Pennsylvania Legal Residency - New York Employment & Apartment
Two years ago I relocated from Ohio to New York. I no longer own my home in Ohio. I am working in New York and have an apartment here. I have established a legal residency in New York (drivers license, voting registration, income tax, etc.). I do not like many New York laws, particularly relating to firemarms ownership, carry permit, etc. I own a weekend recreational property in Pennsylvania that can be used as a year-round residence. I want to know if I can change my legal residency to Pennsylvania even though I am technically only there 2 days - 3 night per week. If this is possible, what implications does this bring?
Re: Pennsylvania Legal Residency - New York Employment & Apartment
You'd likely have to add Pennsylvania to the list of states (and commonwealths) where you have to file and pay income taxes. You may, however, qualify for a primary homeowner's property tax reduction in Pennsylvania. If you own your NYC apartment you'll lose that exemption (STAR) in NY State -- it's likely worth more in NY than in Pennsylvania based on relative property values. If you rent your NYC apartment and it is rent stabilized you may be challenged by your landlord as to your qualification for your lease to be renewed. There are no doubt other ramifications -- but it is possible.