to place other portions of, the Transmission Line in easements that ITID says it has the exclusive right to use and for which a permit from ITID is required, the County alleges that it also has the right to use those easements without an ITID permit. The dispute between the County and ITID is the subject of a circuit court proceeding in Palm Beach County, and neither the Department nor DOAH has the authority to decide property interests. Petitioners' Objections Domestic wastewater and pretreatment The wastewater that will be generated by the Scripps Project is considered domestic wastewater; it will not include industrial wastewater. Waste that is industrial or non- domestic must be pretreated to protect the wastewater plant, collection system, and the health of system workers and the general public. The Department administers a pretreatment program through which it requires a public wastewater utility to police the entities that discharge to their wastewater plants. A central part of the pretreatment program is the local ordinance that gives legal authority to the utility to permit, inspect, and take enforcement action against industrial users who are part of the pretreatment program. The utility files an annual report with an industrial user survey, and the Department periodically inspects and audits local pretreatment programs to ensure they are being operated as intended. The system is not failsafe but is designed to ensure that potentially harmful wastes are rendered harmless before discharge. For example, the utility has the authority to immediately shut water off if a harmful discharge is occurring. Both the County and the City have pretreatment programs approved by the Department. The City has an ordinance that allows it to enforce the pretreatment standards for all entities that discharge to its wastewater system. The County Water Utilities Department has a written pretreatment manual, and the County has zoning restrictions on the discharge of harmful material to the wastewater system. It has also entered into an interlocal agreement under which it agrees to enforce the City ordinance. The County provides wastewater treatment to industrial, educational, and medical facilities, and it has never experienced a discharge from any of these facilities that has caused adverse health or environmental impacts. The County pretreatment program for the Southern Regional Facility was approved in 1997. The City pretreatment program for the East Central Regional Facility was approved in 1980. The Scripps Project must apply for a permit from the County and provide a baseline monitoring report, data on its flow, and information on the flow frequency and raw materials. Medical waste from the Scripps Project will be pretreated to render it safe before it is discharged into the Transmission Line. Transmission Line Design The Transmission Line was designed in accordance with the technical standards and criteria for wastewater transmission lines in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 604.300(5). That rule incorporates by reference a set of standards commonly known as the Ten State Standards, which contain several of the standards used in the design of this project. These standards are recommended, but are not mandatory, and a professional engineer should exercise his or her professional judgment in applying them in any particular case. The Transmission Line also meets the design standards promulgated by the America Water Works Association (AWWA). Specifically, the County used the AWWA C-905 design standard for sizing the polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, pipe used in the project. The County has received written certification from the manufacturer that the PVC pipe meets the standards in AWWA C-905. The Transmission Line is designed with stub-outs, which will allow for future connections without an interruption of service, and inline isolation valves, which allow the line to be shut down for maintenance. The Use of PVC Pipe There is no standard regulating the selection of PVC pipe material in the Department's rules. Instead, the Department relies on the certification of the applicant and the engineer's seal that the force main will be constructed to accepted engineering standards. The only specification applicable to the Transmission Line is the Ten State Standard, adopted and incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-604.300(5)(g). That document contains a general requirement that the material selected have a pressure rating sufficient to handle anticipated pressures in wastewater transmission lines. The Transmission Line will be constructed with PVC piping with a thickness of Dimension Ratio (DR) 32.5, which is the ratio of the outside diameter of the pipe to its thickness. Higher ratios mean thinner-walled pipes. This is not the first time the County has used 32.5 PVC piping for one of its projects, and other local governments in the State have used 32.5 or thinner pipe. The County is typically conservative in requiring thicker-walled pipe, because most transmission lines are built by developers, and the County is unable to design the entire line or control or inspect its installation. The specifications for wastewater transmission lines built in the County call for the use of DR 25 pipe. On this project, however, the County determined that thicker- walled pipe would have been an over-design of the system because the County controls the pump stations and oversees the installation; therefore, the Director of the Water Utilities Department has waived that requirement. The County considers the use of DR 32.5 PVC to be conservative. Although this pipe will be thinner than what is typically used in the County, it satisfies the Department's requirements. The Department has permitted many miles of similar PVC force mains in South Florida, and none have failed. PVC has benefits over other transmission line material, such as ductile iron. For example, PVC is more corrosion resistant. Wastewater generates hydrogen sulfide as it decomposes, which can form highly corrosive sulfuric acid. Some of the older transmission lines in the County that were made of ductile iron have corroded. PVC also has a superior ability to absorb surges, such as cyclical surges, than ductile iron. It is easier to install, and its interior flow characteristics are smoother than ductile iron or pre-stressed concrete pipe. Mr. Farabee, a professional engineer who testified on behalf of ITID, recommended a DR 14 pipe, which is thicker- walled than the DR 32.5 pipe used by the County. While he opined that the DR 32.5 pipe was too thin for the project, he could not definitively state that it would not pass the 150 per square inch (psi) pressure test. He also opined that the pipe is undersized because it will be unable to withstand the surge pressures during cleaning. The witness further testified that the pipe would be subject to much higher pressures than 150 psi, and therefore it was impossible to know whether the pipe would fail. In his opinion, this means the Department did not have reasonable assurance for the project. The County consulted with the Unibell PVC Pipe Association (Unibell) in the planning of this project. Unibell is a trade association that provides technical support for PVC pipe manufacturers. Robert Walker, a registered professional engineer and Unibell's executive director who testified on behalf of the County, disagreed with Mr. Farabee's conclusions concerning the adequacy of the PVC pipe in this project. The AWWA C-905 standard uses a safety factor of two, which means the pipes are tested at pressures that are at least twice their stated design strength. Mr. Walker explained the different standards that apply to PVC pipe. DR 32.5 pipe, which is used in this project, has a minimum interior pressure rating of 125 pounds per square psi. Each pipe section is tested before it is shipped at 250 psi, and the minimum burst pressure for the material is in excess of 400 psi. The pipe also meets a 1000- hour test at 270 psi. In light of these standards and testing, the pipe will pass the two-hour 150 psi test required by the Department. Mr. Farabee expressed some concern that the PVC pipe would be more prone to breakage than ductile iron or thicker PVC. However, the PVC pipe standards provide that the pipe can be flattened at sixty percent without splitting, cracking, or breaking. At shallow depths on dirt roads, ovalation, which occurs when PVC is flattened through pressure, will initially occur, but over time the soil around the pipe will become compacted and result in re-rounding of the pipe. The joints are three times stiffer than the body of the pipe, which will protect the joint from excessive ovalation and leaking, and the use of mechanical restrained joints will further strengthen the joints. There has been no joint leakage in Florida due to deflection of the joints. Finally, there have been no failures of PVC pipe caused by three-feet of fill, which is the depth to which the Transmission Line pipe will be buried. To further protect the pipe, the County optimized its pumping system to avoid cyclical surges by using variable frequency drive pumps that gradually increase and decrease speed rather than just turning on or off. In addition, the pump stations are fed by two power lines that come from different directions and emergency generators, which should lessen the chances of harmful surging. Testing the Installation The anticipated pressures in the Transmission Line will likely be about 50 psi. After installation, the Line will be pressure tested at 150 psi for two hours, which is sufficient to provide the Department with reasonable assurance that the Line will hold pressure and will not leak. Also, the County contract inspectors are on the construction site daily. If problems with the installation arise later, the County has committed to promptly fix the problem, even if it means digging up the line. During the hearing, ITID asserted that the Uniform Policies and Procedure Manual standards, which the County has adopted for use by developers when constructing wastewater transmission lines, should be applied to the County as well. This standard, which requires pressure testing to 200 psi for PVC pipes larger than 24 inches, has not been adopted by the Department and is not an applicable Department permitting standard. Even if it did apply, the Transmission Line would meet this criterion because it is designed to withstand 270 psi for at least 1,000 hours. Mr. Farabee believed that the entire Transmission Line would be pressure tested after the construction was complete, which would require digging up sections of the pipe to install bulkheads. However, this assessment of the County's testing program is incorrect. Leisha Pica, Deputy Director of the Water Utilities Department, developed the schedule for the project, helped develop the phasing of the work and budget, and oversaw the technical aspects. She stated that the County has successfully tested approximately fifty percent of the line that was already installed at 150 psi for two hours and not a single section of the line failed the test. Compaction The County has stringent backfilling and compaction requirements, which are sufficient to ensure the pipe will be properly installed and that there will be adequate compaction of the fill material. The County plans and specifications provide that compaction must be to ninety-five percent of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards for non-paved surfaces and one hundred percent of AASHTO standards for paved surfaces. Even ITID's expert agreed that the compaction specifications are sufficient. Mr. Farabee contended, however, that even though the standards are stringent, the County cannot properly test the installation for compliance with the standards. Mr. Farabee believed that testing of the backfill would be done after all of the construction was complete. In that case, he did not see how the testing could be done without digging many holes to check for the density of the backfill. These assumptions, however, are incorrect. The evidence shows that a total of two hundred sixty-four compaction tests have already been done on the portion of the Transmission Line that was completed. No part of the installation failed the tests. The County has an inspector who observes the installation and pressure tests. The compaction was tested at every driveway and major roadway, as well as every five hundred feet along the route. While Lander and D'Ordine pointed out at hearing that no compaction tests have been performed on the dirt roads which run adjacent to their property and on which construction has taken place, the Department requires that, before the work is certified as complete, non-paved roads must be compacted in accordance with AASHTO standards in order to assure that there is adequate compaction of the fill material. The Sufficiency of the Application When an application for an individual transmission/ collection line permit is filed with the Department, the applicant certifies that the design of the pipeline complies with the Department's standards. However, not all of the details of the construction will be included in the permit application. The Department relies on the design engineer to certify that the materials used are appropriate. The application form is also signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida. All plans submitted by the County, including the original, modifications, and final version, were certified by professional engineers registered in the State of Florida. After receiving the application, the Department requested additional information before issuing the permit, and the County provided all requested information. The original construction plans that were submitted with the application were changed in response to the Department's requests for additional information. The Permit issued by the Department indicates the Transmission Line would be constructed with ductile iron pipe, but this was a typographical error. ITID maintains that all of the technical specifications for the project must be included in the application, and because no separate engineering report was prepared by the County with the application, the County did not meet that standard. While the County did not submit an engineering report, it did submit sufficient data to provide reasonable assurance that the project will comply will all applicable rules of the Department. As a part of its application package, the County submitted construction plans, which contain the specifications required by the Department. Also, the general notes included in the construction drawings specify the use of restrained joints where appropriate, the selection of pipe material, the pressure testing of the Transmission Line, and other engineering requirements. In addition, the plans contain numerous other conditions, which are also specifications sufficient to fulfill the Department's requirements. Finally, further explanation and clarification of the technical aspects of the application was given by the County at the final hearing. At the same time, the Department engineer who oversaw the permitting of this project, testified that a detailed engineering report was not necessary. This engineer has extensive experience in permitting transmission lines for the Department and has worked on over five hundred permits for wastewater transmission and collection systems. The undersigned has accepted his testimony that in a relatively straightforward permit such as this, the application and attachments themselves can function as a sufficient engineering evaluation. This is especially true here since the County is seeking only approval of a pipeline project, which would not authorize the receipt of wastewater flow unless other wastewater facilities are permitted. Impacts on Public and Private Drinking Water Wells As part of the design of the Transmission Line, the County located public and private drinking water wells in the area of the line. County personnel walked the route of the Transmission Line and looked for private wells and researched the site plans for all of the properties along the route. No public wells were found within one-hundred feet of the Transmission Line route, but they did find seventeen private wells that are within seventy-five feet of the line. None of the Petitioners have private wells that are within seventy- five feet of the line. While Petitioners D'Ordine and Hawkins initially contended that the well on Hawkins' property was within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line, at hearing Mr. D'Ordine admitted that he "misread the plans and referred to the wrong property." In order to protect the private drinking water wells, Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-604.400(1)(b) requires that the County provide an extra level of protection for the wells that are within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line. The County will provide that extra level of protection by installing restrained joints that will restrain the joints between the pipe sections. The restrained joints are epoxy-coated mechanical devices that reduce the tendency for the pipes to separate under pressure. The County has used these restrained joints on its potable water and wastewater lines in other areas of the County and has never experienced problems with the devices. The restrained joints will provide reliable protection of the private wells within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line. The Department is unaware of any instances where restrained joints have failed in South Florida. If more wells are discovered that are within seventy-five feet of the Transmission Line, then the County will excavate the Line and install restrained joints. Minimum Separation Distances The County has complied with all applicable pipe separation requirements in the installation of the Transmission Line. More specifically, it is not closer than six feet horizontally from any water main and does not intersect or cross any reclaimed water lines. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-555.314(1)(a). It will be at least twelve inches below any water main or culvert that it crosses. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-555.314(2)(a). Finally, it will be a minimum of twelve inches below any culverts that it crosses. (However, the Department has no separation requirement for culverts crossed by the Transmission Line.) h. The M-Canal Crossing The Transmission Line must cross the M-canal, which runs in an east-west direction approximately midway between 40th Street North and Northlake Boulevard. The original design called for the Transmission Line to cross above the water, but the City and the Department suggested that it be located below the canal to eliminate the chance that the pipe could leak wastewater into the canal. In response to that suggestion, the County redesigned the crossing so that a 24- inch high density polyethylene pipe in a 48-inch casing will be installed fifteen feet below the design bottom of the canal. The polyethylene is fusion-welded, which eliminates joints, and is isolated with a valve on either side of the canal. Appropriate warning signs will be installed. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-604.400(2)(k)2.-5. The depth of the subaqueous line and the use of the slip line, or casing, exceeds the Department's minimum standards. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-604.400(2)(k)1. i. Flushing Protocol Section 48.1 of the Ten State Standard recommends that wastewater transmission lines maintain a velocity of two feet per second. When the Transmission Line becomes operational, it will not have sufficient flow to flush (or clean) accumulated solids from the lines at the recommended two feet per second velocities. (Sufficient flow will not occur until other customers connect to the Transmission Line during the first one to three years of operation.) Accumulated solids produce gases and odors that could create a problem at the treatment plant and might leak out of the manhole covers. To address this potential problem, Specific Condition 9 of the Permit requires the County to flush the lines periodically. Pursuant to that Condition, the County plans to flush the Transmission Line with additional water which will raise the velocity to three or four feet per second, so that the accumulated solids will be flushed. The water will be supplied by large portable tanks that will be temporarily set up at several locations along the Line. During the purging of the Line, sewage will collect in the pump stations until the purge is finished. There is sufficient capacity in the pump stations to contain the wastewater. In addition, the County will use a cleansing tool known as a pig, which is like a foam bullet that scrapes the sides of the pipe as it is pushed through the line. This protocol will be sufficient to keep the Line clean. ITID asserts that the County's plan for flushing is inadequate, because it does not provide enough water for long enough to flush both the 20-inch and 30-inch lines. Mr. Farabee calculated that the County would need almost twice the proposed volume, or almost six million gallons, to adequately flush the lines. ITID's analysis of the flushing protocol is flawed, however, because it assumes a constant flow in all segments of the pipe, which is not practical. In order to maintain the flushing velocity of three feet per second, the County will introduce water into the Transmission Line at three separate locations, resulting in a more constant flow velocity throughout the Transmission Line. In this way, it can maintain the proper velocity as the lines transition from a 20-inch to 30-inch to 36-inch pipe. The County has flushed other lines in the past using this protocol and has had no problems. This flushing protocol would only be in effect from one to three years. The County estimates that the necessary volumes to maintain a two-feet-per-second velocity in the 20- inch line would be reached in about one year. The 30-inch line should have sufficient flows sometime in 2008. These estimates are based on the signed agreements the County has with other utilities in the area to take their flows into the Transmission Line. Because of these safeguards, the Transmission Line will not accumulate solids that will cause undesirable impacts while flow is less than two feet per second. Other Requirements The construction and operation of the Transmission Line will not result in the release or disposal of sewage or residuals without providing proper treatment. It will not violate the odor prohibition in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-600.400(2)(a). It will not result in a cross- connection as defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 550.200. The construction or operation of the Transmission Line will not result in the introduction of stormwater into the Line, and its operation will not result in the acceptance of non-domestic wastewater that has not been properly pretreated. If constructed and permitted, the Transmission Line will be operated so as to provide uninterrupted service and will be maintained so as to function as intended. The record drawings will be available at the Department's district office and to the County operation and maintenance personnel. Finally, concerns by the individual Petitioners that the County may not restore their property to its original condition after construction is completed are beyond the scope of this proceeding. At the hearing, however, the Deputy Director of the Water Utilities Department represented that the County would cooperate with the individual property owners to assure that these concerns are fully addressed. Reasonable Assurance The County has provided the Department with reasonable assurance, based on plans, test results, installation of equipment, and other information that the construction and installation of the Transmission Line will not discharge, emit, or cause pollution in contravention of the Department's standards.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order denying all Petitions and issuing Permit No. 0048923-017-DWC. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of October, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of October, 2005.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57403.087403.973
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001526 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 1978

The Issue Whether or not the Respondents, Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins, are guilty of committing an act which constitutes fraud or dishonest dealings, for events on or about February 2, 1976, by charging Joseph Scozzafava for a (1) 1,000 ohm resistor 2 watt, when in fact it was not replaced; in violation of Section 468.159(1)(d), Florida Statutes. Whether or not the Respondents, Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins, are guilty of committing an act which constitutes fraud or dishonest dealings, for events on or about February 2, 1976, by charging Joseph Scozzafava for a "Rebuilt Tuner", when in fact the work was not performed; in violation of Section 468.159(1)(d), Florida Statutes. Whether or not the Respondents, Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins, are guilty of committing an act which constitutes fraud or dishonest dealings, for events on or about February 2, 1976,by charging Joseph Scozzafava for replacement of two (2) 6GH8 tubes, when in fact they were not needed; in violation of Section 468.159(1)(d) , Florida Statutes. The charging document in this cause, to wit, the Notice to Show Cause, had originally charged Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins with the failure to identify the State Registration on invoice #3078 dated January 3, 1976, as required by Rule 7B-2.12(b), Florida Administrative Code. This count of the Notice to Show Cause was voluntarily dismissed by the Petitioner at the commencement of the hearing.

