The $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Bill includes a $600 per week unemployment subsidy for all eligible employees for up to 4-months. Below is a summary. Some employees will be eligible for sick pay if they miss work due to the Coronavirus. We explain below. Eligible Workers Can Receive $600 Per...
Reasons why you need an Expungement of your old North Carolina Convictions 1. Employment & Professional Licensure Employment is probably the most significant area affected by a criminal conviction. Employers often perform criminal background checks on potential employees and are more likely to...
Keep a record of your efforts to obtain new employment. You should start keeping a record of all of the efforts you make to locate replacement employment. Beyond the mere on-line application record you may be required to post to obtain unemployment benefits, you will want to keep written records of...
Under Maryland law and regulation, the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) has the duty to administer the motorist license system and to call motorists in for a "Point System Conference" and send motorists to driver improvement programs or "DIP." More ominously, the MVA can suspend or even...