I do not know what forms I need to complete for my dad. He is of sane mind at the moment, but occassionally gets VERY confused. They say he has dementia, I will be taking him in for a psyche evaluation end of week. I want to be prepared. I know a Last Will & Testament needs to be done so in case of death his money don--name removed--go to the state, what else? If I have to make decisions later when he is incoherent/confused, what form is needed to allow that or for me to talk to the SS office or Boeing Retirement in his behalf.
Re: Forms
What the other lawyers said is all good advice (of clurse), but I advise you to get an attorney to do this for you. Certain procedures should be followed in your case to assure that your documents are recognized when the time comes.
Re: Forms
What the other lawyers said is all good advice (of clurse), but I advise you to get an attorney to do this for you. Certain procedures should be followed in your case to assure that your documents are recognized when the time comes.
Re: Forms
What the other lawyers said is all good advice (of clurse), but I advise you to get an attorney to do this for you. Certain procedures should be followed in your case to assure that your documents are recognized when the time comes.