Findings Of Fact This cause comes on for consideration based upon the Notice to Show Cause of the Petitioner, which is complaint No. 108000-51 before the Petitioner, State of Florida, Department of Business Regulation, Division of General Regulation. The complaint is addressed to the Respondents, Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins, his wife, who trade as Lauderdale Lakes T.V. and is directed to the following business entities owned by Henry Adkins or Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins. The corresponding numbers which are reported here pertain to the license numbers assigned by the Petitioner to Henry Adkins or Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins. Those licenses are for All-State T. V., No. 5079; Tower T.V., No. 6108; Lauderdale Lakes T.V., No. 5069; Inter-City T.V., No. 2895; X-Ray T.V., No. 2914; and M & H Electronics., No. 4854. Henry Adkins appears as the owner on all licenses. Sharon Adkins appears as the co-owner on the license for M & H Electronics, No. 4854. Before presenting the case for consideration, the parties entered into these factual stipulations: The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction to consider this case. The Notice of Hearing in this cause is timely. Henry Adkins is listed in the six licenses referred to above and each of those licenses have a mailing address of 3504 NW 10th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309. In addition, those licenses referred to above and the ownership stated are correct as to the existence of the entity, the ownership and the number assigned to the various entities by the Petitioner. The invoice of Lauderdale Lakes T.V., No. 3078, is authentic. The State of Florida, Department of Business Regulation, Division of General Regulation is the owner of a 1972 RCA color television which is the subject of this case. Three television tubes, to wit: two 6GH8 tubes, and one 6-CB6 tube are the property of the State of Florida, Department of Business Regulation, Division of General Regulation. Joseph Scozzafava is not the owner of the subject 1972 RCA color television, nor was the money paid for the repair of the said television money of Mr. Scozzafava. The invoice referred to above may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. admitted into evidence. The television set is Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2 admitted into evidence, and the three tubes are Petitioner's Composite Exhibit No. 3 admitted into evidence. In late January, 1976 employees of the Petitioner, operating on complaints, prepared a television set for purposes of ascertaining whether or not the Respondent, Henry Adkins, d/b/a Lauderdale Lakes T.V., was. operating in violation of Chapter 468, Florida Statutes. In furtherance of their investigation they took tile 1972 RCA television set which has been mentioned as being Exhibit No. 2, and played the set for a couple of days to determine whether or not it was in good working order. From an observation point of view, there were no malfunctions during the test period. In the color circuit to include all the major components such as the tuner, transformer, and resistors, all items checked out as operating properly. In addition, 15 tubes within the set were checked by tube fester and the tubes proved to be acceptable. (The tube tester had not been certified.) After checking the set out, Frank Butler, an investigator with the Petitioner and Certified Electronics Technician, overloaded a tube within the color circuit. The specific tube is a 6-CB6 burst amplifier. The effect of overloading this tube was to remove the color from the set, such that it would play only in black and white. The created malfunction in this tube did not have an adverse effect on the other components within the set. The employees of the Petitioner also marked a number of the tubes in the set by crimping the connectors on the tubes by way of identification. An operative 6-CB6 burst amplifier was then inserted in the set and the set was played again for two days, within which time it operated successfully. The Petitioner's employees then contacted one Joseph Scozzafava, an employee with the Department of Business Regulation, Division of Beverage. The purpose of the contact with Scozzafava was to allow him to take the television set owned by the State and to contact Lauderdale Lakes T.V. for purposes of having that organization make repairs on the subject television. The idea was that the defective 6-CB6 tube would he left in the set so that the television only played black and white. When they took the set to Scozzafava in late January, 1976, they showed him that the set operated on all local-stations and then removed the operative 6-CB6 tube and replaced it with the inoperative tube and left that tube in the set. The Petitioner's employees then instructed Scozzafava to call Lauderdale Lakes T.V. to have the repairs effected. To achieve this end, Scozzafava was paid $100.00 by the Petitioner and in turn would write a check from his own account for the amount of the total cost of repairs. The set was picked up from Scozzafava on January 27, 1976. The pickup was made by an employee of the Respondent, Henry Adkins, in a truck listed to the license, Inter-City T.V. The television set was repaired under an invoice of Lauderdale Lakes T.V., a license held by Henry Adkins. That invoice is the Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence. The facts repeal that two 6GH8 tubes were replaced by employees of the Respondent, Henry Adkins, and charged to Scozzafava, when it was in fact unnecessary to replace those tubes. Those tubes may be found as part of Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3 admitted into evidence, and when tested subsequent to the time the television set was returned to the employees of the Petitioner, were found to be operable over a period of one or more days arid when played during the course of the hearing, were found to be in good operating condition. The charges and the indication of replacement may be found in the invoice and the invoice was executed by an employee of Henry Adkins, the Respondent. That employee was working for Lauderdale Lakes T.V. The invoice also reflects the replacement of one 1,000 ohm 2 watt resister, when in fact no replacement of the resister occurred. Scozzafava was charged for this item which was not replaced. Finally, there is an indication that the tuner within the set was rebuilt and a charge made to Scozzafava for that service. The Petitioner's employees had placed wax and tape across the shield which covers the inner parts of the tuner and that wax and tape had not been disturbed during the pendency of the time which the set was with the employees of the Respondent. The tuner was not rebuilt, notwithstanding the claim by witnesses of the Respondents, to the effect that certain repairs could have been made to the surface of the tuner without the necessity to remove that shield. The evidence leads to the conclusion that the tuner was not rebuilt. In summary, Scozzafava paid $88.45, to Lauderdale Lakes T.V. from funds provided him by the Petitioner. Of that amount paid, $8.40 was paid for two 6GH8 tubes; $6.25 was paid for the one 1,000 ohm 2 watt resistor which was not installed and $21.00 was paid for rebuilding the tuner, when in fact the tuner was not rebuilt. Some portion of the labor charge of $32.50 went toward these items; however, it is unclear what portion of that charge pertains to those items. As briefly mentioned before, the television set was returned to Scozzafava, who in turn gave it to the Petitioner's employees, who kept the set until such time as the case was brought. Employees of the Respondent, Henry Adkins, driving an Inter-City T.V. truck, returned three tubes, one 6-CB6 and two 6GH8; they did not return a 1,000 ohm 2 watt resister. The balance of the $100.00 paid to Scozzafava for the purposes of assisting the Petitioner was returned to the Petitioner. There was no testimony to the effect that either Henry Adkins or Sharon Adkins were directly involved in the pick-up or repair of the television set. Sharon Adkins was involved in the billing process, based upon a cost estimate given to Scozzafava in the amount of $85.00. Both Respondents indicated that they make a background check of all employees hired, for purposes of determining the employees' integrity. The Respondents, through Sharon Adkins, also indicated that they had made attempts to locate all employees who were involved with the pick-up or repair of the television set and were unsuccessful in locating them due to the death of one employee and the inability through use of a private detective to locate the other individuals. Henry Adkins also indicated that he had fired employees in the last two years because those employees put in unnecessary parts or overcharged for parts. The Petitioner has charged the Respondents with committing acts of fraud and dishonest dealings by charging Joseph Scozzafava for the one 1,000 ohm watt resister; charging him for the rebuilt tuner and replacing the two 6GH8 tubes when in fact they were not needed. To the Petitioner, these acts were in violation of Section 468.159(1)(d), Florida Statutes. That provision reads: "In violation of registration; civil penalties.- The Division may refuse to validate or may invalidate temporarily or permanently the registration of a service dealer for any of the acts or omissions related to the conduct of his business done by himself or any employee, partner, officer, or member of the service dealer; (d) Committing any other act which constitutes fraud or dishonest dealing." By charging for the two 6GH8 tubes that were not needed; by failing to replace the one 1,000 ohms 2 watt resister, and charging for such replacement and for charging to rebuild a tuner which was not rebuilt, the employees of the Respondents are guilty of fraud and dishonest dealing. For those violations and under the exact language of the statute, the Respondents would appear to be guilty of a violation of Section 468.159(1)(d), Florida Statutes. However, the law does not contemplate that an employer is the absolute insurer of all the acts of his or her employees. Absent a showing of direct involvement on the part of the Respondents in the acts which constituted fraud and dishonest dealing, the Petitioner must show negligence or a lack of due diligence by the Respondents, In the Respondents' supervision of the employees who have committed the acts of fraud and dishonest dealing. (See Taylor v. State Beverage Department, 194 So.2d 321 (2nd DCA, 1967).) An isolated incident such as the one in the case under consideration does not satisfy the requirement that the Petitioner show negligence or a lack of due diligence on the part of the Respondents. Therefore, the Petitioner has failed to establish a violation on the parts of the Respondents as it pertains to the electronic service dealer registration Nos. 5069, 5079, 2895, 4854, 6108 and 2914, which are held by Henry Adkins and Sharon Adkins and Henry Adkins, solely. Full consideration has been given to the proposed findings of facts and conclusions of law submitted and when appropriate are incorporated in this Recommended Order.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Notice to Show Cause against Henry and Sharon Adkins, which is recorded as complaint No. 108000-51, pertaining to electronic service deal registration Nos. 5069, 5079, 2895, 4854, 6103 and 2914 be DISMISSED. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of June, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Richard E. Gentry, Esquire Staff Attorney State of Florida, Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Robert D. Hurth, Esquire 2425 East Commercial Boulevard Marwayne Office Plaza, Suite 101 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Estero, Florida May 02, 2003 Number: 03-001629TL Latest Update: Oct. 19, 2005

The Issue The issues for determination are whether either of the properly proposed corridors (the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor) for the Collier-Orange River #3 230-kV transmission line (the COR #3 Line) comply with the criteria in Section 403.529(4)(a)-(e), Florida Statutes (2003); and, if so, which of the corridors have the least adverse impacts with respect to the criteria in Section 403.529(4)(a)-(e), Florida Statutes, including cost. (All citations are to the 2002 version of the Florida Statutes unless otherwise indicated.) If the Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) Preferred Corridor (FPL Corridor) is determined to have the least adverse impacts, or if the two corridors are determined to be substantially equal in adverse impacts, the Siting Board must determine whether the FPL application for corridor certification should be approved in whole, with modifications or conditions, or denied. § 403.529(4) & (5)(c), Fla. Stat. If it is determined that the Alternate Corridor proposed by Collier Enterprises, Ltd. (CE) and Barron Collier Companies (BCC) has the least adverse impacts, including costs, since this corridor was rejected by FPL for consideration pursuant to Section 403.5271(1)(b), Florida Statutes, certification shall be denied or FPL shall be allowed to submit an amended application to include such corridor. § 403.529(5)(b), Fla. Stat.

Findings Of Fact THE PARTIES The TLSA establishes FPL and the DEP as parties to this proceeding, as well as the following upon their filing of a notice of intent to be a party, which each has done: Florida Department of Transportation, SFWMD, Lee County, City of Fort Myers, and the City of Bonita Springs. The following agencies did not participate in the proceeding and did not file a notice of intent before the 30th day prior to the certification hearing and each one is therefore deemed to have waived its right to be a party: PSC, Department of Community Affairs, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, and Collier County. § 403.527(4), Fla. Stat. Approximately five linear miles of FPL’s Corridor is located on real property owned by BCC. One section, i.e., 640 acres, is located along SR 82 adjoining FPL’s Corridor, one section north and east of Lake Trafford to the east of the FPL Corridor, and four sections along the north side of Immokalee Road, CR 846. Virtually all of those lands along Immokalee Road on the north side are stewardship-receiving areas, which means they can receive a density of up to four dwelling units per acre. See Findings of Fact 90 and 102. Locating the proposed transmission line on real property owned by BCC may result in adverse environmental impacts to BCC’s real property if not subject to appropriate conditions of certification. Such impacts could include, but may not be limited to, impacts to wetlands. Additional buffering may be required for BCC’s property. BCC’s substantial interests are affected by and subject to determination in this proceeding. Approximately 5.5 linear miles of FPL’s Corridor is located on real property owned by CE in Collier County. Material here, CE owns land just north (and west) of the intersection of Immokalee Road (CR 846) and south of the Lee County Electrical Cooperative (LCEC) 138-kV ROW that turns to the east. CE land proceeds south of Oil Well Road, with the southernmost tip adjacent to I-75. (BCC also owns adjacent land east of this location.) See Findings of Fact 93-94 and 99. These lands are among a large group of landholdings designated as the Rural Land Stewardship Area that is designated in comprehensive plan amendments. The allowed density as noted above is up to four dwelling units per acre in a variety of forms, including compact rural development, village, towns, and hamlets that could provide for a range of mixed uses on these lands. These lands can be classified as either sending or receiving lands. See Finding of fact 99. Locating the proposed transmission line on real property owned by CE may result in adverse environmental impacts to CE’s real property if not subject to appropriate conditions of certification. Such impacts could include, but may not be limited to, impacts to wetlands. CE may also need to undertake additional landscaping and buffering in order to conceal the view of the transmission line. The view of the Camp Kaeis slough (located approximately one mile west of the intersection described in Finding of Fact 4) from CE property may be impacted in the future. See Finding of Fact 94. CE’s substantial interests are affected by and subject to determination in this proceeding. Intervenor, Parklands Development, L.P. (Parklands), is the owner of the east one-half (1/2) of Section 4, Township 48 South, Range 26 East in Lee County, Florida, less approximately 83 acres in the northeastern portion of the east one-half of Section 4 which is owned by DiVosta and Company, Inc. Parklands has also developed the western one-half of Section 4 and still owns portions of that one-half section that have not been sold to individual lot owners. These parcels are within the City of Bonita Springs. In addition, Parklands is the owner of substantially all of Section 9, Township 48 South, Range 26 East in Collier County, Florida. Parklands further has a contract to purchase 180+ acres in the northwest corner of Section 3, Township 48 South, Range 26 East in Lee County, Florida, from Corkscrew Growers, Inc. Parklands’ substantial interests will be affected by action of the Transmission Line Siting Board because construction of the Alternate Corridor could affect Parklands’ use and development of its property. In addition, Parklands has an interest in assuring the availability of a reliable source of power for its developments. Accordingly, Parklands’ substantial interests are affected by and subject to determination in this proceeding. Intervenor, DiVosta Homes L.P., successor by merger with DiVosta and Company, Inc. (DiVosta), is the owner of approximately 468 acres of real property in the City of Bonita Springs, Lee County, Florida, as identified in the Warranty Deed attached to its Petition to Intervene. In addition, DiVosta owns approximately 83.61 acres in the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 48 South, Range 26 East; approximately 109.05 acres in the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 48 South, Range 26 East in Lee County; approximately 214 acres in Section 26, Township 50 South, Range 26 East and approximately 6 acres in Section 34, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, both in Collier County, Florida. DiVosta’s substantial interests will be affected by the action of the Transmission Line Siting Board because construction of the Alternate Corridor could affect DiVosta’s use and development of its property. In addition, DiVosta has an interest in assuring the availability of a reliable source of power for its developments. Accordingly, DiVosta’s substantial interests are affected by and subject to determination in this proceeding. The City of Bonita Springs is a municipality in Lee County, Florida. The City of Ft. Myers, a municipality, appeared at the final hearing. Pursuant to Section 403.527(4)(c)2., Florida Statutes, domestic non-profit corporations formed, in whole or in part, to promote the conservation and protection of the environment or to promote comprehensive planning or orderly development of the area in which the proposed transmission line or corridor is located are parties to the proceeding upon the filing of a notice of intent to be a party. Having complied with these statutory requirements the following are parties to this proceeding: Collier County Audubon Society, Inc., Conservancy of Southwest Florida, Florida Audubon Society, Florida Wildlife Federation, and Responsible Growth Management Coalition. Kenneth E. Smith’s substantial interests are affected by and subject to determination in this proceeding because FPL’s Preferred Corridor includes real property owned by Mr. Smith east of Green Meadows Road. See Findings of Fact 80 and 243. STIPULATIONS ENTERED INTO BY THE PARTIES The following parties signed stipulations with FPL in which they adopted the position and witnesses of FPL at the certification hearing: DiVosta Homes, L.P., Parklands Development Limited Partnership, Florida Wildlife Federation, Collier County Audubon Society, Florida Audubon Society, Conservancy of Southwest Florida, and Responsible Growth Management Coalition. FPL, BCC, and CE also entered into a stipulation that the location, construction and maintenance of the COR #3 230 kV transmission line (COR #3 Line) in either the FPL Corridor or the portion of the Alternate Corridor within the existing Common ROW between the Orange River and Collier substations could both be consistent with applicable local government comprehensive plans and would comply with all non-procedural requirements of agencies. The stipulation reserved the right of BCC and CE to argue as to the extent to which locating, constructing and maintaining the COR #3 Line in either corridor would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plans and non- procedural requirements of agencies. FPL reserved the right to argue as to the inapplicability of any provisions of local government comprehensive plans to the location, construction and maintenance of electric transmission lines within established ROWs. The stipulation was entered into the record as Joint Exhibit 9. The parties also stipulated that the COR #3 Line could be constructed on either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor in compliance with the electric and magnetic field standards of Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-814. FPL APPLICATION General FPL submitted the application to the DEP on April 30, 2003. The DEP determined that the application was complete on May 13, 2003, and sufficient on August 21, 2003. On October 10, 2003, the DEP issued its Written Analysis, incorporating the reports of the reviewing agencies and including proposed conditions of certification. Project Description An electrical transmission line’s purpose is to transport large amounts of electricity from a generating facility to one or more substations. At the substation, the electricity can be either increased or reduced in voltage through transformers and other electrical equipment for further transportation or for distribution at lower voltages directly to customers. Florida has a highly integrated electric transmission line system. High voltage transmission lines connect the various electric generating utilities to one another. The interconnected electric grid provides benefits to the state because it allows electric utilities to share generation capacity, resulting in lower electrical rates, and to back up one another in emergencies. FPL’s service area generally covers the eastern half of the Florida peninsula and Southwest Florida. FPL is seeking certification of a corridor between the Orange River substation (east of Ft. Myers, Lee County) and the Collier substation (near Naples, in Collier County) within which it will ultimately construct the COR #3 Line on a narrow ROW. Once all property interests in the ROW are acquired, the boundaries of the corridor will shrink to the width of the 15- foot to 60 foot ROW. (A ROW consists of the actual property rights that FPL will acquire to construct the transmission line. A corridor is a much larger area that includes the boundaries of the ROW within it. Once a ROW is established, the boundaries of the corridor become moot. See generally § 403.522(10), Fla. Stat.) The