I got a citation from campus police the other day for having 9 unopened beers on me. I wasnt drinking and I got a underage possession of alcohol written on the citation and I have to go to court. Will this affect my permenant record? Will I lose my drivers liscense? Can I go to the court and pickup my court notice rather than have it mailed home? Could I call the court and have them mail the notice to my school box instead of home? Is it really neccesary to get a lawyer? Will I get a diversion program offered since its my first offense? I hear that I will probably get 2 alcohol classes assigned and $75 fine. Dont know if its bad to plead guilty.
The answer to your question(s) is "it depends." Are you 18 years of age or older? Do you attend a public or private university? If you are 18 or older and attend a public university, the university cannot notify your parents. If you attend a private university, it does not matter your age -- if the university has a policy of notifying parents in alcohol related situations, they will notify. Nothing you can do about that. If you are 18 or older and receive a conviction, this will definitely effect your permanent record. A diversion program may be available if this is your first offense, but I can't make any promises.
YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY HIRE A LAWYER. This is your future. Forget about how upset your parents may or may not be -- they will be more upset if they think you took a bad deal that hurts your record simply in an effort to keep it quiet from them. This is a growing up/maturing moment for you.
Best of luck.******The above is for informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client privilege.*******