service area for the proposed COR #3 Line (the “Project Service Area”) is southern Lee County and Collier County. The Project Service Area is bounded on the north by the Fort Myers Power Plant switchyard and the Orange River substation, on the east by a line that follows the boundary between Lee and Hendry Counties, on the west by the Gulf of Mexico, and on the south by FPL’s southernmost customer in Collier County.1 (FPL’s Ft. Myers Power Plant is north of and nearby the Orange River substation and is interconnected with that substation with transmission lines.) The proposed FPL Corridor is approximately 53.9 miles in length. If approved, FPL expects to incorporate an approximately 14-mile 230-kV transmission line into the new line between the Orangetree substation, located (south) on Immokalee Road (CR 846), and the intersection of FPL’s existing Collier- Orange #1 and #2 transmission Common ROW and Livingston Road. (See FPL Exhibit 4 for the location of the proposed FPL Corridor, the FPL Common ROW, and other landmarks.) There are three 138-kV lines flowing south out of the Ft. Myers Power Plant and a fourth radial line that is not included in the Project Service Area. There are four existing 230-kV lines flowing southeast out of the Ft. Myers Power Plant to the Orange River substation. (See FPL Exhibit 10.) There are three 230-kV lines that flow south out of the Orange River substation and eventually terminate at the Collier substation to the south. One phase is known as Collier- Orange River #1 and the other is Collier-Orange River #2. A third 230-kV line runs from the Orange River substation south along the Common ROW then west to the Alico substation and then from Alico (loops back to the east) and south along the Common ROW to the Collier substation. (See FPL Exhibit 10.) One 500-kV line flows south out of the Orange River substation along the Common ROW and then, east of the Southwest Florida International Airport, flows east to Andytown. Id. The Project Service Area is an electrical “peninsula,” that is, all electricity is brought into the area and flows from the north to the south from the Fort Myers Power Plant or the Orange River substation and then south. (See FPL Exhibits 9 and 10.) The Project Service Area is dependent on the transmission line system to import electricity from the north. (The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) found, in part, that “[t]he principal bulk transmission link into the region south of Ft. Myers is an existing 230-kV connection between the Orange River substation, just east of Ft. Myers, and the Collier substation adjacent to Naples. Thus, the area south of Ft. Myers, including Naples, is considered an electrical peninsula.”) The primary path for transmission lines bringing electricity into the Project Service Area is on the existing Common ROW between the Orange River substation east of Fort Myers in Lee County and the Collier substation east of Naples in Collier County. This single Common ROW contains all three of the 230-kV transmission lines, as well as some other 138-kV and a 500-kV transmission line segments, that collectively bring about 70-75 percent of the electricity into the Project Service Area. See also Findings of Fact 22-24. The three objectives of the COR #3 Line project are: (1) to address the need, as confirmed by the PSC, to provide FPL’s existing and future customers in the Project Service Area with additional electricity; (2) to enhance the reliability of electric service to the customers in the Project Service Area by locating the new line on a geographically separate route from the existing lines on the Common ROW; and (3) to provide a secondary feed, known as “looping,” to the new Orangetree distribution substation in eastern Collier County. Need for the COR #3 Line The PSC determined a new 230-kV transmission line between the Orange River substation and the Collier substation is needed, taking into account the need for electric system reliability and integrity in Southwest Florida and the need to provide abundant, low-cost electrical energy to assure the economic well-being of the citizens of the State, particularly those in Southwest Florida. The PSC noted that FPL’s planning studies indicate this additional transmission capacity will be needed by December 2005 to alleviate potential overloads and low voltage conditions that could result from a single contingency event.2 The PSC found that construction of the COR #3 Line on a route that is geographically separate from the Common ROW will enhance system reliability, integrity, and restoration of service more than locating the line on the existing Common ROW. The PSC also found that placement of the COR #3 Line on the existing Common ROW is “not optimal” due to concerns with serving the Project Service Area via a “single corridor”3 and the “inability for future expansion of FPL’s transmission system to the east of the existing corridor” or Common ROW. The PSC recognized, however, that any party to the site certification hearing may propose an alternate corridor and that the Siting Board will make the final corridor selection upon consideration of the factors and criteria specified in Section 403.529, Florida Statutes. Transmission Line Design The typical design for the COR #3 Line will be a single-pole unguyed concrete structure, 90 feet above grade in height, with the conductors framed in a vertical configuration. Each of the three conductors is anticipated to be a 1,431 thousand circular mils (kcmil), aluminum conductor, steel reinforced alumoweld core (ACSR/AW). There will also be a smaller overhead ground wire to provide shielding and lightning protection for the conductors. The maximum current rating (MCR) for the line will be 1,905 amperes.4 In some locations, electric distribution lines and communication cables may also be attached to the structures beneath the conductors. The span length between structures will typically vary between 250 feet and 700 feet, depending on site-specific ROW widths and other design considerations. Both pole height and span length may vary to accommodate such things as locating poles to coincide with property boundaries or existing collocated utility facility poles, to minimize or avoid wetland impacts, to cross other utility lines, and to facilitate wide crossings of water bodies and roadways. Shorter structures may be required in proximity to an airstrip to comply with applicable clear zones. Where the transmission line turns angles in excess of 10-15 degrees, the structures may be guyed to support the differential tension. Access roads and structure pads will be constructed only where necessary to provide access for construction, maintenance, and emergency restoration. Pads may be installed in low or wet areas. Access roads may be built in some areas where linear features, such as an existing line or road, do not exist. Where constructed, the typical road top width will be about 14 feet, with a 2:1 side slope, and a minimum elevation of 6 inches over mean or seasonal high water. Structure pads will have variable sizes (e.g., 45’X50’, 34’X50’, and 35’X60’), depending on site-specific requirements, but will be of sufficient size to provide access to structure locations for the large construction equipment. Access roads and structure pads will not be paved. Culverts will be installed beneath access roads and structure pads with spacing, diameter, and length to maintain pre-construction flows. The design of the COR #3 Line complies with good engineering practices. Transmission Line Construction The transmission line will be constructed in seven phases: surveying; ROW clearing; construction of access roads and structure pads; line construction; pole framing; line stringing; and ROW restoration. Surveying the ROW to facilitate acquisition of the necessary property interests is a first step towards construction. Since 95 percent of the FPL Corridor is collocated with existing roads and utility facilities, the need for acquisition of private property has been minimized. After property rights have been acquired, the initial phase of construction is to clear the ROW. Collocation of the FPL Corridor with existing roads and utility facilities will enable required clearing to be minimized. Clearing will consist mainly of tree trimming and the occasional removal of trees that exceed or are capable of exceeding 14 feet in height. In wetlands, trees capable of exceeding 14 feet in height that could come in conflict with the line will be removed by hand-clearing or use of very low ground pressure equipment. Low-growing herbaceous vegetation will not be cleared from wetlands. After the ROW is cleared, any necessary access roads and structure pads will be constructed. Typically, access road and pads are only required in wet and low areas. This enables all subsequent construction activity in those wet areas to remain on the newly constructed access road and pad. The next phases of construction involve the physical transmission line construction. Initially, materials are brought to the jobsite. Next, holes are augered at each pole location and the poles are then erected using cranes or other heavy equipment. The hole is then backfilled with the excavated material or, if that material is unsuitable, with suitable fill from offsite. Typically, the pole is embedded into the ground approximately 16 feet to 20 feet. After the poles are set, the poles are framed; that is, the insulators and hardware are installed on the pole.5 Then through a wire pulling operation the conductors and overhead ground wires are installed. The conductors are then properly sagged and tensioned to provide the proper vertical clearances. Next, the conductors are “clipped in” to the insulator assemblies. The final stage of construction is ROW restoration or clean up. During all stages of construction, FPL will maintain traffic on any adjacent county, state or federal roadways in compliance with applicable Management of Traffic (MOT) regulations or plans. Throughout construction, sedimentation management techniques, such as the use of silt screens and hay bales, will be employed as necessary to minimize potential impacts from erosion and sedimentation. Turbidity testing is also performed. While each phase of construction will typically take only one to seven days in an area, the entire COR #3 Line construction process will last approximately 13 months. The COR #3 Line will be constructed in compliance with all applicable design codes, including the National Electrical Safety Code, the DEP’s regulations on electric and magnetic fields,6 the Florida DOT Utility Accommodation Manual, the Lee County and Collier County noise ordinances, and standards of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers (IEEE), American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI), as well as FPL’s own design standards. See Findings of Fact 226 and 252. Methodology for Choosing the FPL Corridor Importance of Geographic Separation On project initiation, FPL management instructed its multi-disciplinary corridor selection team to identify, if it could (“to the greatest extent practicable”), a corridor for the COR #3 Line that is geographically separate from the existing Common ROW. This instruction was based on the importance of maintaining some geographic separation between the existing Common ROW and the new COR #3 Line to enhance reliability of electric service in the electrical peninsula to be served by the new line. It is not prudent utility planning or practice to carry excessive amounts of power on any one line, substation, transformer or transmission ROW. While FPL has approximately 15 common ROWs on its system with power transfer capability equivalent to four 230-kV transmission lines or more, no common ROW, other than the one between the Orange River and Collier substations, is an electrical peninsula that lacks a power generation source at one end. In other words, the existing Common ROW between the Orange River and Collier substations is the only Common ROW on the FPL system that serves an electrical “peninsula.” Since all other FPL common ROWs have a generation source at both ends, the historical outages, resulting when all of the transmission lines on those ROWs were taken out of service, have generally been on the order of hours or minutes. This may be because FPL has the ability to respond quickly, if by no other means, by restarting those power plants on either end of the common ROW to get electricity back to its customers. This strategy is not a reasonable option in the Project Service Area because there are no electric generating plants connected to the transmission system within the Project Service Area south of the Orange River substation. The planning standards of the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) provide that there are situations when it is appropriate for a utility to decide to do more than is required by those standards. In determining whether to go beyond NERC standards, the consequences of a situation occurring may be considered even if the frequency of such a situation causing an electrical outage would be rare. In this case, FPL decided that a worst case scenario loss of up to 80 percent of the electric capacity (all transmission lines on the Common ROW including the COR #3) in the Project Service Area potentially for as long as six days, which could affect about 600,000 people (less the population of the Project Service Area that may be served via the 138-kV transmission lines), was a severe enough consequence to warrant identifying a geographically separate ROW to the extent possible.7 See also Findings of Fact 185 and 297. Corridor Selection and Public Involvement FPL established a multi-disciplinary team to identify and evaluate routing alternatives within the Project Study Area. This multi-disciplinary team was comprised of a transmission line engineer, a land use planner, and an ecologist. As noted herein, FPL management provided the team with the major premise that FPL wanted a geographically separate corridor for the COR # Line. During the route evaluation study, the multi-disciplinary team did not identify or evaluate the Common ROW as a route option, nor did they seek input from the public on use of the Common ROW for the COR #3 Line. However, the team responded to public inquiry on this subject and explained to the public the basis for FPL’s desire for a geographically separate corridor. FPL’s multi-disciplinary team gathered data on siting opportunities and constraints within the study area,8 and identified dozens of line segments which could be assembled into more than 3,700 alternate routes for the COR #3 Line. FPL also engaged in an extensive public participation program to gather input for its route evaluation study. This public participation program included several open houses, establishment of a Community Advisory Panel, mass mailings, a community survey, a toll-free telephone number, a website, and numerous meetings with regulatory agencies, community associations, homeowner groups, and individual homeowners and property owners. The public participation program provided substantive input to the route evaluation study in terms of a study area boundary, siting opportunities and constraints in the area, identification of route segments to be evaluated, and weights to be assigned to the route evaluation criteria. For example, the study area is dominated by a very large area of environmentally- sensitive lands, wetlands, and lands acquired or proposed for acquisition under several land acquisition programs for conservation purposes, generally referred to as the Corkscrew Swamp System. Due to input from the community during the public participation program, the multi-disciplinary team expanded the study area to the east to include route alignments suggested by the public/agency participants that could avoid the environmentally sensitive Corkscrew Swamp System. FPL’s multi-disciplinary team evaluated the 3,700+ routes quantitatively, using ten weighted criteria, and then evaluated in more detail, using both quantitative and qualitative criteria, the top three distinct routes. The Gencore (literally generates corridors) computer software was used to help the team identify highly ranked distinct alternatives (combinations of segments), which were then subject to further, more detailed evaluation. (The FPL Corridor was ranked using the Gencore computer analysis and it became number 16 out of 3,784 alternatives studied.) Ultimately, FPL’s multi-disciplinary team identified the route of the FPL Corridor as providing the most appropriate minimization and balance of factors to address the project objectives. At the public hearing held on February 11, 2004, a representative of the CREW Land and Water Trust, a non-profit public/private partnership organization formed in 1989 to protect the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed expressed appreciation for FPL’s public participation work with other interests in the area to identify its FPL Corridor. Collier County Commissioner Tom Henning also noted FPL’s impressive public involvement efforts in selecting its FPL Corridor. Once the preferred alignment was identified, the multi-disciplinary team delineated the boundaries (width) of the FPL Corridor to provide flexibility, including efforts to avoid or minimize impacts, for locating the eventual ROW within that corridor. The southernmost 1.8-mile segment of the FPL Corridor uses the existing Common ROW. After FPL’s multi-disciplinary team met significant community opposition to the geographically separate alternative routes identified by FPL in this area, FPL determined that the risk of using the Common ROW for this short segment was acceptable because: the Common ROW is significantly wider in this segment than to the north and allows for some physical separation between the COR #3 Line and the existing 230-kV lines; if a multiple outage of all lines on the Common ROW occurred in this 1.8-mile segment, fewer people would be affected than if the outage occurred further to the north because power could still be provided to several substations located to the north of this 1.8 mile segment; and the likelihood of a multiple outage of all lines in this 1.8-mile segment is lower than anywhere else along the Common ROW because there is extensive development on either side of the ROW and a major roadway on the east, lessening the likelihood of a wildfire, vandalism, sabotage or terrorism. Agencies’ Review of FPL’s Application and Resulting Determinations Each state, regional, and local agency with regulatory authority over the project reviewed FPL’s Application and submitted to the DEP a report as to the impact of the proposed COR #3 Line on matters within the agency’s jurisdiction, as required by Section 403.526(2), Florida Statutes. The DEP then compiled these reports and made a recommendation that the COR #3 Line be granted approval, subject to appropriate conditions, which have been amended. See Preliminary Statement, p. 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE FPL CORRIDOR Approximately 95 percent of the FPL Corridor is collocated with existing linear features, such as roads and transmission lines. This collocation will minimize impacts of the new COR #3 Line. Approximately three miles of the total line length of the FPL Corridor is not immediately adjacent to either a dedicated road ROW and/or an existing transmission line ROW. The width of the FPL Corridor varies along the route to provide flexibility within the corridor to minimize or avoid impacts to such areas as existing developments and large wetland areas. A large portion of the FPL Corridor is within the territory of the LCEC. From the Orange River Substation to State Road (SR) 82 The FPL Corridor begins at the north at the Orange River substation, which is east of Fort Myers. From the Orange River substation, the FPL Corridor proceeds west for about one mile along the north side of, and generally paralleling, Homestead Lane/Tice Street. In this area, the corridor is 2,600 feet wide to provide flexibility in meeting the FAA and Lee County tall structure ordinance clearance requirements from the Strayhorn airstrip south of Homestead Lane. Approximately one mile west of the substation, the corridor turns south and is located on an existing FPL 138-kV 100 and 160 foot-wide transmission line ROW for about three miles to SR 82. The land uses around the substation are primarily agricultural and some low-density residential. Along the existing FPL ROW in this segment, the land uses are primarily agricultural, with some low-density development to the west of the FPL Corridor. This segment of the FPL Corridor includes development, lands undergoing development, and agricultural lands that have very little or no value from a vegetation and wildlife perspective. The few isolated natural habitats in this segment have already been affected by man’s activities. At the public hearing, two residents who live on Tice Street expressed concern for the COR #3 Line being placed close to their homes and asked that the line be placed on the existing Common ROW or in the far northern section of the FPL Corridor. FPL has agreed to a condition of certification that requires it to locate the COR #3 Line north of Tice Lane (and Homestead Road) in order to minimize potential impacts to the existing residential areas. (See Joint Exhibit 5A, p.11-Condition of Certification XVIII.D. See also March 17, 2004, draft of conditions, p. 11, filed at DOAH with the Proposed Recommended Order submitted by FPL and other parties and April 19, 2004, Notice of Filing Corrected Conditions of Certification, paragraph D, “FPL agrees to locate the transmission line north of Homestead Road and Tice Lane in order to minimize potential impacts to the existing residential areas subject to the preferred corridor.” This latter set of draft conditions were not admitted into evidence and should be considered by the Siting Board with all parties given an opportunity to comment thereon.) Notwithstanding, the residents were concerned that the precise location of the line was unknown. Along SR 82 to Sunshine Boulevard (Including “Line Swap”) At SR 82, the FPL Corridor turns east and follows SR 82 in a southeasterly direction for about 7.5 miles to the intersection with Sunshine Boulevard and Green Meadows Road. In this area, the corridor is 500 feet wide, centered on SR 82, to allow the possibility of placing the COR #3 Line on either side of the roadway. Where this segment crosses the existing Common ROW, FPL will use a “line swap” configuration to maintain a separation of about one-half mile between the new COR #3 Line and the existing transmission lines on the Common ROW.9 See FPL Exhibits 6-7.) Thus, the FPL Corridor includes a lateral 400- foot-wide segment in this area that follows Buckingham Road for about 2,500 feet to the east of the Common ROW and then traverses south along the west side of the section line to SR 82. The land use along the north side of SR 82 is the Lehigh Acres residential subdivision. On the south side of SR 82, the land uses are largely agricultural. In the vicinity of the “line swap,” on the north side of Buckingham Road, is Lee County’s resource recovery facility. See Finding of Fact 75. Due to the presence of a major roadway, Lehigh Acres, a large subdivision north of SR 82, and developing lands and farmlands south of SR 82, there are some natural habitats, but in this segment of the FPL Corridor, the natural habitats have been somewhat diminished. The approximately one-mile portion of this segment that is not collocated with existing roads or transmission lines crosses pine flatwoods and mixed forest habitat in an area that is already disturbed by the east-west crossing of Colonial Boulevard. Lee County’s resource recovery (or “waste-to-energy”) facility, including an incinerator and recycling facility, is located on the north side of Buckingham Road. Lee County plans to expand the recycling facility by extending it about 140 feet- 150 feet to the south, towards Buckingham Road. The recycling facility’s rezoning approval requires a 200-foot setback from Buckingham Road, including a significant vegetative buffer. These requirements will continue to be met with the expansion of the recycling facility, even though some of the vegetative buffer that exists between the recycling facility and Buckingham Road will have to be removed. Lee County is concerned that even more vegetation in that buffer will have to be removed if the COR #3 Line is placed on the north side of Buckingham Road. FPL has agreed to locate the COR #3 Line south of the northern ROW line of Buckingham Road in Lee County, if possible. If FPL is unable to obtain the necessary property interests to place the transmission line ROW within this area, FPL will locate the transmission line adjacent to the northern edge of the road ROW, such that there is no intervening land between the transmission line and the Buckingham Road ROW. Any trees or shrubs disturbed by FPL north of the centerline of Buckingham Road ROW will be replaced on adjacent Lee County property at FPL's expense. (See Joint Exhibit 5A, p. 12, Condition of Certification XVIII.G. See also March 17, 2004, draft of conditions, p. 11.) From the Intersection of SR 82 and Sunshine Boulevard/Green Meadows Road to FPL’s 500-kV Transmission Line ROW At the intersection of SR 82 and Sunshine Boulevard and Green Meadows Road, the FPL Corridor turns south and follows Green Meadows Road, a private road, for about two miles to the existing FPL 500-kV transmission line ROW. A new ROW will be required here. In this area, the corridor is 200 feet wide, is centered on Green Meadows Road, and includes the roadbed of Green Meadows Road within its boundaries. The land uses on the west side of Green Meadows Road are primarily agricultural. On the east side, there is some vacant land, some agricultural land, and some low-density residential land use, perhaps with a density of five residential units per acre. (During the public hearing, there was testimony that there are approximately five residences on Green Meadows Road.) Other than the isolated freshwater marsh along the southwest side of Green Meadows Road, the agricultural and residential areas along Green Meadows Road are of little or no ecological value. Intervenor, Kenneth E. Smith, owns a home on the east side of Green Meadows Road. Mr. Smith expressed concern about the aesthetics of the transmission line, property values, the potential proximity of the line to his home and potential health risks associated with the line being nearby his home, and emergency evacuation if an extreme event brought down one or more transmission structures. Mr. Smith suggested that the FPL line be “co-located to existing facilities” and not along Green Meadows Road. Lines of similar design to the COR #3 Line exist in all types of land uses throughout Florida. The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) governs the proximity of transmission lines to structures, and FPL has committed to comply with that Code. In emergency situations where there is a concern that evacuation could be hampered, residents have the option to go to a shelter established within the County for such purposes. Moreover, FPL has agreed to a condition of certification that requires it to finalize a route that minimizes potential adverse impacts to the existing residences on the east side of Green Meadows Road by locating the transmission line on the west side of the road to the extent practicable. (Joint Exhibit 5A, p. 11, Condition of Certification XVIII.E. See also March 17, 2004, draft of conditions, p. 11 and April 19, 2004, corrected conditions, paragraph E- “To the extent practicable, FPL must finalize a route that minimizes potential adverse impacts to the existing residential areas on Green Meadows Road by locating the transmission line on the west side of Green Meadows Road.”) At the public hearing, a property owner with mining interests on both sides of Green Meadows Road expressed support for placement of the COR #3 Line on the existing Common ROW. The same person is president of the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association, which is located in a rectangular area at the south bend in Immokalee Road, near Corkscrew Swamp and Bird Rookery Swamp to the west. See Finding of Fact 98. (See FPL Exhibit 4.) Along the FPL 500-kV Transmission Line ROW At the intersection of Green Meadows Road and the FPL Andytown-Orange River 500-kV 330 foot-wide transmission line ROW, the FPL Corridor turns southeast and runs along the 500-kV ROW for approximately 13 miles. In this segment, the FPL Corridor is 400 feet wide to include the existing FPL 500-kV ROW plus 70 feet to the north of that ROW. The land uses along this segment are primarily agricultural and some vacant land. The western portion of this segment (Lee County) of the FPL Corridor includes many natural areas; however, the wildlife habitats that actually occur on the FPL 500-kV ROW are shrub and brushland and some freshwater marshes. The eastern portion (Collier County) of this segment of the FPL Corridor is mostly citrus lands, which have very little or no value to wildlife. From the FPL 500-kV Transmission Line ROW to Immokalee Road At a point approximately two miles west of the intersection of SR 82 and SR 29, the FPL Corridor turns south and follows section lines and an existing LCEC 138-kV transmission line ROW for approximately six miles. In this six- mile segment, the corridor is 300 feet wide, centered on the LCEC transmission ROW, except in an area of development near Lake Trafford Road where the corridor is reduced to 200 feet to avoid intrusion into existing residential development to the west. About two miles north of Immokalee Road, the LCEC line turns to the east, but the FPL Corridor continues south to Immokalee Road. In this two-mile segment, the corridor is 500 feet wide. The land uses in this segment are primarily agricultural and vacant land, except in the vicinity of Lake Trafford, where there is residential development on the west side of the FPL Corridor around Lake Trafford Road. On the east side of the FPL Corridor, just north of Lake Trafford Road, there is a proposed Habitat for Humanity subdivision. See Finding of Fact 91. The portion of this segment north of Lake Trafford Road is largely citrus and residential lands, which have very little or no value to wildlife. South of Lake Trafford Road, the FPL Corridor crosses two small wetland systems that are a part of the Corkscrew Swamp System. The first of these is crossed in a location where the FPL Corridor is collocated with the LCEC 138-kV transmission line and access road. This prior disturbance has created a shrub swamp habitat in this wetland. (The “unnamed flowway” is located east of Lake Trafford.) Farther to the south along this segment, the FPL Corridor crosses agricultural lands and a narrow section of Baucomb Strand, which is primarily forested and somewhat undisturbed. (See FPL Exhibit 4.) BCC owns four sections of land along the north side of Immokalee Road, west of the intersection of Immokalee Road and the LCEC ROW in this segment. This property is within the Immokalee urban area, which allows for a more intense future residential use. See also Finding of Fact 2. At the public hearing, an officer of Habitat for Humanity of Collier County, Inc., expressed concern that placement of the COR #3 Line in this segment would preclude use of five lots within a proposed adjacent 165-lot Habitat for Humanity development. However, in this location FPL will collocate the COR #3 Line entirely within the LCEC easement, and there is not likely to be an impact on any of the proposed Habitat building lots. This segment of the FPL Corridor is within the territory of the LCEC. Currently, LCEC receives its electricity from FPL’s Buckingham substation, from which it serves about 29,000 of its customers on a radial line.10 If the COR #3 Line is located in this segment of the FPL Corridor, LCEC plans to construct a 230- to 138-kV substation in Collier County near the LCEC’s Immokalee substation to provide reliability looping to three of its four existing substations and two proposed substations in this portion of its territory. The proposed interconnection between the COR #3 Line and the LCEC system will also improve the reliability to its fourth existing substation by taking 20-30 miles off its single source line. Without looping of LCEC’s substations, if the source of power is lost at the FPL Buckingham substation or if LCEC’s radial line is taken out of service at any location, it would cause a blackout to the residents served downstream from that loss of service. Currently, there is no alternative source of power for LCEC’s substations. Along Immokalee Road to Orangetree Substation The FPL Corridor follows the Immokalee Road (County Road (CR) 846) alignment, turning west, south, and west again for approximately 15 miles to the Orangetree substation, which is located on the south side of Immokalee Road, just west of Wilson Boulevard in eastern Collier County. For most of this 15-mile segment, the corridor is 400 feet wide, centered on Immokalee Road, allowing collocation along either side of the road ROW. For the last two miles northeast of the Orangetree substation, while the corridor continues to include both sides of Immokalee Road, it is narrowed on the east side to exclude existing residential development and is 300 feet wide. This segment of the FPL Corridor traverses largely agricultural land, some low-density residential areas, and vacant land, some of which is a portion of the Corkscrew Swamp System proposed for acquisition as conservation lands. This crossing of Camp Keais Strand (a Cypress and freshwater marsh system) is designated as Save Our Rivers lands, and occurs where Camp Keais Strand is already impacted by the crossing of Immokalee Road. (See FPL Exhibit 4.) Along this segment of the FPL Corridor, there is little existing residential development. There is one planned residential area, the Orangetree and Waterways of Naples community, and the low-density development of the Golden Gate Estates subdivision that is a very large residential subdivision. The gross densities of these developments are .77 units per acre for Orangetree/Waterways of Naples, and .44 units per acre for Golden Gate Estates. Farther to the west, after Immokalee Road has turned to the south, the FPL Corridor crosses the eastern edge of Bird Rookery Swamp. It is in this location that a Cardinal Air Plant was observed on the west side of Immokalee Road. See Finding of Fact 269. FPL has agreed to Condition of Certification XVIII. that requires FPL to use all available means to locate the transmission line ROW to the east of Immokalee Road in this area. (Joint Exhibit 5A, Condition of Certification XVIII. F., p. 11.) To the east of Immokalee Road lie predominantly agricultural and developing lands, which have very little or no value to wildlife. Transmission Lines in Rural Areas CE offered testimony expressing concern for placement of the COR #3 Line in this rural area. However, transmission lines are common in such rural areas since these lines are used to: provide connections between urban areas, as would the COR #3 Line; interconnect systems of different electric utilities; transport power from power plants, which are often in rural areas, to where the electricity is used; bring electricity to processing facilities, such as phosphate and juice processing plants, which are also often in rural areas. In rural areas, transmission lines are commonly sited along rural roadways. At the public hearing, the president of the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association expressed support for placement of the COR #3 Line on the existing Common ROW. His concern with the FPL Corridor in this segment was the aesthetic impact on the rural area and the increased cost of using the FPL Corridor. See also Finding of Fact 82. Plans for Future Development Adjacent to the eastern area of this segment of the FPL Corridor, CE owns approximately 1,920 acres north of Immokalee Road and approximately 19,000 acres to the south of the road. See Finding of Fact 4. CE’s property, which is already bisected by Immokalee Road, is not subject to urban development, such as commercial, residential, industrial, or recreational development, except some lands are used for recreational hunting. The property is used for agriculture, water management and environmental uses. These lands are part of the Collier County Rural Lands Stewardship Area, within which a property owner may designate agricultural lands and sensitive habitats as sending areas to transfer development rights to other property, called receiving areas. (Mr. Conrecode identified land north and south of Immokalee Road until Oil Well Road, as holdings or parcels of concern. The uses are “primarily cattle grazing, vegetation grow crop production and environmental.”) CE is in the process of designating these lands, but has not yet decided which of this property to designate as sending or receiving areas. The rural character of this area may be short-lived, as CE plans to develop its property adjacent to this segment of the FPL Corridor within the next 5 to 10 years. Such development could include residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, ecological, and mining and minerals extraction. One of CE’s goals is to maximize the potential return on its properties. CE is concerned placement of the COR #3 Line adjacent to its property would impact the viewscape of the Camp Keais flowway area, the access to its property from Immokalee Road, and its ability to use the 20+ mile-long Camp Keais natural environmental system as a visual amenity to other properties. (See FPL Exhibit 4 for the location of Camp Keais.) CE is also concerned that when it develops its land adjacent to the COR #3 Line it will have to spend money to buffer and offset the visual and perceived impacts to residents and other business uses in the area by installing berming and landscaping. In the eastern area of this segment, west of the lands referenced above that are owned by CE, BCC owns four square miles of property on the north side of Immokalee Road. See Finding of Fact 2. As noted herein, most of the BCC lands that border Immokalee Road are Stewardship Receiving Areas under the Collier County Comprehensive Plan. This land could receive future residential development up to a density of four dwelling units per acre. BCC anticipates this land will be developed (residential with commercial within the community) within the next 10-15 years. Incorporation of Existing 230-kV Line from Orangetree Substation to FPL Common ROW (Not To Be Certified) The COR #3 Line will incorporate an existing 230-kV transmission line from the Orangetree substation west along the north side of the Immokalee Road ROW, south along Collier Boulevard or CR 951, and then west following an existing FPL transmission ROW (with a single 138-kV transmission line within the ROW) to a point along the existing Common ROW at its intersection with Livingston Road, approximately 1.8 miles north of the Collier substation. Certification is not being sought for this segment of the line. Southernmost 1.8 Miles of Existing Common ROW The final segment of the FPL Corridor follows the easternmost 250 feet of the existing 405 foot-wide Common ROW from the western end of the Orangetree 230-kv transmission line, south to Collier substation. The corridor follows the west side of Livingston Road. The land uses in this area are primarily existing planned residential development. The urbanized character of this segment precludes the presence of any significant wildlife habitat in this area. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERNATE CORRIDOR The Alternate Corridor is approximately 36.8 miles long and is proposed to lie generally in or adjacent to FPL’s Common ROW transmission corridor that runs between the Orange River and Collier substations. As described in more detail above, the Alternate Corridor will leave the Common ROW at the intersection of the Common ROW and Immokalee Road and proceed east along Immokalee Road across CR 951 to the Orangetree substation. Like the FPL Corridor, the Alternate Corridor will connect at the Orangetree substation to incorporate FPL’s new 14-mile long 230-kV line (currently under construction) to accomplish completion of the new 230-kV circuit from FPL’s Orange River substation to the Collier substation. Unlike the FPL Corridor, the Alternate Corridor was selected by the CE/BCC consultants without any public outreach to obtain input from the community.11 The consultants gathered information about the location of properties owned by CE and BCC. Other than the Grey Oaks Development adjacent to the existing Common ROW, which ROW is incorporated into the southernmost 1.8 miles of both the FPL Corridor and the Alternate Corridor, there is no CE or BCC property adjacent to or traversed by the Alternate Corridor. See Findings of Fact 2-5. During the public hearing, Collier County Commissioner Tom Henning stated, in part, that he “would have hoped” that CE and BCC would have had a public meeting in the community prior to selecting the Alternate Corridor like FPL had done when selecting its FPL Corridor. Utilization of the Existing Common ROW The BCC and CE Alternate Corridor exits the Orange River substation on the existing Common ROW and proceeds south approximately 30 miles to Immokalee Road. (See FPL Exhibit 4 and CE Exhibit 61.) The existing Common ROW within the Alternate Corridor is wide enough to accommodate at least two additional 230-kV circuits. This segment of the Alternate Corridor within the Common ROW traverses over nine miles of wetlands. See Finding of Fact 286. The specific number of acres of wetlands that may be impacted by placing the COR #3 Line in the Alternate Corridor is unknown. On-site wetland delineations would be performed, if the Alternate Corridor were chosen, to locate the jurisdictional limits of the wetlands. Specific pole locations and pad locations and sizing would need to be determined. Thereafter, impacts to wetlands would be determined. From a review of aerial photography it appears that the Common ROW has not been cleared from edge to edge and certainly not maintained routinely edge-to-edge. Some wetland vegetation clearing may be required in order to construct a new line on the opposite side of the existing poles if those are selected. Immokalee Road From Existing Common ROW to Orangetree Substation At the intersection of the Common ROW and Immokalee Road, the Alternate Corridor turns east and follows Immokalee Road approximately 8.5 miles to the Orangetree substation. (See FPL Exhibit 4 and CE Exhibit 61.) To provide for making the eastward turn at the intersection, the proposed Alternate Corridor is extended to 500 feet on either side of the centerline of the existing Common ROW from a point 1,000 feet north of the intersection of the Common ROW and Immokalee Road to the same intersection. From that intersection, the Alternate Corridor extends east to the Orangetree substation, along Immokalee road, at a width of 500 feet, north and south from the centerline of Immokalee Road (for a total of 1,000 feet in width). (See CE Exhibit 29, p. 2.) There are 20 planned residential communities and one section of the Golden Gate Estates subdivision along the Immokalee Road portion of the Alternate Corridor. The gross densities of these residential developments range from .51 to 12 units per acre on the north side of Immokalee Road, and from 2.11 to 12.84 units per acre on the south side of the road. On the north side of Immokalee Road, all but one of the residential developments has gross densities greater than one unit per acre. On the south side of Immokalee Road all but one of the residential developments have gross densities greater than three units per acre. There is one planned residential community that is actually developed into two communities, Orangetree (Orangetree and Waterways of Naples), and eight units of Golden Gate Estates residential subdivision located along the north or west and south or east sides of the Immokalee Road portion of the FPL Corridor. The gross density for the Orangetree planned community is .77 units per acre and .44 units per acre for Golden Gates Estates. See Finding of Fact 94. The land segment west of CR 951 is more urban and developed, as opposed to the land segment east of CR 951, which is more rural. Siting Constraints within Immokalee Road ROW There was diverging evidence on whether the COR #3 Line could be located and constructed within the Immokalee Road ROW along the ROW segment from the FPL Common ROW running east along Immokalee Road to the intersection of CR 951. During the public hearing, Donald Scott, the director of Collier County's Transportation Planning Department, testified and appeared in this capacity. He stated that Collier County is going to widen to six lanes, the portion of Immokalee Road from Livingston Road (the FPL Common ROW) to CR 951, i.e., a portion of the Alternate Corridor. (See FPL Exhibit 4 for the location of the road-widening project.) He also stated that the County has “some concerns with where the poles might possibly be placed in regards to utilities and other issues we’re dealing with within the corridor.” He wanted “to be on the record to raise our concerns - - and need for more work. [He understood] it can be within a wide corridor and it might not affect the road, but we have concerns with our widening, and would like to work with F.P.L. more and see if it’s even feasible.” Mr. Scott further explained: “The section from Livingston to I-75 will start construction by the end of this year. It’s about 90 percent design plans right now. The section from I-75 to County Road 951 is due to start 2006 with a design build.” Mr. Scott also stated: “We’re having a lot of problems particularly between Livingston and I-75.” During their case-in-chief, BCC and CE’s experts, Dr. Glover and Ms. Day, opined that the COR #3 Line could be located within the Alternate Corridor along Immokalee Road from the FPL Common ROW east to the intersection at CR 951. Dr. Glover opined, in part, that the COR #3 Line could be built on the north side of Immokalee Road, between the road and the SFWMD canal with good engineering practices. He based his opinion, in part, on the placement of an existing 230 kV line on concrete, single pole structures that start at the Orangetree substation and run westerly to Collier Boulevard (CR 951), located on the north side of Immokalee Road and south of the canal. Ms. Day thought that there may be room for the line within the 1,000-foot corridor. She was uncertain as to a specific location for the line within the corridor, but suggested that it would be the subject of more detailed studies. During rebuttal and in response to the testimony of Dr. Glover and Ms. Day that the COR #3 Line can be built in the Alternate Corridor segment as described above, FPL’s transmission line engineer, Mr. Hronec testified over objection that he was doubtful that the COR #3 Line could be built within the Immokalee Road ROW in this segment due to road widening plans and the presence of multiple underground utilities. (As discussed in more detail below, Mr. Hronec also opined that a line could not be located within the SFWMD canal north of Immokalee road.) His opinion testimony was based upon conversations with the Collier County Transportation Planning and Engineering Departments, a review of the County’s proposed road projects and plans to widen the segment, and personal observations of the segment. (As of FPL’s case-in-chief when Mr. Hronec testified initially, he had not studied the ROW to the west of CR 951 in the same detail as he had to the east of CR 951.) There are numerous utility facilities in place within Immokalee Road ROW in this segment of the Alternate Corridor, both north and south of the road pavement. There is also a generally continuous guardrail adjacent to the north side of the roadway. There appear to be guardrails on the south side of the road, but not continuous. By agreement of the parties, memorialized in the Order dated February 24, 2004, page 2, CE was authorized to file transcripts of deposition(s) in response to Mr. Hronec’s rebuttal testimony. On March 19, 2004, CE timely filed the transcript of the deposition of Mr. Conrecode. Mr. Conrecode, a Florida-registered Professional Engineer, was formerly the capital projects director for Collier County and the public works administrator for Collier County. In both positions, he had responsibility to design and plan the road network in Collier County as well as the construction of existing road facilities and new road corridors. He is also involved with other transportation-related entities. Mr. Conrecode reviewed Collier County’s plans for the widening of Immokalee Road within the Alternate Corridor. He also spoke with Clarence Tears, the director of the Big Cypress Basin, regarding the concerns of SFWMD. Mr. Conrecode opined that there was “substantial amount of space between the guardrail at the north side of the road and the top bank of the canal” to place the transmission line poles. (He also took into consideration the location of existing underground utilities.) He also stated, “the configuration on the north side of Immokalee Road is very similar to what FP&L encountered on [CR] 951 as they ran the connection from the Collier substation to the [n]ew Orange Street [sic] substation, the proximity from the top of the bank to the edge of the road.” Mr. Conrecode also opined that the transmission line could be located within the canal ROW north of the canal and on the south side of the canal. He felt that the area north of the canal had the best and most abundant access east of I-75, but that it was not the only engineering solution. He also opined that the transmission line could be placed within the SFWMD ROW, i.e., placed longitudinally in the SFWMD ROW, notwithstanding, Mr. Hronec’s testimony to the contrary. No persuasive evidence was offered regarding the specific setbacks required from the existing utilities, guardrails or pavement to establish the COR #3 Line in this area. DOT road-design standards would need to be consulted. Siting Constraints to the North of Immokalee Road ROW To the north of the Immokalee Road ROW between Livingston Road and CR 951, there is a SFWMD canal. Mr. Hronec opined that SFWMD prohibits construction of electric transmission lines longitudinally within their ROW (“works of the district,” here the canal). Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40E-6 pertains to the “works of the [SFWMD].” Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-6.011(4) provides: “The District has determined that an unencumbered 40 foot wide strip of right of way, measured from the top of the bank landward, is required in order for the District to perform the required routine and emergency operations and maintenance activities necessary to insure flood protection to the entire community. In this 40 foot right of way, subject only to limited exceptions provided in this rule, the district shall not authorize any aboveground facilities or other encroachments.” (See Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-6.121(2) and (6) and 40E-6.221(2); CE Exhibit 18.). The SFWMD published Volume V, “Permit Information Manual,” pertaining to “Criteria for Use of Works of the District,” September 15, 1999 (Manual). Regarding “Transmission Lines,” the a portion of the Manual provides: “The use of the District’s Works or Lands for the construction, operation, and maintenance of transmission lines has the potential to interfere with the District’s operation, maintenance and allied purposes. Applicants should acquire their own right of way and should not look to the District to utilize District-controlled Works or Lands, which were acquired for water management and other allied purposes. This policy should not be construed as a prohibition against the construction of distribution or transmission line crossings, nor is it a prohibition against use of short segments of District’s right of way for the construction of local distribution facilities when such facilities will not interfere with operations and maintenance and are otherwise acceptable to the District.” The SFWMD also provides for five operational zones described in the Manual at page 28 and Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-6.011(7), Figure 1, pertaining to Zones 1 through 5 and providing distances from the canal channel and the top of the bank outward. (Zone one is the canal channel from the top of the bank to the opposite top of the bank; Zone two is the point on the ROW from a point five feet landward from the top of the bank; Zone three is between five and 20 feet landward from the top of the bank; Zone four is from 20 to 40 feet landward from the top of the bank; and Zone five is any ROW located further than than 40 feet landward from the top of the bank.) (See CE Rebuttal Exhibit 2.) Mr. Conrecode offered testimony regarding the potential placement of the COR #3 Line within the “Zones.” He observed that FPL, in its existing Orangetree line, has located the poles along CR 951 of the existing canal. No representative from the SFWMD testified in this proceeding. However, the Governing Board of the SFWMD adopted Resolution No. 2003-1207, and concluded that the Alternate Corridor “would not adversely impact the water resources and other matters with the [SFWMD’s] jurisdiction.” (CE Exhibit 18.) Also, several ROW conditions are attached to this Resolution, including the requirement that the permittee submit drawings “showing the proposed facilities for a determination of compliance with the requirements of Chapter 40E-6, F.A.C.” Id. at 8 of 19. (See also CE Exhibit 18, pp. 18 and 19 of 19, Land Management Footnotes (1)-(8).) Aside from the brief public hearing testimony of Mr. Scott, no representative from Collier County Transportation Planning Department, testified regarding the possible placement of the COR #3 Line north or south of Immokalee Road in the location of the Alternate Corridor. As noted, Mr. Conrecode opined, based upon conversations with Mr. Tears, in conjunction with his reading of the SFWMD rules and Manual provisions and Collier County plans for the area, that the COR #3 Line could be placed within the SFWMD canal ROW. Locating and constructing the line in this area would depend on locating the line with precision and then consulting with SFWMD staff. (See CE Exhibit 18.) In the areas north of the SFWMD canal, there are a number of places where development has already filled in up to and abutting the canal which may not leave room for placement of the COR #3 Line. It would be possible to construct portions of the COR #3 Line north of the SFWMD canal in the other areas where development has not yet filled in immediately adjacent to the canal. Several residents who live north of the canal in this segment of the Alternate Corridor, including the president of the Longshore Lake Homeowners Association (this subdivision is located a half of a mile east of the I-75 interchange on Immokalee Road (see FPL Exhibit 4), testified at the public hearing and expressed concern that the proposed transmission line might be placed adjacent to their existing development rather than in the largely undeveloped segment of the FPL Corridor along Immokalee Road. Siting Constraints to the South of Immokalee Road ROW The COR #3 Line might be able to be built on private easements adjoining the south side of Immokalee Road ROW, if private easements could be acquired. FPL’s transmission line engineer is concerned about the ability to acquire a private easement adjacent to the Immokalee Road ROW within the Alternate Corridor because a showing would be required in eminent domain proceedings that this is the best available route. Mr. Conrecode agreed that placing the transmission on the south side of Immokalee Road could be a problem in practice because of the locations of the existing ROW. He believes FPL would have to acquire additional ROW for the location of the poles. But, because of the adequacy of the ROW to the north side of the road, Mr. Conrecode believed that it would not be necessary to consider the south side of the road. Placement of the COR #3 Line on the south side of Immokalee Road would likely negatively impact many existing buffers and visual amenities as follows: The live oaks that presently buffer the Windsong Club Apartment townhomes from the road and existing distribution line, which goes along the south side of Immokalee Road in this area, would have to be removed or severely pruned. These townhomes face Immokalee Road and are set back only 20 to 30 feet from the sidewalk. Most of the trees and palms that presently buffer the Ibis Cove homes from Immokalee Road and adjacent distribution line would have to be removed. The backs of these homes are about 30 to 40 feet from the sidewalk. The Hong Kong orchid and sable palms that buffer the Pebblebrook Lakes homes from Immokalee Road and the existing distribution line would have to be removed. These homes are set back approximately 10 to 15 feet from the back of the property line. The developer of Saturnia Lakes previously paid to have the existing overhead distribution line on the south side of Immokalee Road buried for several hundred feet in front of its development. In addition to adding an overhead power line in this area, the vegetative area that presently buffers the Saturnia Lakes homes from Immokalee Road would also probably need to be greatly reduced. The Washingtonia palms and the large oak at the entrance to Heritage Greens would conflict with the COR #3 Line and would need to be removed. The pine trees in front of the Laurel Oaks Elementary School and Gulf Coast High School would be in conflict with the COR #3 Line if it were placed on the south side of Immokalee Road in this area. The street trees in front of two of the churches would probably have to be removed if the COR #3 Line were constructed on the south side of the road. Other Land Use Issues This segment of the Alternate Corridor conflicts with the two highest-ranking criteria for corridor selection identified in the results of the community survey conducted by FPL’s multi-disciplinary team during its route selection study-- avoidance of homes and schools. There are two schools, Laurel Oaks Elementary School and adjacent Gulf Coast High School, and three churches on the south side of Immokalee Road between the Common ROW and the Orangetree substation. (One parcel is being purchased for another school east of CR 951.) There is already a 230-kV transmission line on the north side of Immokalee Road from CR 951 east to the Orangetree substation. The structures for that line are not of sufficient strength to also support the COR #3 Line. If the COR #3 Line were built on the south side of Immokalee Road for this four- mile segment, there would be a transmission line on both sides of Immokalee Road. FPL’s experience has been that placement of a transmission line on both sides of a road is not supported by the community. Other Engineering Considerations Between the Common ROW and CR 951, it may be theoretically possible to cross back and forth across Immokalee Road in an attempt to avoid the proximate homes, churches and school sites on the south side, but such multiple crossings of the road may require taller structures to maintain required vertical clearances while crossing both the road ROW and the 100-foot-wide SFWMD ROW. If the crossings were not right angles, this configuration would require long expanses of conductor cables going over both the Immokalee Road ROW and the SFWMD canal, which would be undesirable. Such a zigzag configuration would also require approvals from SFWMD for multiple crossings of its canal in a short area. No credible evidence was offered to show whether approval could be obtained. Mr. Hronec did not believe this configuration would violate any local laws or ordinances of Collier County. A zigzag configuration may also require either guying or use of more substantial foundations to support the differential tension for structures where the conductors turned large angles, typically exceeding 10-15 degrees. This configuration is likely to create visual clutter, accentuating the visual impact of the line. The minimization of the number of crossings of a roadway or canal would be good engineering practice. This segment of the Alternate Corridor also presents the engineering challenge of crossing I-75 at an interchange in excess of 1,200 feet in width. DOT restricts the ability to place structures within the confines of such an interchange. Therefore, this crossing may require multiple elevated structures, the tallest of which could exceed 120 to 130 feet in height, to achieve the required vertical clearances of about 24 feet above the pavement. However, there is no rule that would prohibit the construction of the COR #3 Line in and adjacent to the interstate interchange. See Finding of Fact 253. Can the Alternate Corridor between the Common ROW and CR 951 accommodate the COR #3 Line? CE offered the testimony of Mr. Conrecode, and others, suggesting possible alternatives for the placement of the COR #3 Line in this segment of the Alternate Corridor. FPL offered credible rebuttal evidence. This segment of the Alternate Corridor may accommodate the COR #3 Line. However, the actual location and construction of the COR #3 Line within this segment of the Alternate Corridor presents significant engineering design and construction constraints and potential impacts upon the public for the reasons stated herein. See also Findings of Fact 226, 230, 252, and Endnote 17. Orangetree Substation to Collier Substation The southernmost portion of the Alternate Corridor between the Orangetree and Collier substations is identical to the FPL Corridor. WHETHER AND THE EXTENT TO WHICH EACH CORRIDOR WILL COMPLY WITH SECTION 403.529(4), FLORIDA STATUTES, CRITERIA Ensure Electric Power System Reliability and Integrity The Project Service Area is presently served by (a) three 230-kV transmission lines (a fourth 230-kV line runs from the Ft. Myers Power Plant to the Orange River substation) that run from the Orange River substation into the Project Service Area, two of which run directly to the Collier substation, and the third runs (loops) to FPL’s Alico substation and continues to the Collier substation; (b) three 138-kV lines that run from Ft. Myers Power Plant to the Project Service Area, generally in the western portion of the Project Service Area. See Findings of Fact 20-26. Whether the COR #3 Line is built in FPL’s Corridor or the Alternate Corridor will not change the electrical peninsula character of the Project Service Area because the area will still be fed from the north only. FPL has a responsibility to provide safe and reliable service to its customers. The provision of reliable electric service to its customers is important to FPL. In the past, FPL has consistently demonstrated the ability to plan a reliable electric system consistent with NERC and FRCC planning standards. Electric system reliability involves both the “adequacy” of the system to serve load (demand), and the “security” of the system to continue serving load, even after one system component is taken out of service. Electric system integrity requires having all elements of the electric system in service, protected from overloads or abuse. System integrity is closely related to system reliability. The NERC is a national organization that adopts standards for electric system planning and reliability that are used nationwide. The FRCC, which represents all of the investor-owned utilities, cooperative systems, municipal electric utilities, independent power producers and power marketers that operate in peninsular Florida east of the Apalachicola River, participates in the development of, and has adopted the national planning standards established by NERC for the reliability of electrical transmission lines. NERC’s planning standards, which are relied upon in the entire electric utility industry nationwide for the planning of new electrical transmission line facilities, address four transmission systems standards – normal and contingency conditions: Category A – all facilities in service and operating normally (voltages are appropriate) and no loss of load (customer electric demand or supply); Category B – a single element of the transmission system is out of service (also referred to as a “single contingency,” transmission system is stable, and no loss of load to customers; Category C – two or more elements of the transmission system are simultaneously taken out of service, transmission system required to achieve a stable operating state without overloaded transmission lines and with appropriate voltages and without cascading outages and with a variable loss of some customer load; and Category D – an extreme event resulting in two or more (multiple) elements being removed or cascading out of service. (FPL Exhibit 12, Table I.) Construction of the COR #3 Line in either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor would be consistent with the NERC planning standards. Similarly, whether the proposed COR #3 Line is located on the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor, it will provide looping to the Orangetree substation.12 Looping of this substation will improve the reliability of electric service to customers served by the Orangetree substation because it will provide an alternate source of electricity that can sustain the substation in the event one source is taken out of service. The loss of the Common ROW has not been studied by FRCC as a Category D event. FRCC has studied extreme events, such as the loss of generating plants, e.g., Crystal River, St. Lucie, Turkey Point, and Martin, and the loss of 500-kV lines in Common ROWs. According to Dr. Glover, under NERC standards, a utility has the discretion to address a Category D event that does not result in cascading outages. But he was not aware of another utility applying a Category D event to other than cascading system-wide outages. FPL plans its system to withstand any single contingency without loss of load (loss of service) to any of its customers, consistent with the NERC planning standards. Category D events (extreme events) include the loss of multiple generating units at a single site, loss of a substation, loss of a transmission line with three or four circuits on it, and loss of all transmission lines on a common ROW. (FPL Exhibit 12, Table I.D.) Following a Category D extreme event, one would expect at least some of a utility’s customers to experience loss of electric service for some period of time. A utility is required by the NERC planning standards to ensure that a Category D event on their system does not result in cascading outages, where the outage spreads in a domino fashion and impacts other utilities’ systems. A “cascading outage” is an outage event that begins in one area but spreads to another area, causing outages in the second area. For example, an outage starting in another state and causing outages in Florida, or an outage starting in one Florida utility’s service area and causing an outage in other Florida utilities service area, is considered to be a “cascading outage.” The Project Service Area is an electrical peninsula and cascading of an outage to other areas is not likely. A loss of a substantial electrical load in a large area caused by a single event taking multiple electric system elements out of service, even if it does not result in cascading outages, is also classified as a Category D event. Under the NERC planning standards, although a utility is not required to evaluate all Category D extreme events, a utility must exercise its judgment as to which extreme events it will evaluate and which non-cascading Category D events it will institute actions to mitigate. (See FPL Exhibit 12, Footnote e to Table I.D. of the NERC Planning Standards which states: “A number of extreme contingencies that are listed under Category D and judged to be critical by the transmission planning entity(ies) will be selected for evaluation. It is not expected that all possible facility outages under each listed contingency of Category D will be evaluated.”) Allowing some customers to temporarily lose their electric service (referred to as “load shedding”) is an acceptable practice when needed to preserve reliability to the remainder of a utility’s customers. Electrical Vulnerability of Project Service Area There are types of extreme single events that can take all of the transmission lines out of the service on the Common ROW including hurricanes, tornadoes, wind-blown debris, plane crashes, wildfires, vandalism, sabotage and terrorism. The Common ROW in the Project Service Area is vulnerable to several extreme events that could take out of service all the transmission lines within that ROW. For example, there are five airports (including the Southwest Florida International Airport, approximately one mile from the FPL Common ROW) in the vicinity of the Common ROW, resulting in a potential for plane crashes. Portions of the Common ROW go through undeveloped areas where wildfires could cause an outage, as has happened on other FPL common ROWs. While no outages of the lines on the Common ROW have been caused by tornadoes or hurricanes since 1989, these types of weather events occur in the Project Service Area.13 These weather events and associated large wind-blown debris can also result in a complete outage of lines on a common ROW. While FPL cannot control the frequency of Category D events that can result in a common ROW outage, it has some control over the duration and consequences of the outage. Due to the electrical peninsula nature of the Project Service Area, an electrical outage caused by an extreme event affecting the Common ROW would last as long as it took to repair the damaged lines because there is no other way to deliver electricity to FPL’s customers in the south end of the “peninsula.” If a transmission line is damaged by an extreme event like a plane crash, hurricane, tornado or sabotage, depending on the severity of the event, all of the phases of construction required for a new transmission line, other than possibly surveying, may be required to reconstruct the damaged line. Depending on the severity of the damage, an extreme event damaging all of the transmission lines on the Common ROW could result in hundreds of thousands of FPL customers being out of service for approximately two to six days.14 See Finding of Fact 297. (Mr. Armand testified, in part, that FPL’s assertion of an outage lasting up to six days is “totally unrealistic.” He believed that there is a very small probability of a corridor outage in the Common ROW with the COR #3 Line located in it, and that if there were to be such an outage, it would be less than 12 hours in duration, i.e., to get one line operational. See Finding of Fact 296.) Even though FPL is recognized as an industry leader in service restoration efforts, and it has in place an emergency response plan to restore structurally damaged transmission facilities in the Common ROW, it may take a minimum of two days to get the first damaged circuit back in service, depending on the extent of the damage. Reliability Enhancement from Geographic Separation Placement of the COR #3 Line on a geographically separate ROW like the FPL Corridor spreads the risk and lowers the likelihood that all 230-kV lines serving the Project Service Area would be taken out of service by a single event. While outages of all transmission lines on common ROWs (Category D events) are a relatively rare occurrence, they do occasionally occur. (FPL Exhibit 11.) It is difficult to establish with any degree of certainty a mathematical probability of such a Category D event occurring. Since 1985, FPL has experienced 12 events where all transmission lines on a common ROW on its system have been taken out of service due to hurricane, tornado, birds, plane crash or wildfire.15 (FPL Exhibit 11.) (In 1977, FPL experienced an outage on the Andytown line.) See Findings of Fact 295-297. The typical corridor outage is of relatively brief duration. Of the 13 corridor outages reported in FPL Exhibit 11 and BCC Exhibit 7, several were 16 or fewer minutes in duration. The Turkey Point Corridor suffered a 120-hour outage as a result of Hurricane Andrew and, as a result of the hurricane, FPL experienced transmission line “outages in a large area of Dade and Broward Counties.” While not accounting for all reported corridor outages, other corridor outages lasted approximately 11 hours (Volusia-Smyrna #’s 1 and 2 115-kV (plane)) and approximately 17 and 10 hours (Duval-Thalmann 500-kV and Duval- Hatch 500-kV, respectively (plane)). Except for the outage occurring in the Turkey Point Corridor that has seven 230-kV lines, there have been no transmission line corridor outages involving four or more transmission lines. There have been no reported common corridor outages in the Common ROW or the Project Service Area. There are many reported single-transmission line outages within the Collier-Orange River Corridor, but none attributable to a plane crash, hurricane, or tornado. Many of the reported transmission line outages in the Collier-Orange River Corridor have been attributed to unknown causes, equipment failures, foreign interference, lightning, birds, and human elements (other than vandalism). In the Collier-Orange River Corridor, there have been eight line outages on six different days caused by fire and one outage due to vandalism. (BCC Exhibit 5-(1989-2003).) When planning a transmission line system in Florida, the loss of all transmission lines in a common ROW is one of the probable extreme events that should be evaluated. The loss of an entire generating plant is another. All of the 230-kV transmission lines on the Common ROW are on two structures for much of its length. In these places, an extreme event would only have to destroy two structures to take all of the 230-kV lines on the Common ROW out of service. Guide G6 in NERC’s planning standards, which represents a good planning practice, provides that the transmission system should be planned to avoid excessive dependence on any one transmission circuit, structure, ROW or substation. Guide G6 is a reasonable basis to plan a new ROW geographically separate from an existing ROW that already contains multiple transmission line circuits. Similarly, the FRCC crisis response plan identifies physical security measures for which utilities should plan to enhance the reliability of Florida’s transmission system. These physical security measures were adopted following September 11, 2001. That plan recommends that utilities consider not placing too many transmission lines on a common ROW because of terrorist-type threats, sabotage, or disgruntled employees. Minimizing risk to infrastructure is also consistent with the planning philosophies of homeland security. Deterministic vs. Probabilistic Contingency Assessment In the context of contingency assessments for transmission lines, two types of evaluations are possible: deterministic and probabilistic. When using a deterministic evaluation, a utility determines whether an event can occur and, if so, the consequences of that event. If the consequences are severe, the utility evaluates the steps it could take to mitigate the adverse effects. When using a probabilistic evaluation, a mathematical computation is used, based on historical data. This method is used when, for example, calculating the probability that all generators in Florida might not meet future loads in the future. NERC’s planning standards do not require a probabilistic evaluation when assessing Category D contingencies. The president of FRCC, Mr. Wiley, is not aware of any utility using a probabilistic evaluation for transmission line planning in his forty years of experience. In planning the COR #3 Line on a geographically separate ROW, FPL used a deterministic evaluation. FPL determined that an extreme event could cause an outage of all lines on the Common ROW, and that the consequences of such an outage were severe enough to warrant looking for a geographically separate ROW. If an extreme event like a plane crash takes out of service all of the transmission lines on the existing Common ROW, leaving the COR #3 Line undamaged on a geographically separate ROW within the FPL Corridor would allow FPL to restore service to about 60 percent of the demand in the Project Service Area in the worst case. With the available electricity, FPL could direct power to circuits with critical facilities within the Project Service Area, such as hospitals, police stations and fire stations, and rotate the blackout among many of its other customers until the damaged lines were reconstructed. Alternatively, if the COR #3 Line were placed on the existing Common ROW and all of the transmission lines on the ROW were taken out of service by an extreme event, FPL would only be able to serve about 25-30 percent of the load in the Project Service Area through the 138-kV transmission network until the damaged lines were rebuilt. In such an event, there may not be enough electricity to energize all of the feeders that serve critical facilities in the Project Service Area. Further Justification for Geographic Separation The “not-in-my-backyard” approach of many landowners is a well-known impediment to transmission line construction, and obtaining property rights for new transmission lines is becoming increasingly difficult. Getting land for a new transmission line ROW is more difficult when development has already occurred than when land is still relatively undeveloped. The population and demand for electricity in the Project Service Area are both growing rapidly. FPL projects there will be a need to add more transmission lines to bring power into the Project Service Area within the next 10 to 15 years. Even though there is room on the existing common ROW to accommodate the addition of at least two new transmission circuits (one on the existing COR #2 structures and one on new structures), it is prudent for FPL to establish a geographically separate transmission line ROW in the Project Service Area for the COR #3 Line before future development makes it more difficult to do so. The Common ROW between the Orange River and Collier substations is the only common ROW on FPL’s system with no generating plant connected on each end. For all the other FPL common ROWs, if there is an extreme event that takes out of service all the lines on that ROW, the resulting outage will last only as long as it takes to redirect power from FPL’s fleet of generators. In the Project Service Area, there is currently no way other than the Common ROW to adequately feed the significant electrical demand in the Naples area. Thus, an outage in the Project Service Area caused by an extreme event on the Common ROW would last as long as it took to repair the damaged lines, which could take several days. Collier County’s Director of Emergency Management testified that, in his opinion, it is simple common sense planning to provide as much separation as possible between the COR #3 Line and the other 230-kV lines on the Common ROW. It is highly unlikely that an extreme event would affect both the Common ROW and the COR #3 Line on a geographically separate route. Thus, the geographic separation would enhance the ability to restore electric service to the community. The FPL Corridor also facilitates the timely provision of reliability looping to LCEC’s existing and future substations. If the COR #3 Line is not built in the FPL Corridor, this reliability looping would be farther in the future and it would cost substantially more to achieve because of the increased distance between the LCEC system and the closest point on the Alternate Corridor. Other Projects that Might Improve Reliability of Electric Service in the Project Service Area Rejected BCC offered testimony suggesting FPL has the option of upgrading its 138-kV transmission system located to the west of the Common ROW to 230-kV facilities in the Project Service Area rather than building a new 230-kV line. In making this suggestion, however, BCC’s witness assumed, and concluded, that there would be physical space to accomplish such an upgrade. (He had not inspected all of the existing 138-kV facilities in this area.) FPL’s transmission line engineer noted that a number of the existing 138-kV substations on that system have insufficient physical space to allow for the conversion, although he did not recall which substations are physically incapable of expansion to accommodate the conversion. No persuasive evidence was offered by BCC to explain how the electrical demands in the area could be met while the lines were being reconstructed. As another alternative for eliminating the peninsula effect, BCC suggested that FPL could have resolved its reliability concern and eliminated the electrical peninsula nature of the Project Service Area by installing generation capacity in that Area.16 But this option was one of the alternative projects considered by the PSC in the need proceeding for this project, and it was rejected. FPL has not pursued a suggested option to relocate the transmission lines off of common ROWs to increase reliability on its common ROWS outside the Project Service Area because they all have generation on both ends, allowing FPL to feed demand using generation facilities even if all the lines on a common ROW are out of service. Here, while FPL is not proposing to “relocate” a line off the Common ROW, it is proposing to take advantage of the fact that a new line is needed by constructing it off the Common ROW, achieving the same result suggested by this option. BCC appears to be concerned that use of either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor for the COR #3 Line will increase the percentage of transmission capacity in the Project Service Area that comes through the Orange River substation. Although BCC offered testimony that loss of the Orange River substation would result in similar numbers of customers being out of service as a Common ROW outage, FPL’s decision to not duplicate that substation facility is reasonable. Duplication of the Orange River substation would probably be too expensive, although the specific amount is uncertain. Also, while a transmission line is a linear facility, a substation is a finite location, resulting in much less exposure to an extreme event. Moreover, substations are very robust facilities that are able to withstand higher wind and mechanical forces, and are less vulnerable to wildfires than transmission lines. For all these reasons, a complete outage of the Orange River substation is less likely than an outage of all the lines on the Common ROW. FPL’s Judgment to Seek a Geographically Separate ROW Consistent with Prior Action This is not the first time FPL has decided to seek a geographically separate route for a new transmission line even though space was available on a common ROW. On one other occasion, FPL chose to locate a transmission line on a geographically separate route from an existing common ROW where there was room to accommodate the new line. FPL made that decision for geographic separation for many of the same reasons it is seeking a geographically separate route for the COR #3 Line. FPL lost all three lines in the common corridor that resulted in a complete blackout and no amount of load shedding could arrest the frequency decline and prevent the blackout. In that instance, after a 500-kV common ROW outage caused an electrical outage in South Florida for over three hours, FPL chose to put its next 500-kV transmission line on a geographically separate route. FPL’s service area generally covers the eastern half of the Florida peninsula and southwest Florida. FPL has approximately 15 common transmission line corridors of varying lengths that have at least the transmission line capacity of four 230-kV lines. The total transmission line capacity of these corridors ranges from four 230-kV lines to as many as nine 230-kV lines, as well as (a) two 500-kV lines and three 230-kV lines; (b) three 500-kV lines; and (c) one 500-kV line and seven 230-kV lines. FPL has installed new 230-kV transmission lines in common corridors since 1992. FPL is planning to add additional generating capacity at its Martin generating station and an additional 1,100 MW of capacity at its Turkey Point station. It does not appear that FPL has relocated any of the 230-kV lines out of the Turkey Point corridor in order to achieve geographic diversity. CE and BCC suggest that the current state of FPL’s corridors and generating plants described above is inconsistent with FPL’s Corridor. All of the reasons for FPL’s decisions to plan and construct and add to the facilities noted above are not apparent in this record. However, the unique nature of the Project Service Area, in part, distinguishes FPL’s plans to locate the COR #3 Line in FPL’s Corridor from other projects. Geographic Separation Appropriate for COR #3 Line The contingencies that FPL addressed in its evaluation of the reliability of the proposed COR #3 Line Project were reasonable and appropriate under the NERC planning standards. Given the electrical peninsula nature of the Project Service Area, it is prudent to locate the new COR #3 Line on a route that is geographically separate from the existing Common ROW to enhance reliability for the customer. Construction of the COR #3 Line in the FPL Corridor would provide greater system reliability and integrity for FPL’s customers. Use of this geographically separate ROW would mitigate the possibility of all transmission lines on the Common ROW being taken out of service simultaneously and leaving a substantial percentage of FPL’s customers in the Project Service Area without power for an extended period of time. Construction of the COR #3 Line on a geographically separate ROW, such as the FPL Corridor, is prudent and will ensure electric system reliability, integrity and service restoration. Meet the Electrical Energy Needs of the State in an Orderly and Timely Fashion The PSC recognized that FPL’s planning studies indicate that the COR #3 Line is needed by December 2005 to alleviate potential overloads and low voltage conditions from a single contingency event. The COR # 3 Line can be constructed in either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor and meet the requirements set forth in Finding of Fact 47, except as otherwise noted herein regarding the potential significant constraints to locate and construct the COR #3 Line within the Alternate Corridor between the Common ROW and CR 951 along Immokalee Road. Location of the COR #3 Line on either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor would meet the electrical energy needs of the state in a timely fashion in that the single-contingency planning criteria established by NERC will be met. However, the FPL Corridor would meet the electrical energy needs of the state in a more orderly fashion than the Alternate Corridor because: The Project Service Area is a fast growing area of the state and new distribution substations will likely be required in the eastern portions of Lee and Collier County. Those future substations can be fed more efficiently from the FPL Corridor than if the COR #3 Line is placed on the existing Common ROW and long east- west transmission lines (similar to the Immokalee Road segment of the Alternate Corridor) are required to feed those substations. In transmission line siting, it is easier to locate a new transmission line in an area before it becomes developed. The Alternate Corridor incorporates a 4-mile stretch of Immokalee Road that is already densely developed. In contrast, much of the FPL Corridor’s route is presently undeveloped or agricultural in nature. Both CE and BCC acknowledge plans to develop their lands adjacent to Immokalee Road along the FPL Corridor within the next 10 to 15 years. While there is space on the Common ROW for placement of additional 230-kV transmission lines that may accommodate electric demand for another 29 to 44 years, it is not prudent to wait that long to establish a geographically separate ROW. By that time, CE and BCC plan to have developed their lands and it is not unreasonable to expect that the then-existing residents and businesses on that eastern stretch of Immokalee Road will be in the same position as those currently located along the western stretch of Immokalee Road within the Alternate Corridor. These residents will be occupying development in place that has not been planned to accommodate an adjacent transmission line. Comply with the Nonprocedural Requirements of Agencies The location, construction, operation, and maintenance of the COR #3 Line in either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor could comply with all applicable nonprocedural requirements of agencies. The segment of the Alternate Corridor between the Common ROW and CR 951 may accommodate the location and construction of the COR #3 Line, subject to the significant engineering design and construction constraints discussed herein. See Findings of Fact 120-156, 226. Be Consistent with Applicable Local Government Comprehensive Plans The location, construction, and maintenance of the COR #3 Line in either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor will be consistent with all applicable provisions of local government comprehensive plans. The COR #3 Line ROW will be established through the grant of approval from an existing ROW owner or FPL’s acquisition of an easement or fee simple interest in property. These acquisitions can be through purchase, eminent domain, or by grant. No segment of the COR #3 Line will be constructed until the ROW for that segment has been established. The Lee County Comprehensive Plan is essentially silent on transmission lines as a land use. There are two potentially applicable policies in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Fort Myers. One indicates that land should be provided for utilities, and the other explicitly provides that the City’s land development regulations shall only permit, among other identified uses, utility lines, poles, and/or pipes in wetland areas. In the Collier County Comprehensive Plan, essential services (which include transmission lines) are permitted uses in all future land use designations crossed by the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor. Similarly, Section of the Collier County’s Land Development Code exempts “structures supporting lines or cables” from the regulations. Effect a Reasonable Balance Between the Need for the Transmission Line as a Means of Providing Abundant Low-Cost Electrical Energy and the Impact Upon the Public and the Environment Resulting from the Location of the Transmission Line Corridor and Maintenance of the Transmission Lines In determining whether it is practicable to locate the COR #3 Line on a route that is geographically separated from the existing Common ROW, three relevant factors to consider are the costs of the geographically separate route, the benefits of that route, and the technical ability to construct the COR #3 Line on the alternative route. The need for the COR #3 Line is not disputed. All parties agree that reliable electric service is desirable. The type of transmission line design proposed for the COR #3 Line occurs in all types of land uses throughout Florida. By collocating the new line with existing linear features, such as roads, property boundaries and other transmission line ROWs, both the FPL Corridor and the Alternate Corridor conform to the existing patterns of land development, and will consolidate land use/environmental impacts to a single area, as opposed to locating the new line in a non-collocated alignment. Collocation also reduces the amount of new ROW needed. For example, next to a road, the new line will only need a ROW that is up to 15 feet in width, whereas up to a 60-foot ROW is required where the line is not collocated with an existing linear feature. Impact Upon the Public Two priorities expressed by the community in the Project Service Area during the public outreach activities were the minimization of impacts to homes and schools. The FPL Corridor minimizes impacts to existing homes by following a route where there is little residential development and where planned residential development is low density. There do not appear to be any schools within or adjacent to the FPL Corridor, although the Collier County School Board is in the process of acquiring land on the south side of Immokalee Road approximately three miles east of CR 951 and west of the Orangetree substation. (See FPL Exhibit 6-5, proposed site designated with a circle.) Intervenor, Kenneth E. Smith, whose residence is located on Green Meadows Road along the FPL Corridor, expressed concern about the potential for health effects from electric and magnetic fields. See also Findings of Fact 11 and 80. BCC’s representative, Thomas W. Sansbury, is employed by the Grey Oaks Development Corporation as its president; Grey Oaks Realty Corporation as its president and broker of record; and Grey Oaks Community Services. The Grey Oaks community is on the west side of Livingston Road and near the Collier substation. (FPL Exhibit 4.) (A member of the board of BCC owns Grey Oaks Development Corporation and Grey Oaks Community Services.) Mr. Sansbury has extensive experience in the sales, management, and operations of developments. He also advised that there is sales resistance when developments are close to or adjacent to transmission lines. He advised of the need and cost for buffering of properties that are nearby transmission lines. Mr. Sansbury also believed that BCC has the ability to plan and develop other commercially successful developments (like Grey Oaks, for example) that are adjacent to other transmission lines. He also expressed concern about the public’s perception of effects from electric and magnetic fields and sales resistance he has received from being close to or adjacent to transmission lines. Mr. Sansbury, who served on the Environmental Regulation Commission when the DEP’s rule limiting the electric and magnetic fields associated with electric transmission lines and substations were adopted, agreed that the experts who testified at the Commission’s hearings around the state supported a determination that there is no conclusive evidence that there is any danger or hazard to public health at the 60 Hertz electric and magnetic fields found in Florida, although he stated that typical buyers do not support such a determination. The COR #3 Line will comply with the standards adopted by the DEP, limiting the electric and magnetic fields associated with transmission lines in all areas of the FPL Corridor. The Alternate Corridor along Immokalee Road (from the Common ROW to CR 951) is adjacent to high-density residential development and two existing schools. See Finding of Fact 242. Yet, avoiding homes and schools are high priorities in this community. There are several techniques that can be used to lessen the potential impact of an adjacent transmission line on development. They include the installation of an earth berm and/or landscaping to buffer the development from the transmission line; alignment of residential units so the living space at the rear of the homes are faced away from the line; and the placement of lesser-valued or non-residential units, like golf courses and commercial uses, closest to the line. It is easier to implement these mitigation techniques prior to development taking place or prior to development being planned and approved, than after the development is complete or approved. From a land use perspective, the Common ROW portion of the Alternate Corridor is suitable for the placement of the COR #3 Line. Also, from a land use perspective, the FPL Corridor from the Orange River substation south to its intersection with Immokalee Road is similar in land use impacts to the portion of the Alternate Corridor on the existing Common ROW north of the intersection with Immokalee Road. In these areas, both corridors follow existing linear facilities and are suitable for location of the COR #3 Line from a land use perspective. (See, e.g., FPL Exhibit 4.) Aside from some environmental area issues discussed herein, the main difference in land use impacts between the FPL Corridor and the Alternate Corridor occurs along their two different Immokalee Road segments. There is little existing development in the FPL Corridor along Immokalee Road (east of CR 951), whereas the existing residential and commercial development in the Alternate Corridor between the Common ROW and CR 951 is quite extensive. Placement of the COR #3 Line in the Alternate Corridor along Immokalee Road between Livingston Road (which is just east of the Common ROW) and CR 951 would have more significant impacts on residential areas than placement of the line within the FPL Corridor. The existing residential development within the Alternate Corridor in this area is much higher density, and the FPL Corridor provides greater opportunity for future development to accommodate or plan around the line as an existing feature. In addition to the existing residential development along Immokalee Road within the Alternate Corridor, several other developments are already planned and have received at least some of their approvals. Also, to place the COR #3 Line in the Alternate Corridor along Immokalee Road between Livingston Road and CR 951, a zigzag configuration may be required. See Findings of Fact 150-153. This zigzagging would create visual clutter, whereas placement of the line in the FPL Corridor parallel to a road would allow the line to blend into the other linear elements and not predominate. While construction of the COR #3 Line in the Alternate Corridor could comply with applicable standards as listed in Finding of Fact 47, compliance with good engineering practices may be difficult to achieve along the segment of Immokalee Road within the Alternate Corridor because of the uncertainty of where the COR #3 Line can be located and the constraints discussed herein. See Finding of Fact 156. The crossing of I-75/Immokalee Road interchange within the Alternate Corridor without placement of structures within the DOT I-75 interchange, may require the use of multiple elevated structures, some of which might exceed 120 feet or 130 feet in height to achieve the appropriate vertical clearances over the elevated roadway. See also Finding of Fact 154. CE offered testimony that the COR #3 Line could have a negative impact on the quality of a car trip to the vehicle’s occupants. Yet there are between two and three times the number of vehicles each day on the segment of Immokalee Road traversed by the Alternate Corridor, compared to the segment in the FPL Corridor. Along Immokalee Road, the FPL Corridor is a better choice than the Alternate Corridor from a land use planning perspective. In planning future development land holdings of CE and BCC, CE and BCC would have the flexibility to install berms and landscape materials to buffer future development from the COR #3 Line and Immokalee Road. Both CE and BCC have experience buffering development from transmission lines and achieving a commercial success with such development. Evidence presented by BCC of the potential for the COR #3 Line to impact the “sales velocity” (speed with which a residential lot or home sells) and property value impact to its lands along the FPL Corridor has some merit but is not persuasive. When selling homes in Collier County, the preferred orientations that affect values of homes in Collier County are to have the living space facing west, toward a golf course or water. The two villa properties used for comparison in this testimony are not comparable to one another from a landscape architecture perspective. The Muse villa properties are on the eastern portion of the Grey Oaks community and are buffered from the FPL ROW by a buffer area, landscape berm, and roadway. The units are faced away from the ROW. The Muse contains approximately 26 residential units of 2,600 to 3,000 square feet. The Santiva community has similarly sized and number of units and is on the east side of Airport-Pulling Road (western border of the property) and buffered from this road by a canal, a berm, and a road. The Santiva units sold out are essentially one year and six months while the Muse units, which buffered the power lines sold out in approximately three years. While the villas (The Muse) that sold more slowly face west and are adjacent and west of Livingston Road along the Common ROW, the view from the living space is over a single golf hole, whereas the villas (Santiva) that sold more quickly have a view of both a lake and several golf holes. Accordingly, the villas that sold more quickly are more desirable from a landscape architecture perspective because of the lot layout. Also, the villas that sold more quickly were in a later phase of the development that occurred after the development had already achieved a good reputation in the community. Nevertheless, the units that do not border on a transmission line are more desirable and valuable than those that are adjacent to a transmission line in this area. Also, utilizing golf holes as a buffer increases the cost of the development. Evidence was also presented regarding property value impacts and sales velocity regarding the estate homes section (on Dalia Way) lots on two sides of the street. The homes that face east on the right side of the street, and were buffered from multiple transmission lines on the existing Common ROW by a golf hole, sold for less and more slowly than the homes that faced west on the other side of the street. Part of the differential between the lots was because of the favorable western view. Mr. Stansbury observed that the prices of the lots facing the transmission lines were approximately 15 percent lower than the others. In any event, there was no persuasive evidence presented that the impact to property value or sales velocity from the multiple transmission lines on a wide ROW in view of the eastern-facing estate lots is comparable to any impact from a single pole transmission line such as the proposed COR #3 Line. Immokalee Road is adjacent to the properties owned by CE and BCC and is an arterial roadway that is planned for future expansion to four or possibly six lanes. Even without a transmission line, both CE and BCC use earth berms and landscaping to buffer development from adjacent arterial roadways. Any impact to CE and BCC there that may result from their desire to buffer the COR #3 Line adjacent to Immokalee Road from their future development along the FPL Corridor is likely to be incremental in that CE and BCC would already be planning to buffer that future development from the arterial roadway. During the public hearing, several people inquired why the COR #3 Line would not be placed underground. The evidence shows that an underground configuration for the COR #3 Line is not cost-effective, and that repair times could increase from hours for an overhead line to days or weeks for an underground line. Impact Upon the Environment From an environmental perspective, the objective of the corridor selection process was to minimize crossings of the various land use and environmental siting constraints, as well as to maximize any collocation opportunities with existing linear facilities. As a result, the FPL Corridor is collocated with existing linear facilities for approximately 95 percent of its length. A new north-south transmission line corridor in this area of Florida cannot be established without crossing a significant wetland system. One major siting constraint in selecting a corridor from Orange River substation to the Orange Tree substation is the Corkscrew Swamp System. Avoidance of potential impacts to the Corkscrew Swamp System is the primary reason why the FPL Corridor extends so far to the east. Even the Alternate Corridor that uses the existing Common ROW crosses more than two miles of wetlands associated with the Corkscrew Swamp System. The Corkscrew Swamp System is a large ecosystem dominated by wetlands, primarily consisting of cypress wetlands. It also includes large expanses of pine flatwoods and other natural systems. Throughout the Corkscrew Swamp System, there are numerous endangered and threatened species. It is the home to some of the high-profile endangered species in the State of Florida, including the Florida panther, bald eagle, and black bear. (The Corkscrew Swamp Ecosystem is estimated to encompass approximately 64,500 acres.) The Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, a large Audubon-owned and managed wildlife sanctuary, and also a major tourist attraction in the area, is located in the area north of Immokalee Road and east of the big turn to the south. The FPL Corridor essentially avoids the Corkscrew Swamp System by going around it to the east of the System along the north-south section of Immokalee Road, touching it only on the edges where disturbances already exist, such as existing roadways and transmission lines. Since 95 percent of the FPL Corridor is collocated with existing linear facilities, already-existing access should be sufficient for construction and maintenance of the COR #3 Line in many areas. Where existing access is available, in some areas finger roads to the new structure locations may be required. This ability to use existing access in many areas will minimize the amount of filling required for this project. There are two locations within the FPL Corridor where the Sleeping Beauty Water Lily, a listed plant species, is known to exist. One of these locations occurs just west of the Orange River substation along the eastern edge of an existing citrus grove in an agricultural ditch, and the other location occurs in a roadside ditch along the south side of SR 82. In addition, the listed Cardinal Air Plant was observed to occur along the eastern edge of Bird Rookery Swamp and on the west side of Immokalee Road. (See FPL Exhibit 4.) They also could occur in other areas including other cypress trees along and outside the FPL Corridor. They are locally abundant. FPL has generally agreed to avoid the removal of listed plant species that occur on public lands and waters where practicable. Where such removal is unavoidable, FPL has agreed to abide by the mitigation or other requirements of regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over listed plants. In addition, FPL has specifically agreed to avoid through all available means, including the exercise of the power of eminent domain, placing the COR #3 Line on the west side of Immokalee Road where the land has been designated as Rural Fringe Mixed Use District Sending Lands by Collier County. (Joint Exhibit 5A Conditions of Certification, Section XVIII.F, p.11, Attachment 4.) This is the same area where the Cardinal Air Plant was observed to exist. As noted, the Corkscrew Swamp System is also home to endangered and threatened animal species, including the Florida panther. The Florida panther is one of the most endangered species in the State of Florida. The entire study area for the COR #3 Line is located in Florida panther habitat. The Florida Panther utilizes large expansive pine flatwoods and swamp systems and drainages to travel. Radio-telemetry has indicated the presence of the panther along Immokalee Road to the south of the Corkscrew Swamp System. By collocating along Immokalee Road in these areas, the FPL Corridor will not result in the removal of significant additional habitat that could be used by the Florida Panther, and will not increase the animal’s exposure to more human presence or vehicular traffic. The wood stork, the bald eagle, and the Florida Black Bear are also found in the vicinity of the FPL Corridor. The FPL Corridor avoids known wading bird breeding colonies, including wood stork breeding colonies. In addition, because it is collocated with existing linear facilities for approximately 95 percent of its length, the FPL Corridor is not likely to result in the removal of significant additional habitat that could be used by the wood stork. The construction and operation of the COR #3 Line in the FPL Corridor will have minimal adverse impacts on the wood stork. There are no known active bald eagle nests within one half mile of the FPL Corridor, although they could be observed throughout the study area and are likely to occur along the FPL Corridor. In addition, as with the wood stork, only minimal habitat that the bald eagle might use will be removed. The construction and operation of the COR #3 Transmission Line in the FPL Corridor will have minimal adverse impacts on the bald eagle. There have been black bear observations along Immokalee Road in the vicinity of the FPL Corridor, including, unfortunately, black bear mortalities. The black bear, much like the Florida Panther, utilizes large thickets and swamp systems and move several miles in a day. As with the Florida panther, by collocating along Immokalee Road in these areas, the FPL Corridor will not result in the removal of significant additional habitat that could be used by the black bear, and will not increase the animal’s exposure to more human presence or vehicular traffic. The construction and operation of the COR #3 Line in the FPL Corridor will not adversely affect the black bear. The FPL Corridor avoids and minimizes impacts to wildlife and wildlife habitats because the existing habitats along much of the FPL Corridor are already disturbed. In addition, by avoiding known locations of endangered or threatened species, and by collocating with existing linear facilities for approximately 95 percent of its length, the amount of additional clearing that will be required is minimized. Consequently, the construction of the COR #3 Line in the FPL Corridor will not adversely affect fish and wildlife resources and will not adversely affect endangered or threatened species and their habitats. There will be some fill required in wetlands for the construction and operation of the COR #3 Line in the FPL Corridor. Where the line must cross wetlands, FPL may have to construct access roads and pole pads in the wetlands to facilitate construction and maintenance of the new transmission line. FPL has agreed to follow a number of procedures to avoid and minimize the impacts from such fill in wetlands. First and foremost, the location selected for the FPL Corridor avoids numerous wetlands. Within the wetlands crossed by the FPL Corridor, wetland impacts will be minimized in the following ways: by careful alignment of the ROW, such as by taking advantage of upland islands located within these wetlands for pole locations where practicable, thus avoiding placing a fill pole pad in the wetlands; by incorporating the number and size of culverts necessary to maintain existing surface water hydrology and flow; and by minimizing the size of pole pads placed in wetlands based on site-specific conditions. In addition, FPL has agreed to remove existing exotic vegetation from the wetlands within the FPL Corridor. This will provide a benefit to those wetlands from which exotic vegetation is removed. CE offered testimony estimating that construction of the COR #3 Line in the entire length of the FPL Corridor would require the placement of 2.05 acres of fill in wetlands, with .75 acres through the construction of an access road to the Baucom Strand portion of the FPL Corridor (less than a mile north of the portion of Immokalee Road which turns north toward the LCEC 138-kV ROW) and another 1.3 acres by the placement of 25-fill pads in the remaining areas, e.g., four fill pads for the wetlands at the “unnamed flowway” located east of Lake Trafford on the LCEC 138-kV ROW; four structure pads for the entire length of Baucom Strand (assuming a continuous access road of 2,300 feet); seven fill pads at the Camp Keais Strand located over a mile west of the segment of Immokalee Road which turns west after leaving the LCEC 138-kV ROW; one fill pad at the “freshwater swamp” located on Green Meadows Road; and nine fill pads in the Bird Rookery Swamp area. (See FPL Exhibit 4.) Ms. Johnson (for CE) assumed that the power lines would be placed to minimize impacts to wetlands; the approximate spacing of the poles would be 700-foot maximum and that the pads would be 45 feet by 50 feet. Ms. Johnson stated that while the water management district employed her, permits were issued for projects with that amount or more of wetland impact, and agreed that it is possible for a project to include 2.05 acres of impacts to wetlands and still meet the permitting requirements. FPL offered rebuttal evidence regarding CE’s wetland impact analysis. Mr. Simpson opined, in part, that there might be approximately 1.23 acres of impacts to the areas described by Ms. Johnson. See Finding of Fact 281. FPL has agreed to appropriately mitigate for wetland impacts that cannot be avoided or minimized. CE also offered testimony that construction of the COR #3 Line on the Alternate Corridor would not cause any significant impacts to wetlands. Based on the National Wetland Inventory Data Base, there are over nine miles of non-continuous wetlands along the Alternate Corridor. However, there was no precise quantification of adverse impacts to wetland areas within the Alternate Corridor. Also, the evidence is inconclusive where the actual boundary of the CREW Trust Lands is in relation to the Alternate Corridor. It is difficult to determine at this stage of the siting process what the exact acreage of wetland impacts will be if the COR #3 Line is constructed in either the FPL Corridor or in the Alternate Corridor. Before wetland impact amounts can be calculated, site-specific wetland determinations would have to be made and site-specific pole placement and pad designs would have to be completed. The construction of the COR #3 Line in either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor will be consistent with the wetland regulatory standards applicable to such projects. (See also Joint Exhibit 9.) The Need for the COR #3 Line as a Means of Providing Abundant Low-Cost Electrical Energy The PSC determined that the COR #3 Line is needed, taking into account the factors set forth in Section 403.537(1)(b), Florida Statutes. In the need proceeding, the PSC considered several alternative projects, including four alternative transmission projects in the Fort Myers-Naples region and the construction of new generation facility near Naples. The PSC determined that “[t]he present value cost of the project proposed by FPL in a new right-of-way is estimated at between $32 million and $57 million, subject to final right- of-way routing and conditions of certification by the” Siting Board. According to the PSC, placement of the COR #3 Line in the existing Common ROW, “was the least cost alternative with an estimated net present value cost of $25 million,” or potentially costing up to $32 million less than a geographically separate route. However, the PSC found that “this alternative is not optimal due to concerns with serving an electrical peninsula via a single corridor and the inability for future expansion of FPL’s transmission system to the east of the existing corridor.” Stated otherwise, the cost to construct the COR #3 Line in the Alternate Corridor will be approximately $11 to $12 million less than in the FPL Corridor without consideration of placing the COR #3 Line on a separate pole line along the Common ROW with an estimated incremental cost of approximately $6.5 million above the previous estimate.17 The PSC also determined that “[t]he other four alternatives were either more costly (estimated net present value costs between $101 million and $138 million) or did not meet undervoltage and thermal overload conditions under all single contingency events.” (See Joint Exhibit 1, App. A pp.5-6.) The value of system line losses (lost energy) if the COR #3 Line is placed in the FPL Corridor would be between approximately $120,000 to $250,000 per year higher than if the Alternate Corridor is used. The benefits of placing the COR #3 Line in the geographically separate FPL Corridor are best understood in terms of the consequences to be mitigated or avoided in the event of an extreme event taking out of service all transmission lines on the Common ROW. While loss of all the transmission lines on a common ROW due to an extreme event (such as plane crash, wildfire, hurricane, tornado, wind-blown debris, vandalism, sabotage, or terrorism) is an unlikely event, it has happened at least 12 times on FPL’s transmission system since 1985, even though some of the total corridor outages have been of relatively short duration. See Findings of Fact 188-190. (See also FPL Exhibit 11; BCC Exhibit 7.) CE and BCC, through Dr. Glover and Mr. Armand, strongly contested the relative likelihood of such an extreme event and the extent of any outage, if the event occurred in the Common ROW. Dr. Glover concluded that the probability of a hurricane with sufficient force to disable all of the lines in the Common ROW would actually do so while not disabling another line located within a few miles of that ROW must be regarded as approximately zero, and the probability greater than zero regarding the impact of tornadoes, but still very, very small. He regarded the probability of a Common ROW outage due to a plane crash as very, very small or low, and due to terrorism as far-fetched and unrealistic at best. He further opined that transmission lines located in remote areas are more vulnerable to outages due to vandalism or sabotage as are the risks associated with wildfire. Mr. Armand opined that there would be a very small probability of a corridor outage on the Common ROW with the COR #3 Line located within it, and if there was, it would last less than twelve hours. He also stated that FPL’s assertion that an outage on the Common ROW could last up to six days was “totally unrealistic,” based, in part, on the devastation caused by Hurricane Andrew to the transmission lines at Turkey Point that took five days to restore. FPL’s experts opined that if the COR #3 Line were added to the Common ROW, and an extreme event occurred there, it could result in a 30-minute to five to six-day blackout affecting between approximately 376,000 and 600,000 people (less the population of the Project Service Area that may be served via the 138-kV transmission lines), as a worst-case scenario. (It appears that the population of the Project Service Area as of January 2003 was 594,900 with population growth expected to be 18,800 per year.) When an electrical outage occurs there are numerous adverse predicable consequences to the community. Traffic lights do not function and traffic accidents increase. Elevators get stuck. Fire alarm systems may become inoperable or may not operate properly. Response time for emergency vehicles is increased due to increased call volume and the emergency vehicles’ loss of preemptive control of traffic signals. Fire hazard is increased due to use of candles, fuel- powered lanterns, barbecue grills and improper fueling of gasoline-powered generators. Community wellness services, like Meals on Wheels and dialysis centers, are impacted. Medical emergencies increase due to injuries that occur during attempts to make emergency repairs, and the lack of light that results in more household accidents and affects the ability to mix and administer medications at home. Emergency management communications with the community regarding shelter locations, available retail operations for water, ice, emergency repair supplies, medicines, etc., are hampered due to many people not having adequate battery-powered receivers. Telephone communications are compromised due to many cordless phones not operating and cell phone batteries not being recharged due to the lack of electricity. There is no vertical water storage in Collier County; the pumping of potable water is mechanical and electrical. Pumps on private drinking water wells, most of which do not have back-up generators, do not function. Very few sewage lift stations have back-up power capability. Once those stations’ capacities are exceeded, effluent can spill outside the station into creeks and roadways, and backup into homes. Moreover, the Southwest Florida economy is dominated by hospitality and tourism-related organizations as part of its economic structure. These companies require continuous and reliable electric power in order to meet the needs of their clients and customers in the marketplace. Failure to have reliable electric power in the community, even for a brief period of time has significant impacts to business. By affecting traffic flow, a power outage hampers the ability of employees to get to and from work. During an electrical outage, a business is not able to operate and be productive as an enterprise because sales do not take place and services are not delivered. Typically, businesses affected by an electrical outage cannot operate. This, of course, affects the ability of that company to generate taxable sales and thereby erodes productivity in the community. FPL decided the consequences to the community in the Project Service Area of a widespread multi-day electrical outage would be too severe and, therefore, chose to seek a geographically separate route for the COR #3 Line to mitigate the impacts of such an outage. FPL’s decision is reasonable and is supported by the weight of the evidence. When the severity (length) and magnitude (number of people affected) of an electrical outage are relatively high, it does not matter that the risk is relatively low. From an emergency management perspective, it is worth providing redundancy to the transmission system and spreading the risk. Putting the COR #3 Line on the geographically separate FPL Corridor is somewhat analogous to a homeowner buying homeowner’s insurance. While the likelihood of any one home suffering a loss from fire, tornado, hurricane, or vandalism is also very low, a homeowner may decide it is prudent to spend money to purchase insurance if the potential loss they could suffer would be catastrophic. In that type of decision, as in the one here, it is important to consider the consequences of the event even though the event is very unlikely to occur. There would be no significant difference between the cost to maintain the COR #3 Line in either the FPL Corridor or the Alternate Corridor. CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION The design, construction, and operation of the COR #3 line in the FPL Corridor will comply with the Conditions of Certification. (Joint Exhibit 5A.) See also Preliminary Statement, p. 5 and Findings of Fact 71 and 81 for recent amendments and corrections. (All parties should be given an opportunity to comment on all of the Conditions of Certification, including the amended and corrected Conditions of Certification filed post-final hearing. Id. ) The Conditions of Certification establish a post- certification review process through which the final right-of- way, access road and structure locations will be reviewed by agencies with regulatory authority over the project. While the FPL Corridor has few homes in close proximity to it and limited wetland crossings, FPL has agreed to conditions of certification that further minimize land use and environmental impacts.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Siting Board enter a Final Order approving FPL’s Collier-Orange River #3 230-kV Transmission Line Application for Certification subject to the Conditions of Certification set forth in Joint Exhibit 5A as may be amended. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of May, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of May, 2004.

Florida Laws (16) 120.569120.57163.3164163.3167380.04403.52403.521403.522403.526403.527403.5271403.529403.531403.5365403.53783.61
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000041RX Latest Update: Mar. 12, 1981

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, is an agency of the State of Florida charged with the responsibility, inter alia, for setting and enforcing health and safety standards for hospitals located within the state. In furtherance of this function, the Department has adopted rules set out Chapter 10D-28, Florida Administrative Code. Among these rules are provisions which set standards for hospital construction which are designed to assure the fire and electrical safety of patients, staff and visitors to hospitals. The Department enforces its rules by licensing or certifying hospitals which comply with them, and by refusing licensure or certification to those which do not. The Department's Rule 10D-28.79, Florida Administrative Code, relates to codes and standards for the physical plant of new and existing hospitals. The rule does not set out code provisions, but rather adopts various construction and life safety codes by reference. Rule 10D-28.79(5) provides in pertinent part: The following codes and regulations are herein adopted by the licensing agency [the Department], and it shall be the responsibility of the sponsor [licensed hospitals] to consult such codes for compliance with all matters not specifically set forth in this chapter. Standard Building Code, 1976 edition, Group I, Institutional Occupancy. National Fire Protection Association No. 101, Life Safety Code 1973 Edition; Appendix B of this Code adopts several other NFPA standards, which shall be met . . . This rule became effective on January 1, 1977. Copies of the codes that were adopted by reference did not accompany the rules as the were filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. The Life Safety Code is a publication of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Appendix B to the Code, which is referenced in the Department's Rule 10D-28.79(5)(b) is titled "Referenced Publications" and provides in part as 7 follows: The following publications are referenced by this Life Safety Code and thereby comprise a part of the requirements or recommendations to the extent called for by the Code or Appendix A, respectively. The Appendix goes on to list more than fifty publications, including the 1971 National Electric Code, which is another publication of the National Fire Protection Association. The crux of this proceeding is a single paragraph of this publication. Paragraph 517-51(a) sets an electrical performance standard to be met in hospital areas where "electrically susceptible patients" are housed. The paragraph provides: In electrically susceptible patient areas the maximum 60-hertz alternating-current potential difference between any two conducting surfaces within thee reach of a patient, or those persons touching the patient, shall not exceed five millivolts measured across 500 ohms under normal operating conditions or in case of any probable failure. The Department has interpreted its Rule 10D-28.79(5)(b) as adopting as performance standards the provisions of all of the codes set out in Appendix B of the 1973 Life Safety Code, including the 1971 National Electric Code, and paragraph 517-51 thereof. There are conflicting provisions in the various Life Safety and Electrical Codes that the Department has adopted, and contends that it has adopted through its adoption of Appendix B of the 1973 Life Safety Code. The Department resolves these conflicts by requiring hospitals to develop solutions which will meet the provisions of all of the codes. The provisions of paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code are considerably more strict than similar provisions set out in later editions of the National Electric Code, including the 1975, 1978 and 1981 Codes. The Department contends that hospitals must comport with the most strict of these requirements, i.e. the ones set out in paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 Code. The Petitioner Memorial Hospital of Jacksonville is an accredited, licensed hospital in the State of Florida. Memorial Hospital is presently in the process of constructing a three million dollar renovation, including a renovation to its critical care unit. In order to comply with the provisions of paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code, Memorial Hospital would need to expend approximately $55,000 that would not need to be expended in order to comply with provisions of other codes. Memorial Hospital has requested a variance from the Department from the requirement of complying with this provision. The Petitioner St. Vincent's Medical Center is an accredited, licensed hospital located in Jacksonville, Florida. St. Vincent's Medical Center is currently involved in a project to renovate and add space to its existing facilities, including a thirty-two bed critical care unit. In order to comply with the provisions of paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code, St. Vincent's would be forced to expend from $75,000 to $80,000 which would not be necessary in order to comply with the provisions of other codes. St. Vincent's Medical Center has requested a variance from the requirements of that provision from the Department. Halifax Hospital Medical Center is an accredited, licensed hospital located in Daytona Beach, Florida. Halifax Hospital has been advised that it would be required to comply with the provisions of paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code in renovating and expanding its critical care unit. While the precise cost of complying with the provision cannot be determined, it is evident that Halifax Hospital would be required to expend more money to comply with the provision than would be required to comply with other provisions. The Petitioner Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc., is an accredited, licensed hospital located in Gainesville, Florida. Shands Hospital is presently in the process of expanding and renovating its facility, including its critical care unit. Shands Hospital has been advised by the Department that it would need to comply with the provisions of paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code in connection with the critical care unit. The cost of complying with this provision would be approximately $140,000 over the cost of complying with other provisions. No evidence was presented with respect to the Petitioner Variety Children's Hospital. The Department's interpretation of its Rule 10D-28.79 as having adopted by reference the performance standard set out at paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code is in error. While the Department's rule references Appendix B to the 1973 Life Safety Code, it provides only that that Appendix adopts several other standards which must be met. While the Appendix references the 1971 National Electric Code, it adopts only the provisions of the 1971 National Electric Code and the other referenced publications to the extent that they are otherwise adopted in the 1973 Code or Appendix A thereto. Paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 Code is not referenced in Appendix A to the 1973 Life Safety Code, nor in any other pertinent place. The Department has, albeit erroneously, interpreted its rules as adopting paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code. This interpretation is being uniformly applied by the Department, and therefore itself constitutes a rule. The interpretation has not itself been adopted as a rule other than through the provisions of Rule 10D-28.79. The 1971 National Electric Code was not filed with the Office of the Secretary of State when Rule 10D-28.79 was filed, and is not generally available. It has been replaced by subsequent editions of the National Electric Code and is no longer generally available to members of the public at large. The effect of the Department's interpretation of its rules as adopting the standard set out in paragraph 517-51(a) is to require hospitals to install "isolated power sources" in critical care units. The standard by its terms applies to areas of a hospital where electrically susceptible patients are housed. Such patients are housed in operating rooms, rooms where highly flammable anesthetics are used, and in critical care units. Other standards adopted by the Department expressly require installation of isolated power sources in operating rooms and in rooms where flammable anesthetics are used. The fact that these are "wet" areas and areas where flammable materials are kept justifies those requirements. These conditions do not apply to critical care units. The electrically susceptible patients who are housed in critical care units are patients who have catheters inserted into their bodies, and extensions from the catheters protruding outside their bodies. The most common such patient is a patient with a pacemaker attached to his or her heart. With such patients an electrical device outside the body is connected through a catheter into a vein, and eventually to an area close to or actually at the heart. These patients are electrically susceptible because low levels of electrical current that might flow through the catheter could kill the patient. A power source of less than 100 millivolts if attached to the catheter in such a way that current could flow through the catheter could have the effect of fibrillating a patient's heart and killing him. This is much less power than would do any damage to a person under normal conditions, and considerably less voltage than would commonly result from short circuits or other malfunctions in equipment powered by conventionally grounded power sources. The amount of voltage that would be available given a fault or short circuit condition can be reduced through use of isolated power systems. Such a system includes a transformer which provides a demarcation between the incoming or primary power line, which is conventionally grounded, and the outgoing or secondary line. The secondary line is isolated from ground, neither wire being connected to ground. The secondary line runs into circuit breakers then to receptacles about the room. All of this equipment is installed in an electrical box. A monitor or gauge is installed on the face of the box. The monitor visually displays the extent of degradation of the secondary line, i.e. , whether the secondary line has become grounded. By observing the monitor, it is possible to avoid grounding a patient so that electrical currents cannot pass through the patient. The Department maintains that the 1971 Code standard can be met only through installation of isolated power sources. Under some fault circumstances this is correct, and, no other practical technology exists to meet the standard under any fault circumstances. Imposition of the standard set out at paragraph 517-51(a) of the 1971 National Electric Code is arbitrary and unreasonable. In the first place, no known technology can meet the standard. Even an isolated power system will meet the standard only in the case of line-to-ground faults. In cases where ground is lost, the isolated power system will not stay within the standard. The Department's action in requiring hospitals to install line isolation monitors thus meets the standard only under one fault circumstance, and it is not the one that most commonly occurs. Even as to those faults for which the line isolation monitor will accomplish the meeting of the 1971 standard, there is no valid reason for requiring their installation. The goal of protecting an electrically susceptible patient from electrocution can be easily and reliably accomplished by protecting the catheter from contact with electrical power sources. Basically, in order to create an electrical incident, or a shock, one part of a person's body has to touch some metal, another part has to touch some metal, and some current has to flow. This can be broken down into eight steps that would need to occur for a patient to be shocked: First, a power source or power line has to run close to the patient. Second, the line has to be exposed and touch metal. Third, the metal has to become live. Fourth, the metal must become ungrounded. Fifth, the patient has to touch the metal directly or through some conductive path. Sixth, a second conductive surface (more metal) has to be available. Seventh, the patient has to touch it. Eighth, the current has to be at a level that will cause harm. If any of these things does not happen, there will not be a shock. During the 1960's and early 1970's, the fact that very low levels of electrical current could cause fibrillation of the heart was not understood. This fact has been understood now for some time, and hospitals have looked to avoid placing patients in circumstances where the eight steps can occur. Looking at the problem in this manner allows hospitals to focus on what factors can easily be eliminated. Current practice is not to ground things which do not have to be grounded. It had previously been the practice to ground all of the metal around the patient, creating a "bathtub" effect. The line isolation monitor serves to eliminate the eighth of these steps by, in at least one fault circumstance, allowing only very low levels of current to flow. The other steps can be more easily eliminated. One means of accomplishing that is to isolate the power source to the catheter. Thus, battery powered equipment is now typically used, rather than equipment that attaches directly to the main power source. Furthermore, catheters protruding from a patient's body are now insulated, and critical care unit personnel are instructed not to touch them unless they are wearing rubber gloves. The taking of these steps eliminates the possibility for electrocution of an electrically susceptible patient through low voltage currents (microshock). There have been no documented deaths of patients through such microshock anywhere in the world since 1972. Even in that instance, which occurred in the United Kingdom, the accident did not happen in a critical care unit, but rather in an operating unit. The circumstances of the incident were that a hospital had been callously negligent in allowing its equipment to be modified so that inadequate switches were attached to an operating table and open current lines were exposed. Blood from a patient flowed to the open lines, and electrocution resulted. This incident bears no relevance to the instant rule. In the first place, it occurred in an operating room, where isolated power systems are properly required. In the second place, the hospital staff was incredibly negligent about its procedures and equipment. In addition to the fact that isolated power systems no longer accomplish any valid purpose in preventing microshock, there are disadvantages to their use. These disadvantages include: (1) Line isolation monitors limit the amount of power that is available at bedside in critical care units. There is a need for considerable available power at bedside, and line isolation monitors limit available power, and can contribute to power interruptions. (2) A component is added to the power distribution system so that an additional point of failure exists. (3) The isolation system is installed at the head of beds in a critical care unit, thus interfering with the possibility of putting other equipment in that place. (4) Isolated power systems with their transformers and monitors can produce an annoying hum. (5) Isolated power systems give off heat. (6) Line isolation monitors which go with isolated power systems can cause interference with other devices, such as electroencephalograms and electrocardiograms. (7) Several models of isolated power systems, including those required under the 1971 National Electric Code, require special electrical receptacles, thus limiting the use of various appliances in a critical care unit. (8) Personnel have to be trained as to the nuances of isolated power systems, and as to the meaning of readings on the monitor. (9) Isolated power systems can give personnel a false security and cause carelessness in preventing the factors which could cause and electrical current to flow through a catheter. Except for electrically susceptible patients as described herein, there is no reason to require installation of isolated power sources in critical care units. Petitioners have contended that other regulations of the Department which relate to the setting of fire protection standards in hospitals constitute invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority. No evidence was presented as to how these standards specifically affect any of the Petitioners. No evidence was presented to establish that any of the Petitioners are in any way injured or adversely affected by the rules.

Florida Laws (3) 120.52120.56120.57
# 10

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